Let's write a song one note at a time

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Let's write a song one note at a time
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
32 note C# Min arp that goes up and down for 5 and a half measures
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Broad and undirected mashing of random keys of the piano in the time of a waltz.

EDIT: Keep doing until you successfully dance. Then, play a waltz.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Any B you like, but played on something that is not a piano.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Bosch's 500 year old butt song on chip tune bleeps and boops
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
C, A, B, B, A, G, E♭
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Ty sadgi that was my exact post before i opted for butt music

Anyway another e flat, drawn-out and eventually petering out
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
[Image: t9IByMF.png]
a demisemihemidemisemiquaver rest
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
this bird
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
H flat
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Rapidly alternate between A and the next lower E for half a measure.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
The same thing, but with an Eb instead of the E.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Cadenza: The trombone slowly slides downwards from Eb until the instrument hits its limit, at which point the piece pauses for two entire seconds, then resumes.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
the HEY from the chorus of Smash Mouth's All Star
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Rapidly alternate between G and the Eb from Kieros's post for half a measure.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
windows xp shut down noise
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Thunder sheet falls down 2 flights of stairs.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Just punch the keyboard
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Rapidly alternate between the F from Schazer's post and C for half a measure.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Rapidly alternate between the C in SeaWyrm's post and a chromatic back-and-forth within one semitone of the F from Schazer's post.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
a baby monkey, screaming loudly for 5 beats. 5 fucking beats.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
IF this is the first time you've encountered this post, continue to the next post.
ELSE, GOTO the post after whichever the last post is that told you to GOTO: CHORUS.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Return to beginning. As you play through the piece, also speak the instruction at the same time, until you return to here.

Then, keep going.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Hold the next note under an awkwardly long fermata.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙