The Shop

The Shop
RE: The Shop
Release Asche from your servitude and observe what he does as a new resident of the Storeroom
RE: The Shop
(07-07-2017, 09:07 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Welp, you asked for it door.
>Mildly forbidden doot time
(Since actually forbidden doot might have terrible consequences for the poor schmuck over there. And our robot here.)

It's forbidden.
Also it'll probably hit everything in the room, regardless of doot level.
Also it's reserved for special occasions. Like ferrero rochers.

Anyways I think we should focus on Frank for now. They're our child now after all. Let's feed them some... what do void birds eat anyway? Dramatic rocks? I'm thinking dramatic rocks. Or garlic, but what if vampire rules?
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: The Shop
(07-07-2017, 01:39 PM)Zephyr Nepres Wrote: »Anyways I think we should focus on Frank for now. They're our child now after all. Let's feed them some... what do void birds eat anyway? Dramatic rocks? I'm thinking dramatic rocks. Or garlic, but what if vampire rules?

Maybe we should ask him
RE: The Shop
>Try flirting with the door.
>Asche: Wake up just in time to see us flirting with a door.
RE: The Shop
Quote:Welp, you asked for it door.
>Mildly forbidden doot time
Quote:NO WE CAN'T.
It's forbidden.
Also it'll probably hit everything in the room, regardless of doot level.
Also it's reserved for special occasions. Like ferrero rochers.

In your hesitation, you blurt out a discorded yodel.

[Image: 152.png?dl=0]

Frank looks at you confused.

Quote:>give the door pinkeye by farting on his eyeball. "Biological warfare, motherfucker."

Frank looks at you concerned.

Quote:Um!! Don't violence in front of the kid!! We have little Frank to take care of now!! Let's teach it our name
Quote:Let's feed them some... what do void birds eat anyway? Dramatic rocks? I'm thinking dramatic rocks. Or garlic, but what if vampire rules?

You teach Frank to recognize your name, rewarding it with a dramatic rock.

[Image: 153.png?dl=0]

Frank has learned the name of its new master!

Dramatic Rock C:

Quote:Time to get smart! Whip out a sax and play the SONG OF OPENING, it's only four notes, it's simple! E. C. E. D. Then play it backwards to close the door, so it knows who's boss. D. E. C. E.


[Image: 154.png?dl=0]

[Image: 155.png?dl=0]

Quote:>Try flirting with the door.
>Asche: Wake up just in time to see us flirting with a door.

You cozy up to the door, complimenting the sheen of its varnish.

[Image: 156.png?dl=0]

"Ow.... Oh no, good, great. Do you need some time alone?"
RE: The Shop
Having demonstrated the basics to your Child, set Frank loose to Flirt on Asche. This skill is vital for Frank to develop, should you want grand children
RE: The Shop
>Open the door again and usher Asche back inside. You haven't forgotten that he's supposed to clean the room. Keep passively aggressively reminding him of this.
RE: The Shop
>grab Asche, nyoom outside as fast as possible, fling him at the shopkeeper as a friendly sacrifice. Maybe she'de give us another sax or something.
RE: The Shop
... What's in our bucket
Let's experiment in this void since it's safe and poke at our innards
RE: The Shop
> See if our wings are working by testing them on Asche.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: The Shop
Quote:... What's in our bucket
Let's experiment in this void since it's safe and poke at our innards

In order to examine the insides of your escort, you will have to break it open.
You sense a great energy resonating from within.

Quote:Having demonstrated the basics to your Child, set Frank loose to Flirt on Asche. This skill is vital for Frank to develop, should you want grand children

[Image: 157.png?dl=0]

"Hey little fellow. Aren't you the affectionate one?"

Quote:> See if our wings are working by testing them on Asche.

[Image: 158.png?dl=0]

"Call me paranoid, but do I sense some pent up hostility here?"

Quote:>Open the door again and usher Asche back inside. You haven't forgotten that he's supposed to clean the room. Keep passively aggressively reminding him of this.
Quote:>grab Asche, nyoom outside as fast as possible, fling him at the shopkeeper as a friendly sacrifice. Maybe she'de give us another sax or something.

You call the door open, but as soon as you consider barging through—it moves.

[Image: 159.png?dl=0]

"Ah I see. I think I'm starting to get it."
RE: The Shop
RE: The Shop
>asche run i swear
RE: The Shop
>"Dang it Asche, stop messing up so bad!"

>Give a dramatic, tearful, and heartfelt apology to the door for Asche's behavior. Maybe it'll stop running away then.
RE: The Shop
close the door and sneak up from behind it
RE: The Shop
>Alright, that's enough fun for now. The shopkeeper isn't paying us by the hour, you know.

>Try wheeling away from the door.
>Yes, away from the door.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: The Shop

[Image: 160.png?dl=0]

You miss your mark.

Quote:>"Dang it Asche, stop messing up so bad!"

>Give a dramatic, tearful, and heartfelt apology to the door for Asche's behavior. Maybe it'll stop running away then.

"Really? You're still going on about that?
Well, you have the right idea anyway."

Asche slowly approaches the door.

-[Image: 162.png?dl=0]

"The reason it took us here in the first place is because someone went and scared it.
Really, it's just trying to protect the room behind it. So if we promise that we'll behave..."

Quote:>asche run i swear

[Image: 161.png?dl=0]

Asche has left the room.

Quote:close the door and sneak up from behind it

You sneak behind the closed door.

[Image: 163.png?dl=0]

It stares.

Quote:>Alright, that's enough fun for now. The shopkeeper isn't paying us by the hour, you know.

>Try wheeling away from the door.
>Yes, away from the door.

You wheel a good distance away from the door.

[Image: 164.png?dl=0]

It warily awaits your next move.
RE: The Shop
Aw. He's gone. I-it's not like we enjoyed tormenting him, or anything!

RE: The Shop
NYOOM towards the door in an extremely well behaved manner
RE: The Shop
>Well, this looks like the perfect time for the very nearly forbidden doot, if we ever wanted to give that a go.

>The Actually Forbidden doot is reserved for one situation, and one situation only.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: The Shop
>Nonthreateningly approach the door, then go through when it opens up to let you back in. After you are safely through, quietly insult the materials it was made from. ZING!


>Play a hearty marching tune in the form of a jazzy rendition of "When the Saints Go Marching In" complete with fantastic dance moves and acrobatics as you approach. The door will be so awed and bedazzled that it will have to let you through.
RE: The Shop
Quote:>Well, this looks like the perfect time for the very nearly forbidden doot, if we ever wanted to give that a go.

>The Actually Forbidden doot is reserved for one situation, and one situation only.

In response to your call, a powerful aura envelopes Frank. It readies to unleash this power on your command.

[Image: 165.png?dl=0]

The door in turn prepares for battle.

Quote:NYOOM towards the door in an extremely well behaved manner
Quote:>Nonthreateningly approach the door, then go through when it opens up to let you back in. After you are safely through, quietly insult the materials it was made from. ZING!

You reconsider fighting the door, and call Frank to stand down.
The aura around it and your instrument fade away.

[Image: 167.png?dl=0]

The door becomes dormant once more.

You follow Asche's example, and instead gently approach the door.

After a moment it then opens, allowing you to pass.

[Image: 166.png?dl=0]

You return on the other side... and mock the door under your breath.
RE: The Shop
>What's Asche up to? Is he being a good boy and cleaning the room?
RE: The Shop
>"Asche bb we mis u" go fIND ASCHE
RE: The Shop
> Go find Asche while blasting John Coltrane Quartet's Soul Eyes at max volume.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck