Eagle Quest

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Eagle Quest
RE: Eagle Quest


A player has three sets of information: Stats, Skills and Meters. Each represents a long-, medium- and short-term form of change for the player.

  • Players have a point-based stat system, with three basic offensive stats (Art, Writing, Science) and three defensive (Sass, Sanity, Hatred)
  • Stats have different base values depending on the player (e.g. Agen would have a Sanity level of close to zero :3).
  • Stats can have negative values, corresponding maybe to multipliers or
    modifiers? Tabletop style?
  • Values of certain stats go on to determine behavior of meters. The only one we've discussed so far is the HATE meter, which builds up to levels:
    Maxing out the HATE meter allows you to use a limit break apparently.
  • We may also have a Sass meter.
  • Certain players have more stats associated with their skill build - these are less Stats and more meter- and skill-based numbers determining skill prowess.

Skillsets are considered on a case-to-case basis. Very little has been nailed down. I'll just list some of the stuff we figured out.
  • Skills have levels, starting at 1 and moving upwards (not to be confused with meter levels). I'm assuming skills unlock abilities and moves at certain levels, pokemon style?
  • Figure this out yourselves! We'll nail it down in a later post.

  • Meters are short-term indicators that build in real-time in relation to events. Building them to certain levels allows special abilities.
  • The results of maxing out the meter is only known for the HATE meter, where doing so allows one to use a limit break.

The Plot

The year is 100 from now. The place is outer space.

A gargantuan space station hurtles through the luminiferous aether, in orbit around a post-apocalyptic world. Down there, civilization scrabbles and squabbles under the blanket of post-apocalypse dystopia, cursing the unholy, monstrous beings that terrorize the planet. The last remnant of humanity is parked on the station, the inhabitants representing the remainder of society.

And what inhabitants! Alter egos, personas: words, shrouded in anonymity form the echelons of the population, representatives of a forum now long gone, but once had something to do with...paint? The faded letters MS F can still be seen stenciled on the outside. It is a world where, due to the sociological makeup of those who call it home, the arts have folded into a unified, multipurpose discipline, its roles and classes built from one’s own talent, while science has schismed under the suspension of disbelief and become a hundred faceted facetious factions, each more scientific and axiomatic than the last.

We follow one group of storytellers, relatively small, living among the remnants of a thousand failed stories. They have only survived by dint of their creation: the Grand Battles, and the characters they built there. For a while, peace reigned. But now, unrest begins to settle between them and the population around, and there is talk - unthinkable talk -

- of revolution.

Messages In This Thread
Eagle Quest - by Dragon Fogel - 09-26-2012, 05:49 PM
RE: Eagle Quest - by Nopad - 10-01-2012, 08:35 PM
RE: Eagle Quest - by Crowstone - 10-02-2012, 12:02 AM
RE: Eagle Quest - by AgentBlue - 10-02-2012, 12:37 AM
RE: Eagle Quest - by btp - 10-02-2012, 03:59 AM
RE: Eagle Quest - by Gnauga - 10-02-2012, 04:14 AM
RE: Eagle Quest - by AgentBlue - 10-03-2012, 02:34 PM