Waiter Quest

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Waiter Quest
RE: Waiter Quest
Schazer Wrote:> Make a SUSPICIOUS COCKTAIL with it.

AgentBlue Wrote:> Have a taste! This is a restaurant after all.

[Image: WQ10-2.png]

botanicalPiranha Wrote:> Inspect the components of the fluid.

[Image: WQ11.png]

You don’t need to get any closer to identify the foul liquid as GREASE. The smell alone is enough to tip you off, but it’s not the first time in recent weeks that OILY MESSES have been found upon returning to the restaurant before opening. You feel dirty just thinking about it.

Normally you would have the JANITOR clean it up, but you chased him off earlier so you could prepare for tonight unimpeded. It seems he scurried off in such a hurry that he left his MOP out. While chasing him away so you could tidy up was a terrible idea in hindsight, at least you have the tools to take care of the MESS on your own.

Morphimus Wrote:> Pour orange juice on the FLUID

[Image: WQ12.png]

[Image: WQ13.png]

You expend another SERVING of ORANGE JUICE, pouring it over the dining room’s MESS, and the stains are lifted away! It was such a pain getting them out before now. Maybe you should bring this stuff to work more often! Unfortunately, the source of the GREASE is likely to be found in the KITCHEN, which can only mean more cleaning.

Ixcaliber Wrote:> Throw open kitchen doors revealing the horrible abomination that spewed these fluids forth.

[Image: WQ14.png]

A horrible, spewing abomination? You really doubt --

[Image: WQ15.png]

RE: Waiter Quest
RE: Waiter Quest
>Wonder where your mustache ran off to in the first panel.
RE: Waiter Quest
(04-01-2012, 12:56 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »>Wonder where your mustache ran off to in the first panel.

Your MUSTACHE returns just in time to twinge in disgust, nearly half an hour late!
RE: Waiter Quest
It's adorable!

So adorable that you could kill it.

With oranges.
RE: Waiter Quest
Battle/Attack menu!
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Waiter Quest
Kill it! Kill it with fire!
RE: Waiter Quest
Kill it with grease fighting brand name dish soap.
Beep Beep
RE: Waiter Quest


Now go for the olives! Those are the weak point!
RE: Waiter Quest
RE: Waiter Quest
Before you decide to go beat that grease monster up, maybe you should put a smock on or something to preserve the handsome cleanliness of your swanky duds. God forbid your cravat be stained!
RE: Waiter Quest
Oh no, Lance got into the grease trap again! Poor Lance!
RE: Waiter Quest
Get hat, put under hat, become Chef
RE: Waiter Quest
>Try not to use your Orange Juice- you don't want to be too dependent on it and use it as an easy way out, and it's not like you've got crates of the stuff! Conserve that stuff, bro.
RE: Waiter Quest
The poor grease rat looks hungry. Feed it a piece of greasy cheese.