The Grand OC SII: The Re-OCening: Week 29: UNINTELLIGIBLE!

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The Grand OC SII: The Re-OCening: Week 29: UNINTELLIGIBLE!
RE: The Grand OC SII: The Re-OCening: Week 29: UNINTELLIGIBLE!
Username: Agenstraya
Name: Sykel "Hoops" [mumble] and Good Dog
Gender: Unspecified and no one's ever checked
Species: Horrifying mutant and who's going to submit a dog to genetic testing?
Color: indiscernable

Description: Hoops is short, but not compact. Small, but not tiny. The kind of person who could wiggle into small places and come out with smaller, valuable items. Fortunately, or unfortunately for Hoops, anyone that could have lured them into that life of crime has run away screaming from them.

Good Dog is a good dog, abnormally lean and lanky. Good Dog, frankly, seems to straddle the line in between wolf and dog pretty heavily. Good Dog is fiercely protective of Hoops.

Hoops wears ragged, brightly colored scraps of clothes, enough to keep them warm. The color doesn't matter much. Hoops dreams of fur coats and velvet underwear sometimes. They desperately wish someone would take them on a grand adventure, a heist maybe, or a bank robbery. That would be nice. Hoops would love to feel their face on a wanted poster one day.

Good Dog is a nondescript sort of gray-brown. Good Dog is filthy.

Hoops has no eyes. Instead, rings of bone, the edges of their eye sockets, protrude through the flesh. Within them is only blackness. Their gaze can bore holes in your soul. No, really.

Items/Abilities: Hoops was born with an ability outside of sight. Instead of being able to see, Hoops can look at people and see their existence, floating like an aura around them. Sometimes they can play around with those threads of fate, snapping them together or teasing them apart, such that the person's future becomes irrevocably altered in some way. Events that may have come to pass now could not, events that might not have now will. The universe tilts on its axes for Hoops.

Good Dog has a fierce bite and an unwashed mouth.

Biography: Hoops was born at Biologic Interpretations, a non-governmental organization ostensibly working on public-access genetics research, really working on very private-access and ethically questionable genetics research. They were raised by machines, and taught by computers, and fed by tubes.

The first time Hoops saw a person, everything changed.

A series of accidents fell into place, like pins into tumblers. A spilled drink here meant cleaning products there, a runaway spark here meant a blazing fire there. Evacuation here meant a holding van accident there.

Hoops scampered out blindly into the sun-baked landscape without ever looking back.

A day later, they were close to death. But along came something Hoops didn't quite understand. Not a person. Not an object. Something in between, with threads that didn't quite map to human expressions. Vaguely, they remembered 'dog'.

Good Dog brought Hoops to a hole for water, and prey for food. After that, they were inseparable. They wandered the dry, dusty landscape since then.

Until one day, they didn't.

(because they disappeared.)

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RE: The Grand OC SII: The Re-OCening: Week 29: UNINTELLIGIBLE! - by AgentBlue - 10-15-2017, 04:12 AM