Useless appliances

Useless appliances
Useless appliances
Why do people use garbage disposals? They just spit wepons at you! If there are any other appliances I should ban from this earthy realm please let me know. There's work to be done.
RE: Useless appliances
I've never seen a garbage disposal, but I am terrified of them because of the movie Small Soldiers.
(_____/Thank You, Please
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RE: Useless appliances
I'm terrified of them because of the book Two Bad Ants.
RE: Useless appliances
I'm terrified of mine because of the noise it makes
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RE: Useless appliances
The sun is the only appliance you need!

Clothes dryers? Microwaves? Garbage disposals? Just set those suckers out in the sun and wait for it to do its magic!
RE: Useless appliances
When I moved to Florida years ago the sink had a light switch near it so I thought it was for the lights but nope it was for the spinning wheel of screaming death that lives in the sink.

Until that point in my life I thought garbage disposals were just a fancy way to say trash can, I didn't know people actually tossed food stuff trash into their sink and it still baffles me to this day.
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RE: Useless appliances
I'm going to blame argononic structures for it. That seems like as fair a deal as any.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Useless appliances
i have one. it's good for stuff that doesn't really work in either the trash or the compost. or if you're just lazy and don't want to bother to put stuff in the conpost.
RE: Useless appliances
[Image: brave-little-toaster-mish-mash.png]
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RE: Useless appliances
garbage disposals are useful for washing plates that still have food stuck to them and you dont want it clogging up the drain, but you also dont want to go to the trouble of scraping it off and into the trash can.
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RE: Useless appliances
The only reason I know about garbage disposals are gruesome deaths in movies
RE: Useless appliances
(02-11-2018, 11:27 AM)awkwardcarapace Wrote: »The only reason I know about garbage disposals are gruesome deaths in movies

Same + that one scene in Heroes when the cheerleader sticks her hand into it
RE: Useless appliances
We dont have them in scotland
RE: Useless appliances
I don't mind garbage disposals too much, but it's only really useful if you have an annoying 'roommate' who doesn't know how to get rid of his foodwaste properly and puts a half-full plate into the sink, and also aren't on a septic tank.
RE: Useless appliances
Re: Garbage Disposals:

I'm just used to having the little mesh thing in the sink and knocking it against the wall of the trash can after doing dishes. I think the purpose is so you don't let food smell in your trash can, though, instead it just gets chopped up in tiny pieces and goes through the plumbing.
RE: Useless appliances
(02-10-2018, 01:46 PM)Gatr Wrote: »the trouble of scraping it off and into the trash can.
I do it voluntarily because I hate myself.
RE: Useless appliances
My folks have one and it’s not really a massive timesaver since we don’t put anything large down there, but also when you got like various onion scraps and other stuff already in the sink, it’s like aw heck just wash it down instead of picking it up out of there.

But they also wash dishes pretty thoroughly before putting it in the dishwasher, which blows my mind. It’s not like they enjoy doing it.
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: Useless appliances
Sometimes you can feed lemon or orange rinds into the garbage disposal and everything smells good.

Quote: But they also wash dishes pretty thoroughly before putting it in the dishwasher, which blows my mind. It’s not like they enjoy doing it.

So do my parents. It's the ancient paradox of dishwashers. Sometimes I catch myself thoroughly scrubbing a plate to put in their dishwasher, but with my fingers and running water, not soap, to convince myself I'm not actually washing it, even if I'm putting in the same amount of effort.
RE: Useless appliances
if it makes you feel better, the dishwasher sterilises things in a way its pretty hard to do by hand because of the water pressure and temperature in there. Theres nothing worse than opening a clean dishwasher to stuff still covered in food scraps, too.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Useless appliances
That is more or less the saving grace. I don’t like to upset the EPA but HHS doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of victories lately. Crying Eagle
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: Useless appliances
Man, SPeaking of Garbage Disposals, I remember reading a short story when I was younger about a Privileged Kid who, For Reasons Had to go Help out An Old Poor Lady or somethin' and he finds out she doesn't have a Garbage Disposal and it weirds him out and Like, the end is him sort of refusing to Believe that The Poor Staving Children Down In Africa(which I Am Fairly Sure Was a Recurring Theme and might have been the imputus as to why He was helpin' out the Old Poor Lady, Vis Something Something Food Waste Something Punishment SOmething Something? Idk It was years ago I read this) Weren't Using Dishwashers and Garbage Disposals but sorta framed in a way that made it seem ridiculos and vaguely like the kid himself knew it was kinda ridiculous