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YOU ARE A MAYOR. No, no, FUCK your current job! You're a — no, THE — mayor of a strangely undeveloped town that only has 20 citizens and literally no infrastructure now. And you'll be damned if you're going to let these other 7 mayors do a better job than you.

How this is hgonna work:
  • Your term lasts 4 years. These years each have 4 seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.
  • Every season you get 5 moves. After everybody has used up all their moves (or abstained) I'll tell you the results of all your moves, all at once, then we move on to the next season.
  • You start with 20 citizens. Citizens can be put to one task at a time, they get better over time if you don't move them, and putting citizens on a new task does not count as a move, and they do not expend besides at the rate of mortality. That means that at the end of the season, citizens will just drop dead totally randomly. I'll keep you updated on who you lost, but you'd be well-advised to keep a list of how many people are doing what. Hopefully your birthrate outpaces it! (Both start at 10%.)
  • That's all the numerical stuff, the rest you and I make up and then I and you have to deal with it. If you wanted to make your city VAMPIRETOWN, USA then I would say that now your citizens have a taste for ornate castles which stimulates your mason economy, but now they can't cross over the sewer pipes which greatly reduces access to businesses and jobs.
  • Pick your own win condition! Highest population? Most garbage? A recreation of 1984? Go for it! This can only make things more interesting.

The hform you have to fill out to join:
  • Your Name
  • Your Town Name
  • Your Win Condition
  • Flavor — just put details about your city here. geography, history, whatever.
  • Your text color? Everybody else is doing it.

Who's hplaying
  1. cyber95 as Dr. Sirius Nebula, PhD
  2. Dragon Fogel as Nopor Puss

(Of course, if there's significantly more interest than I expect I'm open to extending this list.)
RE: Citywars
Name: Dr. Sirius Nebula, PhD
Town Name: Spesston
Flavor: Okay so Spesston was founded with a dream of space travel in mind. But you know what? They've done that already! They've put a man on the moon and there are people that don't believe that but WHATEVER. Dr. Nebula has a PhD, and you know what that means? It means he knows science! And sometimes his science-riddled brain has wonderful ideas, like stick a bunch of rockets underneath a town and send it out of the atmosphere! The town was founded by people who thought there'd be a good space program they could help with, and their allegedly supportive family. They can't know. Not until it happens. It'll be such a wonderful surprise. Yes.
Text Colour: SPACE color!
RE: Citywars
Your Name: Nopor Puss
Your Town Name: Prosperity City
Your Win Condition: Drive the city into ruin, because there's absolutely no reason to.
Flavor: Prosperity City was one of the wealthiest, most successful cities in the world. Then its citizens made the mistake of electing Nopor Puss their mayor. He's determined to turn things around and leave the place a smoking wreck, a fact which he made no secret of during his mayoral campaign.
Your text color: The color of pointlessness, which is #404080 for no reason whatsoever.
RE: Citywars
Guys I am sad.
You guys are making me sad.
RE: Citywars
We could do a one-on-one direct competition. (Preferably this would involve directly competing win conditions, though.)
RE: Citywars
I have no ideaaaaasssss

Well, I had one but I forgot it ;-;