Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen

Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Viss: Use the Match cheat.
>Alice:Use Tidal Wave, nothing beats tidal wave.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> Alice, rock, rock, cherry bomb
> Viss, cheat match, cheat match, oh my God just throw paper already.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
They shook their fists up and down.


Viss' eyes focused just a little bit-at the end of two. Alice was already forming paper. She would just throw rock and-


Viss stared. Both of them threw rock. Was she so tired that her eyes were not working well?

Okay, she was definitely throwing paper this time! RrRRrrrRrrrr---

Viss stared into Alice's eyes. There it was. The coldness. The disappointment. Alice stood there and held her fist out. Rock. She somehow threw rock again. Viss wondered what strange magic Alice had learned from Empty that allowed her to do this.
For a brief moment, Viss felt something inside her falter. She could just- open her mouth, and take the tie. She could just walk away. Apologize to Qhen. Tell Qhen the truth. Tell Qhen who killed the Captain. Tell Qhen who did it- Tell Qhen-

Tell them that you were so terrified of losing them that you killed just to keep them forever. You killed so many times- at first, just to make sure that Qhen would never have to fight in the Pits. You became infamous. If you wanted to taste the bite of the Death Drake, you need only set your sights on that aberration that she followed. Then they got out. She didn't need to fight anymore. They just did their job on the airship.

But the Captain just had to like Qhen and Viss. They reminded him of when he was young. Said that Qhen had the eyes of an explorer and the heart of a wanderer, Viss had the eyes of a beast, but the heart of a warrior. She wondered what he saw that night. Was it warrior, or beast. . .?

Viss' eyes began to burn. Feelings began to rise up in her chest again. Her eyes squeezed shut and she brought her arm back. . .
Her fist sailed straight for Alice's face- Rock. A punch. Her fist. Her feelings. She did not hate Alice because she did anything wrong. She hated Alice because Alice didn't hate her back.


Viss opened her eyes.

Blood. . . . Blood?

Alice's hand was bleeding. She met Viss' punch dead on with her own fist, with such intensity that her knuckles had split open. Viss could smell her blood. Just like Alice's personality, it was sickeningly sweet smelling.
Alice's thumb began to slowly descend- Oh. Like the fuse on a-
Alice brought her thumb down, and pulled her fist back. Viss dropped her arm. She closed her eyes. Just do it. End this farce. Break her illusion of power, of control. Ruin everything because you're just TOO GOOD TO LET THINGS BE-

Viss felt the breeze pass by the side of her head. The next thing she knew-

She was being kissed.

. . .

That moment lasted for an uncomfortable, infinite second- before Alice put Viss back down.
Viss jumped at Alice. Alice swung again, and this time, it connected. The two of them began to strike each other. Alice couldn't tell if Viss was crying with anger, sadness, or laughter.

Meanwhile, Empty and ENVIOUS faced each other.
ENVIOUS's hood tilted down. It's flames were little more than a cloud of smoke now. It's heart had calmed. It's tattered appearance even resembled flames now, twisted and random holes, frayed edges. . . It reminded itself of Viss. They glanced back to Empty.
ENVIOUS extended an arm of smoke, with veins of fire running through it, like burning coals made out of clouds. . . Empty stared at the extended hand, then reached out with a limb of fog-

ENVIOUS suddenly was all alone. They were alone, in an endless expanse of stars- No- They were just looking at-

Empty let go. ENVIOUS retracted it's arm quickly, and warmed itself on it's own flames.
Alice and Viss lay on the floor, panting, and crying, and laughing, and coughing. They were truly out of energy now, they had expended everything they had in that last fight, and it was little more than a brawl.

Viss was impressed. Alice could certainly hold her own. She was trained. So why did she live here, by herself? She could have left at any time. She could have explored the world. Was it because- this was her world? This little, insignificant island? The Imperial Sphere was massive these days. She may not even know how big it truly is anymore. Her island probably housed a thousand people. A small farm. A forest with wild animals. Some caves. . . and like the speck of sand, it was nothing.

Alice watched Viss. Viss had gone silent, and was thinking. Alice looked away. She wondered, if Viss told Qhen the truth, would they still be friends? Would Qhen leave? If Qhen left, would Viss leave too? All that fighting, all that struggling to try and learn who these two were, and she realized there was a non-zero chance that she might never see them again.

Viss got up, and walked for the exit- stumbled for the exit. When she opened the door, Qhen was there. Waiting. Viss looked up at Qhen. Qhen stepped away, and Viss walked out and closed the door behind her.

Alice laid there on the floor, in a mingling pool of her and viss' blood, sweat and tears. Alice rolled out of it and flopped on the floor again. She was so tired. She would close her eyes. Just for a moment. Not sleep. Just- A nap. No dreams necessary. No dreams. . .

She woke up:

( ) On the floor of the voidspace where she collapsed.
( ) In bed.
( ) In grass.
( ) In space.
( ) In the arms of (Qhen/Viss)
( ) Alone.
( ) [?]
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
she's with Viss of course
the yuri gods demand it
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>In bed. Viss and Qhen are there too. You're all tangled together, same as last time, only now it's worse since there are three of you. Alice, with the two of them piled on top of you, your EVERYTHING is asleep. Qhen's morning breath is actually worse this time, and Viss, oh great, Viss grinds her teeth while she sleeps. Really, really, REALLY loudly. She also snores. Why does this keep happening? Is every morning for the rest of your life going to be like this? Probably.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> in the grass. It's clear out, the wind is nice if not a little chilly, blowing the clouds around above Alice. If she looks up and to the left and right, Viss and Qhen are both sleeping nearby. The trio form a triangle in the grass. It's almost an anime ending sequence up in here.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
A cool breeze drifted across Alice's cheek. She slowly opened her eyes, and found herself in a grassy field. Sitting up, she looked around, and saw that the grass stretched out in all directions. A dream then. Oh well. At least she wasn't alone. Qhen and Viss were nearby. In fact, the way she was laying down, the three of them had been making a triangle with their bodies.

She got up as quietly as she could, when she heard a sound.

Viss let out another small sound. It was like she was crying. Alice leaned down and pat her on the top of the head, and she stopped. Alice looked at Qhen, and patted them as well, and Qhen looked a little more relaxed. She would let them sleep. Hopefully they were having dreams within their dreams, and thus would not have to wake up here.

That way, by the time they next woke up, she would be long gone.
Alice walked a distance away. In her mind, she was forming the land, and found the spot she wanted.

She had created a cliff. She walked out to the furthest point, and looked down into the void of clouds. She sat. Empty floated up behind her, and went no further.
Alice slowly stood up. She looked down into the endless void. Then she looked to Empty. They extended a limb to Alice. She took it's hand- and her hands began to glow.
She walked slowly. She thought about what she was doing. She actually thought pretty hard on it- and every time, she came to the same conclusion.

She was too dangerous. Qhen and Viss- In standard on on one combat, they could both easily beat her. After getting a good look at their bone structure, she's not even sure if she would do any serious damage with anything less than an anti-armor shell- and she would never use something like that on Qhen. Even if they were trying to kill her. . . . Why did she think that?

Viss could, and possibly might just kill her one day. Alice thought on that. The thought didn't even worry her for a moment. Hm. A normal person would probably talk about that. She decided to just forget it instead. No, worse than that- If it was Viss. . . Would she mind dying? . . . Where- what are these thoughts?

But if she allowed these feelings to take her over- these dark feelings that Empty can't even take away from her. . . What she saw while she was Empty Alice. . . She could kill them. She would kill them. She would kill them, to spare them the suffering of living. Then what? She would probably kill the crew of the Brasstack too. Then what?

. . .Alice looked at her hands again. She looked down at her feet, at Qhen and Viss. The colder breeze had caused Viss to roll closer to Qhen, and snuggle up against them. Qhen had put an arm over them. What then?

What if- What if she had to die? No- that's not the answer. That probably would just be giving in to the darkness. She probably wouldn't even get her gun drawn before the mere intent to carry that out caused her to change.

So what was left? Her hands. She could place them on Qhen and Viss, and command them to forget. Or...

. . .A person is a collection of memories. Their name is something that they learn from others. If a person spent no time around other people, what would they even know? Her hands. The power Empty gave her. Empty could already understand her intentions. They wouldn't stop her. That's not what they do. That's what makes Empty so insidious.

Empty just watched Alice. Alice looked at Empty. She brought her hands up, just a little bit. Empty didn't respond. She brought them up to her cheeks. Nothing. Her hands fell onto the top of her head. Empty just stared. Yes. This is why Empty, and by association, why SHE was dangerous.

Empty believed in allowing Alice to choose whatever she wanted in life.

Even if that choice was something akin to death. She took in a deep breath.
Empty- Did they twitch just now? Alice searched their face- their hood, for anything. Some sort of abnormality that would indicate that what Alice said was incorrect. But she saw nothing. Just the same Empty.
. . .

Qhen and Viss were holding onto Alice's hands tightly. They looked into her eyes. They were searching. For recognition. For anything. Anything that would indicate that they had somehow stopped her in time. She stared at them blankly. Viss' jaw slackened a little, and she made a small, high pitched hissing whine.

. . .
Alice began to laugh to herself. Qhen and Viss looked at her, and each other, and started to laugh as well.
Alice placed her hands on their foreheads.
They stared blankly at Alice. Viss raised a ridge over an eye.
Damnit. Damnit- Damnit- Damnit- Damnit DAMNIT-
Alice laid in bed, wide awake. Qhen was on one side of her, holding tightly onto her arm. Viss was doing the same, on the other side. Qhen's breath was actually pretty alright right now. It smelled minty. Viss on the other hand- Viss apparently whipped her tail around when she was sleeping. Also she flicked her tongue a lot. At least she didn't grind her teeth or something annoying like that.

But still- . . . Alice thought about what she had done to these two that had trusted her- seemingly unconditionally. How does that happen? WHY does that happen? How could they even do that?! She- She wasn't sure what she expected. Maybe she actually expected Empty to have been testing her. That it would all just be fake.

But it wasn't. She did what she did- and now she had to live with it.

Except- . . . She could already feel the tears, and she couldn't stop them, not with her arms pinned. So she cried. She could not remember the last time she cried so hard- But she couldn't stop- Until Qhen leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.
Qhen quickly sat up and turned away, coughing to themselves.
Right. Alice just pulled her blanket over her head, and began to cry again. Damnit. Why didn't she just- Why didn't she just wipe her own memories? She curled up into a ball. Why didn't she just wipe their memories? Why did she tell them-
Viss' face pressed tightly to Alice's- and- oh my god- was that her tongue?! HOLD ON- Hold on HOLD- WAIT- WAIT-
Qhen tipped a hand under Alice's chin, and kissed her on the lips. Just for a moment, before they were at the door. Viss was already climbing out of bed, her dagger in hand.
. . . Everything was a mess. Her room was a mess. Her bed was a mess. She could hear a mess taking place downstairs- then out the door, then on her front lawn, then down into town. Her hair was a mess. Her clothes were- not a mess. SPEAKING OF- Who keeps changing her into her Pajamas?! If the answer is anything but "Empty" or "Herself, sleep walking", Alice was going to have some words for those two and-

And her heart was a mess. What just happened? She tried to go over it all in her head. It was hard to concentrate.

. . . She just had her first real kiss. That was always an important moment in her romance novels. It was always something that they would never forget. She was- Pretty sure she wouldn't forget either. Mainly because-

. . . Viss' tongue really is kinda spicy. Not in a bad way though. Sigh.

No- you know what? She's going back to bed. She will deal with this all when she's had time to sort out her thoughts and- her mind- and- her heart and-

. . . That means get out, Universe. Go bug Qhen and Viss or something.

Good night, Everyone.

= = = Chapter 1 End = = =

I think, it is time that we took a tiny break. Just a tiny one. Long enough for Alice to rest. Long enough for you to get over that emotional train wreck of a post.


For now, you can interrogate Empty some more. How does that sound? Ask them more questions, now that you have more information, and after a round of that, I'll bring you back into the world of CloudSea. Empty?

Empty Wrote:" Would you all care to join me for a drink? "
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
(Honestly, you're writing isn't terrible!! It's one of the things I look forward to seeing pretty often! :D)

> Hi Empty!! Again. Do you think you can make a milkshake for me?
> Also, here's two questions.
> Did you let Envy live? I might have misinterpreted what I saw, but..
> Secondly, why on earth would you give Alice that power?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
(I agreeee!)

> Sweet dreams, Alice

> Would I ever, Empty! Wow.. That was, quite the roller coaster. Oh, strawberry soda please.
> So, were you actually testing Alice? They didn't forget. Or is that something that only works in the dreamscape?
> How long HAVE you been watching her?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Nighty-night, Alice. May your dreams be filled with out of date comedians.
>A drink? The usual, please. A barbecue sauce with a grapefruit wedge, shaken, not stirred.
>Say Empty, have we been helpful? Us voices, I mean? Always a bit of a wildcard trusting wayward voices from the ether. I approve of wildcards in all forms, naturally, but do you?
>I think I see what you did there, "To truly test the mettle of a man, give him power." Do you have an endgame? Like how you're hoping these events play out? You don't need to answer if you don't want to. Act like you don't have a plan when you do and do when you don't, am I right?
(Don't be so hard on yourself. Your writing style is swell.)
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
I mean, I could ask about your background or waht ramifications you think this'll have or even aout the origins of the world.
But, I have a much, Much more important question that needs answering

How much do you ship VissxAlicexQhen? One being "I am an idiot with no taste in good romance" Ten Being "The One True OT3"

and if you can rustle up something that's mildly alcoholic and tastes of blueberries then Hot diggedy dang
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> Vodka/orange juice mix out of a very pink high heel shoe. Definitely gotta have that crushed cucumber, too.
> So I assume you know more of your combined void powers than Alice does, correct? Please explain what you can.
> What was Alice talking about, with the illusory powers she had as a child? I assume it caused some confusion.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
(07-20-2017, 12:34 AM)Zephyr Nepres Wrote: »> What was Alice talking about, with the illusory powers she had as a child? I assume it caused some confusion.
Secoo'nding this question.

Anyway, I'm down for a bellini and a sneak peak into the CloudSea Official Universe Guide, if you can slide some character profiles my way? I need to know Alice's blood type.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen

(While I work on the post, please, enjoy the piece of music I found for the setting feel.)

(I hope you like modern Jazz?)
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
What was the deal with Empty turning into the red dude (who was supposed to be dead) and then possessing Qhen but somehow not possessing them forever? I thought that if it came back, it would have taken control completely, and then killed Alice.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
The waiter came up to the table, a faceless, featureless blob of color in a nice shirt, vest and slacks. They sat down drinks in front of everyone.

A plain ol vanilla milkshake, in lieu of anything specific.
A glass of strawberry soda.
A bottle of barbecue sauce, shaken at the table for the drinker's verification, and a plate of grapefruit wedges.
A blueberry daiquiri.
A. . . screwdriver, served in a high heel shoe that is so pink that the color being described cannot be displayed on your screen. This one actually really confused the barman. They were not sure where you wanted the drink, so it's in a highball glass, is then gently and carefully wedged into the shoe. Whatever you do from here is on you. Oh and some crushed cucumber in a much smaller glass, which is wedged in the shoe with the other glass.
I had to look up what a bellini is. This sounds pretty dang tasty.

Empty already had a glass of coffee, which they stirred with a tiny spoon, being held my one of the ghostly arms that comes off of it's back from time to time. They also followed through with what they said they would do last time, and brought you each a robe. They're all grey, but they have your names sewn into them so if you wear them properly, your name is just below your shoulder. Like a nice little name tag. Isn't that- swell.

The cafe was pretty nice. It would probably feel like a real setting from the story, if it wasn't for the fact that all the people milling around were featureless blobs of colors in clothes. Except for the barman, who was clearly so short that in order to look over the bar, he was up on a stool. Cross-legged.

Honestly, he could barely reach any of the bottles and things- not that he needed to. He seemed to be mildly psychic- and by mildly, I mean that he appears to be constantly angry, and is poltergeist-ing things around himself at all times. Glass. Ice. Drink. Serve. Shaker. Ice. Liquid, Liquid, Liquid. Shake. Strain. Serve. It was pretty fascinating to watch really.

Also he had a fantastic hat. It was a large, wide brimmed hat. . . A galero? Yeah. A grey galero, with two long tassels that hung down the sides of the hat and over his shoulders. At the end of each tassel was a tiny bottle.

Empty tapped their coffee cup with their spoon, to bring everyone's attention back towards the table. In the background, there was a formless band playing music. Still jazz, although the content had changed slightly. It might sound familiar.

( I hope you all appreciate the ambience. It took some time to set this all up. I had to borrow another voidspace to build all this, even. Welcome to tonight's Q and A event. I am your host, Empty. Let's get started, shall we? )

wiltingMyosotis Wrote:"Did you let Envy live? I might have misinterpreted what I saw, but.."
( I did not not kill Envy, if that is what you are asking. That is not for me to decide. I am concerned only with Alice's well being. To be more direct, they continue to exist, as they are a part of Viss, and one does not shed something like a muse so easily. )

Lordlyhour Wrote:"How much do you ship VissxAlicexQhen? One being 'I am an idiot with no taste in good romance' Ten Being 'The One True OT3'"
( . . . I could never place a value on Alice's happiness. Whatever she chooses to do with her life is her decision and hers alone. I support any and all decisions she makes. That is my job, as her muse. )

Zephyr Nepres Wrote:"So I assume you know more of your combined void powers than Alice does, correct? Please explain what you can."
( That is a fairly. . . broad question. Also one that is hard to answer. I know more than Alice does, but she knows more than I do, as well. Our combined void powers are just that. Combined. They do not properly function unless we are properly aligned, two sides of the same edge-less coin. Can you be a bit more specific, please? )

Zephyr Nepres, seconded by Tuesday Wrote:"What was Alice talking about, with the illusory powers she had as a child? I assume it caused some confusion."
( Oh, yes. It hasn't really been brought up at all, except at the beginning of her adventure, but Alice does have mild magical ability, naturally. I merely gave her a facet of my powers- like the lens of an eyepiece- that allowed her to view the world how she wanted to see it, and thus make her imagination manifest itself. Who knows if she even retains that power now. Perhaps not, now that she is aware of me. )

A-cha Wrote:"How long HAVE you been watching her? "
( That- is a difficult question to answer. Not only do I, once again, view time differently than the rest of you, but I also cannot honestly be sure. I am aware of things I did before Alice was aware of me- but. . . Only the details that directly pertain to interacting with her. Have I always been there? Did I only exist when she could see me? I apologize, but I do not have an answer for this. )

wiltingMyosotis, A-cha and typeandkey Wrote:"WHAT WAS UP WITH THE MIND ERASER THING?"
. . . Empty had lifted their coffee cup up. They paused, and then brought it up to their hood. There was a quiet, gentle sip, to test the temperature, and then they began to drink. They put the half empty cup back down, and began to stir it again.
( If you really want to hear the answer to that particular little riddle, I can tell you. I do not think you will find the answer satisfying, but I have one. )

a52 Wrote:"What was the deal with Empty turning into the red dude (who was supposed to be dead) and then possessing Qhen but somehow not possessing them forever? I thought that if it came back, it would have taken control completely, and then killed Alice."
( Ah- That is- an interesting interpretation of events. And- Not at all incorrect. As I mentioned earlier, a muse is not so easy to kill. But in this case, due to Qhen's unique mentality, and also a desire not to summon Free on their own again, I had to- lead them to the correct answer. What you saw was not me turning into Free, but me invoking Free in Qhen's mind, during which time I vanished, as I was no longer needed. Also, if ANTI-HEROES had come back, it probably would have tried to kill Alice, yes. It was very lucky then, that Qhen identified their desires, rather than their darkness. )

typeandkey Wrote:"Say Empty, have we been helpful? Us voices, I mean? Always a bit of a wildcard trusting wayward voices from the ether. I approve of wildcards in all forms, naturally, but do you?"
( Well, Alice is still alive, she has not succumbed to her darkness once, and she has managed to save two others from their own darkness, in a manner of speaking. It is not in me to make an assessment of you. If Alice continues to listen to your words, then you must be doing a good job. It does not matter what your motivation is, as long as Alice approves, I see no reason to do anything about it. )

Tuesday Wrote:"(. . .) I need to know Alice's blood type."
( . . . Alice is blood type AB. Do you also want to know her height, weight, and three sizes as well? I swear, some people. )

Empty placed their empty cup back down on their platter. A waiter came over and snatched it up, and took it over to the bar, where that angry little barman was levitating a coffee making apparatus at present.

( Thank you for your questions. I am aware that we still have some more time before it is time for Alice to awaken. Do you have any more or new questions? Also, I have a couple questions of my own. )

( What do you think Alice should do from here on out? Should she follow her own dreams? What if her dreams are to just stay on the island and live peacefully? We all know that is not going to happen, but do her best to live peacefully. Do you think she should pursue a goal? Explore? Go out into the CloudSea? )

( Additionally, take a look around you. Tell me, do any of these people stand out in particular to you? If they do, please, feel free to describe them. One a piece, please, so pick your favorite. )

Meanwhile, Alice tossed and turned. Her mind was a tumultuous mess, swimming with emotions, thoughts, likes, hates, wants, needs, desires. . . All sorts of things she's never really felt before. Her dreams and nightmares were inseparable. Also, completely incomprehensible.

Was this what her life was going to be like now? Hanging out with those two, getting confused at how they acted, then sleeping restlessly while overthinking every little thing she said and did while around them?

. . . Alice was starting to come back around on this whole friendship thing. Was it too late to go back to being standoffish and distrusting?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> I am now putting on this robe and flapping the sleeves. Flap flap.

> You're certainley standing out, Empty.

> I think she should go beyond her limits, and see the world. If she wants to stay on the island, it would be alright, but if anything, she might focus on keeping it 'peaceful'. That might.. be unwell.

> Alice, if anything, there's a greater chance if you turn distrusitng and end your friendship, you will end up missing them. Your life is yours to make, but you can't get a friendship back when you've already ended it. Unless you try really really hard.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Ask away.

>If left her her own devices, it sounds like Alice would prefer to stay in her island home. That's fine and all, but methinks events are conspiring to take her down a different path. Personally, I think she'd benefit by making her home a base or hub that she returns to between trips.

>One person stands out to me. He's a wild-eyed man frantically glancing around in all directions, mumbling profusely about something. He has a strange white hat on his head, dark glasses that obscure his eyes, and a fancy cigarette holder in his mouth. He is also wearing a gaudy, flowery shirt and casual walking shoes. He appears to be a writer, he has a small notepad which he constantly scribbles in. Perhaps he is writing a story about the many specters only he can see. He seems to be clutching onto his drink for dear life, glass in one hand and pen in the other.

>To Alice if she can actually hear us right now and is asking for advice: Too late to go back? Probably not, but why waste this new opportunity? Try going with the flow and see where this new path takes you. If you don't like it, you can always go back to being standoffish and distrusting later. Perhaps, maybe.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> I wiggle into the robe and flip the hood over my head. I like it! Thanks Empty.

> Dreams.. I think she would take the safer route of staying put. I like Typeandkey's idea of a main hub. If they really work at it, the island would be a nice home-hub. I mean, if the brasstacks are cool with that it could be a mini base for them too? Always nice to have a place to rest at.
> Is there a way for Alice to say, connect a doorway to the voidspace that'd lead to the ship AND have one that leads to her pantry? That way she could go home when she wants!
> I think Alice should try and go out with the others, at least to broaden her horizons. Experience a bit more. They can always come back.

> I point and the hood flops a bit as I try to look under it, the sleeve jutting out in a direction. Oh, over there near a group of blobs, I can see white and orange! Oh, Ok. It's a white.. um, bird lady. Tengu I think is the name of the species? A white Tengu with orange tipped feathers. She's not wearing much outside of a wispy sarong and a lot of jingly, shiny, jewelry. Feathers, man, wonderful. She's chit chatting and laughing with a group of the other color masses around her. Looks like she's the life of the party, lil flirty? Very pretty bird. Likes mixed drinks from the look of it.

> Alice, give it time. If anything, maybe ask them to tone it down a little. Or at least let them know how you're feeling. It's not good to be shut away on your own so much..
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Barman, can I have some ice water, mixed with MiracleGro? Ta.

So Free and ANTI-HEROES are actually seperate entities? Or is Free more like a state of mind than a full Muse?

And who cares about everyone else here? What do I look like, that's my question. I hope it's like, a suave, skinny plant person in a snappy leather vest and pinstriped shirt, with big brass goggles, and you look at them and think "Oh, what a handsome, perfectly ordinary if slightly androgynous human being" and then notice the green face and the leaves sticking out of the collar. I wonder if there's a mirror in here anywhere?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
I don that Robe. Would have prefered it in Magenta But it is rude to refuse a gift. And to be honest, Grey is much less eyesearing so I guess I'm sparing the eyes of anyone who ISN'T fond of what is, objectively, the best colour. The Daiquiri is excellent, by the by.

I think Alice'd probably be well off going forth and expanding her Horizons. Books are an excellent way to learn about the world, but the best is to see it with your own two eyes. However, It's really Alice's Call here, don't you think?

As for interesting people, One of the waiters stands out to me. Mainly because of the streak in his Hair. He has good taste in Colour. Or maybe his genetics do. It might be natural for all I know. Either way it's an eyecatch. He's also got studs in the left side of his nose, Right side of his eyebrow and one of those ones that's under the bottom lip. It think they're called Labret piercings? They look like they have some kind of gemstone in them. Carbuncles, maybe? The gem, not the gross boil thing. He looks as though he should be disheveled. To the point where It's a bit of a kick to the brainstem every time I spot him and he isn't

Honestly, he doesn't seem like the sorta guy who'd typically be employed at a swanky place like this. but then. Dream Logic, yes? Not because of how he looks or dresses. It's just thatmHe looks like the sort of guy who's used to having other people get him what HE wants, instead of vice versa. Also the fact that he looks ind of like he dearly wants to punch someone.

Also don't think I didn't notice how you dodged my question. C'mon Empty, Number between One through Ten, inclusive.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> For example, the Coldflare pistol you and Alice combined had equipped. What exactly does it entail? And what is the difference between the rifle of thought and the rifle of will?
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>With regards to Alice's three sizes: um, yes? Of course?? Absolutely??? 'Some people' enjoy our supplementary material, thank you kindly! If I don't get my hands on a mint condition CloudSea Official Guide I'm gonna cry.

>Damn tho, this is one good bellini. Coupled with the robe, I'm tempted to leave this place a 5 star review on DreamYelp. (I flash the barman a thumbs-up.)

>Searching for interesting faces... ah. What about Ms. Tall, Drunk, and Brawny over there? Dark skin, unkempt ponytail? I'd be intimidated if she wasn't utterly failing at impressing that waitress.

Ayy, what? Looks like her right arm's a pimped-out hydraulic prosthetic! I think it complements the tribal tattoos covering her left, what with the aesthetic contrast. That poor waitress. She's flexing now, showing off her sweet ink. Charming, visibly fanged grin she's got, but the waitress is walking away...

People like this make me feel less pathetic. But don't tell her I said that--I don't wanna get beaten up.

>Anyway! Alice should totally go asploring, though I suspect she'd rather stay on her island.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
The music quiets down. The band shifts around. They move stuff around, change seating, instruments, in some cases. Then they begin to play, and once again, the entire tone of the music has changed.

Empty followed their gaze. The man at the bar was indeed clearly in some form of panic. His eyes were going everywhere, one could tell by the way his facial muscles moved, even with those dark, obscuring glasses. His hands never stopped moving. Writing. Taking a drink. More writing. His shirt was odd indeed, pattered oddly, in a style not very common to the Imperial Sphere. He took another drink. The glass was empty. He put it down, and grabbed someone's drink. They went to say something, but the barman stopped them. There was just no reasoning with this literary madman.

The 'bird-lady', henceforth known as a tengu (at least for now) was indeed, looking quite popular. The laughter and chatter coming from that corner of the cafe was only really being beaten out by the occasional sounds of. . . cheering? They were clustered around a table, actually. . . and one of the blobs of color just slumped away- and the tengu has picked up a necklace off the table, shown it off to their companions, and slipped it onto her neck. Curious. Then she picked up a set of dice from the table in her claw, and threw them down. Ah. That makes sense now.

The grumpy looking barman opens an eye for a second, and pans it over to a52. There is a noncommittal grunt, and a glass, some ice, and a pitcher of water swirl around him for a moment, before the three combine into a frosty glass of ice water.

A waiter sporting some... very unusual piercings for someone who supposedly exists in a place within the Imperial Sphere tries to grab the glass, but they step back when the barman gives them a grunt. The waiter puts his hands up, then runs one through his smooth hair, the colored part bouncing back into shape quicker than everything else. Fine, whatever. He picks up a tray and walks past the group, muttering something about 'just a few more weeks'.

He passes by someone who snatches a glass off the tray- a rather snappily dressed androgynous person. Vest. Pinstriped shirt. Brass goggles... A pilot perhaps? Or just someone who appreciates eye-wear. They take a drink, and turn better into a nearby light source. Hm! Green skin, and those ruffles around the collar appear to be leaves. Curious. They finish the drink and put the glass down, before heading over to what is presumably the exit? A door of some kind, and disappear somewhere else.

Sadly, it only takes a moment of examining for a52 to realize they look like everybody else sitting at the table. Grey robe, name written on a tag at the shoulder, and- nothing else. They are invisible. Or not there? A ghost? That's weird. They also lack the 'fog' and 'spooky shadow arms' that Empty has.

. . .On the upside, a52's glass of ice cold water has arrived! It's slightly fizzy though, and slowly clouding. The culprit appears to be a tablet at the bottom of the glass, made of what can only be assumed is miracle gro, or this world's interpretation of that.

The barman, being mentioned in such a way, only nods their head and continues to endlessly float objects around themselves, mixing, merging, pouring, splashing and otherwise manipulating them.


She certainly cut an impressive figure. . . The right arm is built quite well, it barely looks much larger than her left- although she is also quite sturdy in stature already. Interestingly enough, her left arm resembles the right- it takes a moment to realize that the lighting is wrong. . . Those are tattoos! Incredibly detailed, the amount of time required must have been. . . Well, a lot, really. The tattoos even covered her hand, and might have even gone past the shoulder- but she was wearing a heavy sleeveless top and heavy rough-cloth pants. . .

There are stories of 'airship tribals', essentially entire families, an entire village that lives on a single massive airship. . . Or perhaps a series of airships that can all connect together easily? The stories are hardly clear, and while you will occasionally see people that resemble those from the stories, the airships themselves are never seen by the general populace. It's suspected they actually live IN the CloudSea. . .

Oop, oop. Now she's flexing both of her arms at that waitress-shaped blob. It's... pretty clear that this lady wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for the four or five large empty glasses next to her. Even these drunken attempts at pigeon-like posturing seem bashful at heart.

Aaaaand the waitress just reached out and patted her on the shoulder. Her face visibly droops for a split second before she laughs and bows a little. Clearly trying to pass it off as a joke. The waitress leaves a moment later and. . . her face droops again. She sighs visibly, pushes her hair back, readjusting her poorly contained hair, licking a fang idly. She then looks back at her table. . . And sits down. She didn't even get that drink. Sad.

The music starts to grow faint, and the lights start to dim.

( . . . Ah. Alas, my friends, it appears it is time for us to go our separate ways. Thank you for coming. Thank you for spending your time with me. The time would have otherwise been fairly lonely. Not much for me to do with my host asleep. We shall have to do this again sometime. )

And then the lights are gone.

Alice mumbles a little bit to herself. She rubs her eyes and yawns. . .

And immediately reaches for her gun. Which isn't there. She's still in her pajamas, and in a small room. The noise and vibrations tells her it's an airship. What happened while she was sleeping? Sitting up, she quickly looks around. . . Not a bad room. The bed is probably the fanciest thing in here. She heard that most airships didn't have much room for things like an actual mattress.

Locating her clothes, she crawled out of bed and started to change. Hm. Nice of her kidnappers to leave her a change of clothes. . . and all her things.

Wait a minute. Kidnappers? Did the Brasstacks kidnap her? Did Qhen and Viss do this? She thought about that some more- before she was immediately interrupted. Her head turned a little, halfway through putting her undershirt on. Viss was nuzzling her side, and noticing the lack of movement, opened up a single eye and looked up at Alice. Viss was clearly aware of the fact that Alice was going to be angry about this. She looked like she was 'sorry, but not sorry'.

Viss Wrote:"Goodmorning, Aliss. Did you sleep well?"

. . .

( ) Stare blankly at Viss.
( ) Start shouting.
( ) Start screaming.
( ) Start SHOOTING.
( ) Wonder where your life went wrong, immediately realize that it was probably when you died.

- = [ Welcome to Cloudsea - Chapter Two: ] = -

[ Welcome to your life. . .There's no turning back! ]
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
[x] Blank, hollow-eyed stare at Viss. How could this happen to you? You made your mistakes!
