
RE: Waterworks
Is that how he is somehow from an entirely alien culture, yet believes he didn't leave the planet?
RE: Waterworks
Dang it, I'm missing so much! I thought there wouldn't be any updates but clearly I'm an idiot who should be watching the thread like a hawk!

>Connie: Be unfazed, nodding your head while saying that you understand it completely
>Connie: Don't actually understand a thing.
RE: Waterworks
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RE: Waterworks
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RE: Waterworks
So it seems during our subconscious tussle we've been dumped into the ethereal abyss, either that or it was intentional on Slick's part to separate us.

>Reframe the explanation into something Connie understand
>Since we're outside the universe and a lot of things can be done, try to experiment how much power you really have now
>Time for that cosmetic upgrade you've always been wanting, but were too poor to afford (wink wink)
>Superego: Since none of this matters, please assume a prettier form
RE: Waterworks
>So if you're outside the universe, how do you get back in?
RE: Waterworks
>So am I still outside the universe? Or did I get back in the universe?? Was this the background info to the story, or was all that other stuff the background info to the fact that I'm outside the universe???

>Well either way, Suppose we should get back to that comfy metaphorical theater.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Waterworks
>Be Slick for just long enough to regret doing so.
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Waterworks
>Great, your own mind is sassing you...
>Considering she knows and thinks everything you do, if she sasses you again, you could always threaten to douse her in mental toilet water.
RE: Waterworks
>So wait Am I remembering the space outside the universe I crossed into when I fell into that water puddle way back and blacked out before waking up near a vat ? Or did Iactualy ell into a portal hopper in 'real life' and I'm perieving this somehow ?

>Also still doesn't explain why letting go would help anything.
RE: Waterworks
Does this mean you're aware of the outside world right now?
RE: Waterworks
(03-27-2018, 11:14 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Does this mean you're aware of the outside world right now?
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...Your mood ring? As in, your actual real-life mood ring?
RE: Waterworks
> Name the mp3 player. You have a feeling, you'll need something for you to calm down very soon.
RE: Waterworks
>The shotgun, a.k.a. The Problem Solver.
RE: Waterworks
Ok. I’m starting to get this now.

Connie experienced something when she fell into the water tank that interacted with dimensons that the human mind was not built to be able to properly percieve. She’s therefore only dimly cognizant of it because her mind isn’t properly capable of understanding what occurred to her. This manifested itself in the illusion of memory loss, since she doesn’t have the capacity to interpret the events as they truely happened.

The real question is not “What happened?” but “HOW did this happen?”

None of the explainations given thus far clarified how a seemingly ordinary human (No offense, Connie) should have been able to do what Slick only seemed capable of doing with insanely advanced technology. And the only contact Connie had with Slick while/immediately before it went on was when she was kicked in the head by him. Which in fairness is less likely to unlock super powers as it is to give Connie a concussion.

I suppose “What happened?” may still also be relevant, since we don’t really know how Connie avoided drowning or what the repercussions of what Connie did are, but it feels more important to establish how Connie was capable of doing anything supernatural at all first.
RE: Waterworks
Yes that would be this moment way back:

after this:

When Jose and Conie where both falling after the 'slick kick' way back then, Slick use a technique called 'puddle sanctuary' to save them both.

I had kind of forgotten she did woke up during the teleport. Thing is tho.. wouldn't it mean Jose has the same kind of experience as well ? He was wide awake when he fell himself in the 'water'.

>Go with the MP3 player.
RE: Waterworks
We know that ID's what's up with the shotgun. Maybe superego will make a useful comment on the player. Probably not though.
RE: Waterworks
"You need to let yourself go" - Superego

The ring makes no comprehensible sense. Every item in the ring is much larger than the ring. Connie's body temperature apparently fluctuates between boiling (shotgun) and freezing (mp3 player) very quickly as her mood shifts. Despite being incapable of retrieving items of other moods, we can still check an entirely meta-universal gui to even know the Shotgun is there. Why should your current emotion determine the contents of a ring, anyway?

Hell, how does the Axe work? Where does Flush get the cardboard? How did Connie cut a circular hole in the wall of the Waterworks without tools? How is Tubs' pillar so durable? Why are you occasionally able to respond directly to prompts? How does the black goo's interaction with water even work?

The answer to all these questions is that it doesn't matter. It never mattered. Nobody ever asked or wanted to know the answer to these questions. You let it go, and treat it as the most obvious thing in the world. It has always worked that way, the why and how are meaningless. The same applies to being outside the universe.

You don't get it because there's nothing to get. You're outside the universe, and you're about to be watching a universe projected onto a screen.

Who cares if it makes any sense at all?

Let yourself go.
RE: Waterworks
I can't believe connie became post-retcon john eggbert
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Waterworks
(03-30-2018, 08:59 AM)konstantin3001 Wrote: »> Name the mp3 player.
[Image: 2721.gif]

[Image: 2722.gif]

[Image: 2723.gif]
Behold? Seriously? And what are you even beholding.

[Image: 2724.gif]
Oh. Uh... Whoa. You can see all of your MP3 player at once. Even the insides.

RE: Waterworks
>Do the tunes sound any different? This is vital information.
RE: Waterworks
RE: Waterworks
>Go do the same thing to a candybar. Now is a once in a lifetime chance to eat a multidimensional snack.
RE: Waterworks
> Are we four-dimensional? (spatially, smart-ass)
RE: Waterworks
>CC: Behold yourself now, try to see all of YOU.