Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings

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Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
So I owed TimeothyHour a request, and I just fulfilled it. In this recording, I rant about roadwork while pretending to be a starwhale.

Starwhale Presents: The Evils of Roadwork

Other people can feel free to toss recordings in this thread if they don't think their recordings require a thread of their own.
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
I would post my Third-To-Last GBII Post(sprinkled with fucks at slorange) reading in this if it wasn't for the fact that my dropbox decided that I couldn't link things in public for a while, so instead here's me recording things for a bet that I likedish enough.

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RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
I would post my tounge wizard recordings here, but I already posted them on the tounge wizard adventure thread! (which you should read because who doesn't like tounges).

But while I'm messing around with iPhone things I'll be sure to put a few up here now and then!
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
Dooooeeees anyone want me to read things :3
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
Fogel, you really should produce stuff for kids.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
So I tried to do a 5th tounge wizard but I messed up.

Thanks to the magic of cellphones it still sounded okay though.

RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
(04-23-2012, 02:53 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Dooooeeees anyone want me to read things :3

yes yes YES

I do!
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
this and this.
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
man, Chwoka I really want to murder someone right now because of the internet.

I guess I should channel my rage into reading the best thing from any grandbattle thing ever.

also iphone has really sucky audio editing things so these recordings are RAW and SELF-CENSORED. (also maybe a little loud. be careful with that)

[Image: stats.png]

[Image: stats.png]

RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
Tossing an idea out there.

What if we had a little dramatic reading contest? Two or three judges pick a piece for interested parties to read and then everybody talks about who did what well.

I am suggesting this almost entirely because I want to hear several voices better than mine read 8-yo Ixcalibur's amazing horror stories.
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
I should get a microphone and practice not speaking in a low, lightning-quick mumble

Rainbow  RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
Minion bob
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
[Image: stats.png]



Actually, if anybody would like me to read something (particularly grand battle somethings), then you can ask here. Along with any specific requests. Who knows? I might get better at it.
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
So, a while back, Akumu asked me to do a reading of Kracht's deathpost in GBS2. I finally got around to it.

I don't think I was really prepared for this reading, though. I kept pausing, especially when I noticed I'd made an error in reading the text, and I didn't have a consistent voice for Emma.

I have some thoughts on how to more cleanly record next time, though. Most notably, reading through the text before I start so I have a better idea of what's coming up next. Wouldn't hurt to read Emma's lines, too, so I can settle on a voice for her. I've never really made a serious attempt to make my voice sound female before, so it's harder for me to keep that consistent right now.
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
I liked that! It is difficult if not impossible for a male narrator to do a convincing female voice (and vice versa for a female). Especially when you have to keep those different voices consistent over a long period of time.

Also I had never read that post. It's funny how things can sound so different when read a certain way. I laughed at Kracht saying "shit" mainly because it sounded very out of place, but I'm sure it didn't look so much so when written.
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
Aha! There /is/ a thread for all these recordings!

--Soundoff Aggregate--

(05-15-2012, 02:13 AM)Gnauga Wrote: »Guys guys
Sound off!

(05-15-2012, 02:16 AM)g0m Wrote: »Sound off you say?

(05-15-2012, 03:12 AM)KittenEater Wrote: »while i may seem eloquent now, i don't communicate my feelings with words.

(05-15-2012, 08:45 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Ok this was my totes sterling effort at Supes' one.

It's mumbly, but I'm a mighty mumbly person myself.

(05-15-2012, 08:55 AM)Pick Yer Poison Wrote: »Here is my totally not mumbly attempt at Supe's raven bit. Stumbled a bit on the Plutonian shore part, for some reason.

(05-15-2012, 09:08 AM)Granolaman Wrote: »This might just be my poetry reading voice, but I figured I'd give it a whirl.

(05-15-2012, 10:12 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Oh derp, forgot to mute tracks.

* AgentBlue goes to rerecord.

**proper version (I was going to do one for various accents but it turns out I only have one reading voice I am happy with)**

[Image: stats.png]

**As Requested By Ed**

[Image: stats.png]

(05-15-2012, 11:32 AM)whoosh! Wrote: »Yeah, I gave this a shot. Poetry reading voice ahoy.


(05-15-2012, 10:48 PM)Ed Wrote: »Okay

[Image: stats.png]

(05-15-2012, 11:05 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »https://vocaroo.com/i/s0FLfC3vD59a


(05-15-2012, 11:23 PM)Ed Wrote: »Here's the spanish version in case you wanted to know how i sound in my native language?!?

[Image: stats.png]

I double dare you giving this one a try.

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(05-16-2012, 11:40 AM)Phish Wrote: »I guess I should probably do One of these too

I breathe pretty loudly, don't I

(05-16-2012, 06:59 PM)Epamynondas Wrote: »woah this sounds fun

english - https://vocaroo.com/i/s0hxCluq8MBr

spain's spanish - https://vocaroo.com/i/s0PlHtIhvhy8

also catalan because it's what i'm good at?? - https://vocaroo.com/i/s02V1pKbM1Qj

I'm actually quite interested on listening to y'all try this
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(05-17-2012, 07:56 AM)Plaid Wrote: »Vocaroo and my webcam/microphone combo don't like each other very much, so dropbox link.


(05-17-2012, 08:46 PM)btp Wrote: »Hey it's about time I participated in this:

English and Ed's
[Image: stats.png]

English and Epamy's
[Image: stats.png]
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
Yessssssss. I was hoping someone would collect all of those in one place! Thanks Agent!

I love hearing how you guys sound, its a big part of why I did those podcasts back in the day. Though I think I like this format better, as there isn't terrible technical difficulties turning your otherwise harmonious voices into garbled mixes of unintelligible cracklings.
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
read this: https://pastebin.com/rbdbYtcY

hear ye: [Image: stats.png]

i'm not sorry
RE: Dramatic Readings And Silly Recordings
One time Guy wouldn't go to sleep. I read him a bedtime story in a silly accent.

Another time PYP wouldn't go to sleep. He got one too, though without the accent.

No regrets.