The Gost and other spine-curdling tales of terror

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The Gost and other spine-curdling tales of terror
The Gost and other spine-curdling tales of terror
RE: The Gost and other spine-curdling tales of terror
Twelfth Nigth

On the twelfth nigth someone new came into town. He headed straith for a little boys house. The boys name is Andrew. Andrew has a cat called Drake. Four outer chidren lived with him Hank, Sara, Dist, Hailie. Mary their mum and Chalie thier dad and Ken thier uncle stayed thier as well. The man called Gorge kidnaped Drake. Gorge ran to a big hill. Gorge called open says me. The hill opened.

Gorge walked into the hill. Dwane was forced to want to be Andrew. In the morning Andrew found himself in Dwanes body. Gorge run to the house. A man called Ivonstin ran past Gorge. Ivonstin looked like he was in a hurry. He was in a hurry. He had to attend to his ill wife Fefe. The doctor Luie was ill so was the nurse Jill.

Gorge ran past the burger bar wich is ran by Chef Frank. Gorge ran past the alley. Then he walked back up to the alley. He saw a shadowy withe figre that looked the same as him self. This thing was Gorge's gost. The gost spoke: "I am your vrery own gost."

Gorge was simply scared stiff. Gorge spoke "you mean this is me when I Die"

The gost replied "yes." Gorge's spine let out a shiver. Gorge fainted. A few seconds he woke up and screamed. Since this was eley in the morning the screm woke eveybody up. Evey one rushed two wards the alley.

The gost disoped but at the moner the gost disapped seval seletons apered stoned them. The seletons bracked. A storm came with a outrage. The seltons disappered but the storm was still against them. The wind was droping hailstones. The hailstones bilt up to be gousts. Tuder tudered. Evey body was socked. The linning bolts came down to make fire. Alfed the city welsler trowe the falling asaroids upwards.

A tree headed dragon gost came up to Goge. The gost said "I am still your goust. I can cage shapes. I can fly, disaper and even clut."

Goge said "whats that"

The goust replied "KILL"

Eveybodys spine let out a shiver. Fefe was breathless as a Dagger aperred in place of the gost. Then the gost flew down from the heavens above. The gost said to Gorge "I am the one that put the twele nigth idea in your head, I done that so I cold kill you."

"No." scremed Gorge.

A swop of birds apeered. Then one more apeered but this one had a cage. Goge was put in the cage. The birds carryed him off. Ioivonstinine ran after the birds. Then there was a cliff in front of him. Aprently there was a tree with a vine on the edge of the cliff. Ivionstine swung over to the casel.

Aprently a eye saw him.


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RE: The Gost and other spine-curdling tales of terror
That is beautiful. Crying Eagle
RE: The Gost and other spine-curdling tales of terror
Dethtrap Island

One day a boy was swimming in the sea when a bottle floated up beside him. The next day his frends were at the beach. They were the only ones on the beach. Then a tite wave swept them to a boat. There was no one aboard then a map apered in the botle. The boy was amazed. They sailed off not knowing the way.

Finey they came to some rocks. On one rock there was a x. There was a message on the rock. It looked as if they saw duble. A man ran at them. He didn't look like a man. They jumped on the rock. The man was on a rock. A boy touched the x. They found them self in the sea. There was a near by note. It read: "Now the only way to get my tresure is x. - mister x" The boy know what it ment. He tuched the x and he had the trasre.

RE: The Gost and other spine-curdling tales of terror
Ix, your eight-year-old self has inspired me. Spoilering it so I don't steal your thunder.

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