Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]

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Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
But... What happens when you use your fists to fight someone...?
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
salamander dan just wants to be a peaceful man. that's the problem with skyrim these days, everyone is obsessed with death
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
Update 2

RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
Commit a petty crime and frame your "master" with it.
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
>Keep on running for a few days in a straight line just to be sure
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
you're trying to escape magic, and the opposite of magic is science, so you need to gather as much science as you can to break the spell!
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
It doesn't count as murder/violence if you eat the remains afterwards, right?
~◕ w◕~
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
Update 3

RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
This is amazing, I love this so much!

>Break down the door with your fists
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
this expert-level lock will be picked!
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
Update 4

RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
>put as many as you can into alchemy, as it is science
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
I'm seconding alchemy. Let's buff our way to SCIENCE

And let's increase Health
~◕ w◕~
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
Sneak lyfe 4 lyfe
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
Become sneaky. So sneaky. It's your only defense against a terrible terrible world.
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
Send in BEST FRIEND to create a distraction.

E: Woops! I was an update behind.

Alchemy isn't science! It's clearly magic. Why else would our Warlock overlord practice it so much?

Sneak 4 ever!
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
Update 5

RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
>any SCIENCE is good SCIENCE, this is a good find
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
Even though the Shard is specifically referred to as magical, it's not really magic unless you do magic with it, right? Though, at the same time, it's not particularly science-y by itself. This Forge thing sounds like it does science to affect magical things, though, which seems to me exactly the sort of thing you set out to find. Definitely worth investigating Arkngthamz, if you can get there.
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
(08-18-2016, 12:45 PM)Not The Author Wrote: »Even though the Shard is specifically referred to as magical, it's not really magic unless you do magic with it, right? Though, at the same time, it's not particularly science-y by itself. This Forge thing sounds like it does science to affect magical things, though, which seems to me exactly the sort of thing you set out to find. Definitely worth investigating Arkngthamz, if you can get there.

A good idea, except...


It's a long way to Arkngthamz. Pretty much the opposite end of the map, and much further than Dan is able to travel away from Terriblix.
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
The army has science, what with catapults and the like. Maybe Dan can get the army to fight the warlocks?
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
We need to put the point into ALCHEMY, the most science of skills
Maybe we can make some health potions + sneakiness potions, no?

To break into Mzulift, we must alchemize a key out of cheese. 50 cheese shall be the price for entrance!
~◕ w◕~
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
Oh also for ease of thread-loading/reading the latest update can you stick the meat of the updates in a spoiler? I keep loading the thread to look at the latest post and then have to scroll down for 3 minutes as all the images load and push the page downwards.
RE: Salamander Dan's Salamander Slam [it's skyrim]
(08-27-2016, 11:26 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »Oh also for ease of thread-loading/reading the latest update can you stick the meat of the updates in a spoiler? I keep loading the thread to look at the latest post and then have to scroll down for 3 minutes as all the images load and push the page downwards.

Oh wow this is so much nicer! Thank you.