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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-16-2017, 09:21 PM
I was playing with a stick in my great aunt's garden and a cop lady came up to me in her motorcycle and said "whats that" and i replied with "my member!!!!!!" Which i thought was the most fucking amazing work of humourous art ever made in the history of mankind itself, a dick joke that didnt even make sense when i woke up and thought about it.
She was like "haha nice one champ, wheres your mom"
And i pointed her to the front door and when she walked in front of me i hit her in the back of the head witb a stick and now i cant believe that the last thing this poor lady heard before she fuckin died was a dick joke.
im mad wheres my refund
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
01-08-2018, 10:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2018, 10:57 AM by Gatr.)
I had a dream about this site. One in which there was an imposter. Someone with my username, and he was going all "BEEFY MUSCLES" and everyone was like haha, thats so you, and I was trying to get everyone to convince that wasn't me even though it should be a little obvious. I woke up, and I started trying to think of ways to convince you I am me. Like, in the movies, a secret that only I would know. Couldn't think of one. Don't think any of you know anything about me IRL that I didn't mention offhand on this forum, and vice versa. I hope PMs will work. Secret Santa stuff maybe.
I may have posted about that dream before, let me check.
e: okay i've dreamt about ET before but not this exact same thing. huh.
as an aside, i was reading through some of my old dream posts. they make no sense to me now. i only remember some snippets. i would recommend doing this.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
01-09-2018, 12:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2018, 02:29 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
I dreamed of Mr. bean b.c I decided to watch Mr. bean's holiday last night on a whim and there he is on dos0's avatar, reincarnated to haunt me again
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
02-14-2018, 03:52 PM
Zombie apocalypse dream that never fails to make me extremely anxious but instead all the zombies are hulking pieces of oversized pastries. Also Laser kills me with a chair. Why specifically Laser? i dont k n o w
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
03-03-2018, 06:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2018, 01:54 AM by a52.)
My tired brain, out of nowhere, with absolutely no context Wrote:I'm sorry, but your teeth are too much of a liability for me to allow you to continue living in this city. They are already two miles long
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
04-07-2018, 11:51 PM
Had a dream where I was trying to draw in an anime style but I couldn’t so I cried.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
04-08-2018, 05:48 AM
Had a super super good dream that I really wanted to write down after I woke up. "Can't forget this one", I dream-thought to myself as I was having the dream. Then, right after that one, I had another unrelated dream (two dreams in a row!) about me playing Super Mario Galaxy. That second dream was the only one I could remember when I finally woke up...
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
05-10-2018, 08:52 PM
Oh boy do I have a dream for you. A friend suggested I post this here from a discord server, which is why it's typed so casually.
I was up at my cousin's place in Boston and we were kind of meandering around the town. There was one place we went to that was like a petshop and it was rly neat I got to play with some sugar gliders and pet some kitties and puppies, and there was a waffle maker too? And at one point we go to the train station except i keep like, winding up on the train tracks and there's like 6 sets and trains are coming and going constantly so I gotta dodge the trains so I don't get run over. And also Thomas the train was one of those trains? And i was like 'haha this is weird' and i took a selfie with thomas to send to my friends. Later on we go to that cool animal place that's up there and for some reason i have some christmas lights wrapped around me and also there's an emu just... hangin' out loose walkin' around like a regular pet except this is an emu. and it kind of gets tangled in the christmas lights that are around me and it gets pissed about this and it starts attacking the shit out of me and I wind up with like a big ol bruise gash from like, just under my armpit all the way across my stomach to the opposite hip it hurts like a bitch and i was terrified of the emu for the rest of the dream and my dad just kinda laughed at me bc he got to pet the emu but it attacked me.
So it gets to a point in the dream where i'm back at my cousin's house, there's a bit where we go grocery shopping, but then all of a sudden i'm somewhere else? like an old house and all of a sudden i'm basically in the movie A Quiet Place which is spooky as shit bc if u make a single sound these aliens are gonna come eat you. so i was just trying to avoid being eaten by these aliens except it was more like i was watching a movie and less like i was in it bc i kept looking away when bad things were gonna happen and going 'ohhh why did i rewatch this movie'. also the aliens were a little bit different bc they had like,, these creepy lil fingerhand things instead of legs so they would just creep around like that and wouldn't rly make a sound bc they were quiet it was freaky
And then there was a bit where like, there was some natural disaster event going on or something except it was just this one lady who was controlling it and also the aliens and like, she was recruiting kids to work with her and it was some high-tech mission thingamajig and i wound up working with her (i was only like 15 at this point apparently) and so she'd send out kids in teams of 2 to go recruit other kids and bring them back to work for her and idek what she was trying to do in the end but it was kinda neat? and since she could control everything there was one place where there was a stupid amount of lava and she's like 'ok go in the lava there's some kids hiding in there' and i was like 'are you crazy that's lava' and she makes the lava like, envelop us but we don't get hurt bc she's making some kind of weird bubble so that we dont get smothered by the lava so we're like walking thru it and we get to the kids and we're like 'hey kids come join us we have a cool thing goin' on' except one of the kids gets so scared that he's now surrounded by lava that he pees his pants and for some reason that makes the powers stop working? bc we're like wading through not-hot lava at this point idk it was weird so the lava bubble comes crashing down and we all start suffocating but then it blacks out and we're all ok and that was just a training simulation apparently. and we're wearing these cool hi-tech outfits or w/e so we go to get changed and i start like, undressing and the dude i'm with is like 'ew gross don't do that here' bc in my dream apparently i had tits even tho that hasn't happened before so thanks dream (sarcasm, i dislilke having tits can u tell) but i'm just like 'nah you know i can't go to the other room and do it' and after that it isn't an issue. so all the cadets gather around to eat and we're talking about stuff and i show them my cool emu scar (which is still kinda bruised and nasty bc apparently not enough time has passed) and then i wake up
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
05-21-2018, 11:53 PM
Two dreams this week revisiting my recurring dream-spots
One was a big facility/factory that was a hell-analogue, instructions telling people where to go and misreading them and getting off at the wrong floor on a flight of stairs or walking through the fifth doorway on the left instead of the right promised an eternity of unending suffering. Following all the instructions would mean you could keep moving, defer being chewed up by the machine but really, the fear and anxiety as you're growing mentally exhausted and struggling to remember all the rules and instructions is just a different kind of punishment
The second was arriving at a bay large but narrow with carloads of friends and the kind of people I'm fine talking to one-on-one but hate interacting with at parties, a couple coves clockwise (walkable at low tide) takes you to a dilapidated shack that might've been a bar, or a hotel with a layout mimicking a boat
and we spend the night in pleasant-enough ambiance until a band with no business setting up a show in the middle of fuckwhere comes on board and puts on one of the best gigs I've ever been to, (I think they were playing covers this time but it was still banger after banger)
then a speedboat swings by to get us all back to our cars cuz the tide's come in and the points between coves are impassable but it roars off in the wrong direction past floating crowds that shouldn't be out this time of night, and I can't tell if they're yelling at our boat making waves or they're asking for help but I wish they weren't there
In the morning, we've gotta drive home again but I don't know which way's north and there's an active volcano nearby that might mean we have to detour
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
05-22-2018, 10:33 AM
19 days ago I had a dream where I decided to throw out 16 broken and empty chicken eggshells by flushing them down a toilet but once I peed on the eggs, suddenly inside of the eggshells were baby turtles and then when I clicked flush, the water was a mix of orange juice and beer coloured orange and that part unsettles me more than the other parts of the dream, was the water like a gross cumulative byproduct of someone (possibly dream me) peeing dehydrated whizz for so long that it became yellow-orange. It was gross and weird but the turtles in the eggshells part seemed cool, fruity and magical.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
05-24-2018, 04:30 AM
Not sure if I've particularly been having weird dreams lately, but what I most notice is, I guess, repetition?
I feel like there are places in dreams I repeatedly go, that show up again and again. They even feel comforting and familiar sometimes.
They've changed through the years, I guess. The two I most remember from being younger are subways, so many subways, and a sort of altered version of my backyard. I would go out behind this old stone barbecue, and the trees behind it would be more like an actual forest, and I would find a stone circle. I went to this place repeatedly.
I don't think I've been to my childhood place recently but subways still show up very often. I think there was a newer dream place I've been going to more often lately but I can't remember it now.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
05-24-2018, 04:41 AM
Sometimes this stuff reminds me of real life places too. Hidden spots in the woods seem particularly desirable and evoke a kind of deja vu. A place I found in Pennsylvania a month or two ago, a sort of "summit" of rocks with trees growing on them, with a view of surrounding forest and human stuff but still hidden and not having a path to it. Seemed very dreamlike.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
05-24-2018, 06:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2018, 06:00 AM by a52.)
I have recurring dreams where I climb up a tree in my backyard and over a fence into what's supposed to be a neighbor's yard, and swing, run, and/or fly through an endless expanse of trees interspersed with suburbs.
I really like the idea of an "in-between place", of all the little forested areas and overgrown gardens behind houses. It's like the faerie realm.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
06-18-2018, 04:02 PM
I had a dream that literally combined every horror game fandom I have ever heard of.
So, I was in this giant building. There were surrealistic paintings, that pulsed and moved. You had to complete every puzzle in the room before going up the stairs to the next room.
The first puzzles I can’t remember, but what I do remember is waking up expecting to be impaled. I drifted back to sleep, and the dream resumed.
I had moved to the second floor, which was black with drew-in eyes on it. This was a reference to Eyes: The Horror Game, which I had only ever seen once, in a livestream. The first puzzle on that floor was a maze, with 10 sections. At the 9th, it turned into a race through a maze, with an old lady who introduced us to her “puppet”, which was the marionette from FNAF. For some reason Yuri, Natsuki and Sayori were there. Monika wasn’t, which was actually quite suspicious, and it was in the style of Baldi’s Basics. If we saw the puppet, for some reason we slowed down? So that could have been a Slenderman reference? Or it could have been some sort of hypnosis-type thing. Sayori was first to go, then Yuri because Natsuki is best girl. And then I WOKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MOST SUSPENCEFUL MOMENT. Pretty sure there was some BATIM in there. Is this my brain punishing me for being too into horror games? Because it can carry on doing so at this rate, it was cool.
![[Image: PBxWmBw.png]]( owo whats this???
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
06-19-2018, 12:37 AM
maybe it's one of those meme dreams where every time you see a puppet, the dreams slows down by 10%.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
06-19-2018, 09:37 AM
I’ve been told not to let my memes be dreams, but it is hard to find cheap entertainment these days.
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
07-11-2018, 08:21 AM
i had a dream where it was kill six billion demons, only white chain had breasts on her armor. not like sculpted out of her armor, real, naked human breasts, soft and everything (only the same color as her armor).
she seemed visibly uncomfortable about their presence.
also her and allison were underwater in what was supposably a fish tank, but it was really a blank white empty expanse with a plush couch in the center, and allison had become God and was being real bratty and self-absorbed about it.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
08-16-2018, 05:15 PM
I had a dream where Kaynato and a few other people who were apparently their real-life friends wrote this giant, masterpiece "book" that was really a compilation of absurdly esoteric puzzles.
The first four pages (the prologue) were all blank, except for the single word "soli" written directly in the center of each page.
The first two chapters weren't chapters at all, but musical pieces with bizarre instrumentation and a complicated melodic structure that shared some elements between the two songs but not others. The "chapter" after that was a wooden shelf with a bunch of wine glasses hanging upside down and a timpani mallet to hit them with. After that was another pair of songs, with a similar deal as the first two but a completely different feel to them.
The next chapter was a single paragraph of medieval-English-esque gibberish. After that was several pages of false mathematical equations. After that was a maze.
It just went on like that...
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
09-19-2018, 02:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-19-2018, 02:26 AM by Crowstone.)
had dream where in the new Metroid Prime game, which is open world (the breath of the wild kind of open world)
It was also a crossover game and featured Mario and Sonic characters and probably more.
There's one part where you're trapped on like, floor 20 of the bad guy's evil tower, trying to sneak out to safety with Silver the hedgehog. You (Samus) stealthily climb in the vents in the ceiling, looking for the best path to the exit. However the robot drones spot Silver and open fire! You drop down from the ceiling and rush to save him but you are too late. The smoke is cleared and.... oh. Turns out Silver is very fast and just moved out of the way. But you are still spotted and you both make a mad dash to the exit, drones right on your heels. There's the exit! Sonic and your other allies are there to aid your escape! The door to them is closing, but fortunately, Silver is very fast and has already gotten through. Unfortunately, you're too slow! The drones have almost caught you, so Sonic has to rush in and save you. By the time the battle is done, the door has locked. You'll have to find another way out.
You take the elevator to floor 19 of the bad guy's evil tower, trying to sneak out to safety with Sonic the hedgehog. You (Samus) stealthily climb in the vents in the ceiling, looking for the best path to the exit. However the robot drones spot Sonic and open fire! You drop down from the ceiling and rush to save him but you are too late. The smoke is cleared and.... oh. Turns out Sonic is very fast and just moved out of the way. But you are still spotted and you both make a mad dash to the exit, drones right on your heels. There's the exit! Shadow and your other allies are there to aid your escape! The door to them is closing, but fortunately, Sonic is very fast and has already gotten through. Unfortunately, you're too slow! The drones have almost caught you, so Shadow has to rush in and save you. By the time the battle is done, the door has locked. You'll have to find another way out.
You take the elevator to basement level 4000 of the bad guy's evil tower, trying to sneak out to safety with Shadow the hedgehog. You (Samus) stealthily climb in the vents in the ceiling, looking for the best path to the exit. However the robot drones spot Shadow and- well you get the idea now. Fortunately you actually successfully escape this time.
The end.
![[Image: egg005.png?raw=1]](
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
10-04-2018, 04:54 PM
Had a dream where I was a member of a tall, buglike alien race. Most of my species was peacefully integrated with the human race, but the leadership was still on the home planet and was violent and warlike.
They sent out a bunch of alpha members who forced all of us to take these laser guns that would track our location and said that if the holder didn't kill two out of every three humans we saw, the gun would kill them without possibility of cloning or resuscitation.
I was put on a cruise space ship, and I had no choice but to run around killing people, but there were a few that made sure to consciously, regularly spare, including this one guy that I explained my situation to.
Eventually I died in battle. While I was dead, the aliens lost the war (and things somehow immediately returned to being peaceful and accepting again, without any human lashback), and some of my alien friends cloned me. We went searching on the ship for the bodies of anyone we knew (they also had made sure to keep as many humans alive as possible, and many had certain humans that they protected and made sure not to kill no matter what). When we got to the spot that I remembered my human friend last being we didn't find his body. However, in a grave dug out of the carpet, we did find mine.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
10-09-2018, 08:22 PM
A dream where there was some sort of massive open-world like environment. It was slightly similar to other dreams from a long time ago with open-world environments.
For some reason, I knew this one was post-apocalyptic. There was... something about it, despite looking pristine for all purposes.
There was a large city designed on a grid that I was told was built from the benches of some large auditorium. The buildings themselves were gridlike as well - a grid of concrete coming up from the ground, opened towards the outside. I wasn't sure how people would get to the upper blocks (would they fly?) Imagine that you had a matrix of concrete cells, but sliced it open down the side - that's what it looked like. Some of the chambers had iron fences or signs or other decorations on the top or bottom of the open-facing wall. I recall that some spans of buildings had mostly what seemed to be shops while others had mostly residences. Some were also just empty.
I spent some time trying to decide on a place to stay, for whatever reason, but kept coming and going between the residential and other districts. For some even more bizarre reason, my dream logic said that because I didn't belong to their religion, I oughtn't be in that district, so I should go to the ampitheatre in the center. (At this point I had known that the outer buildings were built from the benches of the ampitheatre.)
There was really long line of people there, and a checkpoint when we were entering the area. The road sloped down into a vaguely ominous procession of cloths and indiscernible flags. After quite a long while of waiting, I had reached the checkpoint, but nervously passed. I was given an ID card which stated I would be "Rank 4." I knew the ranks to be counted in descending importance. The line opened up onto a grassy field, but it was clear we were inside some sort of large tent.
At this point, an alarm sounded, and a large monitor on the top of the tent displayed a timer: 2:35. An announcement came on, saying that "All rank 4 and 5 must leave the park before the timer ends." I began running back out of the checkpoint, and upwards. The road back out seemed much longer than the road in. It was a very crowded slum-like district. I occasionally turned back to look at the timer, but it was clear I wouldn't be able to make it on time.
I climbed onto a roof, tailing someone else, as the timer reached 0:15 or so, and crawled forward as quickly as I could go. The timer must have gone to zero, I realized after a bit, and was struck with a great fear.
The person I was tailing was shot to death. I heard gunfire all around, and froze up.
I think I was killed at that point in the dream.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
10-19-2018, 05:48 AM
oh god oh god oh god i just remembered about a dream i had the other night
Warning: body horror, infestation/tryptophobia, lots of things, really
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So I've had this hard bump on my arm for about a month now. probably just a spider bite with swelling that refuses to go away, especially since at first it was sore and itchy. It's happened before, so i know it's nothing to be worried about.
In my dream i had a similar bump on my foot. I was absentmindedly massaging it when a small amount of pus came out. "Oh, so it's actually a nasty pimple or wart or something, with something plugging up a follicle", I thought. I continued pressing on it, this time from a particular direction to push it all out and relieve the large amount of pressure that I suddenly realized I had always felt in the area.
I kept pressing, and the small hole at the tip of the bump quickly expanded, almost painfully. A grayish white cylinder began to emerge, about a centimeter in diameter and with the consistency of flesh. I wanted to vomit, but I kept pushing on it. Even though my nausea and pain only increased as more came out, I began to panic about the fact that this was in me in the first place, and the sense of pressure suddenly felt overbearing. I pushed harder, and massaged the skin of my foot towards the erupting pore. Whatever it was started to slip out faster and faster, and as the tail end left my skin I felt a great sense of relief, but also incredible pain as the raw flesh underneath the opening was exposed to the air, the loose skin around it stretched far too much to protect it.
The worm (if it was a worm -- it may have been some sort of extreme, bizarre kind of pus, or perhaps my own rotting flesh) was about a centimeter in diameter, and four or five inches long. It was off-white, slimy, and covered in a thin skin, like that of a sausage, which held the pus-like material that was its flesh. It had no visible mouth (thank god!) and both ends were flat. It had been inside of my foot, and the skin of my foot where it had hidden was now loose and floppy, rubbing painfully against the raw flesh underneath.
All I could think about was not so much how gross it had been for it to have been in me, or how awful it felt to still be holding it, but how wonderful it was to push it out. Slowly. Forcing its way out of my skin. Like squeezing soft cheese out of a toothpaste tube.
This the first dream I have had in a very, very long that disturbed me this much.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
10-21-2018, 04:41 AM
(07-31-2017, 05:27 PM)Crowstone Wrote: »WUWU
It was the post apocalyptic young adult novel setting........
In this world, the remnants of society train teenagers to risk their lives searching for clues about the past. Those who discover the most relics and solve the most puzzles are the highest ranking members...
Then, at the end of each year, there's a big party and the top ranked 4 girls and 4 boys are chosen to lead an expedition.... including me, timu, who is the best, who far exceeds the abilities of the other 7 people, due to me being fucking amazing and the most accomplished mage ever!
Just as the party is ending, some invaders attack! amidst the chaos of the party and their surprise infiltration, both sides sustain heavy losses and many of our favorite characters perish in the battle! Fortunately, i cast a spell that both reverses time and also completely destroys the attackers before they even show up.
The chosen eight get ready to leave but a separate problem has arrived.... as we are preparing to board the subway (where i had cast the time spell), distortions from the alternate timeline are disrupting people's movements, causing people to be warped back and forth between where they were in the other timeline and where they are currently, due to our proximity with where i cast the time spell.
I have to singlehandedly use my powers to pull people out of harms way and onto the subway and also push these weird cars that someone left on the subway tracks out of the way so the subway could get moving.
Finally with the effects of the time distortion defeated, and everyone safe on the subway, the expedition can begin!
it is a long journey. Along the way we learn some backstory about my family. My older brother, Blight, was sent on one of the previous expeditions. He was no where near as cool as me, but he was still pretty powerful back in the day. However, he ended up being outranked at the end of that expedition by some other guy. Out of jealousy and rage, Blight became evil, and settled in the faraway land. Ever since, none of the expeditions we sent ever came back.
As the subway travels the 8000 mile journey over, i realize that there is a bug. Not just a like, insect creepy crawly bug, but it is also SPYING ON US! It discovers that it has been discovered and enrages, becoming large and threatening to consume all of us! Fortunately i am very strong and i force it to instead consume an entire city instead. it dies. THe bug as a big monster is kinda like a big walnut with spider legs coming out, and i put the city inside the walnut shell and it kind of walnut crushed it.
Wait! Where did the city come from! It's full of people! Turns out there is still a thriving society of life (besides the one full of only teenagers) and its a bustle of activity! I immediately offer my services to help people, by teleporting them to wherever they want. Unfrotunately some of them don't speak english very well and i teleport some of them to the wrong place. Oh well. THey'll be fine. I also notice that the subway station we stopped at is in a kind of inconvenient location, so i place a Magic Waypoint Totem that people can teleport to at will, so they can access the subway station more easily. However i make a goof, the totem is too close to a pole (that people hang on to so they don't fall when the train is in motion) so people are teleporting in and getting stuck in the pole. The subway boss immediately fires me. I fix the problem but i'm still fired :(
I brought my cat but she's a bit of a hassle to watch over so i bring her to this house of this lady who i met. I enchant all the doors and windows so my cat can't get out, and also as a side effect, no outside magic can penetrate the house. Outside i see this guy who wants to be let in. Apparently its the lady's husband but.... he's clearly disguised. It's my brother! Blight! I easily defeat him in magical combat.
I leave to go investigate why this bustling society has existed all this time and none of the other expeditions of the past (before Blight stopped them all from coming back) ever mentioned this city. Meanwhile on the internet, the lady complains on the internet about how i beat up her husband. Turns out blight is actually her husband, and she let him back inside the house. which means my cat got out. dang it.
Timu, the vividness of your post-apocalyptic-young-adult-novel dreams is astounding. I particularly like the detail that someone just left weird cars on the subway tracks for some reason.
(Yes, that post is from a while ago, but I just saw it.)
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
11-02-2018, 09:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-02-2018, 09:01 PM by Crowstone.)
Our Lady of Lampreys!! What a coincidence! I just popped in to write another dream down and you had just commented on a long time ago!! I appreciate the comments :3 Also my dreams aren't really vivid... I just use creative license in order to take the details i can remember and weave them into a story that is relatively coherent compared to what dreams are actually like.
Anyway here we go:
It's my first day on the job as a teacher! I'm... an english teacher??? bUT THAT'S MY LEAST FAVORITE SUBJECT
At least tthe previous teacher is here to help. "So the class is sttarting the next book to read, it's the adventures of tom sawyer. ALL of aadventure of ttom sawyre, that's like three books in the series."
one of the kids is like " oh i already have... The ACE adventure of tom sawyer" and old teacher says NO WTF ACE adventures, THAT GOES IN THE TRASH!!!! *throws it into ttrash* You see, the ace adventures edition is for babies. It completetly changes the story to make it more appropriate for children. But you are in middle school now so you have to read the true story. OK bye now i leave you with your new teacher Timu"
I say "Oh, Okay bye, old teacher. Now, everyone who has an Ace edition... throw it away right now!" But some kids were harboring their ace editions, so i had to be a mean teacher and snatch them away from them. and THROW THEM IN THE TRASH.
Alright now let's actually start reading the true edition of the Adventure of Tom Sawyer.
Book 1: Tom Sawyer, a 30 someone man from the 1800s town of prairieville is married to Aubrey Plaza. At a town meeting, a demonic voice denounces Christianity and so Aubrey Plaza is sent to jail and dies. Many years pass, audio recording of the town meeting is reviewed, which reveals that that demonic voice was definitely not Aubrey Plaza. They sound completely different. Aubrey Plaza is exonerated and Tom goes to her grave to resurrect her. She seems fine, but she is still possessed by a variety of demonic spirits who occasionally take over her body and use her psychic powers to wreck havoc on Prairieville. In the end, she has to be killed again.
Book 2: Tom Sawyer has lost his memory and is unaware of what happened last time his wife was alive. He digs up his dead wife, Aubrey Plaza, and brings her back to life. But she's still got demons taking over her body every now and then, turning people into statues and shattering them, creating deformed little goblin children and unleashing them on the country. She even kills Benedict Cumberbatch.
By the way, when I'm saying these actor names it's because Tom Sawyer was made into a series of movies and so Aubrey Plaza and Bendycat Pumpkinpatch aren't actually characters in tom sawyer.... Anyways in the end, Aubrey Plaza dies again.
Book 3: Tom Sawyer retains his memory, and despite knowing how this NEVER works out, he DOES IT AGAIN. AUBREY PLAZA, BROUGHT BACK FROM THE GRAVE, AND STILL HARBORING DARK ENTITIES. Opening a portal to space in the middle of the interstate, and causing everyone's computers to explode. a real damn hassle. This time, they have to hang christmas lights on the palm trees in such a way that she's trapped in a ring of lights and can be vanquished by holy magic.
I'm sick of these stupid books. Why is Tom Sawyer so stupid. Oh i'll just bring my wife back to life, because i never learn and I justt miss her so much
Class dismissed early. I'm going home. I hate teaching english, especially about a book-made-into-movie series as ridiciulous as Tom Sawyer. Maybe I won't come back tomorrow. But first i gotta get to my car. But the school parking lot is the absolute worst. Three miles long, and all my stuff is WAY too heavy. And just before I reach my car, i get a call from someone telling me that a student needs help getting something out of a vending machine. West Townsville? No no, I teach at North Townsville. You got the wrong number. Except I notice that there's a guy walking near me on his phone and he's the one i've been talking to. I look back at the school. WEST TOWNSVILLE. Dang it, not only did i forget which school i ttaught at, but my boss is like right here and expects me to go back and fix the vending machines outside my classroom.
So I go allll the way back and turns out the vending machine is fine, the kid just didn't know what snack to get. "JUST PICK SOMETHING GOD WHY DO I HAVE TO HELP YOU CHOOSE" "AND WHY DO YOU HAVE AN ACE ADVENTURES *THROW IT IN THE TRASH* but the kid won't give me the ace adventures edition and I have to get into an anime battle with her and destroy half the school. Finally I go back to my car except I forgot where i left it so i have wandered the enormous parking lot and finally get to my car but there's all these cars in the way and people stepping out in front of you and it's just a nightmare
I enlist some local nerds to hack the school systems so that I'm a math teacher instead. The end.
![[Image: egg005.png?raw=1]](
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Joined: Nov 2018
Location: Portugal
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
11-05-2018, 09:51 PM
(07-11-2018, 08:21 AM)a52 Wrote: »i had a dream where it was kill six billion demons, only white chain had breasts on her armor. not like sculpted out of her armor, real, naked human breasts, soft and everything (only the same color as her armor).
she seemed visibly uncomfortable about their presence.
also her and allison were underwater in what was supposably a fish tank, but it was really a blank white empty expanse with a plush couch in the center, and allison had become God and was being real bratty and self-absorbed about it. Apart from the breasts I think the rest is how the comic will actually end.
I usually have weird dreams all the time but I never remember exacltly what they are about. But I remember that in many of those dreams I'm somehow flying around with an umbrella dragging me with the wind. I feel quite happy when I dream about that.