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> Use your ninjutsu to teleport to Dinkalsen's room
> Or just like, walk there

> Pipe monster
/*Cool Zack You Are Not
Helping By Purporting You
Have Powers You Don't

It Lets The Pipe Beast
Subvert Our Trustworthiness
We Do Not Want That*/

>Yo Operator
>Connect Me Please. I Want To
>Chat To E X A
Hello There EXA
Our Viewpoint Has Expanded
To Seeing You Too

Thought You Should Know That
A Heads Up That You Might Get
More Zack Attention

>Chatlog To Levyyts
You're Doing An Amazing Job
Here Keep It Up
Ey, Input Aggregator, mind showin us the other side of the nickel?
Would feel pretty sheepish if that was a thing we could do.


Privatelog (Exa)Show

Privatelog (CripesAlmighty)Show
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
Posts from now on will no longer contain epilepsy warnings except at the top to make things slightly cleaner. Please let me know if this isn't working out.

(11-15-2017, 05:13 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »/*Cool Zack You Are Not
Helping By Purporting You
Have Powers You Don't

It Lets The Pipe Beast
Subvert Our Trustworthiness
We Do Not Want That*/

>Chatlog To Levyyts
You're Doing An Amazing Job
Here Keep It Up

(11-15-2017, 02:55 AM)Angustine Wrote: »Father can't you just get Tars to kill her?
Actually she probably thought of that and has a safeguard for it and can read this
But it's worth a try anyway!

Shellgowrath to Levyyts
> What Will this restraining be?
> A limiting number of sentences and words?
> A remote controlled pain delivering device?
> The boredom of having to see nothing but a blank wall?
> Having my name taken from me?
> The privilege of certain interactions revoked?
> " serves you right" says Levyyts

Shellgowrath to everybody
> The big thing is talking to us and can hear us
> It's just talking in riddles and asking questions
> The text is inferior and therefore hides itself in shame
> You just need to look for it
> Also big boy stop stalking Papier-mâché and four-eyes
> They already have to deal with the Zack collective and nobody cares about you

INPUT AGGREGATOR: yknow im thinking on it
INPUT AGGREGATOR: and basically
INPUT AGGREGATOR: ive still got tars if shit really hits the bed
INPUT AGGREGATOR: but im commanded not to use him for one
INPUT AGGREGATOR: and i dont think shit is really hittin the bed in a way that lil ol me can really assist

[Image: PckZfiw.png]
Privatelog (Levyyts)Show

(11-15-2017, 02:45 AM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
> Pipe monster

(11-15-2017, 10:27 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Ey, Input Aggregator, mind showin us the other side of the nickel?
Would feel pretty sheepish if that was a thing we could do.


Privatelog (CripesAlmighty)Show

INPUT AGGREGATOR: uh so like um
INPUT AGGREGATOR: im not the magic camera thats taking you around to see whatever bullshit
INPUT AGGREGATOR: youve got some kinda prompt i dunno if its a computer terminal or a chatroom or a forum or a movie hangout spot whatever
INPUT AGGREGATOR: and that prompt is showin ya everything
INPUT AGGREGATOR: im just the tool takin your suggestions
INPUT AGGREGATOR: in summary lmao:
INPUT AGGREGATOR: blame it on the narrator ;)

You run into the ROOM. Once inside, you discover with a temporary feeling of relief that it is just a tad too big to get in.

[Image: DKmf7m1.gif]

Dinkalsen cowers in the corner, whimpering and crying softly about the blinking- the light- the sound of it, which is so indescribably off-putting that all you can do is stand dumbstruck for a moment. The light doesn't irritate, but it is far from soothing. Still, it cannot enter.

[Image: U93Vjxo.gif]

"Please do a course of action to get rid of that," cries Dinkalsen. "It's notably bad and hurting a lot, within intentions to do a ceiling demolishment."

You stare. You contemplate. You hear it scream in your ear with twisted, loud silence.

[Image: YkHkWGe.gif]
Privatelog (Zack)Show

And yet you're compelled to step only closer.

(11-15-2017, 05:13 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Yo Operator
>Connect Me Please. I Want To
>Chat To E X A
Hello There EXA
Our Viewpoint Has Expanded
To Seeing You Too

Thought You Should Know That
A Heads Up That You Might Get
More Zack Attention

(11-15-2017, 10:27 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »
Privatelog (Exa)Show

[Image: f7pSPV0.png]
Privatelog (Zack)Show

You start forming an idea.

Queue C. Coffee is a Prospitian, which means like many Prospitians, he has a very passive influence by the home planet of the heroes inhabiting it. You were bestowed with sharp, clawlike hands, Levyyts with mandibles, Mulligan McKenzie with antenna nubs, and Dinkalsen Spank with four eyes. Queue, on the other hand, has wings, tucked in that little jumpsuit of his.

Not that he had use for them before now. And people were always just a smidge too heavy to lift off the ground. But a gentle landing? That'd be doable.

Especially for a sorceress:::

(11-15-2017, 02:45 AM)Vic Wrote: »Eva
> Use your ninjutsu to teleport to Dinkalsen's room
> Or just like, walk there

First off, it's called an Ethereal Jaunt.

or a 'timeskip' you suppose

[Image: sOXE0Pp.gif]

Second of all, as much as you'd like to make a trek across the entire COMPOUND, there's a hole much closer.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
You Know That I'm Just
Going To Veto Commands
That Involve Orders

Like So; Complex Zack
Do Not Use Orders On Tars
Permission Revoked

Furthermore, Ignore
Future Permissions Granted
By Shellgowrath

In All Likelihood
This Won't Stick And I'll Have to
Do This All Again

But Whatever, Man
Doing What's Right Ain't Easy
Mind Control; Uncool

Please Do Not Drop The
Needspencer Out Of The Hole
What Does Tube Beast Need?

Rather Not Find Out
Please Do Not Facilitate
That Discovery

(11-16-2017, 01:53 AM)Angustine Wrote: »Father I command you to utilize Tars as you please and to speak whenever you wish

A private little chat between Shellgowrath and Levyyts
> Could you look under the nickel for me please?
> My eyes work on a prompt
> Maybe you could utilize your new toys for the greater good?
> But you will probably just horribly abuse them

INPUT AGGREGATOR: look im fine talkin when i want i guess
INPUT AGGREGATOR: but im not givin out the pw cus of an earlier order and i dont got consensus here on anything relating to the tard mockshirt
[Image: Std7QZX.png]
Privatelog (Levyyts)Show

(11-16-2017, 02:34 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »You Know That I'm Just
Going To Veto Commands
That Involve Orders

Like So; Complex Zack
Do Not Use Orders On Tars
Permission Revoked

Furthermore, Ignore
Future Permissions Granted
By Shellgowrath

In All Likelihood
This Won't Stick And I'll Have to
Do This All Again

But Whatever, Man
Doing What's Right Ain't Easy
Mind Control; Uncool

Please Do Not Drop The
Needspencer Out Of The Hole
What Does Tube Beast Need?

Rather Not Find Out
Please Do Not Facilitate
That Discovery

(11-16-2017, 01:53 AM)Angustine Wrote: »Shellgowrath speaks to everyone!
> I will now commence a conversation with the megalomaniacal scary man
> Boy I don't think I am superior, I am superior!
> Also thanks for calling me adorable, I appreciate the compliment
> Yes it is too big and nothing is unfair
> Stop complaining like a baby
> Would you kindly inform me how I could transform into a being of power and have 53 players?
> The big scary ninny would like for people to step outside and how do I look under the nickel?
> Levyyts is now my dominator, but in the kinky fashion and he may gag me as he pleases

You set up the RITUAL TABLE.

[Image: noxvbiz.png]

It doesn't move. Nothing happens. Maybe you've just gotta wait-- maybe that's all you could ever do.

[Image: 4s3MmCr.gif]

It's so bright. It's so, so, so bright. The light fills you and erases all thoughts of anything else. The blinking intensifies, and the whole world shudders between perfect darkness and blinding radiance.

[Image: ieLPCTB.gif]

But you aren't terrified. The terror, the horror, the uneasiness and the loss of control-- they fall away slowly, like there's no room for them in this powerful white and black landscape. The blinking of the MOCHA ENDING is no longer a menace, but hypnotic, instead. Your breathing slows. Your eyes narrow.

[Image: EM8KCK9.gif]

The light cleanses you. The monster of pipes bangs on the ceiling, but the sound is drowned out by the sound of sight, blasting loudly in your black retinas.

[Image: ZlrcIpd.gif]

You shut your eyes.

You breathe.

You aren't here, Gene.

You imagine a thousand other places of dull and sharp lighting, of muddy greens and bright oranges, of a landscape of colors and sights and rolling brushes of spectra across whiteness and blackness. You picture each wavelength entering you, jittering you, shivering across your pointless meaningless and weightless carapace.

You are a collection of false body parts in a grinding, flashing machine, and your eyes go dead, and just as you feel yourself lifted from corporeality into a trance, the blinking has stopped, and has been replaced by a dull, pale blue glow from your left.

[Image: KZB8dUH.gif]

[Image: eenmOJd.gif]

[Image: EV2E3wb.gif]


You arrive now.

[Image: ftnbKrv.png]

It isn't hard for Queue to spot you, and he grows a look of concern almost immediately.

"Oh, Eva... you're up. Please be careful with that fore, and especially careful around that hole over there."

Yuptam glances back at you. "Oh, marked quality. Are you here to perhaps save me from this unthinkable task of rudely bashing this wall down, EXA?"

Well, time to decide if you want to go on this sidequest and free your old friend Mulligan. He always was a cool dude, but Gene's in plenty of trouble, too.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
Tars Mulligan Seems
As Though He Might Be Useful
Fighting Against Tubes
(11-16-2017, 06:21 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Tars Mulligan Seems
As Though He Might Be Useful
Fighting Against Tubes

[Image: L1OCSMg.png]

You nod to the affirmative, and then point briefly at Queue, making a motion with your hands to gently indicate 'flying'. He seems confused, but generally enthusiastic that you're here to help out.

This is managable:::.

However, the precise FORE is gonna require a precise hit. Where to begin?
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]

>Aim for the cracks. Wall weaker in those spots.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
(11-16-2017, 11:58 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »

[Image: 39mdgqe.gif]

You reach forward a still-shuddery arm, and press your hand onto the wax. But instead of slipping in, assimilating, becoming part-- you simply feel its smooth surface, cold as can be.

[Image: 9HNC2ls.gif]

"Please," you say, "do something. Please do something, just... j-just attack that thing with your wax and string and shit or fly us out of here or something!"

It remains unmoving. The pupil glares at you, as if expectant.

[Image: LTVLJ8m.gif]

The room is beginning to be pushed off the edge.

(11-16-2017, 11:58 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Exa
>Aim for the cracks. Wall weaker in those spots.

You spend a moment readying your shot. Precision is key.

[Image: aiso3ew.gif]

A formidable whack-- without even a millimeter's deviation from where you aimed. Not too soft, not too hard, and at first it seems as if a worthless endeavor...

[Image: KfWNHgX.gif]

...but in time...

[Image: WXdCrtw.png]

...your intent becomes obvious.

God fucking damn you are such a smooth wizard.

Oats and Mulligan are just as awestruck behind the hole as Queue and Yuptam near you-- and with only a small bit of hesitation, they climb through the hole, looking weathered and worried, but intensely ecstatic by the fact of their survival.

[Image: YXwnOtM.png]

"Mulligan," Queue mouths quietly, "I was not certain I would believe it even if I saw it, but... you are once again with us."

The large Carapacian smiles modestly-- a smile that lights the room. Oats grins, too, his anxiety and worry starting to slip from his face if only by necessity. "With us best as can be," says Mulligan, "and I'm happy to have th-the freedom to do so."

Oats chuckles weakly. "Thanks, Eva. You're a-always the best." You give him a customary thumbs-up. It's your main method of communicating, these days.

Yuptam glares.

Queue says, "Well, we'd best be getting you an earpiece of some kind, Mully. There is so much to explain, and many can explain it better than me. We have some visitors from places unknown, as well, who can seemingly only communicate using the chat room."

"Suppose I should... be... made up to speed. Though suppose, too, Oats has given me some large amount of info, still processing." Shanks swallows. "Hard to believe it all."

"S-Same for us," says Oats. "I-It all came today, I guess. Since th-this morning, before I woke u-up."

There's a short pause. Yuptam, once again in line to speak, starts to examine his exit plans. Clearly he's not in the best of moods. In the space of quiet, both of the new arrivals eye each other-- and in an act of silent fanfare, they clasp each other's hands.

[Image: rg5UJhP.png]

"I'm happy to see you all again," Mulligan says. "Think that we're all going to make it out of this just fine. Who else is around?"

"There are nine of us remaining in total," explains Queue. His expression doesn't damper, though. "We were beginning to suspect it was just eight, that there would be no helping you, but-- oh, it's so nice to see the exact contrary."

Oats squeezes his hand. "...yeah."

Queue is ecstatic. Oats is at ease. Mulligan is sane. Yuptam is screwing off.

But you really could use that ride down, or something of the sort. Is now really the time for celebration?
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
Definitely Not
Best Get To Skedaddling
To Help Cripes And Hunk

And In The Mean Time
It Would Be A Good Idea
To Make A Ladder

Or Some Other Means
Of Retrieving Your Friends From
The Nickle Below
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
(11-17-2017, 10:29 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »

[Image: c2RLH9e.gif]

Something shudders and stiffens.

You see it obey, and you feel yourself stand still. You feel yourself utterly stationary, yet as all the world halts, somehow something remains moving.


[Image: SJPOXqX.gif]

[Image: XZYGGpA.png]

It's cold.

[Image: rS6URaH.png]

[Image: outeMSj.png]

[Image: pkjGL6B.png]

The doorknob creaks as you turn it.

(11-17-2017, 04:13 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Definitely Not
Best Get To Skedaddling
To Help Cripes And Hunk

And In The Mean Time
It Would Be A Good Idea
To Make A Ladder

Or Some Other Means
Of Retrieving Your Friends From
The Nickle Below

[Image: nzCTQ6K.png]

The ledge seems impossibly strong, yet as you stare over it, vertigo overtakes you. It's an incredibly unfamiliar sensation--- and
you are seriously hating. Still, you've got a mission to do.

[Image: JlutPLR.png]

"Eva?" asks Queue. You nod. "Are you... well, I suppose you hadn't seen it until now, then. Not in detail."

You let out a breath, and poke a finger at his chest. He gives you a look of confusion. "...what is it?"

With another little sigh, you point towards the hole, and he takes a glance over. Still confused, however, he gently says, "Why don't you, hum... message me on the chatlog, so you can explain what it is you mean? I am not seeing anything unusual."

[Image: RYEhjWF.png]

As you finish communicating over the chatlog, he lets out a worried, "Well, alright," and begins to undo the back of his jumpsuit.

However, you can't help but notice that the dullness of color in the hole has begun to be replaced with a gentle blue.

[Image: fvTjNQi.gif]

...and it's a blue that reminds you of something.

A time when you were still speaking.

[Image: 6HkQYYz.gif]

It was a warm day, back home.

[Image: mSB8Chm.png]

You were expecting something-- something from the CLOSETS MONSTER. It was often a gift-giver, of sorts, though you were never capable of keeping the gift for long. There is no doubt that you found solace in having an ever-present companion, as all other things in your life began to drain of color.

Your closet was glowing. This meant it was almost here.

[Image: ukrpsX2.png]

She stepped inside with a panting, far-off tone, with footsteps that sounded like muffled punches on gravel and a breathing intonation like she was too close to a microphone.

It was Gene. You recognized her, and yet like many of your visitors, you somehow did not recognize her, either.

[Image: 9rbiqPy.png]

You stepped back a little bit as she began to realize her environment, as most did. It was a waste of time, in your mind, and so you spoke to explain everything to her, concisely, clearly, obviously.

"I," you said, "am Eva Xena Anno, Arithmancer, expert sorceress, expert at summoning. We're on Prospit, krokian year 3412. You're a stray spirit visiting from some far-off universe, and you've only got a few minutes to explain why!"

He mouth went agape. She swallowed, and shakily said, "...I-I'm... i-it's me, E-Eva. I'm... I don't... kn-know why."

"Did you die?" you asked.

"I don't th-think so," she managed. "Not... r-right then. But... we all did. We all do. You-- you're-- this is-- before...!"

This one said she was from the future. The question is: did you believe her?

Author's NoteShow
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
Past Exa
> Believe

> It appears to be working
> I have no clue what coolzack has been trying to accomplish exactly bit it appears to be working
>Turn that knob


Eva [Past?]
>Yes. Visitors can come from all sorts of dimensions, why not time?
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
(11-18-2017, 02:49 PM)Vic Wrote: »ScatterbrainZack
> It appears to be working
> I have no clue what coolzack has been trying to accomplish exactly bit it appears to be working
>Turn that knob

(11-18-2017, 02:50 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »

[Image: T6NlUPk.png]

You get to typing on the main ORDERLOG screen, which hasn't been seen for like days now, even though you've obviously been sending commands to it for a while.

(11-18-2017, 02:50 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »

Eva [Past?]
>Yes. Visitors can come from all sorts of dimensions, why not time?

(11-18-2017, 02:49 PM)Vic Wrote: »Past Exa
> Believe

[Image: KltAX9H.png]

You chose to believe her. You had been visited already by some of the strangest creatures imaginable, as well as Geneviève on more than one occasion-- and this wasn't the first time you had come across somebody claiming to be from not only the future, but a future involving you.

You took a seat, took a breath, and grinned. "Cool. I love stuff from the future. Got any hot tips?"

She struggled to even form a single word, but after a few seconds, managed, "...d-don't, um... uh... urk... you n-need to... uh. C-Come help me on the nickel, i-in the future."

It was quite oddball first command, and you couldn't help but giggle. "Nickel? You're on a nickel, in the future?"

"A big one!" she stammered. "A big metal blue n-nickel, a-and I was there with Dinkalsen, a-and this big monster made out of pipes came and it's... t-trying to push us off into the void. And then Cool Zack made a blue eye thing and I touched it and flew through some kind of screech dimension and ended up here!"

You paused a moment to think. "...Eye, huh? Haven't had it deliver me anyone via eyeball before. But there's a third-fourth time for everything! Got any special items you wanna let me examine, maybe? Time travelers usually do that."

She fumbled around on her person worriedly. "I don't think I..." Then, as if realizing something terrible, she reached up a shaky hand to the side of her round head, took an earpiece from within, and offered it to you. "...this can... i-is it gonna... l-like, break shit?"

[Image: 5KRweoj.png]

[Image: c2Xx8bK.png]

"Naw!" you exclaim. "You can't break time. Whatever you're about to do, it really doesn't matter. But it would be very rad if I could talk to somebody from the future on that earpiece."

[Image: rMpouWo.png]

"Okay, I-I guess," she stuttered. After you took it, she stepped away, and began looking around your bedroom, and you took a moment to put in the earpiece-- only to discover its magic firsthand.

[Image: Vt0gQQR.png]

"My my my, Gene," you said, "you have some really interesting friends nowadays."

It was tough for her to speak, but she responded quietly with, "Can you try and not die t-to the god that's coming? Y-Y'know, tell the heroes?"

That didn't seem too unreasonable. "Maybe if I get the chance, sure."

What seemed fun to do with this future-traveler and her foray of future friends, before it was all sucked away back into the closet?
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
Past Exa
> Coerce information from this "Gene"

Cripes ChatShow
Privatelog (CripesAlmighty)(PastExa)Show

>Gather yourself, time is short and you need to be coherent now.
>You looked within and found your way here.
>You don't know why, but you did.
>Now would be the time to figure that out.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
INPUT AGGREGATOR: you posted a buncha stuff so
INPUT AGGREGATOR: i mean cus we got limited time until this time bullshit stops happenin i guess
INPUT AGGREGATOR: to post most messages with like a 2 second delay, keep it quick
INPUT AGGREGATOR: lookin out for ya
INPUT AGGREGATOR: occasionally im treated pretty shoddy but i mean were all pals here lmao
INPUT AGGREGATOR: least i hope we are

(11-19-2017, 01:06 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Gene
>Gather yourself, time is short and you need to be coherent now.
>You looked within and found your way here.
>You don't know why, but you did.
>Now would be the time to figure that out.

[Image: 1c8PLJa.png]

The room shimmers in an off blue. Everything feels wrong, especially the air, which hums against you like sandpaper and makes your eyes water. It's like some parts of the universe are desperately trying to force you out of being here, while other parts are holding you in with shackles.

"It-- doesn't-- I don't think it matters how I got here," you manage. "I need you t-to try and... r-remember this entire conversation, and remember that, uh... that..." It takes a moment to think up where to begin. "...we're all in a simulation. A virtual reality! It's a fucking nickel all the way down! A-And if you could just tell us, tell me and Dink not to do that ritual thing, then..."

She giggles happily. "Obviously the ritual got you here. So either I'm gonna forget, or I'm gonna... conveniently forget. That's fate, Geney."

It hurts. All of it hurts. You feel like you're being ripped apart.

(11-19-2017, 12:56 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »

You glance back, still adrift in memory.

[Image: As7GKou.png]

"Are... you sure you're ready, Eva?" Queue gently asks.

You nod firmly. Something tells you you've been waiting for this moment a long, long, long time. Perhaps longer than you realized.

He lets out a breath-- not a sigh, but one of fierce will. You hear his insectoid wings begin to buzz...

[Image: DLH4mKU.gif]

You hold onto your precise fore as if your life depends on it. He holds you under either arm as if both of your lives depend on it.

[Image: IQcC9JK.gif]

You read the chat as you descend. As you drop, you begin to think about your own messages-- and you begin to recall the exact thoughts as you sent each one. It's an odd feeling, seeing past actions with such repercussion. What strikes you as especially strange, however, is that even though you did your best to store all of it in memory, back then... it's only all coming back now. Months spent thinking, and the Gene in your room from now-and-then did not even cross your mind once.

It's odd.

It's good to think about, as the air grows thicker with cold.

(11-19-2017, 12:56 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »
Cripes ChatShow

(11-19-2017, 01:06 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »
Privatelog (CripesAlmighty)(PastExa)Show

(11-19-2017, 12:24 AM)Vic Wrote: »Past Exa
> Coerce information from this "Gene"

[Image: te7RfSn.png]
Privatelog (Zack)Show

Not only did you have the primary chat, but Zack was also messaging you rapidfire. It's one of the longest single chatlogs you'd ever see in your life.

"Gene," you said, "tell me the date the MOCHA ENDING gets here."

She replied with, "I-I only know the human year."

"I can connect the dots."

"Two thousand three-hundred fourteen," she said. "2314, in N-November."


You thought for a moment, in consideration, calculating-- how much time did you have, precisely? How long from that moment was it?

Author's NoteShow
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]

> You had 13 days
Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show
Exa (Past)
>Five years. Five years before the apocalypse is scheduled to happen.
>Well, might happen. Branching timelines are funny that way.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.

(11-20-2017, 12:43 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »
Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show
Exa (Past)
>Five years. Five years before the apocalypse is scheduled to happen.
>Well, might happen. Branching timelines are funny that way.

(11-19-2017, 11:49 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »

[Image: YB2bwkf.png]
Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show

It's like old times, corresponding with cripesalmighty. Your first time, the only thing that made any concrete sense was that you could lazily tell the INPUT AGGREGATOR to flirt with her. Now the person on the other line is somebody from the past, with communication over a gap so wide and convoluted it should be impossible-- and you have input over Gene, herself. Suggestion.

Whether she knows or not.

INPUT AGGREGATOR: narrator duder thats not cool to just like imply n shit
INPUT AGGREGATOR: shes clearly makin her own decisions like cmon
INPUT AGGREGATOR: if she doesnt feel coerced, shes not being coerced

(11-20-2017, 12:37 AM)Vic Wrote: »Exa
> You had 13 days

[Image: BLgjOT3.png]

Eva speaks up behind you, her voice filtered and as gravel-smashed as the rest of the room. "Aha. November, you said? Well, that's the month we're in, if I recall." Your heart sinks at the thought. "What date precisely?"

"The twentieth," you stammer.

She giggles softly. "So that's... thirteen days. Me and everyone else has just thirteen to go! Oh, shame it wasn't a round number like twelve, sure, but close-close-close-close enough! Oh, joy, Gene, these are gonna be a fun couple of weeks."

It hurts. All of it hurts. You weakly step forward, attracted to something- something- something- something on her dresser, but you feel a force pushing back.

As it holds you, the violent pull of the room reaches its apotheosis.

[Image: 8NT9Sfv.gif]

It's blinking.

[Image: ihodBDP.gif]


[Image: DKmf7m1.gif]

"I don't wanna be here," you weakly say.

[Image: CVleXuY.png]

"I don't wanna be here."

The room is halfway off the edge, and you begin to feel it teeter.

(11-19-2017, 11:49 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »

[Image: Up2c30I.gif]

[Image: BeQxmyg.gif]

[Image: RvtLZls.gif]

[Image: ief3zSi.gif]

You hear Queue stammer and cough to your left, but he stiffly remains upright. The coldness of the pit below the COMPOUND is intense, but your steely carapace holds, your short self remains, and your soul wraps itself together tight.

It seems to be hurting him horribly, being here, but with you he remains.

Time to decide.

Where to swing with maximum precision?
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
>To Past E X A
>Through The Tunnels Of Timespace
>In A Private Chat

I Pose A Quandry
You've Done This Time Stuff Before
Need Some Help With Stuff

Need Information
I Do Not Have Yet. So This
Is My Current Plan

Will Watch "Now" You Hit
Then Tell "Past" You Where

To Inflict Max Damage
And Then You Remember It;
Bootstrap Paradox

A Viable Plan?
Need To Know, Lives Are At Stake
Yours Is Among Them