
RE: Waterworks
>Jump in the dark liquid, hide yourself.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Waterworks
>Do a bunch of ridiculous poses as you fall. If the liquid kills you, then you're going to die in glory.

>Suddenly, someone is anticipating your arrival.
>Cue monologue.
RE: Waterworks
>give up
(I hope these commands aren't annoying or anything. Basically, since this is the hivemind controlling Connie, I don't want them to get away. I understand that might be too meta/roleplay-ey for this adventure though, since the reader commands don't really canonically exist like they do for some adventures)
RE: Waterworks
>███████: Continue to go forward, that stuff might be dangerous. Worth noting it, though...
RE: Waterworks
>Does the dark liquid remind you of anythng ?

>Cotinue over the bridge
RE: Waterworks
(07-16-2018, 07:57 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »>give up
(I hope these commands aren't annoying or anything. Basically, since this is the hivemind controlling Connie, I don't want them to get away. I understand that might be too meta/roleplay-ey for this adventure though, since the reader commands don't really canonically exist like they do for some adventures)

... I'm pretty sure that's not what's actually happening. This is a memory, remember? It's likely not necessarily one of Connie's memories, though...

All we know is that Connie set aside a memory she found while she was looking over all of time and space, and gave it to her Superego to give to her in case everything went shitfaced. It did, so her Superego gave it to her. Right now, to me, it looks like this is a memory from the Hivemind's past, so it might be best to just play along for now.

Speaking of which...
>[Image: 2788b.gif]: That dark stuff looks like it could make a good hiding place if anyone shows up. Then again, if you need to hide, you can probably just climb up the walls...
>[Image: 2788b.gif]: Can you see anything else? Try looking up.
RE: Waterworks
>2788b: Do a flip as you dive in
RE: Waterworks
(07-16-2018, 05:12 AM)LammarWesley Wrote: »>Jump in the dark liquid, hide yourself.

[Image: 2795.gif]

You don't know what that liquid is, it doesn't look safe-


[Image: 2796.png]


[Image: 2797.gif]

that's new

[Image: 2798.gif]

[Image: 2799.gif]

[Image: 2800.gif]

This is it.
RE: Waterworks
>███████: Congratulations! You are now a parent
>███████: Protect it with your life.
RE: Waterworks
>Quick! Try to catch more! Maybe you can save them!
>Scurry off into the darknes
>Security: Arrive fashionably late
RE: Waterworks
>Get two more of those and you can start up a juggling act.
RE: Waterworks
>You will call him █████-███. You wil raise him good !
RE: Waterworks
>tasty. eat it.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Waterworks
(07-21-2018, 09:12 AM)konstantin3001 Wrote: »>███████: Congratulations! You are now a parent
>███████: Protect it with your life.

I second both of these.
RE: Waterworks
(07-21-2018, 09:58 AM)GuardianTempest Wrote: »>Security: Arrive fashionably late

[Image: 2801.gif]

[Image: 2802.gif]

A scientist.

[Image: 2803.gif]

[Image: 2804.gif]

And... a subject!

[Image: 2805.gif]

You've got a choice to make.

You can push past the scientist, but you wouldn't know where to go afterwards. You can turn back, but you'll need to get past the subject. Or rather, their harpoon.

[Image: 2806.gif]

You need to get back.

RE: Waterworks
>Subject: You anticipated this, you know how they move more than anyone. Stab through the floor with your harpoon.
RE: Waterworks
>███████: Do you still have that caviar fruit with you?
RE: Waterworks
>Why do things halfway, grab the scientist and use him as a shield. The subject doesn't have the guts to take the shot, I bet.
RE: Waterworks
>Harpoons are made for piercing, after all. I doubt the walkway will stop it
RE: Waterworks
(08-18-2018, 07:49 AM)GuardianTempest Wrote: »>Subject: You anticipated this, you know how they move more than anyone. Stab through the floor with your harpoon.

[Image: 2807.gif]

[Image: 2808.gif]

[Image: 2809.png]

I didn’t know what to expect when I hit the surface. The liquid’s properties had betrayed its appearance. I was enveloped instantly.

[Image: 2810.png]

It didn’t take long for the burning to start, and soon enough my entire body was covered in fire; the substance was eating away at my flesh with increasing efficiency. I tried to swim to the surface and climb out. A blade broke through, but the fluid thickened, weighing it down and pulling it back under.

[Image: 2811.png]

As I fought, there was a numbness growing underneath the-

Underneath the- Wait a moment.

[Image: 2812.png]

What are you doing here?

[Image: 2813.png]

[Image: 2814.png]

[Image: 2815.png]
RE: Waterworks
"I appreciate the offer more now and all, but now that I look at your past, maybe there is something we both have to learn.

Out there... somewhere, are people I really do care about that don't want to absorb my consciousness. If joining means hurting them then I can't. Even in here, it still feels... lonely. And we both know that being lonely together won't change that. Friendship isn't something you can force or bribe or steal and there's more to life than being a hunter... or the hunted. I can change. I have changed. We can.

Accept me and end this vicious cycle. Please."

>Show them what you've learnt
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Waterworks
(09-07-2018, 08:36 AM)Wheat Wrote: »
(09-07-2018, 07:42 AM)CSJ Wrote: »>Show them what you've learnt

this means challenging them to a dance-off

i don't see anything wrong with that.
RE: Waterworks
>CC: "Yeah see, it just isn't going to work between us. It's not you, it's me. I just feel like we want different things in life, like we're going different places you know? Don't feel bad though, I wish you the best with whoever you try to assimilate next."
RE: Waterworks
>CC: "I mean it has it's perks... but like I've really gotten attached to this whole personal identity thing... I'd like to hold onto that."
RE: Waterworks
"The monster look is pretty sick but I shouldn't let affect my descision"