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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
10-19-2016, 09:11 PM
In my dream, I was with a bunch of people in a hotel, but whoever used a specific towel in the bathroom would become addicted to that towel, try to wrap themselves up in it as much as possible, and slowly, but surely, turn into a satyr.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
11-22-2016, 03:53 PM
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A character on fire WOULDN'T say "I am cold."
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
11-22-2016, 04:03 PM
You never know...
Out of curiosity, what did I look like? Was there an actual bulbasaur in your house?
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
11-24-2016, 09:57 AM
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
11-24-2016, 09:58 AM
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-01-2016, 09:48 PM
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Was playing some sort of video game, on the final level. I was on the last floor to the final boss, then died. Of course it was a permadeath game so I had to start all over. So I ended up taking a road trip to the final level (because dream logic?) with a few friends, but there wasn't enough room in the car so I rode in the trunk with the hatch open. We stopped by a store of some sort, and I went to the bathroom where a toilet was overflowing. On my way out an angry giant attacked me for "intruding on the toilet", so I ran outside and found that I was just outside the Palace of Kings in Windhelm (A city in Skyrim) where the town guards helped me slay the giant. We got back in the car, and drove to an old daycare that was in a castle. For some reason I went to the bathroom again, again with an overflowing toilet. On my way out I remembered that all the caretakers in the day care were jerks, and that some point they took are of me? so I kicked them down a stairwell, Sparta style. Then I ended up meeting my dad and grandfather so we took their car instead of the one we already had, and my grandfather took my place in the trunk. We passed by a forest clearing and saw a gigantic blue moon, and then a giant blue sun. So, I decided to look it up and found out that the sun and moon were there to destroy the earth. Then, my cat moved and I woke up.
When I fell back asleep, I drempt that me and my mother were driving to see my old piano teacher, but came across a police patrol and had to play frogger to not get hit and killed. When we got to my piano instructors house, we found that she was harboring the son of a serial killer and a sad old man. The old man was sad because he went from being a ghost to being back alive again and couldn't walk, so I pushed him through a mirror which made him a ghost again? Flash forward a bit and both my grandparents are at the house, and are standing perfectly still by the command of a sentient pickle. So, i do the responsible thing and insult the crap out of them until they attacked me, then pointed out that they were disobeying the pickle. The pickle then said that his new will was to kill me, so I ran like heck to my dad's old car which was conveniently parked outside. I quickly found out that I didn't have the keys, and ran to the ghost of the old man who was crying in a van. We drove away from the house. We ended up at some sort of weird church (which had the layout of my old school building) and water sprinkler spraying water everywhere. I waited in the waiting area with a group of people (which for no apparent reason I think were DSpiron, , Heyoceama, and a bunch of other random users from this site) for the sermon to start. We ended up taking a tour of the church, but were then told that we were "too sharp" to be apart of the sermon. We were lead to a room where all the Cosmodex Submissions I've seen were on display. Then I found a valve which turned off the sprinklers, and suddenly all the people in the sermon turned into ticks and exploded. I met up with the people from before, and the leader (who I think was Gimeurcookie) asked us what we learned from the experience.
"Save your game often, else sentient pickle's will take over!"
And then I woke.
Feel free to psychoanalyze my dreams.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-02-2016, 12:23 AM
maybe you were like a time traveller and you can't be caught "outside time" and have to save your game to anchor yourself to the timeline. sentient pickle does not seem to like wayward timetravellers and you must keep this in mind whence you dream next
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-02-2016, 03:46 PM
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-02-2016, 04:43 PM
I glad you learned this valuable lesson. If I had to guess my end statement is from the time I talked about how it's important to back up your work.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-02-2016, 05:06 PM
@Gimeurcookie Actually, it was me that made the comment about saving your game, though you did agree with me and wrote it down on a portable whiteboard as if you turned into Helios V1
@ Well, I did reread the entirety of the mafia game right before I went to bed, so maybe it was just fresh in my mind?
@Icantgivecredit 10/10, will keep this in mind
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-02-2016, 10:03 PM
I just awoke from a nap and the way I nap sometimes is I sleep for an hour or two, then wake up, then sleep for 20 minutes, wake up, sleep, for like 3 to 4 rounds. Normally by doing this I remember my dreams more, though each dream gets more twisted / weird each time / I would not recommend going above the 4 line.
This was a dream that happened in the 3rd of a 4 cycle.
I get on to eagle time and someone posted some nice fanart, oddly enough not in the mediawarks section, so I make a post and say "This artwork is freaking nice, thank you."
Just then Schazer breaks though my door (Or more like the avatar of Schazer) and tells me I can't do that because I'm going to offend people with the word freaking. I'm scared (more due to the door breaking) and kind of panic and go "But I always say freaking!"
Schazer freaking changes my post to "This artwork is fucking nice, thank you." points at me and says "You can say fuck like a normal person on eagletime" and leaves in a huff. Schazer somehow fixed my door on the way out.
A character on fire WOULDN'T say "I am cold."
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-02-2016, 10:05 PM
That sounds a lot like Schazer.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-02-2016, 11:13 PM
Omg I'm laughing so hard it's absolutely ok for you to say freaking
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-05-2016, 12:38 PM
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-07-2016, 01:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2017, 06:23 PM by cmdrcade.)
I dreamed that Gime texted me (via Discord) telling me that she was setting up her "birthday nets" and asked me to come up with a character for a couch and a bed. I told them that the bed should be the decedent of "John's bed-sheets but should be traumatized by an unseen event", and the couch "should be the original couch and be really old and dirty"
Gime thanked me and told me about this really awesome net-rental store that they got all their birthday nets from and how it was so much cheaper than buying real birthday nets from a supermarket. They then invited me to their birthday.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-10-2016, 06:52 AM
I had a dream where a semi-sentient horde of bees fallowed me around. I couldnt kill them because i would make every bee extinct if i did so. I died of bee allergies and the dream ended.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-12-2016, 07:27 PM
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-13-2016, 12:53 AM
what if the pikachu is a deranged hobo that keeps killing these poor, innocent people. Is it worth putting pikachus through indentured servitude at the cost of theoretical, human lives?
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-14-2016, 07:51 AM
the other night I had an interesting variation of a teeth dream where I pulled a meatball-sized teratoma out of my mouth that was covered in teeth
also last night I dreamt that there was this uh, magical board game store, where you couldn't leave before the owner told you to otherwise the world outside the store would be fake
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-14-2016, 09:29 AM
you will sit down and you will finish this game of twilight imperium, so he decrees
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-15-2016, 02:39 AM
Had a dream that I was playing Command and Conquer 3, but all my units were either Flo (from Progressive) or the other guy from the Progressive commercials. Then a bunch of Mine-Craft lava came and flooded my base and completely obliterated all my units and structures. When all my structures were destroyed, I won the game, despite the fact that normally when all your structures are destroyed you lose the game.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-19-2016, 07:56 AM
i just had this dream that really fucked me up. id say its more of a nightmare but its not really, until the end. okay so this could get VERY weird but bear with me as i attempt to interpret it. sorry for tense swaps and poor formatting, im going stream of consciousness here.
so IRL recently since august, i have this new apartment. its swanky. i rented it out, and a girl friend (note the space, im gay, remember) moved in with me. the dream starts with me inspecting the apartment with her. but it was nothing like the one in real life. the interior was all different but still nice. i had this huge tv and game rig, set up on one of those school av carts in the middle of an empty room. we looked outside, and it was this courtyard that looked so sci fi. it was like... concrete sidewalks everywhere, many apartments and sidewalks above us and around us. we were on the ground level, and there were plants around us. id compare it to mass effect i guess. especially the presidium. anyways we figured out which sidewalks we legally own, then we went inside to play games.
then we were suddenly at another friends house nearby, for what i guess was a homewarming party. there were lots of friends and family. basically everyone i knew. then. this is the part where it gets creepy. suddenly the lights shut down, ALL of them. in every apartment. im confused, and i start to speak. someone shushes me. signs in ASL to me, saying "be VERY quiet" (we still had moonlight to sign by) "or they will hear" then someone silently points out that they can still hear something down the halls. like... game sounds? they panic, saying i had left my tv and games on! somehow i brought the remote with me and i could turn the tv off from where i was, by locating my apartments window. they all silently sigh in relief, and the lights turn back on. they said that students were studying for a test upstairs but somehow i didnt believe them.
next. at my house. someone young girl i only vaguely knew had a gift for her! but it was my duty to hide it so she could find it. everyone decided to try though. this next part will get a bit tough to describe, because it was so vivid i remember every detail. everyone would close their eyes. friends close to me would keep counting to only 10, then i would run off, then time was up. everyone around me wakes up and says they found me! but i keep complaining and saying that 10 seconds isnt nearly enough. this goes on for around 3 cycles, until i finally acrobatically swing myself up into the attic. not many people can do what i just did or think it was even possible, but i knew because its my house. but i feel some people coming! i hastily throw the presents (around 10 uno card packs) into a corner filled with stuff, and sat down casually on a couch (its a big attic, more like a playroom i suppose). people started looking around the room. i was misleading them by looking intently at certain parts of the room. they couldnt find the presents, even though i just threw them into the corner. but someone did find notes on my table somewhere. weird notes scrawled in a strange language. probably 100s of papers.
this part is from an outside perspective, but was somehow still me. like i became another character in another story. i was a boy, like age 16. everyone else was younger. everyone was pressuring me into deciphering those notes and completing my project. apparently it would have allowed inter-universal travel. it was long and hard work. my brain kind of fastforwarded through this part. but then i woke up in front of my deciphering desk, and there were "madness writings" everywhere. like, "it wont die it wont die it wont die" something like that. i dont remember exactly what it was. i bailed. partially due to laziness and due to being freaked out. i abandoned them in my apartment and stayed somewhere else. i chilled out there for like 6 months? an indeterminate amount of time really.
the next part is hazy so i can only show snippets. i wouldnt discover the full story until later. some kids came into my (current) apartment, through the vent i guess. they were saying "Gatr! (really, my real name) We found him!" then they started arguing that this wasnt the right time according to the prophecy. haze. i was in a room with several dogs in it. they were dirty and big dogs but still cute. they walked up to me and another boy, sitting obediently and also licking my hands. he picked up some pills from the ground. i saw that pills were EVERYWHERE. it was a messy room. the boy gave them some pills, and the dogs left. it was like routine to them. so this was what they had gotten up to in the six months i was away.
they has printouts and analysis of every post i had ever made online. reading too far into some simple words. trying to find a hidden code. apparently they became a cult while i was gone, obsessed with my deciphering work. but they werent, like, insane. they were just obsessed. i kept finding some crazy but plausible obscure connections. the kids kept talking to me about something. i had no idea what they were saying, but they thought i knew because, well, they had worshipped me. something about a rift in space, and something filling up that rift that makes people go crazy. HMM.
i dont remember this next part but it was basically more them showing me wacky sci-fi stuff, that i was supposed to understand but i didnt. it was brightly colored. think gummi ships from kingdom hearts. then we got to this one part they just couldnt figure out. its hard to describe. it was like a airlock/escape pod port. ships would take off from here, presumably in the other dimension. there were 4 switches, each under a number display, all had 160. they were atop a glass screen displaying the back of another ship. they couldnt understand how to take off. on a whim, i held down all the switches at the same time, so the numbers counted down from 160 to 0 rapidly. the ship took off! there were people in it. then they came back almost immediately, frantically requesting re-entry. i held the switches back down, counting up to 160. but one switch was much slower than the others. now, keep in mind, there was a black background surrounding the ship that took off. kinda like space. anyways the ship was coming in, but there was, on the display, a guy. i think one behind me as well? he was saying that i needed to hurry up! IT was coming! what? i say. but i never knew. just that something pure was about to be corrupted. the guy on my display was looking panicked, the black was consuming the ship. and it was around me. i could feel several kids around me succumbing to the black but i couldnt look behind me. i was begging for that one switch (top left) to hurry up to 160! the guy on my display was still there, and just as i was about to finish, he yelled "NOOOOO-" and i could see him corrupt. his head grew thin, he spouted multiple limbs upwards, and they merged and diverged again, until he resembled a tree. all within a half second. suddenly i felt my body warp, and i screamed. all went black.
i woke up in a cold sweat.
thank you for reading, if you made it this far. it is still much too early where i am but i dont know how i will get back to sleep.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-20-2016, 08:59 AM
Warning for mild body horror.
So it was a pretty standard dream opening, I was with a bunch of friends playing Uno outside on the patio of some house. It was a really nice day, in broad daylight and the scenery was pretty calm, I think we were nearby a small meadow or river of some sorts. But then things went weird. Suddenly we were inside the house of the patio, and watching a news report about Red Eye. Apparently Red Eye was some zombie-esque kind of condition where the infected would have a red-with-white-and-black-spots right eye, and it was really gross and kind of unreal... but the kicker was that they still acted like normal humans. Like the Red Eyed could still talk and everything and act normal but they'd still want your flesh so they'd try to coax you into walking towards them.
My friends and I are pretty scared, right? We decide to take some "weapons" from around the house and start running towards the nearby river to escape from the impending threat. Sure enough, some Red Eyed start to chase us as we head towards the river.
For me, this is when the dream introduces the most disturbing part aspect: saving. At will, you could save your place in the world. If you felt like you were going to die, you could save, and then die, and you'd immediately respawn at your save point. But there's a catch. If you accidentally save right as you're about to die, you're going to die, respawn immediately, and then die again. For example one of my friends ran into this Red Eye. He saved, and then got torn apart by the zombie. He respawned, and then got torn apart by the zombie. This happened ad infitum, and there was no way for him to stop it... he was left to keep dying over and over forever.
Anyway, through evading zombies and saving strategically to avoid saveglubbin' (I died a few times on the way) we reached my house. Like my real life house. Why we went in there I don't know. We decided to hide out on the second floor and hide ourselves under the floor (???) to avoid detection. Underneath the floor, I point out that the Red Eyed could just bury us with dirt so that we die a slow, painful asphyxiated death. We all came to an agreement that if that ever happened, we would just kill ourselves to avoid such a death. I could physically feel my heart pounding as we waited for the Red Eyed to come and get us... but... they never came. I woke up.
A character on fire WOULDN'T say "I am cold."
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
12-29-2016, 05:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-29-2016, 07:19 PM by a52.)
I had a dream where Almond and I rode in a giant zeppelin on a mission to kill Donald Trump. The zeppelin was made in Minecraft (and was really impressively built, but the mod that controlled it was incredibly glitchy) but everything else was real life. Except for Almond, who was sort of a walking cartoon personification of her avatar.
edit: oh and then we put the british prime minister in jail as well.
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
01-02-2017, 12:55 AM
had a dream about terrifying psychics and water slides in california.
I'm not too sure but I think I've had dreams about those two specific things multiple times before.