06-07-2016, 08:16 PM
06-08-2016, 12:39 AM
t160kt6o5v12 [AeeBefg]agfgfdAeeBefgAeeBegb<e>bgfgf o6 [AeeBefg]agfgfdAeeBefgAeeBegb<e>bgfgf o5 e2>b4<e4d2>a4<c>bab2g4agfd1 <e2>b4<e4d2>b4<gfde2g4fgab4^b+ba4^ab b+4^bab4g4a4^bb+g4c4f-4^gae4c4c-2e4g+4 o6kt0 g4^fef4d4e4^fgd4>g4<c4^dec-4e4g2f2 f2e1^4fede2e1. v8o5 [AbbbBbbbAaaaBaaa]4 v12 [[e4^def4fefg4|gfed4c-4]fgab2 b4^abe2b4^abf4d4e4^fgd4a4|g2f2]f4b4f4d4 [brb]3bbbAbr2. Ce1gab1ff g1ega1f1 a1a1gg1g aaegf1ed o4v14B [ereb2ga<dc+2>b4a4grde2dfde2d2 ereb2gb<dc+2>b4a4brga2g<dfe2d2] v16o6r4e>beafdeer4^>bb^1&b1; t160kt6o4v11 [r1]8 l2 geffger4B<fgabagfgd > b2g4b4a2f4b+bgg2b2<d2>b4^<cd e4^dce4c-4c4^dec4>e4a4^ab+a4e4c-4d+4g+4b4 o5kt0 b4^aga4f4g4^abg4d4e4^fgd4g4b-2a2 a2g1^4agfa2a2g1 v7 [AeeeBeeeAdddBddd]4 v11 [[c4^c-cd4dcde4|edc>b4f4<]defg2 e4^egc2f4^ffd4c-4c4^de>g4<e4|d2c-2]d4f4d4c-4 [ere]3eeeAer2. Cc-1cef1dd d1c-dd1c-1 d1f1dc>bb bbb1b1bb [r1]8 o4v14B ereb2ga<dc+2>b4a4grde2dfde2d2 ereb2gb<dc+2>b4a4brga2g<dfe2d2 v16o6r4e>beafdeer4^>ee^1&e1; t160kt6o3v8 B[[e^db^a]3fefe+4[e^db^a]3gfg|e+fg]4b4 a^gb+^ae^db^af-^cf-edc4g4d^ca^f-b+^ge^gb^fbfbe4g+4 o4kt0 e^dg^f>b^a<f^ec^>gb+bag4<d4>a^g<e^dg^fc-^df^c+fcfc-4d+4 >b+^gb+gb+<c^e>g^b+<d^>a<d>a<dd^f>a^<d[e^>be^b]4 [[brb]bbbbrb]8 v8 [g2a2b2|f4d4]<d4g4 a1a2f4d4e2c4e4f1 >[c2d2e2|c-2]g2 >a2.^((((aa))))b2.^((((bb))))<c1d2b2 AeeeBeeeAer2. C [c1^1>g1^1] b1<f1>a1<e.d4 c1^1d1.B((((abgafg o4v10 [e^>beb<e>e4b4]16 v16o3A rba<Beer4^ee^1&e1; t160o4v7 B[r1]28 [[ere]eeeere]8 v7 [e2f2g2|d4r4]b4b4 r1d2r1.d2d+2 [r1]4r2.^((aar2.^bb))r1.>>b2 [r1]17 v12r2abgafg [r1]16 v16o3A rbaBeer4^ee^1&e1; t160kt6o4v10 [AeeBefg]agfgfdAeeBefgAeeBegb<e>bgfgf [AeeBefg]agfgfdAeeBefgAeeBegb<e>bgfgf v8< AgggBgggAfffBfffAeeeBeeeAdddBddd AeeeBeeeAdddBdddAeeeBeeeAfffBfff v10 e^ecdec-4c-4c^c>abb+g4e4<d^d>a<cdc4>a4a2g+4b4 o5kt0 b^bgaba4f4g^gefgd4c-4a^aegag4e4e2d+4f4 AbbbbaaaBaaa[AbbbBbbb] o4v14 ereb2ga<dc+2>b4a4grde2dfde2d2 ereb2eb<dc+2>b4a4brga2g<dfe2d2 v6o5 b2a2g2f2g2a2b2g2 a2e2f2a4f4g2e2a2a4 l48 e(e+f(gg+(aa+(b<c(c+d(d+ B[e4^def4fefg4|gfed4c-4]fgab2 b4^abe2b4^abf4d4e4^fgd4a4f4b4f4d4 e2.eeeerr C((c-4e4b4 bagab^r4c-4e4b4 bag<Bd4^d-c>Cb1r4f4b4<c+4 dec+>a4b4<Bc2.^>baCgd a1eb)f&)f)e)d) e1>[AaaaBaaa|AbbbBbbb]4 (([[efgagf]egb<e>bg<d|>bg<c+>af]<c+dc+>ba ((<[[efgagf]egb<e>bg<d|>bg<c+>af]<(c+d(df(a v16o7 r4e>beafdeer4^>ff^1&f1; t160kt6o4v9 [r1]8 v7 AbbbBbbbAaaaBaaaAgggBgggAfffBfff AgggBgggAfffBfffAgggBgggAaaaBaaa v9 g^gef-gg4e4f-^f-cdee4c4f-^f-f-gag4e4d+2d4g+4 o5kt0 d^dc-cdd4c-4c^c>gabb4g4<c^ccded4>b4b-2a4<d+4 AeeeedddBddd[AeeeBeee] [r1]8 v5o5 e2d2e2d2e2f2e2d2 g2>a2<d2d4>a4<e2c2d2d+2 v8 [e2f2g2|f4f4]b2 b2a2b2a4f4g2e2f2d2 e2.eeeerr C((c-4e4b4 bagab^r4c-4e4b4 bag<Bd4^d-c>Cb1r4f4b4<c+4 dec+>a4b4<Bc2.^>baCgd a1ebf&)f)e)d) e1(([AdddBddd|AeeeBeee]4 [r1]4 <(([[efgagf]egb<e>bg<|d>bg<c+>af]f(ef(fa(<d v16o6 r4b-f->b-<e-c>a-bbr4^dd^1&d1; t160kt6o3v8 B[[brb]bb^[brb]3bbb[brb]3bb^[brb]3bbbbrb]4 <[ere][c-]4rc-[crc]>gg^grg<[drd]ccccrc>[frf]bb^brb kt0o4 [brb]ff^frf[grg]dd^drd[ara]ggggrg[c+rc+]ff^frf [c-rc-]c-c-^c-rc-[ara]aa^ara[[brb]bb^brb] [e^>beb<e>e4b4]8 o3v6 c2d2e2b-2c2d2e2g2 >a1b1<c1d2>b2 o4 g2<d2c-2d4d4>g2<d2e2d4g4 g2e2f2f4d4e2c2d2>a2 [brb]3bbbAbr2. v10 Cdecdc-.B((c-cc+))Cdc- decdd.B((dd-c))Cdd dfeccedc- cdecded>a B[[brb]bbbbrb]16 v16o4 r4e>beafdeer4^<aa^1&a1; t160kt6o3v7 B[[ere]ee^[ere]3eee[ere]3ee^[ere]3eeeere]4 [ara]eeeere[[f-rf-]|cc^crc]eeeere[c-rc-]2ee^ere kt0o4 [ere]c-c-^c-rc-[crc]>gg^grg[b+rb+]bbbbrb[frf]bb^brb [ere]ee^ere<[drd]dd^drd[[ere]ee^ere] [r1]12 o4 b+2e4c4b2r2b+2g2a2a2 e2f2e2f4f4e2a2b2b4b4 b+1a2a4a4b+2g2a2f2 [ere]3eeeAer2. v9 Cggggg.B((gaa+))Cbg ggggb.B((bb-a))Cgb b<dc+>aab+bg ggggaaaf B[[ere]eeeere]16 v16o4 r4e>beafdeer4^ee^1&e1;
06-08-2016, 03:51 AM
-White Light Ruler- #016 =================== Unlock: From the Start Ultra Rare: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Magician of Faith Mystical Space Typhoon Swords of Revealing Light Super Rare: Acid Trap Hole Axe of Despair Ectoplasmer Graceful Dice Time Wizard Rare: Aqua Spirit Baby Dragon Eternal Rest Flame Swordsman Garuda the Wind Spirit King of the Skull Servants Mystical Elf Spirit of Flames Tailor of the Fickle The Rock Spirit Thousand Dragon Tremendous Fire Common: Battle Warrior Bright Castle Burning Spear Chain Destruction De-Spell Dragon Capture Jar Dragon Treasure Eatgaboon Gorgon's Eye Gust Fan Hitotsu-Me Giant Horn Imp House of Adhesive Tape Insect Barrier Legendary Sword Mesmeric Control Mooyan Curry Mountain Remove Trap Salamandra Shield & Sword Skull Dice Skull Servant The Inexperienced Spy The Wicked Worm Beast Tragedy Two-Pronged Attack Tyhone Zombie Warrior ============ -Fiery Rage- #026 ============ Unlock: From the Start Ultra Rare: Alkana Knight Joker Exodia the Forbidden One Fissure Giant Trunade Super Rare: Left Arm of the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Right Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Ultimate Offering Rare: Cocoon of Evolution Horn of Light Jack's Knight Judge Man King's Knight Magical Arm Shield Negate Attack Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth Queen's Knight Spellbinding Circle Stop Defense Tribute to The Doomed Common: Breath of Light Castle Walls Celtic Guardian Dark-Piercing Light Electro-Whip Eradicating Aerosol Fake Trap Forest Gravedigger Ghoul Great Moth Horn of the Unicorn Illusionist Faceless Mage Insect Armor with Laser Cannon Larvae Moth Laser Cannon Armor Malevolent Nuzzler Mystical Refpanel Ookazi Petit Moth Red Medicine Reinforcements Rogue Doll Rush Recklessly Saggi the Dark Clown Silver Bow and Arrow Soul Release The Cheerful Coffin The Reliable Guardian The Snake Hair ============== -Chaos Knight- #036 ============== Unlock: From the Start Ultra Rare: Black Luster Soldier Card Destruction Radiant Mirror Force Sangan Super Rare: Harpie's Pet Dragon Magic Jammer Magical Hats Seven Tools of the Bandit Widespread Ruin Rare: Black Pendant Harpie Lady 1 Harpie Lady 2 Harpie Lady 3 Harpie Lady Sisters Kunai with Chain Robbin' Goblin The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh Time Machine Trap Hole Winged Kuriboh Winged Kuriboh LV10 Common: Black Luster Ritual Blue Medicine Chain Energy Cyber Shield Dark Energy Dark Mimic LV1 Dark Mimic LV3 Earth Chant Elegant Egotist Fairy's Hand Mirror Fusion Sage Giant Flea Gokibore Harpie Lady Harpies' Hunting Ground Hercules Beetle Killer Needle Kuriboh Last Day of Witch Magical Thorn Mind Control Multiply Mystical Moon Paralyzing Potion Restructer Revolution Sword of Deep-Seated Transcendent Wings Wolf Yami ============= -Dark Legend- #046 ============= Unlock: From the Start Ultra Rare: Crush Card Virus Dark Magician Mirror Force Upstart Goblin Super Rare: Heavy Storm Magician's Valkyria Megamorph Royal Decree Solemn Judgment Rare: Cannon Soldier Castle of Dark Illusions Catapult Turtle Chorus of Sanctuary Dark Magic Curtain Final Destiny Gravekeeper's Servant Muka Muka Ojama King Shadow Ghoul Share the Pain Waboku Common: Acid Rain Armored Zombie Battle Ox Crass Clown Germ Infection Giant Soldier of Stone Goddess with the Third Eye Hinotama Human-Wave Tactics Invigoration Just Desserts Kabazauls Labyrinth Tank Master Kyonshee Mystic Horseman Ojama Black Ojama Green Ojama Yellow Order to Smash Polymerization Rabid Horseman Ring of Magnetism Soul of the Pure Soul Resurrection Stim-Pack The Law of the Normal Versago the Destroyer Wall Shadow Warrior Elimination =================== -Dark Flare Battle- #056 =================== Unlock: From the Start Ultra Rare: B. Skull Dragon Ceasefire Red-Eyes B. Dragon Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Super Rare: Brain Control Double Coston Gaia the Dragon Champion Mask of Darkness Metalmorph Rare: Beastking of the Swamps Curse of Dragon D.D. Warrior Dian Keto the Cure Master DNA Surgery Dust Tornado Gaia the Fierce Knight Meteor Dragon Pumpking the King of Ghosts Reaper of the Cards Red-Eyes B. Chick Shadow of Eyes Common: Armored Glass Axe Raider Bad Reaction to Simochi Beast Fangs Beautiful Headhuntress Bracchio-raidus Crawling Dragon #2 Driving Snow Gaia Power Goblin Fan Gust Inferno Fire Blast Krokodilus Major Riot Masked Sorcerer Messenger of Peace Metal Detector Michizure Mystic Probe Prevent Rat Respect Play Reverse Trap Snake Fang The Little Swordsman of Aile Trap Master Two-Headed King Rex Uraby Vile Germs World Suppression ================ -Ultimate Power- #066 ================ Unlock: From the Start Ultra Rare: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Blue-Eyes White Dragon Magic Cylinder Metalzoa Super Rare: Cyber-Tech Alligator Decoy Dragon Dimensional Prison The Shallow Grave Zoa Rare: 7 Colored Fish Burst Stream of Destruction De-Fusion Dimensionhole Fairy Box Fairy Meteor Crush Magic Drain Millennium Shield Monster Recovery Prohibition Shift Solemn Wishes Common: Attack and Receive Bickuribox Burning Land Cold Wave Crimson Sunbird Dark Artist Dark Rabbit Dream Clown Ekibyo Drakmord Flame Manipulator Goddess of Whim Infinite Cards Infinite Dismissal Insect Imitation Inspection Jam Breeding Machine Jam Defender Kanan the Swordsmistress Launcher Spider Luminous Spark Multiplication of Ants Pendulum Machine Princess of Tsurugi Riryoku Field Rude Kaiser Steel Scorpion Type Zero Magic Crusher White Magical Hat Yellow Luster Shield ========= -My Hero- #076 ========= Unlock: Beat 3 Opponents 5 times in Free Duel Ultra Rare: Breaker the Magical Warrior Elemental Hero Flame Wingman Mage Power Premature Burial Super Rare: Elemental Hero Thunder Giant Hand Collapse Meteor B. Dragon Morphing Jar Reinforcement of the Army Rare: Bait Doll Dunames Dark Witch Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster Elemental Hero Sparkman Enchanted Arrow Foolish Burial Jar of Greed Maha Vailo Man-Eater Bug Skyscraper The Warrior Returning Alive Warrior Lady of the Wasteland Common: A Hero Emerges Armed Ninja Burst Return Clay Charge Dragonic Attack Elemental Hero Avian Elemental Hero Burstinatrix Elemental Hero Clayman Embodiment of Apophis Feather Wind Feather Shot Feral Imp Flame Cerebrus Fusion Gate Hero Kid Hero Signal Jinzo #7 Lava Battleguard Machine King Milus Radiant Miracle Kids Molten Destruction Mushroom Man Parrot Dragon Ryu-Kishin Spark Blaster Swamp Battleguard Toon Alligator Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 =============== -Rousing Chaos- #086 =============== Unlock: Open the World of Sunlight Ultra Rare: Chaos Command Magician Dark Master - Zorc Level Limit - Area B Magician of Black Chaos Super Rare: Blast Magician Emergency Provisions Penguin Soldier Rapid-Fire Magician Shrink Rare: Bark of the Dark Ruler Black Magic Ritual Book of Taiyou Contract with the Dark Master Firewing Pegasus Giant Red Seasnake Nightmare Wheel Sengenjin Spell Reproduction The A. Forces Thunder Dragon Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Common: A Feint Plan Aqua Madoor Array of Revealing Light Bladefly Blast Held by a Tribute Card of Sanctity Cestus of Dagla De-Spell Germ Weapon Double Snare Dragged Down Into the Grave Dramatic Rescue Eternal Drought Fortress Whale Fortress Whale's Oath Goblin's Secret Remedy Hiro's Shadow Scout Little Chimera Man-Eating Treasure Chest Mystical Sheep #1 Needle Worm Ready for Intercepting Soul Demolition Spiritualism The Bistro Butcher The Statue of Easter Island Tri-Horned Dragon Wasteland Weather Report Witch's Apprentice ================== -Absolute Nothing- #096 ================== Unlock: Open the World of Sunlight Ultra Rare: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Relinquished Satellite Cannon The Creator Super Rare: Enemy Controller Gemini Elf Insect Queen The Creator Incarnate Toon Summoned Skull Rare: Adhesive Explosive Black Illusion Ritual Blast Sphere Bottomless Trap Hole Cosmo Queen Dark Room of Nightmare Different Dimension Dragon Double Spell Drop Off Lightforce Sword Royal Oppression Toon World Common: Baron of the Fiend Sword Blast with Chain Buster Rancher Card Shuffle Coffin Seller Convulsion of Nature Dark Elf Different Dimension Capsule Disappear Dragon Seeker Drill Bug Fengsheng Mirror Fiend Comedian Fusion Sword Murasame Blade Heart of Clear Water Malevolent Catastrophe Manga Ryu-Ran Ominous Fortunetelling Parasite Paracide Pinch Hopper Red Archery Girl Ryu-Ran Skull-Mark Ladybug Smoke Grenade of the Thief Sogen The Secret of the Bandit Thousand-Eyes Idol Toon Mermaid Umiiruka ================== -Inhuman Creation- #106 ================== Unlock: Beat 6 Opponents 5 times in Free Duel Ultra Rare: Barrel Dragon Blowback Dragon The Last Warrior from Another Planet Valkyrion the Magna Warrior Super Rare: Autonomous Action Unit Big Bang Shot Big Shield Gardna Raigeki Break Tornado Rare: Barrel Behind the Door Command Knight Hannibal Necromancer Mechanicalchaser Miracle Dig My Body as a Shield Poison of the Old Man Reversal Quiz Second Coin Toss Slot Machine Terraforming Wall of Illusion Common: 7 Completed Alpha the Magnet Warrior Banner of Courage Beta the Magnet Warrior Continuous Destruction Punch D. Tribe Disarmament Gamma the Magnet Warrior Garoozis Greenkappa Hidden Book of Spell Hoshiningen Interdimensional Matter Transporter Jigen Bakudan King Tiger Wanghu Machine Duplication Mass Driver Neo the Magic Swordsman Non Aggression Area Pigeonholing Books of Spell Relieve Monster Robotic Knight Rope of Spirit Royal Tribute Sorcerer of the Doomed Steel Ogre Grotto #2 The Illusory Gentleman The Spell Absorbing Life Weapon Change ================= -Shocking Energy- #116 ================= Unlock: Have 50 total duels Ultra Rare: Jinzo Metal Reflect Slime Reflect Bounder United We Stand Super Rare: Magical Stone Excavation Royal Command Sakuretsu Armor Thunder Crash Vorse Raider Rare: Flying Kamakiri #1 Gear Golem the Moving Fortress Giant Germ Giant Rat Mother Grizzly Mystic Tomato Nimble Momonga Non-Spellcasting Area Patrician of Darkness Shining Angel The Fiend Megacyber UFO Turtle Common: Altar for Tribute Amplifier Arsenal Robber Battery Charger Batteryman AA Batteryman C Batteryman D Berfomet Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast Cyber Raider Dice Re-Roll Different Dimension Gate Frozen Soul Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts Gravity Axe - Grarl Ray of Hope Really Eternal Rest Rod of Silence - Kay'est Shooting Star Bow - Ceal Soul Absorption Soul Taker Spell Vanishing Staunch Defender The Regulation of Tribe The Unhappy Maiden Three-Headed Geedo Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou Wolf Axwielder ================= -Inherited Magic- #126 ================= Unlock: Beat 10 Opponents 5 times in Free Duel Ultra Rare: Airknight Parshath Dark Magician Dark Magician Girl Gravity Bind Super Rare: Copycat Dimension Fusion Exchange Magical Dimension Trap Jammer Rare: Alligator's Sword Dragon Gearfried the Iron Knight Kinetic Soldier King of the Swamp Magician's Circle Magicians Unite Maiden of the Aqua Mystic Box Obnoxious Celtic Guard Robbin' Zombie Sage's Stone Stone Statue of the Aztecs Common: Alligator's Sword Blasting the Ruins Chain Disappearance Curse of Darkness Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell D.D. Borderline D.D. Designator Dark Magic Attack Dedication through Light and Darkness Destruction Ring Energy Drain Fairy King Truesdale Fiend's Hand Mirror Gearfried the Swordmaster Jade Insect Whistle Judgment of Pharaoh Kryuel Luminous Soldier Recycle Release Restraint Spatial Collapse Spell Absorption Swordsman of Landstar Thousand Knives Tower of Babel Ultra Evolution Pill Unity Yu-Jo Friendship Zero Gravity =================== -Never Setting Sun- #136 =================== Unlock: Open the World of Civilization Ultra Rare: Morphing Jar #2 Slate Warrior The Agent of Force - Mars The Masked Beast Super Rare: Archfiend of Gilfer Shield Crush Smashing Ground The Agent of Judgment - Saturn Wall of Revealing Light Rare: Banisher of the Light Beckoning Light Dark Mirror Force Legacy of Yata-Garasu Meltiel, Sage of the Sky Monster Gate Needle Wall Radiant Jeral Revival Jam Soul of Purity and Light Stray Lambs The Sanctuary in the Sky Common: Amphibian Beast Arsenal Bug Backfire Birdface Curse of the Masked Beast Dark Factory of Mass Production Draining Shield Earthbound Spirit's Invitation Earthquake Gilasaurus Goblin Thief Grand Tiki Elder Headless Knight Light of Judgment Mad Sword Beast Mask of Brutality Mask of Dispel Mask of Restrict Mask of the Accursed Mask of Weakness Melchid the Four-Face Beast Micro Ray Nuvia the Wicked Opti-Camouflage Armor Reckless Greed Shining Abyss Solar Ray The Forgiving Maiden Thunder Nyan Nyan =================== -Thirst to Destroy- #146 =================== Unlock: Open the World of Civilization Ultra Rare: Amazoness Swords Woman Asura Priest Dark Necrofear Destiny Board Super Rare: Dark Spirit of the Silent Marauding Captain St. Joan Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight Yamata Dragon Rare: Amazoness Archers Curse of Anubis Goblin Attack Force Marie the Fallen One Otohime Rocket Warrior Special Hurricane Spirit Message "A" Spirit Message "E" Spirit Message "H" Spirit Message "T" Tribute Doll Common: 7 Amazon Archer Amazoness Blowpiper Amazoness Chain Master Amazoness Fighter Amazoness Paladin Amazoness Spellcaster Amazoness Tiger Blessings of the Nile Dark Dust Spirit Delta Attacker Dust Barrier Enchanting Fitting Room Ground Collapse Labyrinth of Nightmare Magic Formula Maharaghi Order to Charge Spiral Spear Strike Spirit's Invitation Spiritual Energy Settle Machine Sword of the Soul-Eater The Dark Door The Earl of Demise The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams The Portrait's Secret Thousand Energy Twin-Headed Behemoth Woodland Sprite ================ -Extreme Wisdom- #156 ================ Unlock: Have 100 total duels Ultra Rare: Dark Magician of Chaos Dark Sage Gilford the Legend Mind Crush Super Rare: Divine Wrath Gilford the Lightning Helpoemer Injection Fairy Lily Monster Reincarnation Rare: Chaos End Final Countdown Gravekeeper's Assailant Gravekeeper's Commandant Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier Hammer Shot Jowgen the Spiritualist Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer Necrovalley Newdoria Panther Warrior Xing Zhen Hu Common: Back to Square One Ballista of Rampart Smashing Cemetery Bomb Chaos Greed Covering Fire Dark Jeroid Dark Snake Syndrome Enervating Mist Gilgarth Gravekeeper's Cannonholder Gravekeeper's Chief Gravekeeper's Curse Gravekeeper's Guard Gravekeeper's Spy Gravekeeper's Vassal Gravekeeper's Watcher Greed Heavy Slump Hieroglyph Lithograph Jowls of Dark Demise Lighten the Load Malice Dispersion Narrow Pass Numinous Healer Pharaoh's Treasure Rite of Spirit Serial Spell Serpentine Princess Soul Reversal =================== -Pitch-Dark Virtue- #166 =================== Unlock: Beat 15 Opponents 5 times in Free Duel Ultra Rare: Dark Paladin Deck Devastation Virus Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest Toon Dark Magician Girl Super Rare: D.D. Assailant Heart of the Underdog Royal Magical Library Skilled Dark Magician Skilled White Magician Rare: Chiron the Mage Fiend's Sanctuary Lava Golem Luster Dragon Mataza the Zapper Protector of the Sanctuary Swords of Concealing Light Toon Cannon Soldier Toon Gemini Elf Toon Goblin Attack Force Toon Table of Contents Wild Nature's Release Common: Aitsu Anti-Spell Assault on GHQ Beast Soul Swap Big Eye Cannonball Spear Shellfish Centrifugal Field Darkness Approaches Diffusion Wave-Motion Exhausting Spell Forced Ceasefire Fulfillment of the Contract Koitsu Mega Ton Magical Cannon Miracle Restoring Mysterious Puppeteer Ojama Delta Hurricane!! Ojama Trio Ojamagic Ojamuscle Penguin Knight Pitch-Black Power Stone Poison Fangs Stumbling The Big March of Animals Threatening Roar Toon Defense Toon Masked Sorcerer Union Attack ================= -King of the Ark- #176 ================= Unlock: Beat 20 Opponents 5 times in Free Duel Ultra Rare: D.D. Warrior Lady Exodia Necross Marshmallon Shinato, King of a Higher Plane Super Rare: Abyss Soldier Berserk Gorilla Doomcaliber Knight White-Horned Dragon Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Rare: D.D. Trap Hole Enraged Battle Ox Goblin King Mokey Mokey King Pikeru's Second Sight Shinato's Ark Soul Exchange Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi Spiritual Water Art - Aoi The Unhappy Girl Common: Agido Bowganian Contract with Exodia D.D. Dynamite Gradius' Option Granadora Gyaku-Gire Panda Impenetrable Formation Level Conversion Lab Magical Explosion Marshmallon Glasses Mispolymerization Mist Body Mokey Mokey Mokey Mokey Smackdown Nitro Unit Overpowering Eye Rising Energy Ritual Weapon Rock Bombardment Royal Surrender Salvage Sasuke Samurai #3 Spell-Stopping Statute Token Feastevil Tornado Wall Torpedo Fish Triangle Power Zolga =============== -Sleeping Tomb- #186 =============== Unlock: Open the World of Darkness Ultra Rare: Fiend Skull Dragon Lightning Vortex Mystic Swordsman LV6 Spirit of the Pharaoh Super Rare: Despair from the Dark Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade Heavy Mech Support Platform Pot of Avarice Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch Rare: Chthonian Blast Dimension Wall Exarion Universe Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast Getsu Fuhma Gigantes Level Limit - Area A Level Up! Mystic Swordsman LV2 Mystic Swordsman LV4 Ryu Kokki Sasuke Samurai #4 Common: Armed Changer Chthonian Alliance Chthonian Polymer Conscription Dark Deal Dark World Lightning Dragon's Mirror Full Salvo Generation Shift Inferno Level Modulation Malfunction Mausoleum of the Emperor Moisture Creature Next to be Lost Non-Fusion Area Prepare to Strike Back Rigras Leever Roll Out! Shifting Shadows Simultaneous Loss System Down The First Sarcophagus The League of Uniform Nomenclature The Second Sarcophagus The Third Sarcophagus Triage Triangle Ecstasy Spark Weed Out ================ -Ultimate Light- #196 ================ Unlock: Beat all Spirits in the World of Grace 5 times Ultra Rare: Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 Scapegoat Ultimate Tyranno Super Rare: Elemental Hero Wildedge Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 Kaibaman Silent Magician LV8 Stealth Bird Rare: Elemental Hero Bladedge Elemental Hero Wildheart Elemental Mistress Doriado Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 Hydrogeddon Inferno Reckless Summon Magical Mallet Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness Oxygeddon Ring of Defense Silent Magician LV4 Water Dragon Common: Big Evolution Pill Blackland Fire Dragon Bonding - H2O Damage Condenser Doriado's Blessing Elemental Burst Fossil Excavation Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan Goblin Out of the Frying Pan Hero Spirit Hunting Instinct Jurassic World Karma Cut Magnet Circle LV2 Mech Bass Megazowler Miracle Jurassic Egg Photon Generator Unit Samsara Seismic Shockwave Success Probability 0% Survival Instinct Sword Arm of Dragon Symbol of Heritage Tail Swipe The Grave of Enkindling The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension Treasure Map Volcanic Eruption ================== -Rumbling Thunder- #206 ================== Unlock: Beat 30 Opponents 5 times in Free Duel Ultra Rare: Call of the Haunted Nobleman of Crossout Summoned Skull Zera the Mant Super Rare: Backup Soldier Eradicator Epidemic Virus Gate Guardian Nobleman of Extermination Torrential Tribute Rare: Card of Safe Return Compulsory Evacuation Device Des Koala La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Labyrinth Wall Master of Oz Mirror Wall Nightmare's Steelcage Riryoku Sanga of the Thunder Shadow Spell Suijin Common: Anti-Spell Fragrance Aqua Chorus Big Koala Des Kangaroo Dungeon Worm Earthshaker Enchanted Javelin Exile of the Wicked Follow Wind Gift of the Mystical Elf Graverobber Griffore Horn of Heaven Jirai Gumo Kazejin Lightning Blade Magical Labyrinth Makiu Monster Tamer Mystic Plasma Zone Power of Kaishin Rising Air Current Solomon's Lawbook The Eye of Truth Toll Torike Umi Windstorm of Etaqua Zera Ritual ================ -Menacing Ruler- #216 ================ Unlock: Beat Tournament Level 1 5 times Ultra Rare: Ancient Gear Golem Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill The Wicked Dreadroot Super Rare: A Feather of the Phoenix Ancient Gear Castle Granmarg the Rock Monarch The Tricky Tricky's Magic 4 Rare: Ancient Gear Engineer Ancient Gear Soldier Canyon Dimensional Fissure Drillroid Fuhma Shuriken Hand of Nephthys Masked Dragon Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke Steam Gyroid Strike Ninja UFOroid Fighter Common: Ancient Gear Drill Ancient Gear Explosive Ancient Gear Factory Ancient Gear Fist Ancient Gear Tank Ancient Gear Workshop Celestial Transformation Crimson Ninja Cyber Summon Blaster Doitsu Element Dragon Gyroid Icarus Attack Jetroid Life Equalizer Maji-Gire Panda Miraculous Descent Misfortune Ninjitsu Art of Decoy Ninjitsu Art of Transformation Royal Writ of Taxation Soitsu Steamroid Submarineroid Supercharge The Paths of Destiny UFOroid Vehicroid Connection Zone Wonder Garage =================== -Ultimate Darkness- #226 =================== Unlock: Open the World of Darkness Ultra Rare: Armed Dragon LV10 Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon Silent Swordsman LV7 Treeborn Frog Super Rare: Armed Dragon LV5 Armed Dragon LV7 Chain Strike Elemental Hero Stratos Silent Swordsman LV5 Rare: A Rival Appears! Armed Dragon LV3 E - Emergency Call Elemental Hero Bubbleman Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman HERO Flash!! Raging Flame Sprite Ritual Foregone Silent Swordsman LV3 Spell Calling O - Oversoul Vampire Genesis Common: Beelze Frog Bubble Blaster Bubble Illusion Bubble Shuffle Dark Core Des Counterblow Des Croaking Des Frog Grand Convergence Gren, Tactician of Dark World H - Heated Heart Hero Heart Humanoid Slime Humanoid Worm Drake Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World Level Down!? Linear Accelerator Cannon Moai Interceptor Cannons Mystical Wind Typhoon R - Righteous Justice Seal of the Ancients Sebek's Blessing Shattered Axe Straight Flush Sword of Dragon's Soul T.A.D.P.O.L.E. Tiger Axe Worm Drake Zure, Knight of Dark World ================== -Out of the Abyss- #236 ================== Unlock: Beat all Spirits in the Sea Map of the World of Sunlight 5 times Ultra Rare: F.G.D. Infernal Dragon Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus The End of Anubis Super Rare: Great Maju Garzett Levia-Dragon - Daedalus The Transmigration Prophecy Tualatin Winged Rhynos Rare: A Legendary Ocean Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 Familiar-Possessed - Aussa Familiar-Possessed - Eria Familiar-Possessed - Hiita Familiar-Possessed - Wynn Gren Maju Da Eiza Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu Magical Merchant Nightmare Penguin Perfect Machine King Sacred Crane Common: Ancient Rules A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit Blazing Inpachi D.D. Scout Plane Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive Dragoness the Wicked Knight Fox Fire Gagagigo Gale Dogra Gigobyte Giltia the D. Knight Great Angus Hane-Hane Hyper Hammerhead Inpachi Judgment of the Desert Maryokutai Mermaid Knight Mirage Dragon Old Vindictive Magician Physical Double Pulling the Rug Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness Skull Zoma Solar Flare Dragon Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower The Legendary Fisherman The Thing in the Crater Ultimate Baseball Kid ================== -Dragon Destroyer- #246 ================== Unlock: Beat all Spirits in the Desert Map of the World of Sunlight 5 times Ultra Rare: Buster Blader Exiled Force Exxod, Master of the Guard Mystical Beast Serket Super Rare: Apprentice Magician Book of Moon Don Zaloog Guardian Sphinx Trap Dustshoot Rare: Ancient Lamp Call of the Mummy Cliff the Trap Remover Criosphinx Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn Hieracosphimx Luster Dragon #2 Pyramid Turtle Return from the Different Dimension Spear Dragon Viser Des Common: A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon Ante Big Burn Book of Life Bottomless Shifting Sand Burst Breath Curse of Royal Dark Coffin Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong Dark Scorpion Burglars Dark Scorpion Combination Dragon's Gunfire Dragon's Rage Emblem of Dragon Destroyer Guardian Statue Kishido Spirit Medusa Worm Mustering of the Dark Scorpions Ordeal of a Traveler Pineapple Blast Pyramid Energy Raregold Armor Sasuke Samurai #2 Stamping Destruction Statue of the Wicked Super Rejuvenation The Dragon's Bead Thunder of Ruler Tutan Mask ================== -Bringer of Light- #256 ================== Unlock: Have 200 total duels Ultra Rare: Elemental Hero Electrum Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman Helios Tris Megistus Miracle Fusion Super Rare: Cyber Blader Dandylion Elemental Hero Tempest Helios - The Primordial Sun Helios Duo Megistus Rare: Cyber Laser Dragon Elemental Hero Mudballman Elemental Hero Necroshade Elemental Hero Steam Healer Etoile Cyber Fusion Recovery Golden Homunculus Macro Cosmos Reload Self-Destruct Button Watapon Wroughtweiler Common: Barrier Statue of the Abyss Barrier Statue of the Drought Barrier Statue of the Heavens Barrier Statue of the Inferno Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds Barrier Statue of the Torrent Blade Skater Burial from a Different Dimension Cyclone Boomerang Damage Polarizer Degenerate Circuit Dimension Distortion Edge Hammer Elemental Absorber Fusion Guard Gyakutenno Megami Hallowed Life Barrier Hero Barrier Hero Ring Inferno Tempest Magical Blast Metal Guardian Mystik Wok Phoenix Wing Wind Blast Return Soul Ruthless Denial Spirit Barrier Steel Shell Violet Crystal ================== -Darkness Removed- #266 ================== Unlock: Open the World of Order Ultra Rare: Cyberdark Dragon Elemental Hero Aqua Neos Future Fusion Overload Fusion Super Rare: Cyberdark Edge Cyberdark Horn Cyberdark Keel Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster Elemental Hero Neos Rare: Black Horn of Heaven Clock Tower Prison Cyber Tutu Dark City Destiny Draw Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude Destiny Hero - Fear Monger Neo Space Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin Over Destiny Skill Drain Common: Accumulated Fortune Broken Bamboo Sword Chain Detonation Chain Healing Chrysalis Dolphin Common Soul Contact Curse of Fiend Cyclone Blade D - Chain D - Counter D - Shield D - Spirit D - Time Dark Chimera Destiny Hero - Dasher Destiny Mirage Destiny Signal Destruction of Destiny Elemental Recharge Eternal Dread Fake Hero Forced Back Jar Robber King of Yamimakai Light Laser Phantasmal Martyrs Primal Seed Spell Economics Vanity's Call ================= -Beyond Ultimate- #276 ================= Unlock: Beat all Spirits in the World of Civilization 5 times Ultra Rare: Dragon Master Knight Night Assailant Spirit Reaper VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon Super Rare: Creature Swap Manticore of Darkness Vampire Lord Wave-Motion Cannon XYZ-Dragon Cannon Rare: A Cat of Ill Omen Giant Orc Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands Roulette Barrel Skull Archfiend of Lightning Spell Canceller Spell Purification VW-Tiger Catapult XY-Dragon Cannon XZ-Tank Cannon YZ-Tank Dragon Zombyra the Dark Common: Archfiend's Oath Archfiend's Roar Battle-Scarred Chain Burst Combination Attack Contarct with the Abyss Double Attack Falling Down Final Attack Orders Flint Formation Union Frontline Base Fruits of Kozaky's Studies Fusion Weapon Hidden Soldiers Mind Haxorz Necklace of Command Pandemonium Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment Rare Metalmorph Secret Barrel The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion Vampire Lady V-Tiger Jet W-Wing Catapult X-Head Cannon Y-Dragon Head Z-Metal Tank ================== -World in Between- #286 ================== Unlock: Beat Tournament Level 2 5 times Ultra Rare: Dark Ruler Ha Des Necroface Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World Reshef the Dark Being Super Rare: Brron, Mad King of Dark World Card Trader Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi Sillva, Warlord of Dark World Rare: An Owl of Luck Aussa the Earth Charmer D.D. Survivor Dark Balter the Terrible Dark World Dealings Eria the Water Charmer Hiita the Fire Charmer Kaiser Sea Horse Ryu Senshi Senju of the Thousand Hands Twister Wynn the Wind Charmer Common: Acrobat Monkey Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World Blade Knight Broww, Huntsman of Dark World Cloning Dark Blade Dark Blade the Dragon Knight Darkfire Dragon Des Lacooda Eliminating the Leageu Final Ritual of the Ancients Flash of the Forbidden Spell Flashbang Gateway to Dark World Gruesome Goo Hero Medal Justi-Break Miraculous Rebirth Nightmare Horse Petit Dragon Pitch-Dark Dragon Question Rare Fish Reaper on the Nightmare Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World Scarr, Scout of Dark World Skelengel Sonic Bird The Forces of Darkness =================== -Bloodline Destiny- #296 =================== Unlock: Open the World of Order Ultra Rare: Destiny Hero - Disk Commander Destiny Hero - Dogma Destiny Hero - Plasma Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin Super Rare: Advanced Ritual Art Dark Red Enchanter Destiny Hero - Malicious Elemental Hero Dark Neos Memory Crusher Rare: Chainsaw Insect Destiny Hero - Defender Destiny Hero - Doom Lord Doom Dozer Elemental Hero Flare Neos Elemental Hero Mariner Gatling Dragon Gellenduo Harpie Queen Hero's Bond Summon Priest Trap of Darkness Common: Ancient Gear Beast Anti-Fusion Device Aqua Dragon Beastly Mirror Ritual Chakra Collected Power Cyber Harpie Lady Des Wombat Dragon Piper Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman Faith Bird Fiend's Mirror Freya, Spirit of Victory Garma Sword Garma Sword Oath Guardian Angel Joan Hamburger Recipe Harpie Girl Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon Harvest Angel of Wisdom Hungry Burger Hysteric Party Jerry Beans Man Judgment of Anubis King Dragun Mad Lobster Pitch-Black Warwolf Resurrection of Chakra Ritual Sealing Royal Knight ================== -Venomous Dilemma- #306 ================== Unlock: Beat all Spirits in the World of Darkness 5 times Ultra Rare: Alien Hypno Diabolos, King of the Abyss Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes Super Rare: Alien Mother Alien Shocktrooper Dark Effigy Light Effigy Prometheus, King of the Shadows Rare: Alien Hunter Alien Skull Alien Telepath Alien Warrior Brainwashing Beam Creature Seizure Damage = Reptile Desert Sunlight Flying Saucer Muusik'i Ritual Raven Trojan Blast Venom Snake Common: "A" Cell Breeding Device "A" Cell Incubator "A" Cell Scatter Burst Abyssal Designator Alien Grey Alien Infiltrator Alien Mars Alien Psychic Amazon of the Seas Ambus Fangs Beaver Warrior Cell Explosion Virus Corruption Cell "A" Crop Circles Detonator Circle "A" Invitation to a Dark Sleep Mind Wipe Orbital Bombardment Otherworld - The "A" Zone Raimei Rise of the Snake Deity Snake Deity's Command Snake Rain Snake Whistle Taunt Venom Burn Venom Serpent Venom Shot Venom Swamp Whiptail Crow ================== -Dark Meets Light- #316 ================== Unlock: Beat 40 Opponents 5 times in Free Duel Ultra Rare: Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Great Shogun Shien Light and Darkness Dragon Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Super Rare: Birthright Enishi, Shien's Chancellor Masked Chopper Snipe Hunter Spirit of the Six Samurai Rare: Backs to the Wall Banisher of the Radiance Botanical Lion Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer Elemental Hero Wild Wingman Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird Neo-Spacian Dark Panther Shien's Castle of Mist The Six Samurai - Irou The Six Samurai - Zanji Vortex Kong Common: Aegis of Gaia Babycerasaurus Black Ptera Breakthrough! Chamberlain of the Six Samurai Change of Hero - Reflector Ray Cloack and Dagger Double-Edged Sword Technique Electromagnetic Bagworm Gift of the Martyr Kozaky's Self-Destruct Button Legendary Ebon Steed Man-eating Black Shark Neos Force Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab Neo-Spacian Glow Moss Oscillo Hero #2 Phantom Beast Rock-Lizard Return of the Six Samurai Sabersaurus Shield Spear Shien's Footsoldier Swift Samurai Storm! Swiftstrike Armor The Six Samurai - Kamon The Six Samurai - Nisashi The Six Samurai - Yaichi The Six Samurai - Yariza Timeater Two-Man Cell Battle ============== -Mother Earth- #326 ============== Unlock: Open the World of Chaos Ultra Rare: Card Trooper Elemental Hero Terra Firma Gold Sarcophagus Majestic Mech - Goryu Super Rare: Elemental Hero Grand Neos Frostosaurus Gene-Warper Warwolf Majestic Mech - Ohka Skyscraped 2 - Hero City Rare: Armed Samurai - Ben Kei Bountiful Artemis Elemental Hero Air Neos Elemental Hero Captain Gold Elemental Hero Darkbright Elemental Hero Glow Neos Elemental Hero Inferno Elemental Hero Lady Heat Elemental Hero Ocean Elemental Hero The Heat Elemental Hero Woodsman Giga Gagagigo Common: Ancient Gear Ancient Gear Cannon Axe Dragonute Bubble Crash Charcoal Inpachi Destiny Hero - Blade Master Destiny Hero - Double Dude Elemental Hero Knospe Elemental Hero Poison Rose Fenrir Goblin Zombie Grappler Grave Lure Kairyu-Shin Meteor of Destruction Meteorain Molten Behemoth Molten Zombie Morale Boost Null and Void Owner's Seal Rain of Mercy Remove Brainwash Rose Bud Silpheed Silver Fang Sonic Duck Spell Shield Type-8 Star Boy Woodborg Inpachi ================ -The 7 Crystals- #336 ================ Unlock: Beat all Spirits in the Sanctuary Map of the World of Order 5 times Ultra Rare: Beast King Barbaros Demise, King of Armageddon Felgrand Dragon Rainbow Dragon Ruin, Queen of Oblivion Super Rare: Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins Chthonian Emperor Dragon Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus Evil Hero Infernal Gainer Evil Hero Malicious Edge Rare: Counter Crystal Crystal Abundance Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat Crystal Promise Crystal Raigeki Crystal Release Crystal Tree End of the World Energy-Absorbing Monolith Rare Value Common: An Unfortunate Report Armored Lizard Cocoon Rebirth Counter Counter Crystal Beacon Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger Crystal Blessing Crystal Set Darkblaze Dragon Double Summon Flint Missile Foolish Revival Gift Card Gravitic Orb Herald of Creation Insect Knight Instant Fusion Interdimensional Warp Last Resort Light-Imprisoning Mirror Megarock Dragon Release from Stone Rock Ogre Grotto #1 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror Summoner's Art The Gift of Greed The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler ================== -Ancient Gadgetry- #346 ================== Unlock: Beat all Spirits in the Reverse Cloud Map of the World of Order 5 times Ultra Rare: Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon Chimeratech Overdragon Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden One Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Super Rare: Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera Green Gadget Mobius the Frost Monarch Red Gadget Yellow Gadget Rare: Boot-Up Soldier - Dread Dynamo D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective Gogiga Gagagigo Golem Sentry Mythical Beast Cerberus No Entry!! Phantom Beast Thunder-Pegasus Regenerating Mummy Tyranno Infinity Vanity's Fiend Vanity's Ruler Common: Absorbing Kid from the Sky Ancient Telescope Blasting Fuse Block Attack Book of Secret Arts Brain Crusher Chosen One Creeping Doom Manta Dancing Fairy Dimensional Inversion Elf's Light Fire Princess Gadget Soldier Guard Penalty Lady Ninja Yae Machine Conversion Factory Malice Doll of Demise Mass Hypnosis Mucus Yolk Protector of the Throne Raise Body Heat Return of the Doomed Roc from the Valley of Haze Senet Switch Servant of Catabolism Stronghold the Moving Fortress Sword of Dark Destruction Terra Gravity Triggered Summon Unshaven Angler ================ -Magma Eruption- #356 ================ Unlock: Open the World of Chaos Ultra Rare: Angel 07 Infernal Flame Emperor Sky Scourge Norleras The Wicked Eraser Volcanic Doomfire Super Rare: Cosmic Horror Gangi'el Lich Lord, King of the Underworld Raiza the Storm Monarch Sky Scourge Enrise Super Conductor Tyranno Rare: Aquarian Alessa Archfiend General Black Stego Black Tyranno Dark Driceratops Goe Goe the Gallant Ninja Pot of Generosity Sasuke Samurai Sky Scourge Invicil Volcanic Hammerer Volcanic Scattershot Volcanic Slicer Common: Blaze Accelerator Byser Shock Cost Down Curse of Aging Disturbance Strategy Field Barrier Fiend Kraken Fire Darts Firewall Flame Ruler Introduction to Gallantry Jellyfish Kojikocy Lucky Iron Axe Needle Ceiling Option Hunter Scroll of Bewitchment Secrets of the Gallant Shien's Spy Soul of Fire Space Mambo Summoner of Illusions Swarm of Locusts Swarm of Scarabs Terrible Deal Trap of Board Eraser Tri-Blaze Accelerator Volcanic Recharge Volcanic Shell Warrior of Atlantis =================== -Light from Clouds- #366 =================== Unlock: Beat Tournament Level 3 5 times Ultra Rare: Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon Dark Ruler Vandalgyon Simorgh, Bird of Divinity The Wicked Avatar Tyrant Dragon Super Rare: Cloudian - Sheep Cloud Sand Moth Spell Reclamation Swift Birdman Joe Trap Reclamation Rare: Cloudian - Altus Cloudian - Cirrostratus Cloudian Squall Diamond-Dust Cyclone DNA Transplant Fifth Hope Grasschopper Great Spirit Lucky Cloud Mist Archfiend Sonic Shooter Summon Cloud Common: Armor Break Basic Insect Begone, Knave! Big Insect Chrysalis Chicky Chrysalis Larva Chrysalis Mole Chrysalis Pantail Chrysalis Pinny Cloudian - Acid Cloud Cloudian - Ghost Fog Cloudian - Nimbusman Cloudian - Poison Cloud Cloudian - Smoke Ball Cloudian - Turbulence Cocoon Party Cocoon Veil Convert Contact Counter Cleaner Dangerous Machine TYPE-6 Dora of Fate Fog Control Gryphon's Feather Duster Mammoth Graveyard Masaki the Legendary Swordsman Natural Disaster Rain Storm Timidity Token Thanksgiving Updraft ================== -Chaos of Nothing- #376 ================== Unlock: Beat all Spirits in the Neo Space Map of the World of Chaos 5 times Ultra Rare: Elemental Hero Chaos Neos Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder Limiter Removal Raviel, Lord of Phantasms Uria, Lord of Searing Flames Super Rare: Allure Queen LV7 Doom Shaman Elemental Hero Neos Alius Metal Shooter Trade-In Voltanis the Adjudicator Rare: Allure Queen Lv3 Allure Queen LV5 Blast Asmodian Blizzard Dragon Common Charity D.D. Crow Ebon Magician Curran Fairy of the Spring Layard the Liberator Neo Space Pathfinder Reverse of Neos White Magician Pikeru Common: Adhesion Trap Hole Amulet of Ambition Battle Steer Cyclon Laser Demotion Destructive Draw Electric Virus Final Flame Gather Your Mind Gradius Great White Hard-sellin' Goblin Hard-sellin' Zombie Kid Guard Koumori Dragon Little-Winguard Lord of D. Mirror Gate Plague Wolf Precious Cards from Beyond Recurring Nightmare Rod of Mind's Eye Senri Eye Sparks Strike Slash Sword of Dark Rites Symbols of Duty The Flute of Summoning Dragon ================== -Bearer of Demise- #386 ================== Unlock: Beat all Spirits in the Dark Realm Map of the World of Chaos 5 times Ultra Rare: Armityle the Chaos Phantom Dark Eradicator Warlock Evil Hero Inferno Wing Gladiator Beast Heraklinos White Night Dragon Super Rare: Elemental Hero Plasma Vice Evil Hero Dark Gaia Gladiator Beast Alexander Gladiator Beast Secutor Gladiator Beast Spartacus Phantom of Chaos Rare: Ancient Gear Knight Burden of the Mighty Colosseum - Cage of the Gladiator Beasts Dark Calling Dark Fusion Evil Hero Lightning Golem Fossil Tusker Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz Gladiator Beast Murmillo Gladiator Beast's Respite Hero's Rule 2 Swing of Memories Common: Ameba Blazewing Butterfly Chaos Burst Contact Out Cunning of the Six Samurai Dark Bribe Disarm Fusion Scrap Gem Flash Energy Gladiator Beast Bestiari Gladiator Beast Dimacari Gladiator Beast Hoplomus Gladiator Beast Laquari Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica Gladiator's Return Hero Counterattack Il Blud Nova Summoner Nutrient Z Over Limit Parry Ryu-Kishin Powered Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword Spell of Pain Super Double Summon Swordstalker =================== -Mysterious Galaxy- #396 =================== Unlock: Beat 50 Opponents 5 times in Free Duel Ultra Rare: Arcana Force Extra - The Light Ruler Cyber End Dragon Cyber Ogre 2 Cyber Twin Dragon Power Bond Super Rare: Chimeratech Fortress Dragon Curse of Vampire Cyber Dragon Cyber Ogre Reasoning The Splendid Venus Rare: Appropriate Blind Destruction Cyber Phoenix Cyberdark Impact! Dark Designator Goblin Elite Attack Force Good Goblin Housekeeping Graverobber's Retribution Light of Intervention Proto-Cyber Dragon Re-Fusion Vengeful Bog Spirit Common: Absolute End After the Struggle Astral Barrier Big Wave Small Wave Byroad Sacrifice Clown Zombie Crawling Dragon Cross Counter Deal of Phantom Destruction Punch Dragon Zombie Fatal Abacus Forced Requisition Gamble Karbonala Warrior Life Absorbing Machine Magic Reflector Minor Goblin Official Offerings to the Doomed Penalty Game Phalanx Pike Rope of Life Silent Doom Skull Invitation Skull Lair Spring of Rebirth The Emperor's Holiday Zanki
06-08-2016, 03:53 AM
dva yells "nerf this" and then there's an invulnerable mech flying forward which
![]() ![]()
06-08-2016, 03:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2016, 03:59 AM by Kíeros.)
/me is shot by every graphic designer at once
06-08-2016, 04:38 AM
06-09-2016, 08:32 PM
06-09-2016, 10:22 PM
I walk along darkened corridors And I walk along darkened corridors I walk along darkened corridors And I walk along darkened corridors
Heaven Help Us | Make Room!!!! | I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Hang 'Em High | The Only Hope For Me Is You | Zero Percent | Early Sunsets Over Monroeville | DESTROYA | Demolition Lovers | To The End Surrender The Night | Disenchanted | The Ghost Of You | Party Poison | Vampires Will Never Hurt You | The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You
06-10-2016, 12:24 AM
peace to the unsung peace to the martyrs | i'm johnny rotten appleseed
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow
06-18-2016, 01:37 AM
06-19-2016, 08:58 PM
4:00 AM - BananaPanda~: goodnight
4:00 AM - BananaPanda~: sleep. 4:00 AM - BananaPanda~: let those beds touch you 4:00 AM - Sleepy Kai: I left because it;s 4am and I'm falling asleep lol 4:00 AM - Sleepy Kai: *it's 4:00 AM - BananaPanda~: SLEEP 4:00 AM - BananaPanda~: GO NOW 4:01 AM - Sleepy Kai: FINE 4:01 AM - Sleepy Kai: NIGHT 4:02 AM - BananaPanda~: sweet dreams |
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