The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!

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The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
[colo=r"brown"]The awesome The Bestcharacter stood looking out at the multiverse or what was left of it because he had destroyed every universe in it but this one with his awesome power which hea nd his asideckac Block LAmp Nitebat hads restorwed beucase theye rwere the best and also kliilled macula and countasweome becaucse they sucked. but he suddenly realized he was bored luckily ehe is also super psychic so knew that he would be bored and made sure to get eight people before he killed everybody to fight to the death for him he couldn't wait for their inevitable doom as it would certainly be a Grand Failure.

Welcome to the [b]Grand Failure yo.[/color="bronw"] This'll work a... little bit differently than your standard battle (because it is an original idea do not steal). Because the last one standing isn't so much the best writer as the worst. That's right, the most blatant use of godmoding, mischaracterization, and overall bad writing technique wins the day here.

That said, saying the straight up worst isn't exactly right. What we want is the most hilariously bad writing. You can just smash at the keyboard wildly, but if it's unreadable, that's not even writing at all. That's smashing wildly at the keyboard. (Shocking, I know).
Also, you will still be removed for inactivity if that happens. It can't be bad writing if there's no writing to be bad.

So to sum up:
-Write poorly, but entertainingly so
-You still have to be active
-How do tags work I'm confused

Username: This should be fake unless you don't want it to be. You can make it real.
Name: How overly powerful nicely balanced are your characters abilities or inventory?
Race: What kind of race is your wholly unique and amazing character?
Colour: Feel free to make it [b]ugly
, but it should remain readable. Also ridic
ulous fonts are fine if you want.
Description: Describe what makes your character the prettiest and the best.
Items/Abilities: What is your main character's fantastic and beautiful name?
Biography: Does your character have impossibly large muscles, or impossibly voluptuous curves on an even more impossibly slender frame?

RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
[color]username: xXarniecartXx
name: arnold cartell
gender: male
race: anthro tanooki/kitsune
color: this one


sorry ill write the rest later ^_^;;
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
hang on I'll get a character up
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
Username: GoddsChosen
Name: Sgt. Gabriel Bonecrusher
Race: WHITE AND PROUD OF IT, this game shouldn't have no goddamn _______ or ______ and definitely not any goddamn ____!
Gender: MAN GODDAMMIT! What kind of bleeding-heart liberal commie would play a _________ woman? And don't even get me started on those _______ who are all "I'm at my own place on the gender spectrum"! GET A _______ CLUE, __________!
Biography: Sgt. Gabriel Bonecrusher, or "Gabe" as REAL AMERICANS know him, is a TRUE AMERICAN HERO! He was so good at killing ____-_______ in the Middle East that he was recognized by THE LORD GOD HIMSELF for his service to the cause of justice!
(No _______ ______ is ever gonna do that, ha! You liberal ___________ don't know anything about PATRIOTISM! Why don't you go over to France and surrender? Those ________ would love you!)
Anyways, the Lord gave Gabe angel wings and divine powers and a holy flaming sword, and told him to smite the wicked with righteous fury. Like the _____, the ________, and especially those good-for-nothing ____ who call the Lord a lie. LET'S SEE YOU NOT BELIEVE IN HIM WHEN YOU'RE DEAD, _________!
Description: Gabe is the MANLIEST MAN you've ever seen! He's always dressed in his military uniform, BECAUSE HE LOVES AMERICA! And he has two bright white wings sticking out of his back AND HE LOVES GOD LIKE ANY REAL AMERICAN WOULD!
AND HE'S WHITE! _______________________________________________
Items/Abilities: Gabe can fly with his wings. He's armed with a Uzi, which never runs out of ammo because God blessed it. He's also got a flaming sword blessed by God Himself, and he uses it to ___________
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
yeah oaky
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
Username: .oOMidniteStarrOo.
Name: Onyxxelle Midnite Starr
Gender: A suuuupppeeeerr CUUUUUUTTTEW GURL!!!!!1!1! :333
Race: weell she is 1/2 human 1/2 vampire 1/2 elf and 1/2 werewolf!!!1 But sahe makes it work out for her! BECAUSE SHE I S SO FUQIN CUT!
Colour: ana dorable PINK ON BLAKKK cuz pink is an cuuteee color!!!! but blak because she is also a GOTH!!!!!!!!! the blak represnts da nite sky.
Description: DUHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! She is the CUTEST GURL and all da BOYS LOVE HER!!!!!!
Items/Abilities: She ahs a biiiig pooofy dress that is PINK AND BLAK LIKE THE GOFFs in Japan! SO KAWAIIIIIIIII DESU NE~ Aslo it has a LOTTA FUQIN BOWS!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO HER HAIR IS RELLY LONG AND SMOOT!!!!!!!! it is blak with pink higlites like mine!!!!!!! :3
Biography: One day, she nwas walkin arond scool and the boys started ASKIN HER ON DATES!!!!!!!! BUT IT WAS SO HARD CUZ SHE COLD ONLE TAKE ONE!!!111! so she said"WHOVER SINGS DA BEST will be my BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!" becuz she REALLY LIKE BOYS DAT SING!!!!!!!! LIKE JUSBIN BEBER!!!!!!!!! OOOOMMMMGGGGGG SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
Username: Chuck Norris lol
Name: Count Awesome the Awesome
Gender: Pokemon is st00pd but he is a man
Race: He is the count the awesomest human to exist but maybe he's not human that would be a great twist
Colour: [background=black][color=red][b]This is thebest font ever[/stuff]
Description: Who is your character and why is it better than everybody else? Count Awesome the Awesome has a really badass cloak because he is the Count and he also has a gun that can destroy anything and also shoot anything. He has the legendary sword, the Sword of legends, which lets him do anything ever and also it can cut anything like butter (i mean like something going through butter, butter can't cut things you silly). He is also tall and he is a really cool guy who has the most amazing voice in the world which can command anything and anyone to his will and he is basically the most awesome guy in the multiverse.
Items/Abilities: Well he has that sword and also that gun so that's all i guess. He has the ability to fly too and he heals whenever he is hurt and he can even block bullets and slow down time like the matrix lol (that was a good movie)
Biography: CountAwesome the Awesome is the ruler of the universe he lives in but he wasn't always. He was given rule of the universe by god because god was all like "you are awesome" and he was like "yeah i know" and then they high-fived it was really cool. His parents died when he was five or something so he went into secret ninja training in a secret ninja village and he learned the ways of the ninja and ninjutsu it was all like naruto only even cooler! He used his powers to save the world from a group of evil pirates who wanted to destroy the world and they had lasers and stuff and their leader was really bad and he wanted to destroy the world even more than the rest of them. The count tried to kill them but he couldn't and he was sad because he had failed. but then he heard tales of legendary weapons and so he went looking for them and eventually found them after he killed the seven dragons of eternity in the mountains of danger. he used these weapons to defeat the evil pirates and then everyone was happy and there was world peace. he already had all his other abilities because of the ninja training, remember. After that, god gave him rule of the universe and so he fought evil but it got boring after a while because it was never a challenge. He decided to enter the grand Battle because he thought it might finally give him a good challenge but it probably still wouldn't so he was still bored. Also his parents died before bryce's, I HAD THIS ID

he also kiled everyone in the 1st battle becaues he's count awesome the Awesomer and so he decided to come back for the next one because he rules the universe because god gave him magic powers come on its right up there

you really have no chance of winning so you should probably juts not sign up hahahaHHAAHAHaaha

1. Dan Hibiki - Bearbert
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
^o^ midnight your entering?? this is going to be so much fun!!!!
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!

okay pencils down this is waht i got
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
OMG <333333

ARNIE I DINT NO U WER IN DIS 2!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
Guys I know it's been a while but things have been busy I've got this character down I'll get it submitted soon I think sorry for the wait!
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
Ugh I...I just don't know. let me be a fickle jerk about it for a few more weeks.
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
lol i dont wantto brag but mrguy has specifacally requested me to play in this battle so i have 2 ask the mod is it okay if i pick a oc from one of my fanfics with more than 250 reads on
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
(03-18-2012, 11:26 PM)Woffles Wrote: »lol i dont wantto brag but mrguy has specifacally requested me to play in this battle so i have 2 ask the mod is it okay if i pick a oc from one of my fanfics with more than 250 reads on


( dijfbdher dreally talk touyou? poreof! ]]
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
Guys I'm sorry but I'm going to have to drop out, if someone wants to keep my character going that's fine with me. I can give you a list of all the relevant plot details as well as critical character traits. You're free to change it however you want but don't make it suck unless you want to I guess. Again sorry for holding everything up.
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
mr guy you idiot you are not suposed to tipe with yuor face
RE: The Granf Dailure III: ^This Time, Itas WORse!
Username: Hihi! My name is Miritan!
Name:I have been loved by anyone's friend of a great!
Gender:I can cook and I can start a fire.
Race: What is the burn guys?
Colour: My computer is a duck!
Description: It is the Internet that I can swim!
Items/Abilities: I can hear better than I write in English.
Biography: You can have a blast at all!

[spoils]It is great length?[/spoils]