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Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 03:18 AM
so I was actually typing a post earlier, and I realized I'd said something along the lines of "X is pretty cool, yo".
it sounds completely ridiculous, and I don't talk like that IRL usually. or so I thought. When I actually THOUGHT about it, I realized I actually DO say that a lot, lol
so hey why not ask other people? What kind of weird stuff do you notice yourself doing?
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 03:51 AM
I eat soda cans. Especially the pop tops. I don't swallow, mind you, but it seems that aluminum has a way of going in my mouth without me realizing.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 04:06 AM
I flick the end of my nose when I'm nervous
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 04:30 AM
One day my students counted me saying "right" and "alright" over 100 times during a single lecture.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 04:59 AM
My entire self is a tic.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 05:21 AM
Is it a weird tic that I mimic other people's weird tics? Because that's a thing I do is steal other people's conversational idiosyncrasies.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 05:29 AM
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 05:47 AM
I stutter a lot sometimes.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 06:50 AM
I have a bit of a stutter at times and I'm not sure if it's a legitimate one or a speech pattern i picked up from my Dad, who does have a fairly pronounced one at times. I also have to crack my wrists frequently.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 07:02 AM
Ooohh i forgot about cracking joints, i crack my knuckles, fingers, arms, wrists, knees, ankles, back, and more prominently, my neck, quite regularly, to the shock of many people. I sometimes get these horrified looks when i crack my neck like "geez man are you okay?".
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 07:05 AM
Same with me, Ed. All of that. I've had coworkers in the past who were totally grossed out by it and then I always forget to not do it around them.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 07:12 AM
I have a twitch that I can't stop if it starts
Sometimes it cracks my neck
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 11:58 AM
I like cracking my fingers but I hate it when I accidentally crack my wrist too like uughh why does it feel so weird and fleshy.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 01:42 PM
I've been known to pipe "" to mouth.
(In other words, I say random syllables sometimes.)
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 01:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2013, 01:45 PM by Mythee.)
That's awesome, btp XD
I don't really do anything weird in front of other people except being myself [which is already eccentric like dayummmm!], but when I'm alone all sorts of tics come out like nailbiting, swinging back and forth on chairs, continuously experimenting with my sight by narrowing each eye in turn/in different amounts, etc... o-o I guess that's pretty boring compared to other people's tics.
Well, I pretty much warble instead of light laughter, and that's in front of other people. That one's pretty weird.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 03:48 PM
My sister pointed out the other day that I go through a physical sequence when I'm asking someone a question--I didn't notice until she pointed it out, but I realized I do this all the time. She's calling it my tell.
My hands twine behind my back.
One foot sweeps back and pops up onto the toes, such that my weight is on only the other foot.
I lean forward toward the person as I'm asking them the question, then shift back to hear their answer.
I /think/ I'm consciously aware of the other weird stuff I do, but this one surprised me to learn about because I didn't realize I was doing it, at all.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 05:09 PM
That sounds like a really cute quirk.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 07:08 PM
I type only with my left hand.
I found out when my lab partner in college said "Hey, you're only typing with your left hand!"
And I went, "Yeah, I guess I am, huh? But I don't normally do that, it's just that my right hand is busy... doing..." and then I realized it was just sitting uselessly in my lap.
To be fair, my right hand does often take on shift/delete/arrow key duty.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 07:14 PM
How interesting. O: Must be great for catching stuff that falls from desks with your free hand.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 07:44 PM
Conceivably? I can't remember it ever coming up.
It's useful for when I want to rest my chin in my hand.
Oh, and I get 40-60 wpm on average, so it's not like I'm a slow typist or nuthin', neither.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 09:00 PM
That's pretty impressive. Do you ever lose your place on the keyboard when you're typing like that?
@Ed: My sister actually led with "You're not as cute as you think you are when you do that, you know" in her sourpuss way, and then I had her walk me through what exactly she meant by that. She still didn't believe that I didn't realize that I do it all the time.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 09:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2013, 09:58 PM by Mythee.)
xD-!! Why does your sister sound so tsun-tsun right now? Is cuteness running through both your veins?!
I recorded the warblelaugh. The first part is me actually warbling on purpose (I do a lot of birdcall and animal noise imitation type stuff), then I say "warblewarble", and then it's how my laughter sounds when the warblingness leaks in there for some reason. It's gotten automatic, but I actually want to stop doing that. Weird laughter bluh 8T
that one guy, that does that one thing.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 10:19 PM
Mythee confirmed to secretly be a bird.
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 10:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2013, 10:56 PM by weirdee.)
i have brainlexia
constantly refer to certain things with words that aren't that thing at all
like referring to weddings as funerals and vice versa
my other verbal tics are consciously added though
I laugh at totally inappropriate things
like hitchcock movies
Komodo Mc.Intergalactic Warfare
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RE: Weird Tics - the strange stuff we do without realizing it
04-03-2013, 11:02 PM
Weirdguy, that sounds like a sort of freudian slip! I often accidentally call people by the names of anyone else who is in the room or that we've been talking about, even though I know who each name belongs to xD; /this may be an inherited trait, as while growing up me and my sibling were pretty much called by some kind of chimera of our two names by my mom since she'd start off with the wrong name 85% of the time
But yeah yours sounds like that but instead of associated people, it's associated concepts/ideas? Also, what verbal tics do you consciously add? They must be cool, to want to have them O:
@Lankie: B-But I want to have a hearty, STRONG laugh that makes people hallucinate me about three times my size, with bigger muscles, and garbed in the pelt of some massive beast-!! /size complex QAQ
Also I thought all Eagle Timers were secretly birds flocking together