Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff

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Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
So congrats. You're old enough to wizard. Today starts your totes magical adventure where you believe in yourself and make lotsa friends and shit. Yo but before we do that let's get some things settled.

You a dude or a chick? Or neither cause second person narration is pretty gender neutral anyways??

You probably need a name too.

And a magic specialty. Like do you command the bees and make them do your bidding? Are you so cute that everyone dies? Like what's even going here?
Beep Beep
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
You are a bear.

Your name is Gnarlarella Upvote the 2'nd

You can juggle.
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
You are Victoria Undercrush and you make things wish for death.
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
power over bees sounds awesome
do that

also your name is cornelius
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
You are female, your name is Yelsrap, and you have the power to change bread into other substance. The transformed bread will have the shape and texture of whatever you turn it into, but it will still have the chemical and nutritional properties of the bread.
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
Your name is The Magnificent Stella and you have the power to animate trousers into golems that do your bidding
if someone's wearing them at the time then tough, they just have to move their legs where their pants will until they can struggle out

only trousers though, nothing else
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
You're the confusingly-named ladytype Cornelius "Gnarlarella" Undercrush and you got the bee powers
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
(03-01-2013, 03:25 AM)btp Wrote: »You are a bear.

Your name is Gnarlarella Upvote the 2'nd

You can juggle.
Yeah, ok.

You're Gnarlarella Upvote the 2'nd (even though there's no Gnarlarella Upvote the 1st). You were named after Her Fair Lady Gnarlarella Da Illest, as many women or bears your age are. She's a very popular Lady. Can you do a kickflip that wicked? Nah you're a bear of course you can't.

Your master, Cornelius Upvote, was a manly, bearded, virile wizard who schooled you in the fine art of juggling magic and unicycle riding. He raised you as his own until he disappeared in a mysterious incident involving the Undercrush family and their damned magic bees. In his memory you've sworn to become the best wizard bear in the entire land. Then one day, you will confront the Undercrush family with the power of forgiveness or bloody, merciless revenge.

A'ight, that's figured out. So what now, wizard bear?
Beep Beep
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
Summon a river full of salmon for a quick meal.

Yeah, wherever you are right now is fine, just make with the river summoning already.
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
(03-01-2013, 06:58 AM)Coldblooded Wrote: »Summon a river full of salmon for a quick meal.

Yeah, wherever you are right now is fine, just make with the river summoning already.

Salmon's pretty great so let's get to summoning.

Only you CAN'T because your magic involves juggling and not summoning. Also you're in the middle of a busy town and some people are staring. You just don't notice because you're too busy being distressed by all the summoning you can't do.
Beep Beep
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
Politely ask somebody where you can find some salmon.
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
Then juggle that salmon into existence!

What's that, Gnarlarella? You say you can't?

You're just not trying hard enough.
RE: Adventuring Wizard Wizarding Adventure With Magic And Stuff
Learn the esoteric art of juggle-summoning. The movement of the juggled things literally create a portal through which summoned things can be taken. (the only problem is that then you have no hands to take things with!)