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04-07-2017, 04:45 AM
![[Image: Fpa2fJm.png]](
Windy, Fennel, Tasty, and the little brown cat all leave the blue crystal room, only to directly face the back of the central pillar in the main room. Tasty points out that it says it’s for “unused components”, and Windy reasons that each of the three puzzles must have had a piece that wasn’t used at all, which would fit into this.
Windy tests this theory by sticking the pink crystal panel into the flat square slot, and a light turns green. Tasty immediately says she’ll go get the piece from the room they all just came from, and Fennel shuffles a bit, awkwardly saying it’ll go to the dark red crystal room and get one of each colored rock to see which one works.
![[Image: 93xXcPW.png]](
Windy stays by the pillar, sitting down to wait while the other two excitedly rush to finish this last puzzle. Windy gently lets the cat regain its trust around them, feeling a bit better with this soft furry creature relaxing with them. They feel a bit fidgety because of the sugar they just ate a minute ago, but they figure they had better rest.
![[Image: l7noLWY.png]](
Then they then look up, and remark that your presence is a lot more noticable now. You’re still invisible to them, and they still can’t directly converse with you, but something about you changed… they think they’re glad they’re not really alone.
MACARON: Wowie, our kitties are already so smart and independent!
MACARON: hopefully they don’t get 2 independent tho, hehehe
FROG-CRIMES: No?... They can’t defect, can they?
MACARON: Totally can!
MACARON: If u spawn a TCP with a mellow personality, they may feel compelled to listen to u more…
MACARON: but u don’t choose ur TCP’s personality, and sometimes u get 1 that’s more rebellious.
MACARON: and if u don’t give them good reasons to trust u, they can go rogue, and then we all just have a kitty running around doing whatever they want o’3
MACARON: I actually heard there was a session once where some1’s entire team went rogue??? Like how badly do u have to treat ur cats for THAT to happen, ahahah
FROG-CRIMES: ...We see...
FROG-CRIMES: So, we got this module to our Compass that allows us to makes Alliances. We’re thinking about it, and we kind of want to wait for other people to show up before we make an Alliance with you, but...
FROG-CRIMES: We mean, we don’t know what the purpose of making Alliances is.
MACARON: oh, it’s easy! Allying other players is how to win without violence!
MACARON: U can ally more than 1 person, btw
MACARON: if every1 joins the same ally group, every1 can win together! We’d just have 2 get every1 to their 5 TCP limit, and then, boom!!!
FROG-CRIMES: Oh, is that it? We don’t have to like, share custody of our TCPs with you or anything?
MACARON: Nahhh, there’s nothing like that to alliance.
MACARON: it doesn’t even let u build stuff or teach ur cats new stuff in ur ally’s territory, which is duuuuuuuuumb bc it says u can combine territories or whatever!!!
MACARON: No matter who’s allies with who, u gotta have ur cats in ur base to make new stuff, and EVERY1 has to be in their bases for any1 to spawn new TCPs.
FROG-CRIMES: Hmmm, alright. We’d known a part of that before. Well, let us think a bit more on this alliance thing, we’re not sure how long we want to wait.
MACARON: Alright! I can wait o3
MACARON: generally it’s better to ally people sooner if u want to win stuff peacefully, but there’s no rush until some1 bad joins the game.
FROG-CRIMES: Yeah, about that, are there any other particular trouble cases than Spit?
MACARON: Ummmm… tbh I’ve only played 1 game before, and watched a couple others so idk how most people play
MACARON: There was some1 mean in my last session who went by Juice
MACARON: didn’t wanna ally any1 and kept trying 2 create big gamebreaky stuff
MACARON: like cmon we don’t need 2 get the admin involved, nobody likes it when Wax joins
MACARON: oh shoot yeah that’s right, u know not 2 make stuff 2 big so the game doesn’t become an arms race, right?
FROG-CRIMES: Well, we do now, thanks?!
MACARON: ur welcome!! X3
![[Image: MOCQ3q8.png]](
Tasty and Fennel quickly return to the central pillar, Tasty placing in the orange crystal from the blue room’s puzzle, and Fennel trying a couple of the chalky pebbles from the red room before the orange one works.
The metal door opens up to another treasure chest, this one a little more colorful than the last few, and Tasty excitedly rushes to grab and open the chest.
![[Image: Fx2jT8m.png]](
And when they open the treasure, they find… three little candy bracelets, in blue, pink, and green.
Tasty immediately claims the blue one.
MACARON: How cute is that, they all got little friendship bracelets!!!
MACARON: omg this was all super worth it, i love this game <3
FROG-CRIMES: ...hehe, it IS cute.
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04-07-2017, 04:50 AM
let's keep exploring the tower
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04-07-2017, 07:44 AM
If Windy wears the pink bracelet, and Fennel wears the green one, they can match each other c:
Do you think there would be more dungeons like this one on our planet?
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04-07-2017, 12:25 PM
I'd say we go back to the tower and explore the rest of the "west" branch, and then make a pit stop back at the home planet. Maybe the TCP limit will go up?
Also, I agree, Windy should wear the pink one and Fennel the green one. Colour-theory wise I think it'll look good.
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04-07-2017, 07:04 PM
>Ask Macaron how to raise TCP limit?
Vivian Quest
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04-07-2017, 09:07 PM
Macaron and Tasty could come with us if they want to. It may be good to rest a bit before we leave for the tower, though.
Hmm...would a rogue TCP still show up on the person's tracker, or are they technically not "theirs" at that point?
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04-08-2017, 04:30 AM
Hm. You know, this seems a good time as any to ask:
Sooo, what happens to the TCP's when the game is over?
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
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04-10-2017, 12:32 AM
Who is Wax?
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04-10-2017, 02:44 AM
(04-10-2017, 12:32 AM)Dark Lord Graham Wrote: »Who is Wax?
Wane's brother, obviously
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04-10-2017, 08:52 PM
>so if there is a limit of 5 what tcp types are you planning to grab?
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04-16-2017, 01:02 AM
![[Image: Wox34iM.png]](
Windy takes the pink bracelet, and Fennel takes the green… they both agree, this is a good look between the two of them.
FROG-CRIMES: So, looks like it’s about time for us to leave your turf?
FROG-CRIMES: There’s a lot more of the Tower Maze to explore. You can come with, if you want.
MACARON: Sure looks like it, that thing is dang BIG
MACARON: And that’s a nice offer but I’m gonna stay at my base 4 a bit until I can get another kitty.
FROG-CRIMES: Oh right, you had said the TCP limit can only raise if everyone’s at their bases?
FROG-CRIMES: What actually makes the TCP limit raise, though?
MACARON: oh ummm, idk actually
MACARON: it’s just kinda like, building stuff? And making interesting things?
MACARON: giving ur current cats good things?
MACARON: I mean we did a lot here, the limit’s totally gonna raise when u get back 2 ur base.
FROG-CRIMES: Alright, we’ll probably take a quick break at our base for that before we explore more.
MACARON: sounds good!!!
![[Image: Bmg3zUm.png]](
Your cats leave the dungeon, all cheering for their successful expedition! As they head back to Tasty’s house, new creatures start appearing out of nowhere on the planet’s surface.
MACARON: don’t mind me, just puttin’ new cute stuff in my turf now that Tasty isn’t on an adventure anymore, heehee~
FROG-CRIMES: Just a couple more quick questions on our way out, though.
MACARON: Arright! But hurry it up, I wanna get another cat soon!!! >O3
FROG-CRIMES: Okay, fine! So, do rogue TCPs show up on the Tracker?
MACARON: Yea, u got the tracker module, right? All TCPs should show up on it, so even if ur cats go rogue u’ll know where they are.
FROG-CRIMES: Alright, fair enough...
FROG-CRIMES: Now, what happens to our TCPs when the game is over?
MACARON: ohoho, that is part of the prize!!!
MACARON: when u win, ur kitties get 2 leave the game plane thing and hang with u
MACARON: there’s more 2 the prize than that but some people don’t wanna be spoiled, haha
FROG-CRIMES: Is there… a punishment, for being spoiled?
MACARON: huh? No, I don’t think so?
FROG-CRIMES: Really? We were convinced we needed to keep hush about some things?
MACARON: wellllll, i don’t think it’d be a problem 4 ME to tell U stuff
MACARON: but if u meet some1 who doesn’t know the things i’m telling u, then maybe ask if they wanna know? Same way i’m asking u, cause people don’t like being spoiled!!!
FROG-CRIMES: Hmmm… we see.
FROG-CRIMES: You mentioned a “Wax”? Who’s Wax?
MACARON: Wax is the High God in my pantheon
MACARON: He’s the one who came up with this game, soooooooo
MACARON: if we do anything dumb he’ll jump in and start adminning and that’s no fun at all
FROG-CRIMES: By the way, what TCPs are you going to make for your team?
MACARON: ummmm hahaha i haven’t figured it all out yet
MACARON: but I’m gonna make a parasol-type next! It’s good basic strategy 2 start ur team with a food type and a weapon type, just in case.
![[Image: IMpmdXj.png]](
The three TCPs have made it back to the little gingerbread house, excitedly babbling to each other about what they’d like to do next. Windy and Fennel wouldn’t mind staying on this candy planet some more, keeping Tasty company, but Windy feels like they need to stay true to their ambition of exploring and mapping out the rest of the Tower Maze.
MACARON: arrighty, I wanna focus on making stuff now, so once ur cats leave, I’ll end the call 4 now. Any last questions? |3
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
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04-16-2017, 01:05 AM
no let's get the fuck out of candyland ASAP
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04-16-2017, 03:06 AM
>One last question, are there any limits to the things we can spawn? Like can we make an instant death mega lazer that can kil anything in the world with one shot?
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04-17-2017, 06:12 AM
This is enough exploring for the time being. We should return and determine if any threats have spawned in on the hornet planet. I suggest the use of a telescope.
Once the nature of the other players becomes clear, we can determine who to take out first, and the necessary tools to do so. Assuming any are hostile. Or irritating.
(04-16-2017, 03:06 AM)BananaPanda Wrote: »>One last question, are there any limits to the things we can spawn? Like can we make an instant death mega lazer that can kil anything in the world with one shot?
From what cloudclops said, doing something dumb gets Wax involved.
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04-17-2017, 08:06 AM
> We should really get back to the towers, and perhaps home from there.
A character on fire WOULDN'T say "I am cold."
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04-18-2017, 05:05 AM
Is this real?
You mentioned that Spit ate somebody -- how literally are we talking here? Ate their avatar? Ate their soul? Ate their real-life body?
>Queue command for when TCPs return home: BOOST Fennel's mathematics to DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. TEACH SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY.
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04-19-2017, 12:01 AM
i just realized: as soon as we get home the tcp limit raises, but we won't likely get to use it it'll just be for some other chump, which is no fun. especially if they're not spit. i say we invite tasty to our planet
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04-19-2017, 01:15 AM
(04-18-2017, 05:05 AM)a52 Wrote: »>Queue command for when TCPs return home: BOOST Fennel's mathematics to DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. TEACH SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY. TEACH FENNEL SET THEORY AND ANALYSIS
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04-19-2017, 04:31 PM
>make [SHORT-TYPE] tcp when you get home
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
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04-19-2017, 06:11 PM
The next next TCP we make should be Blindspot type. If my guess is correct, this should allow us to create a zone imperceptible to others. We may be able to use this to cheat without Wax being aware. At that point we can begin creating and hiding anti-God weapons.
Using Windy's ability to make a hole in anything, we can open up a hole to wherever these other Gods are. Fennel can then launch the anti-God weapons through those holes.
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04-20-2017, 12:12 AM
Let's think about what TCP types we're gonna make once we get to that. For now, let's focus on the journey there.
> Say your goodbyes to Macaron for now and get back on exploring this branch of the tower.
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04-20-2017, 12:13 AM
(04-19-2017, 06:11 PM)Dark Lord Graham Wrote: »The next next TCP we make should be Blindspot type. If my guess is correct, this should allow us to create a zone imperceptible to others. We may be able to use this to cheat without Wax being aware. At that point we can begin creating and hiding anti-God weapons.
Using Windy's ability to make a hole in anything, we can open up a hole to wherever these other Gods are. Fennel can then launch the anti-God weapons through those holes.
i like the way you think
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04-20-2017, 01:34 AM
(04-20-2017, 12:13 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »i like the way you think
No Gods, No Kings, Only Cats
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04-20-2017, 01:38 AM
Macaron told us the TCP types: Weapon, Form, Nature, Body, Creature, Storage, Machine, and Abstract, and also that we probably shouldn't have more than two Abstract types.
I for one would be ok with any of a Fern-type, Fencer-type, Finance-type, or Definition-type TCP next
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04-20-2017, 01:41 AM
i'm still in favor of defiance-type, not a fan of knowing the forms and trying to metagame instead of dinking around (esp. when i don't see how any type TCP can effect an alliance victory,) but can't unring that bell