letter to dad thread (now defunct)

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letter to dad thread (now defunct)
letter to dad thread (now defunct)
edit 10/2/17

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
i probably should have made the list of talking points more concise, but, there's a lot.............. just, a lot.....................................
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
RE: help me write a letter to my dad

fuck you!

No love, KittenEater.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
i should write a really fancy "the" on a post-it note and just leave it on his desk

i wonder how he'd feel about that
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
(04-21-2016, 12:42 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »Hey,

fuck you!

No love, KittenEater.

this is perfect*, keep 'em coming

*perfect except i don't swear, for some reason? whatever
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
(04-21-2016, 12:42 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »Hey,

you are bad!

No love, KittenEater.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
Quote:To Dad,

If you are reading this letter, it means I have at long last fled to a place where you will no longer cast your shitty awful shit trash terrible shadow fuck you over me.

This is the part where the fatherly figure of the soon-to-be physically-divorced relationship is supposed to exclaim how proud they are of my accomplishment, but you are far too wrapped up in your own shit so I'll do it myself.

I am so very proud of myself.

I dunno I feel like this could be shored up with some of the examples you listed but this is a start?
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
Quote:here you sit
so broken hearted
tried to dad
but only farted
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
make sure to rev up a motorcycle and go flying down the road right after he finishes the last line
RE: help me write a letter to my dad

You aren't that good.

I am so, so disappointed in you.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
thank you schaz, that's a good start definitely! there certainly are some ways to add to it with examples i've provided but i can't think of any right now actually

thank you ashley loather

wheat, the edited point is a good point. I don't totally know if leaving a letter behind when I eventually leave is a good idea; what I do know is that I definitely won't want to say ANYTHING out loud to him, I'm incredibly bad at forming my thoughts and remembering important points when I'm talking, especially to him.
Also, to be honest, I'm not sure how I'd move out without his help. The best idea I've got is that I'd leave to a different state after I've already moved into a small apartment or trailer in the same town, so, he'd have helped me move away from him and then I can get other people to help me leave THAT house, without him knowing. Which is kind of complex and over-wrought.

anyway, um, yeah those are all good points in the spoiler. i can't name any specific points when he got worse, because as far as I can remember, he's always been like this. If anything, he's just gotten more aggressive after I graduated high school, since I wasn't enthusiastic about going into college even after he pressured me into doing it anyway
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
idk I think college is probably a pretty good thing anyway, but he does sound pretty awful.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
college is good for some people, i am not one of those people. i was only ever a good student when my dad was actively pressuring me to be.

i'm not exaggerating when i say that there was a point, in 5th grade, where my report card was straight F's.

(but then halfway through that year is when i moved in with dad, and the change from private school to public school + my dads pressuring made me change that to a report card of straight A's, which is the only time I ever had that.)

(additionally, to above parentheses: the change to a new school also meant i was getting bullied really hard (because i was obviously neurodivergent, in retrospect) and when i asked dad for help about it, his advice was basically "stop making yourself a target". i think he had a parent-teacher conference about it and the teacher basically said "yeah but she's really smart so she'll be fine" and dad has clung to that desperately for years)
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
tbh maybe you should just stick a mousetrap into an envelope and mail it to him :Y

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RE: help me write a letter to my dad
Kitet Wrote:*bad stuff*
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
fuck school imo??

like yeah there's bullying and on top of that it feels like it's just, set up to crush anyone who's the slightest bit not-neurotypical?

like even the basics of school stuff. homework with expecting kids to work on their own time (and punishing them for not doing it in time), time limits on tests (I DO WORSE WITH A TIME LIMIT EVEN THOUGH I GENERALLY DON'T TAKE THAT LONG?? i, kind of panic), the way there's really only.. One Way you're expected to learn things and if that doesn't work for you you just get left behind to fail
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
I fucking hate school. I just have such an pathological obsession with learning that I've somehow managed to work through it, and I would have definitely dropped out by now otherwise.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
also like

i'm a hands-on learner

but everything is memorizing junk from textbooks? like i have a visual processing disorder that makes deciphering dense blocks of text difficult and ittttt isn't great

and things constantly slip my mind

plus in the ~real world~ i can.. actually just look shit up when i need to, memorization of every little detail isn't as needed as people expect it to be

besides it's a lot easier to pick stuff up when i'm casually looking it up and using it for things instead of, memorizing For a Test.

and tbh i think if you gave anyone a test they passed from Years Ago they would probably fail it today, unless it's either something they're passionate about or elementary grade stuff
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
can i also say Fuck to the whole "FOR EVERY HOUR OF CLASS YOU NEED TO SPEND 3 HOURS OUTSIDE OF CLASS STUDYING" thing some college professors do because
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
i'm not a fucking machine that can cram textbook passages into my eyes 24/7
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
now that i think about it i could probably make a whole nother chunk of the list in the first post for school-related stuff

like how, when i started trying to tell him i wanted to quit college and start looking into jobs instead, his response was "you can take courses and do a part-time job at the same time, just make the job work around your school schedule"
no, dad, i took two courses at once last term and it was really stressful, i couldn't do work and school at the same time
"well, life is stressful and you just need to get used to it. i did school and work when i went through college. i took 5 courses in one term once, and made it work! so there's no reason you can't do it too"
no, listen, two courses at the same time was almost too much for me, any more would be over my limit
"have you done more than two courses at once before? no, you haven't, so you don't know that it would be too much for you."

please reread the last two sentences, multiple times, so you understand what having conversations with him opposing is like
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
kitet I honestly don't know what the best solution to this situation is. I want to let you know that I think you're totally justified in wanting to leave and I think I speak for everyone when I say we'll all do the best we can to support you.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
also I just reread the first post and what the absolute fuck. I support you even more now. get the fuck away, as far as you fucking can.
RE: help me write a letter to my dad
Thank you.

I don't know what the solution is, either, but I guess I have a couple places I could go if things go sour. One place is with my sisters, about an hour's drive away. The other place, more preferable, is with Gen, in New Mexico... I don't know what the process for moving a couple states over is, though.

That being said, I don't think I'll ever get kicked out... not unless I go out of my way to spew hateful things at dad for a long enough time that he reconsiders his stance on letting me live with him. For all his faults, he also doesn't understand why other people have that "kick the kid out when they turn 18 so they are forced to get a house and job, like the adult they now are" thing.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.