The 2am thread

The 2am thread
RE: The 2am thread
I think I should hit the gym more. I should literally punch the gym a lot. That obviously will help me become more fit.

But I'm starting to recognize that I'm not as healthy as I was, and I can't rely on my youth to keep my body in pristine condition anymore. My telomeres are short and my life will be shorter.

If it weren't dark out I'd go running. I guess I just don't live in a pro-exercise kind of environment, and that's not good.
RE: The 2am thread
Note to self: buy protein shakes and live off of those
RE: The 2am thread
Man, I feel like those things are overrated. I mean, you'd get a lot more fun out of actually cooking... but I guess as a morning thing they're not so bad? Like, 'I have five minutes to get out of the house, this is my morning nutrition' kind of deal.
RE: The 2am thread
I should go boil some eggs.
RE: The 2am thread
Because it's 2 in the morning, I'm wide awake, and what have I got to lose?

A lot, is what.
RE: The 2am thread
I don't want to think about university anymore. Go on. Two more essays. Let's just do it.
RE: The 2am thread
And yet, here we are.
RE: The 2am thread
I guess I feel lost. And kind of alone.

But that's ridiculous.

I just want all this to be over.
RE: The 2am thread
That sounded ominous, didn't it? Don't worry.
RE: The 2am thread
Don't worry about me.

I'd be too scared to do it, anyway.

I'm not worth it.
RE: The 2am thread
This is what we call a melancholy humor.

I guess this is a time for self-reflection.
RE: The 2am thread
I don't know if I like who I am. I have some serious personality flaws, but... I'm pretty decent, right? I guess I feel I should be better. Isn't that not such a bad thing?
RE: The 2am thread
The drive to better yourself is noble. It means you get that there's more to the universe than just today. But is it possible to like who you are and have the drive to become more than who you are? I suppose so.

But I don't have both those things. I'm endlessly self-critical, and one day, that's going to fuck me up too hard for me to recover.

Don't worry about me.

I don't want to walk this path alone.

But don't worry about me.

(worry about me)
RE: The 2am thread
No, don't. You all have enough in your lives without having to deal with me. Don't worry. Don't worry.
RE: The 2am thread
I guess I'm still damaged. My cracks and wounds are still raw, unhealed. Childhood is over. Get out of the box and live your life. Unfold your long limbs and go out into the world that hates you and don't come back

don't come back

don't come back

don't worry about me

don't come back

don't come back
RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
Its that time again! I'm working on my zine for zinefest, which is also my nano thing. I'm halfway through #7 so i guess i'm on track for nano but hopelessly behind for zinefest, whoops. I'm supposed to be making 12 comics and a cover illo, then maybe something for a poster if i have time? I've also had a huge pot of curry on the stove for over an hour now and the smell is making me hungry, so i guess i should put on some rice.
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