Roast Quest

Roast Quest
RE: Roast Quest
Jump on the sharp meats.
i'm a rad teen, confirmed good dog, and i try to do things sometimes.
RE: Roast Quest
>pick up the rock and use it to smash the sharp ones, rock beats scizzors!
RE: Roast Quest
Use your newfound GRAB trait, pick up one of the sharp things in your mouth and smash them against the rock to expose the meat inside. Repeat with the other.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Roast Quest
>find out what the sharp ones eat and poison the food supply
RE: Roast Quest
once youve killed one, dont eat its armour, break it on the rock you smashed your head on

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Roast Quest
and then also inhale and just get more food again

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Roast Quest
> Look closer at the sharp ones.

[Image: 14.png]
You lean in to get a better look. The sharp one is comprised of a soft gelatinous exterior and a thin spindly interior.
The "brain" inside has little offshoot needles that it uses to move. These needles drip with... something. Probably a poison of some sort.
There are also some extra vents on the brain. You're not sure what they do.
It doesn't have a shell, so it should be easy enough to attack.

[Image: 15.png]
In response, the sharp one begins to vibrate.
Already cautious, Lil' Critter takes a step back.

[Image: 16.png]
The vent spews red liquid, thrusting your prey forward with incredible force!
Lil' Critter is lucky that he was cautious, or else those needles would have slashed him on the face.

Quote:> Kill it with the rock.

[Image: 17.png]
Lil' Critter is just going to pretend he planned that.

[Image: 18.png]
The impact has smashed the sharp one open.
Lil' Critter drinks the now-bloodied water.
The carcass was gross and chewy.

[Image: protein2.png]
Your protein points skyrocket!
You have unlocked two mutation points.

[Image: 19.png]
Lil' Critter realizes he can't just depend on his environment for tools! 
The way he handled that enemy was great, but he can't always expect a lucky rock to smash his foes.
What he needs, Lil' Critter thinks, is mutations that allow him to get by on his own power.

But what?
> __

RE: Roast Quest
>grow a scorpion tail
RE: Roast Quest
>get one of those Parasaurolophus head-fin things
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RE: Roast Quest
Armored forehead to tackle things head-on
RE: Roast Quest
Legs + hooves. It's basically big rocks you can swing around.

If that counts as just one mutation, then also add bony plates for defense.
RE: Roast Quest
>Claws and spines.
RE: Roast Quest
Upgrade the potency of your venom and give yourself claws.
...No one's around to help...
RE: Roast Quest
Get some insect-like mandibles so you can get PIERCE-type and/or CRUSH-type damage. Keep the venom just because.
Additionally, elongate these mandibles so you can have a spacing-strategy attack with a disjointed hitbox, so you don't risk getting countered and punished.
In normal terms, long grabby mandibles that keep enemies away from you but keep you able to attack them.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Roast Quest
an upgraded protein recepticale, one that is designed for meat., thus incresing protien gained by 2 times, thus more mutations, thus more of your guyses things can be used :)

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Roast Quest
>Legs like those the red thing had.
No more wriggling or scuttling around on the millions of tiny limbs you have or however it is you got about before for you!
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Roast Quest
Huge buff arms with spikes on the end of them.
i'm a rad teen, confirmed good dog, and i try to do things sometimes.
RE: Roast Quest
> Arms made out of lucky rocks.
RE: Roast Quest
Claws for improved dexterity.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Roast Quest
>A nose or antenas with a better sense of smell to track prey and incoming danger over long distances
RE: Roast Quest
> Tentacles!
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Roast Quest
>get hands, so you can bend the environment to your whim
RE: Roast Quest
Grow an arm on your back, and then give it fingers to strangle your prey.
RE: Roast Quest
Color shifting skin, to better blend in with your environment.

[Image: 8HyFJgv.png]

hey does anyone know unicorn medicine
my child ate a music box help
RE: Roast Quest
Evolve a better metabolism, for increased mutation gain in the future or some claw-hands.