Aviary (birds birds)

Aviary (birds birds)
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
i'm fairly sure i hit my maximum curse limit already, if i haven't, this roleplaying system sucks and i want another one
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
Why didn't you stop that bird?
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
Why didn't you apprehend, incarcerate that bird. Slap some chains on it and feed it to another bird.

To make the bird vortex
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
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RE: Aviary (birds birds)
The naturalist approach is bomb diggity, ecology major here to verify

A boyfriend of mine (who currently works in forestry looking at biological control of key pest species) noticed gulls (species uncertain, probably Dominican; he's going to try ID them properly next time he's at the site) eating Huhu beetles that are attracted to floodlights at the processing station for a pine plantation. Huhus are a big, robust, native beetle whose larvae live in rotting wood.

Gulls are not known for selectively preying on these beetles, so this could be a behavioural response to living in an biospherically scant habitat like an artificial pine forest! He's going to submit the observation to an ornithological journal, in case some gull-loving graduate down the track decides to put together a research proposal for studying how gull feeding patterns vary over space and time or what have you, and needs stuff in scientific journals to show that there's cool things up worth studying.
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
I'd probably have to request he put up a separate PDF of it, as Notornis (The journal he'd be submitting it to) shoves their less-than-one-year old stuff behind a membership paywall.

It looks like people can submit any old observation of interest as a Short Note, though. Anything on this page with a single/two-page count would be the kind of submission we're talking about, although obviously people submit the findings from robustly-designed studies and junk, too.
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
I didn't know gulls could eat that many things.
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
american woodcocks are weird-lookin' but they sure are good dancers

[Image: 3yNaXJJ.jpg]
[Image: djssrNf.jpg]

here's horse the australian magpie, who is old (not sure HOW old but he must be getting there at this point)
he likes sunbathing and has his own specific spot where he does it
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
(05-13-2016, 06:57 AM)Wheat Wrote: »american weirdcock

[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
yeah you can't convince me that that bird actually makes those sounds
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
[Image: 5r0mxxE.jpg?1]

a very confused crow (australian raven) that got stuck in my aunt's greenhouse

it had a friend in there with it but it figured out how to get out the door
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
update: there was a willie wagtail in it this time

[Image: ABgYDMK.jpg?1]
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
who designed this bird
RE: Aviary (birds birds)

it is i

your hawkreator,
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
(05-25-2017, 06:58 AM)Wheat Wrote: »five more fatbirds to add to this thread's original mission of a thousand fat mourning doves:

[Image: oZLYhJ.jpg]
[Image: MlaGT7.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_inline_oqhw92bEn81r80s5t_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_inline_oqhvz0gAoh1r80s5t_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_inline_oqhw88J3wW1r80s5t_500.jpg]

oh wait i already posted the nesting fatbird in this thread. only 4 new fatbirds.

Shhh they're big boned stop bullying the birbs
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RE: Aviary (birds birds)
crows <3
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
i am amaze
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
Help needed: what bird make sound?