RE: Prehistory 101 [TWS]
05-11-2016, 02:33 PM
(03-26-2016, 06:07 PM)Reecer6 Wrote: »>Engage with someone who is not Kilroy first before Ardefine gets a word in.
Be tactical. A brief scan over the rest of the little clot of conversation betrays several banking representatives, an executive from a military R&D think tank, and the Senator.
You're not going to have a lot to say to any of these other fat cats. Despite what their egos might think, none of them will ever affect history in the way Kilroy will.
But you do your best, making small talk and passing drinks around and chummying up to people long since dead in your time, when you turn around and come face to face with Kilroy himself. He looks as if he wants to say something.
(03-26-2016, 05:39 AM)Crowstone Wrote: »Make some small talk with some jokes about corruption
So of course, you intercept him first. It's what Samuel Blackburn would do.
"Oh hello, Senator Kilroy. Congratulations on your appointment to the United Senate." The senator turns to look at you. His face is neutral, but a slight quivering of the fingers betrays his discomfort. "I hope you and I can have a profitable relationship together - after all, the role of government is the betterment of the people, that is to say..." you pause, "the right people, am I right?"
"As right as Reagan, my darling!" Lady Ardefine trills loudly, punctuating the conversation with her shrill giggle.
"Would you care for a drink, Senator?"
"Please..." He manages to choke out. You notice a fine beading of sweat on his forehead, and it's no wonder. He probably shouldn't even be up here with the bankers and the magnates; image is everything to politicals.
(03-27-2016, 11:43 PM)btp Wrote: »> Look for a chance to talk to the Senator in Private
"Here you go, Senator." You hand him a glass of glitteringly dark red wine - with a surreptitous note hidden underneath. "From my family's own estate - Chateau Blackburn. Bottled... 2024. An excellent year."
"Samuel..." He hesitates, then quietly pulls out the note, unfolds it, and reads it quickly. He nods. "All right. At the hedge maze, ten minutes."
"Excellent. We-"
He holds up a hand to stop you, then drains the glass. You watch it go down like red satin. "Samuel Blackburn. I know that's not your real name."
What? "What? Senator, I'm sure the wine isn't all that strong."
"I know who you are," he says in barely a whisper. "You're from the Prehistorical Society."
So very British / But then again | People are machines Machines are people | Oh hai there | There's no time
Superhero 1920s noir | Multigenre Half-Life | Changing the future | Command line interface
Tu ventire felix? | Clockwork for eternity | Explosions in spacetime