dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition

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dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
ye2 on paper'2 ver2iion of tiingy
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Time to throw down some votes!

yes on eagle
no on beagle

eagle passes!

Gonna make a judgement call that unless specifically stated otherwise, new rules that would impact the passing of a prop do not apply retroactively (so for eagle to apply to Reyweld II and Reyweld II.5, those rules would need to be removed from the ruleset first.

Of course, a passing prop or chwoka can override this

yes on equal ground

equal ground passes!

Gonna call the higher ups on this one.

Pronounce and gif both pass!

Finally, now we can dictate what comes out of your mouth-hole.

no on Paper's and a52's thiingy
no on fuck,
yes on PROP OC

PROP OC passes!
now you can legally type in multiple colors. Hopefully this will curtail the dangerous and illegal underground color trade that has lead to the deaths of many poor Neo New Trollslumopians.

The Lineup is updated!
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
No on bigro (bofa)
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
btp Wrote:now you can legally type in multiple colors
2ay2 2omebody who doe2n't u2e any color2 AT ALL. why don't our leader2 abiide by the 2ame rule2? ii demand a revolutiion!
punii2hment mu2t be dealt!
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
a5s Wrote:2ay2 2omebody who doe2n't u2e any color2 AT ALL. why don't our leader2 abiide by the 2ame rule2? ii demand a revolutiion!
punii2hment mu2t be dealt!
Default is the color of my trollsona you insensitive hack!

Do you know how hard it is to occasionally pretend that I can no longer see the letters on my keyboard due to the grey-stained fingerprints that dot its surface? Do you know how exhausting it is to feign indignation at the legitimate perception that I'm not even participating in troll quirks?

RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Just drawing attention to the fact that we still have no approved the ability to change the theme in here!

Vote for Neo New TrollTheme to make this a reality!


Proposition: GRUBS

Quote:Any poster without a declared troll quirk is given the unofficial title of GRUB.

GRUBS are immune from all YOUSE GOTTA rules and may post anywhere and how in NNTS without repercussion.

Rules related to GRUBS will be posted near the top of the rules list.

This gives automatic immunity to anyone new to NNTS. We can add extra GRUB stipulations later.

Yes on GRUBS
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
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RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(05-12-2016, 03:26 PM)OrangeAipom Wrote: »No on bigro (bofa)

Both of the props called bigro
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
no on grubs on the grounds that the troll quirk rule isn't an actual enforced rule in the first place; see first the "no pain-in-the-ass formatting propositions" rule that invalidates it and the fact that nobody ever approved any way to actually enforce any of the rules
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
proposition enforcement: giant rule enforcing robots will hunt you DDown if you break the rules
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
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RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
no on proposition enforcement
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
prop a2iimov more liike A22iimov (aka prop 359): iin2tiitute the2e law2 of robotiic2:

1: robot2 mu2t punii2h rulebreaker2
2: pharmdrug2 count a2 a robot
3: 2bnkalny get2 a neo new troll2lum account
4: all of the oriigiinal rule2 of robotiic2

ye2 on 359
ye2 on enforcement
remiinder about lapd
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
no on 359

you won't take me yet, robot villians!
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
i personally was not talking about pharmDDrugs (who is semi-precious anDD can't be involved in the brutal worlDD of neo new trollslum law enforcement) but actual robots that exist in the real worlDD anDD if you break a rule they will come to your house and arrest you
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Quote:Posts that violate a YOUSE GOTTA rule may be flagged and the offending content will be replaced with a photo, gif, or other multimedia reference to Nicholas Cage. A user who successfully identifies a post in violation of the YOUSE GOTTA rules will receive one TICKET from the author of the violating post.

Prop: OH IT'S ON
Quote:As a form of conflict resolution, one user may publicly challenge another to a NEONEWTROLLSLUM DRAG RACE. A third party may set the terms of the DRAG RACE, if both users agree, the NNTS DRAG RACE will commence.

The winner of the NNTS DRAG RACE may set a new typing quirk requirement for the loser, which will remain in effect for ONE WEEK.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
no on caged

yes on oh it's on
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
proposition fuck, : delete all posts in the "fuck, " thread that are anything but "fuck, ". it's funnier that way

yes on fuck,
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
no on fuck,

proposition what a fuckin bout: lock+split the thread after my moose post, let a new "fuck," thread continue
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
proposition Moose: delete all posts in the "fuck, " thread, except for Schazer's "Moose" and all prior "fuck, " posts, then lock the thread.

no on fuck,

yes on Moose

Edit: yes on what Schazer said
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
prop 911: any u2er can challenge a rulebreaker2 to ULTIMATE PUNII2HMENT CHALLENGE EXTRAVAGANZA a2 recompen2e for theiir 2iin2

ye2 on 911
ye2 on OH IIT2 ON
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Proposition: not in my grubyard: any and all "______ Making/posting" genra of contests are banned in NNTS
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
ye2 on not iin my grubyard
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
no on fuck, what a fuckin bout, Moose

yes on not in my grubyard
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
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