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04-03-2016, 02:31 AM
Hi! I'm brand new to the Eagle Time forum, and I thought I'd introduce myself with an adventure game. The adventure is reader inclusive, in which characters of your design explore a conventional fantasy setting of no particular name. If you're at all interested in playing, just follow the character creation and join in! The adventure itself isn't going to be complex or overly in-depth, so I wouldn't take things too seriously. I'm just as excited to host this adventure as I am to meet all of you.
The story begins in the bustling coastal town of Hampneck. Life inside the walls of Hampneck revolves around it's quite literal constant flow of trade. Two large waterways flow down from the nearby mountains, in through the town, and drain out into the immediate bay. On the docks and piers dotting the waterway's sides you'd find an array of vibrant merchant vessels. Hampneck has no central market for the freight of said ships. Instead, shops and vendors are found all over town. Streetside markets and citizens who double their homes as shops are commonplace. Because most citizens elect to live on their ships or in their stores, Hampneck doesn't have much of a residential zone. While the waterways of Hampneck are it's busiest feature, the town square is frequently occupied as well. The town square is placed right between both waterways, providing easy access from one side of town to the other. Hampneck's square also connects the multipurpose church, numerous avenues full of shops and markets, and the Slumbering Sentinel tavern, a hotspot for all citygoers alike. Also joined with the square is the job bulletin and Hampneck's law station, which the town guard operates from.
You currently stand within this town square, along with the many Hampneckians going about their own business. It's a cloudy autumn day, the sun just risen scant hours ago. What do you hope to accomplish today?
Creating a Character
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Very simple, very short. For each field, you may go into as much or as little detail as you see needed.
Name: Self-explanitory. Silly, serious, it's up to you.
Appearance: Ranges from what fantastical race you wish your character to be, to what clothes they like to wear, etc.
About You: This section is used to flesh out your character. Their personality, backstory, skills, whatever you'd want to establish about your character. A purpose for being within Hampneck wouldn't hurt either.
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Joined: Nov 2011
04-03-2016, 05:45 PM
Yeah, lets try this out.
Name: Wilkins Drusam
Appearance: He's got two beefy arms that are super swol. He wears fire retardant gloves for punching fires.
About Wilkins: When you live in an old-timey fantasy town, you've got two major problems: An entire community made of wood, and lots of magic oriented punks who just learned how to cast a fireball spell but have no idea how to put it out. If it weren't for folks like Wilkins, most towns would turn to cinders as soon as the local mage guild opened.
Ever since Wilkins was a wee little Drusam, he dreamed of establishing a regulated, easily understandable fire code that would keep people safe from the calamities of careless everyday life. He moved to the costal town of Hampneck thinking that the humid summers and easy access to water would give the fledgling fire marshal a fighting chance to show the world just how helpful proper zoning and fire codes could be.
Hey Wisty, if this is planning to be more of a role-playing game - where every player gets an equal say in the direction of the story, then this thread should probably be moved to the Forum Games subforum. (Which if you want, I'm sure a mod would happily do for you). However, if you're planning on running the story mostly yourself, and are just taking inputs for characters to populate the town of Hampneck, then you're in the right place!
Either way it should be fun to see where this goes!
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Joined: Apr 2016
04-03-2016, 10:38 PM
(Hello btp! My plan was to run the adventure as if players controlled their own adventure protagonist. Each player submits commands for their character to follow, and I'd govern the outcomes of the character's actions. I had thought that would constitute as a Forum Adventure, but if my thread would be better suited for the Games section, I'll ask for it to be moved ASAP!)
Wilkins Drusam)
The moment you walked into the fair city of Hampneck, you knew this place was desperate for your help. This city thinks itself safe on their boats, and their constant access to water. But oh, how little these poor folk knew. Initial inspection of the town revealed a stunning lack of fire escape plans and the town guard's fire control skills severely lacking. You don't even want to get started on the poor attempt to handle magic license regulation. Anyone with any inkling of magic is a potential arsonist, simply allowed to walk the streets! You've tried to appeal to the town council about creating a proper fire safety guideline, but they've proven to be a stubborn bunch who does not yet fully realize the urgency of your mission. With how easy it would be for a greater fire to overwhelm this town's unfit fire defense, you fear the days are numbered until you've got a real problem on your hands.
Until then, you've been doing all you can, dispensing your own brand of fire jurisdiction. You've surely made the Dursam lineage proud with your time in Hampneck. So far, your fists have singlehandedly brought the swift end to eight fires throughout town, as well as help the town guard here and there. Your actions have not gone unrecognized by the people, and you've become something of a vigilante! After one such act of heroism in the aid of stopping an inn from falling to ash, the innkeeper was kind enough to give you a room to stay, which you currently reside out of. Hampneck's fires are usually caused from the careless mistake of an innocent citizen. However, very recently there's been an outbreak of minor fires that are suspiciously similar. All have began with an innocent toss of a cigar butt, and they've mainly occurred in the eastern part of town. You wouldn't bet on the town guard to be able to solve this conundrum, so the investigation may fall on yourself to protect Hampneck from this strange arsonist.
After a quick breakfast, you're up and at 'em and ready to face the day. You are currently located in the townsquare, ready to do some honest firefighter work.
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04-03-2016, 10:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2016, 10:49 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
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Spoilerthis is a game xD
if it wasn't, then 2 or more people can suggest commands for one of the characters. But that would be a great undertaking, involving making updates for like 10 adventure®s
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04-10-2016, 01:59 AM
This almost seems as if it would fit better in Forum Games, but hey, I ain't complaining.
Name: Art Wystle
Appearance: Tall and rake-thin. A worn, but strong, dark green cloak is wrapped around his shoulders, somewhat unwisely keeping the humidity in. His brown hair was cut short several months ago; now it's returned to being a shaggy mess. Overall, he has the appearance of a dripping tree.
About You: Art's in Hampneck in order to purchase some reagents from the local apothecaries, in order to create his Next Big Magical Discovery in his lab on the east side of town. Unfortunately it's likely that word has spread about the last three towns he's been in, where his Next Big Magical Discovery turned out to be the Next Big Magical Explosion instead, so it might not be as simple as he's expecting...