The Big Damn Fight

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The Big Damn Fight
RE: The Big Damn Fight
Name: Raime Truncata
Gender: She/hers
Color: Power woman blue
Species: Executive
Description: "There are things I have time for, and then there is this."

These are the words stamped behind the eyes of every Executive manufactured. Masters of delegation and management, Executives rise to the top in nearly every corporate structure, only to happily self-destruct before they can lead any coups. They have no empathy because they are not human, even if they are vat-grown from human stock. If they have the capacity to feel pity, or anything at all, they do not show it.

Raime Truncata, on the other hand, is what you might call a factory second. Her chassis is a neat representation of a young, tanned woman dressed impeccably in a blazer, skirt and blouse, with matching pumps and black tights. The effect is rather spoiled by the crusted, jagged, sparking wound that marks the end of her neck, which quite understandably spewed blood everywhere before clotting and staining her outfit something awful. Raime's head is usually cradled in the crook of her arm, a mad smile fluttering across her bloodstained features and a happy twinkle in her almond-shaped eyes; she seems to find all of this amusing, and wouldn't you, if you were a massively dysfunctional decapitated cybernetic clone?

Raime is an optimist, a humanist, and above all a pun master, personality traits definitively not in her initial programming and almost certainly a consequence of 1) her self-modifying code and 2) being decapitated. She believes in everyone's potential, and will do everything in her power to help bring it about, even if it takes convoluted and illogical schemes that are almost certainly not thought through. Because they aren't.

She also has the attention span of an adorable puppy. She likes puppies.

Powers & Abilities: As a primary function, Raime has an extraordinarily enhanced ability to micromanage complex systems. On the other hand, that kind of requires people to do what you say instead of screaming and running away when you pretend to throw your head at them. So that one's a little useless.

As a secondary function, Raime was designed to improve workplace efficiency and morale by constantly reminding workers of how easily they can be replaced. This one got scrambled up a bit as well. Now she's actually good at this. In the non-threatening way, that is.

Though not a function, Raime has the tightly-corded muscles and machine-boosted myosin of any cybernetic clone, which grants her more strength than someone of her slim frame should really have. If she wanted to, she could, like, totally punt her head across a football field. But that's her head, yo.

Biography: Raime Truncata was manufactured on Line Seven in Factory 8152, New Lakesville, Johnsdam County, the New Federated States of Fekifino. Shortly after this, the local corporate lobby was overturned by a minor incident (full-on citizen uprising and coup) and all Factories in the New New People's "Down with the Corporate Aggressors" Federated States of Fekifino were ordered destroyed; Raime was still in programming when a recent layoff came bursting in with a chainsaw and roughly cut her head off. The assailant did indecent things to her body before running out again, hollering at the top of her lungs.

Luckily, the little power cable leading to the reactor buried deep under the Factory was still plugged in to the back of her neck-stump. And more luckily, Raime's wireless uplink was still functioning, and so was the backup wireless link in her chest, so when all the fuss had quieted down and the blood had properly dried, she simply picked her head up and walked out into a brave new world. The sun was shining, the wreckage was rusting, and several burning flags for the New New New People's True "Down with the New Aristocrats" Distributed Federated States of Fekifino suggested that the present danger was now long past.

It wasn't so bad a situation, considering.

She'd manage.

As long as she didn't lose her head.

And kept ahead of events.

And headed in the right direction.


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