Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)

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Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
The dice said it all.

vote: Kieros
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Vote: Gatr for rolling non-statistically-disclaimer'd dice

those are clone contraband
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Vote: Mirdini for being a law enforcement official.

That's illegal you know!
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)

a52 slaps one on Kieros, and a nice gooey noise is produced. Green goo leaks out the size of the bandaid.


Kieros () - Schazer, Gimeurcookie, Gatr
Slorange () - Kieros, a52
Robust Laser () - Palamedes
Gatr () - Mirdini
Mirdini () - Credit

Abstainers - 5


Livelist (13/14):
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Yeah, I think those bandages were expired. How do bandages expire, I don't know, but somehow it happened. Yay -2 luck.
Assuming the same thing happens to others as did to me, well... I'm not going to say don't use them because you all won't listen, but just think before you do and probably don't use it on someone you like.
But I'm not going to ruin the fun as to what happens with them (spoiler alert: it's not fun)
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)

band: Kieros
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)

Credit slaps one on Kieros, and a nice gooey noise is produced. White goo leaks out the size of the bandaid.

Kieros Bandaid count: 2
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Band: Kieros

Vote: Kieros
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Really. Really.

You know what, why doesn't everyone who has a bandage just use it on me? Maybe somehow in the end everything will just work out fine and dandy.
Or I'll die. It's probably going to be one of those two. And I think I know which one.
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Vote: Gatr
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)

Slorange slaps one on Kieros, and a nice gooey noise is produced. White goo leaks out the size of the bandaid. Kieros is feeling suffocated in bandaids.

Kieros Bandaid count: 3


Kieros (4) - Schazer, Gimeurcookie, Gatr, Slorange
Slorange (1) - Kieros
Robust Laser (1) - Palamedes
Gatr (2) - Mirdini, a52
Mirdini (1) - Credit

Abstainers - 4
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
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RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Band: Kieros
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Cut Off!

Update Coming Soon.
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)

Schazer slaps one on Kieros, and a nice gooey noise is produced. White goo leaks out the size of the bandaid. Kieros is feeling suffocated in bandaids.

Kieros (4) - Schazer, Gimeurcookie, Gatr, Slorange
Slorange (2) - Kieros, Shredded
Robust Laser (1) - Palamedes
Gatr (2) - Mirdini, a52
Mirdini (1) - Credit
(Abstainers - 3)

Kieros was scratching at her many bandages covering her body when 4 figures of ambiguous size and features ran up to her, quickly slashing at her and fleeing.

As Kieros bled on the floor, she realised: her bandaids had taken the blow! Three bandaids had been shredded beyond repair, but she was fine. She quickly picked herself up and fled the scene.

No Vote Kill

Eight players receive presents in the mail: Schazer, Shredded, Gimeurcookie, ICan'tGiveCredit, a52, Goblin's, Mehgamehn, Palamedes.

Livelist (13/14):


Voting Begins right away!
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
I'm just going to keep rolling a dice for the rest of the game.

The roll is........1!
Voting for Schazer
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
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RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
shred: papers

don't shake me
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Credit I never claimed I was an official anything :<

Vote: Gatr tho
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Vote: Slorange
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Votals (with assumptions):
Schazer (1) - Gimeurcookie
Shredded (1) - Slorange
Gatr (1) - Mirdini
Slorange (2) - Shredded, a52
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
don't shake me a52
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Vote: ....... Shredded.
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
There's no place for dice rolling in a super-serious game such as this.

Vote: Gimmeurcookie
RE: Kill your Evil Clone (7th Mystery Game)
Wow, I honestly did not expect to survive that. Guess that bandages maybe are slightly good.
I wouldn't trust my life to them again.

Vote: Credit for jumping on me with a bandage right after I said they were bad.

So with that out of the way, am I going to be the guinea pig for whatever other item you got, or are you eight going to subject someone else to your torment?