Webcomic Deer Rectory

Webcomic Deer Rectory
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
So I've been told :v still working out some kinks.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I comics-hopped to this little collection today.

E: This five-parter was extremely my shit
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I think its fine as is. We could always remake in the webcomics forum if the need really arises.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
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RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
The Gunnerkrigg side comic with Paz just got uploaded to the site.

There are dogs. It's great.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Spoilers? Spoilers.
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RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
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RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
[Image: 3034898845e286299650b3c0492ab12732a0543a.png?1451885214]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory

Gigi of Cucumber Quest made a short(ish?) standalone comic that I think is absolutely worth your time.
Her own description of it was; "For the past while I’ve been working on a comic called Lady of the Shard, about an acolyte in love with a goddess. It’s somewhat experimental and more than a little gay."
Please look at it.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Very, very good. Thank you!
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RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
LotS is soooo silly mwahtermelon
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
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RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Reading a webcomic that shall remain nameless:

This is not good.
The plot makes no sense at all.
Why am I still reading this, it's not going to get any better.
God dammit I think I might actually be getting attached to the characters.

I am still reading it, somebody save me from this abyss of badly written near-porn.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Oh thank god, it's over. I don't know how much more poorly drawn hippie lesbian I could take.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
That post about bad webcomics just made me realize that nobody's forced me to remember the existence of LICD at any point in the last several years now, so thanks for that everybody, and sorry for breaking our good streak.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I have to admit it's hard to wring much to discuss out of a post that doesn't tell me what comic it is about.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Yeah i dont know what we're supposed to get from that post other than somewhere, a bad comic exists
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Performative disgust can be fun, but engaging critically is so much more satisfying

To hippie grandpas like me anyway
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
(05-14-2016, 03:33 PM)SleepingOrange Wrote: »Performative disgust can be fun, but engaging critically is so much more satisfying

To hippie grandpas like me anyway

Probably a good point.
Here, discuss.
www.gogetaroomie.com (nsfw)

If not Not Good, at the very least it is Not For Me.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
it's not that good artistically but it does have humour. i guess.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Please tag as NSFW!
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RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Oh, sorry! I thought that had been clear!
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
This is indeed a very bad comic to begin with! It's disappointing as a reader to see the author dwelling on the most facile and sexiest aspects of the subject matter her work explores; I haven't read the entirety of it yet obviously, but it seems like what starts out as a tedious focus becomes more of a trapping as she becomes more familiar with the medium and storytelling techniques.

I actually really enjoy the composition of the newest strips; the character design and expressions are well-crafted too (except for a bit of a tendency for all the young skinny dark-haired characters to be hard to tell apart), and the story is pretty followable when read backwards which speaks to good pacing. The dialogue is probably her weakest aspect right now; it's not so much bad as still inelegant, I think, just not caught up to her level of development with other aspects of the strip. You can see the characters' character and relationships implicitly, but there's a level of artificiality to it because it tries a bit too hard to be clever and punchy. Feels a little overwrought.

I am interested in reading more than I have yet, though. Partially because I am a sucker for stories about various weird people coming to terms with their weirdness and finding a place for themselves in the world outside of the boundaries of the social scripts they're given, and partially because it includes a lot of things and people you don't see much in other media. I am glad to see the work matured with the author, and hope she and it continue to mature.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
It's fine a52.

Ah, and I missed the "near-porn" comment. At least no one else in the room seemed to notice.
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RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Slorange[/quote Wrote:*stuff*

To be fair, I don't think I actually read all of it, my browser crashed at one point and I figured that that was enough for one night. And it's also kind of my fault for diving headfirst into something I knew I wouldn't enjoy from the get go.

(05-14-2016, 05:26 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »It's fine a52. Ah, and I missed the "near-porn" comment. At least no one else in the room seemed to notice.

Oh, good! I was afraid I had gotten you fired or detentioned or something.