Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - ROUND 6 - GIANT HOUSE
08-26-2011, 09:54 AM
hocking twist who is cousin of oliver twist came up and say then there is time web of spider of time of hungry of nomnomnomnomnomnomnom beacusase then the spider eated hoim and he was dead. thn because someone wwd deaded then thy were moved to the giant house againb ONLY THEINSA ITME THERE WAS THE MUSTAGD GAS POANET FOUNRAIN WHOCH RAINEDED HOUSE GAS WWHOCVH MADEW WVEYONBE DOCTOR OF WINWINWINWINWINWINWINWINWIN AND SOP DOVTORS CALL MAKE LISCENSE REVOKE AN D PEIP<R CALL MEDSOA! AND MEICSA DECOIDE WE FORM ONION AND AND THEN AND AND AND THERE WAS MUSTAED FOUNTIAN ANF IT W AS 1942 and WAR WAS BEGINIG AND HGEROS WERE WBERUWRARE~! ADO THEN THE DRUEDS WER ALL SUDENLY PHONES! AND THRE <OIKE ROCS AND ROX AND THE SOUND OF MUSIC IN THE HILLS[font=\dnfd and then there was] eggsa and /fontAIN!!!!!!!!!]
So very British / But then again | People are machines Machines are people | Oh hai there | There's no time
Superhero 1920s noir | Multigenre Half-Life | Changing the future | Command line interface
Tu ventire felix? | Clockwork for eternity | Explosions in spacetime