O toreador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend!
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12-17-2011, 07:59 PM
Or, habits, for short! Share all those quirky little things-you-dos, or be serious and get a pretty dang grave addiction off your chest, we're all good.
Here, I'll start: I always play with the little pop tab on top of soda cans, most of the time dropping them into the drinks themselves. Dunno why. I also know by heart how many steps my stair has, but I still kick every step waiting for the hollow sound they make when I get close to the end.
I guess I procrastinate a lot, but then again we all do, don't we?
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
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12-17-2011, 08:17 PM
I'm pretty sure I have OCPD, which as I understand it is like OCD but less so. Like, I always do things in either twos, fives, or tens-- twiddling my fingers, going down staircases, etc.
Also I bite my skin a lot. I bite my nails too but not as much.
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12-17-2011, 08:46 PM
I am a nail biter for one, that's something I keep trying to kick. My most irritating habit (and I have no idea when I picked this up) is kind of chewing on/picking at my lower lip, so there's perpetually a little sore there.
Another terrible habit of mine that I'm slowly figuring out how to keep in check: I really hate the prospect of losing an argument. It's not even losing that bothers me - after I've lost an argument I'm fine. It's the feeling that I'm going to lose an argument that I hate. I have to be careful when I'm getting into arguments because I have a tendency to feel so sure I'm right that I will convince myself I know statistics I'm not actually right about (e.g. "But 40% of Americans get infected with <x> at some point in their lives!"). I've been getting better at this but it's still hard for me to admit defeat when arguing with people I'm not comfortable around.
Oh, this one's actually kind of neat. When I'm nervous, excited, or just generally anxious about something, I tend to make plans about it. This rarely helps because I also have a habit of disregarding any plans I make about anything and just winging it. I haven't found this much of a problem, but sometimes I wish I were a little better at sticking to the plan.
Also I tend to dig my fingers into my hair while resting me hand on my forehead whenever I'm having trouble with something, so after most physics tests I end up looking like I just came out of a wind tunnel. This isn't much of an issue because it's pretty damn funny (or so I'm told by my friends when I come out of class), but the fact that I have bad dandruff makes it a bit irritating (and a little icky to other people I'd imagine).
I call everyone "dude" without even realizing it, although I (think) I only do that to guys. I'm barely aware of it so I can't say for sure.
Slouching counts too I think. I am an avid sloucher. I had to correct my posture right now as I was typing this because I realized I was looking up at my monitor.
Oh, and don't put a pen in my hand, or else you're going to be hearing click-click-click-click-click-click in sporadic bursts whenever I'm not using it.
One I recently kicked (and am happy to have done so) was forgetting to wash my hands after using the bathroom. For most of my life I didn't wash my hands after I used the bathroom. I think I just found it to be a hassle back when I was very young and never really bothered to reconsider. Fortunately, I did. I am only willing to admit this because I cured myself of it about a month ago.
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12-17-2011, 08:51 PM
I bite my nails and grind my teeth a lot, I find it pretty hard to sit still and if I'm not in a public place I'll almost never leave my legs in the proper place when sitting on a chair, I'll usually sit on top of them or something.
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12-17-2011, 10:34 PM
I click my wrists frequently by turning my hands around in circles. I also tend to rock back and forth when I get bored, and i tend to do both of these things without even thinking about it and attract a bunch of weird looks, because i look like I'm a bit off in the head XD
I also always sniff milk before I pour it into a glass/jug/whatever, because i once poured milk that had gone off into my cereal and now I'm paranoid. .___.
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12-18-2011, 12:37 PM
Superfrequency Wrote:Type out something very personal, question why the internet needs to know it, and then delete it 
Well now I'm just downright curious.
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12-18-2011, 04:07 PM
um um um um
I pick at my nails a lot, they're horrible >< and a lot of times I don't bother really getting ready to go out even when I should and on that vein I'm horrible at being punctual for anything, I'll leave the house five minutes after the bus was due to leave =_=
I also have the awful awful habit of cricking my neck, whiiiiich is not good for you apparently and it's not doing wonders for my posture either... aaaaand I usually play pan pipes on straws and/or bottles.
That's all I can think of at the moment.
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12-18-2011, 04:40 PM
AgentBlue Wrote:I also have the awful awful habit of cricking my neck, whiiiiich is not good for you apparently
I crick everything in my body. My spine cricks when I stand up too hard. So many people tell me it will give me arthritis but it's not true- tell me it's not true! There's no proooooooof
Also I bite everything when I'm anxious. Nails, skin, clothing.
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12-18-2011, 10:38 PM
Plaid Wrote:I click my wrists frequently by turning my hands around in circles Me too, I think I've caused permanent damage to the joint
AgentBlue Wrote:I also have the awful awful habit of cricking my neck, whiiiiich is not good for you apparently and it's not doing wonders for my posture either... aaaaand I usually play pan pipes on straws and/or bottles.
I also have a habit of not making my own posts!
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12-23-2011, 07:06 AM
when I'm bored and standing up I start walking around in circles
sometimes it creeps people out it's pretty funny
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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12-23-2011, 07:12 AM