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06-15-2012, 10:06 AM
Wait, did the acid fall into your heal-wounds barrel?!
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06-15-2012, 07:06 PM
Levitation. Explore places too high for your stubby lil' lizard legs to reach.
Beep Beep
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06-18-2012, 06:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-18-2012, 06:55 AM by Anomaly.)
Wessolf27 Wrote:>Jump into the Dragon's Blood Barrel
![[Image: BT72.png]](
This is an excellent idea, and will definitely help you in your current situation! You're pretty sure flying and breathing fire are things that can defeat a wizard! Also, for some reason you're assuming that dragon's blood will grant you these abilities.
![[Image: BT73.png]](
DAMMIT WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN? It's just blood! Well, it's magical blood. You're pretty sure you swallowed some of it inadvertently. How much, you're not sure. Ugh.
And you even managed to counteract all the businessgauge progress you've made. Great going there, businesslizard.
![[Image: BT74.png]](
You jump very carefully to the barrel full of POTION OF MUTATION. Seriously, you never know what this stuff will do. It could give you some new superpowers, but it could also cover your entire body with eyes and tentacles and simultaneously replace your legs with a snake tail or something. Not that you have anything against Naga. That would be racist. Either way, it's really just a good idea to stay away from the stuff.
It's not strictly illegal, but misuse is very much frowned upon. You'll just steer clear.
AgentBlue Wrote:Wait, did the acid fall into your heal-wounds barrel?!
![[Image: BT75.png]](
Nah. You aimed your fall so that you would land in the barrel, but the acid itself landed on the floor in between. You have no idea what's down there, and you don't want to find out.
![[Image: BT76.png]](
![[Image: BT77.gif]](
Huh, that... You have never seen your businessgauge do that before. You are kind of worried about what the potion might have done to it. At least it doesn't seem to have had any other effec-
![[Image: BT78.png]](
Mr. Arsenic Nog Wrote:Levitation. Explore places too high for your stubby lil' lizard legs to reach.
![[Image: BT79.png]](
Well, you've had more success with this one at least. Actually, this is kind of fun. Horns or not, you'd say this was definitely worth it. It'll probably wear off later, but for now you'd better take advantage of it!
As an aside, the barrel you couldn't see before is labeled "Whiskey", and seems to be fairly empty. You have a sneaking suspicion that the wizard is an alcoholic.
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06-18-2012, 04:14 PM
Hover to the top of that dresser and shelf! Then take, break, or consume!
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06-18-2012, 11:58 PM
Another mutation dip! Another! :D
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06-20-2012, 07:31 AM
mythLeader Wrote:>Go down through the hole in the floor.
Maybe there's something there that could help you.
![[Image: BT80.png]](
Well, in theory you could go down there, but it still doesn't seem advisable. For one thing, it's pitch black down there, and you don't have any sort of night vision powers or anything. For another, you hear heavy breathing down below. You're fairly certain it's coming from something that you don't want to mess with right now, or ever. Your girlfriend could probably handle horrible monsters or whatever (it's part of her job), but you're a businessman.
Or, you guess, a small defenseless lizard thing. That's going to be a tough one to explain.
Steve Potluck Wrote:Is there any way to exit this room that you can see?
![[Image: BT81.png]](
The only way out you can find other than the holes in the floor and ceiling is this door. Unfortunately the door seems to be sealed with some sort of odd locking mechanism, and is also reinforced. You're probably not going to have much luck here.
You do recall seeing an air vent near the cage on the floor above, though. Might be worth checking out if you don't find a better way.
btp Wrote:Hover to the top of that dresser and shelf! Then take, break, or consume!
![[Image: BT82.png]](
There seem to be quite a few potion bottles sitting around the room. Both of these look fairly useful, although the latter probably won't be necessary in escaping this place.
![[Image: BT83.png]](
The other two shelves hold a lot more potions. Some of these look somewhat useful, but some look outright dangerous. "Eyes"? "Strong Mutation"? What kind of person would even willingly drink these potions? Moreover, there doesn't seem to be anything that can help with your current situation.
Shadow Phoenix Wrote:Use your levitation to explore the house!
![[Image: BT84.png]](
Well, there doesn't seem to be much more exploring you can do, other than investigating the room above some more. You just hope that the levitation effect holds out long enough for you to get up there and find whatever it is you're looking for.
Speaking of which, you're starting to feel heavier again...
![[Image: BT85.png]](
You're really starting to wish you could control what outcome you actually receive from this potion.
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06-20-2012, 07:49 AM
>Yeah, like wings! Then you wouldn't have to rely on the Levitate potion!
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06-20-2012, 12:58 PM
Suddenly grow a 'fro.
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06-20-2012, 02:36 PM
Mental control over spreadsheets would be really nice.
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06-27-2012, 08:53 AM
Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Yeah, like wings! Then you wouldn't have to rely on the Levitate potion!
Steve Potluck Wrote:Emerge from the vat of mutation juice as quick as possible. The last thing you need is more horns.
![[Image: BT86.png]](
Well okay it's not that bad. You don't really have more horns so much as bigger ones. Also apparently you have wings. You're beginning to suspect that dragon's blood and mutation potion react in a very predictable way, although it might not be a good idea to further pursue this line of thought.
Also, you don't exactly know how to use these wings, so, you know. That's also a problem.
![[Image: BT87.png]](
Huh. Looks like it also gave you some small amount of night vision. It's still pretty dark, but you can see better.
You'd think that it would just be your eyes adjusting to the dark, but your slightly-magic'd businessgauge has given you ten whole points for it. Or for something. Something bad is probably happening to it.
mythLeader Wrote:>Jump back in the levitation vat again, then get the curing potion from the shelf.
![[Image: BT88.png]](
Predictably, this does nothing. You note the lack of information on the label - mostly because it just says "Curing" no matter how you look at it. Oh well. You note that your BUSINESSVENTORY has gained two more empty files, but you're not sure you should stow this in there. Might not be necessary.
Wessolf27 Wrote:>Grab the agility potion once you get yourself righted out again. No sense in being a slowpoke who'd be a sitting turtle... erm... duck.
![[Image: BT89.png]](
Well okay that's not a good idea in this room, since it's not very big and it's full of breakable, dangerous things. You don't know how agile this might make you, and you're not sure you want to test it with the levitation potion if you don't want to shatter your cranium against a cabinet or something. You stash it in your BUSINESSVENTORY instead. Could be useful if you have to make an escape.
Shadow Phoenix Wrote:Use the eyes potion, maybe it will let you feel at ease in this darkness.
![[Image: BT90.png]](
You really don't know about this. It could just be a vision-enhancer, but once again it's frustratingly vague. Are you sure you want to drink this? Or maybe you should do something else instead?
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06-27-2012, 09:19 AM
Strafe/scurry around and look at as many vats as possible
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06-27-2012, 03:29 PM
> chug a lug!
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06-27-2012, 04:20 PM
Dude that thing is going to give you more eyes straight up okay.
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06-28-2012, 03:37 AM
Maybe you ought to check up back in the cage room for anything useful.
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06-28-2012, 07:41 AM
Solaris Wrote:Dude that thing is going to give you more eyes straight up okay.
Chwoka Wrote:> Realize that all the mutations probably gave you cancer in multiple spots.
![[Image: BT91.png]](
You know what? No! Enough of this! Enough of these potions, enough of slowly turning yourself into a tiny idiot dragon, and enough of this nonsense! You just wanted to have some breakfast, not all of this stupidity. You have better things to do than screw around in a wizard's supply room!
Plus, you probably will have to see a doctor even if you become human again. Who knows what horrible side-effects this stuff has that you aren't even aware of?
AgentBlue Wrote:Maybe you ought to check up back in the cage room for anything useful.
![[Image: BT92.png]](
A much better idea! There were some bottles right up there that you didn't have a chance to look at. Maybe they'll be able to help you rather than covering you with eyes or giving you like twenty arms or any other asinine garbage.
![[Image: BT93.png]](
Well, they're not exactly labeled. Maybe these papers will conveniently help you out.
![[Image: BT94.png]](
You're not sure who Stan is, but apparently you're not the only one who's been in this situation. Well, whatever. If Stan works for that wizard, he can deal with polymorphing. You've got better things to do, such as find some clothes, drink this potion, and get the hell out of here.
Out of curiosity, you check out the other paper.
![[Image: BT95.png]](
Ugh. What is this? This isn't how to fill out a quarterly report at all. It sickens you just to look at it.
...Wait. Magitek Corp... Significant losses... Buying out...
![[Image: BT96.png]](
That son of a bitch! All this time, you thought the lost profits were just some random fluke in the market, perhaps a sign of an economic depression or something. But no, all this time it was that wizard! You had never even heard of WizCo a month ago, and none of this time have you really paid any attention to them! This is a bigger deal than just turning you into a stupid lizard thing or stealing your breakfast cereal.
This shit just.
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06-28-2012, 07:49 AM
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06-28-2012, 02:39 PM
Store indicated potion in businessvintory. Take air duct to clothing room. Get clothes, revenge.
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06-28-2012, 06:06 PM
Potion first, then... business time.