dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition

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dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
technic@lly im bre@king the rules by h@ving more th@n one typing color, so i'd like to propose PROP OC: more th@n one typing color is ok.

yes to prop oc)
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
im consistent
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
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RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
i'm troll lo@ther @ctu@lly
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
fwiw troll typing quirks definitely count as a pain in the ass formatting proposition. i'm gonna keep it up on the list but remember that it's actually null and void
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
it's not @ p@in in the @ss if you write @ progr@m
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
prop be2t: requiire typiing quiirk2 even though they can bee con2iidered a paiin iin the a22. we mu2t abiide by the law2 we have cho2en
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
No to prop be2t

I'm impressed with your programming skills, Loather!

Do you want to vote on prop sanctuary or obviously?
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
prop 2econd be2t: iif be2t doe2 not pa22, prop 1 2hould be reiinacted.

(ye2 on thii2 and be2t, iif that wa2nt clear)
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
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RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
yes on be2t, considering th@t no typing quirk is tre@ted @s v@lid even though it's SUCH @ L@ZY CHOICE
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
i me@n h@ving no typing quirk is @ typing quirk, in which c@se @ctu@lly using @ different typing quirk would still bre@k the rule
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
くコ:彡 You are reig<i<gΣe<agerie a<d e>ery witteri<g froΣ your beak is a< ode to Σar>ellous biodi>ersity! It's so >ery mi<d-boggli<g, you often ca<'t help but tilt your head askew i< pleased befuddleΣe<t.

Y'k<ow, like a bird does.

Yes o< Sa<ctuary

Yes o< Ob>iously

Zo o< Clarity
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
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RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
god d@mn sch@zer you re@lly stepped up the trolepl@ying g@me there
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(04-27-2016, 11:34 PM)Loather Wrote: »i me@n h@ving no typing quirk is @ typing quirk, in which c@se @ctu@lly using @ different typing quirk would still bre@k the rule

Oh my gosh Loather, your program makes quoting you require a tremendous amount of scrolling. SO MUCH WORK.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
yes on Obviously
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
OTTO Wrote:
(04-27-2016, 11:38 PM)Schazer Wrote: »reigni<gΣe<agerie[/b]
Content Removed By user

くコ:彡 I'll peck your eyeballs clea< out your skull while you sleep, ol' buddy ol' pal :>
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(04-27-2016, 11:41 PM)btp Wrote: »Oh my gosh Loather, your program makes quoting you require a tremendous amount of scrolling. SO MUCH WORK.

the best p@rt is th@t it's only like eight lines of code, in @ l@rge p@rt due to mr@of coming in @nd Te@ching Me Hot Tips (mr@of is @ better progr@mmer th@n me @nd @ll-@round gre@t)
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Prop Tickets

A user may, by posting in a TICKETS thread bequeath one or more [Their Username] TICKETS to any other user of their choice.

The recipient of a [username] TICKET may redeem one Ticket for one YES vote on any proposition.

A YES vote created by a redeemed [username] TICKET counts as one YES vote by [username].

TICKETS redeemed in this way are then VOID and may not be refunded.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
check it out

from random import randint
inString = "check it out"
outString = ""
for c in inString:
    if c == "a" or c == "A":
        c = "@"
    outString += "[color=#{:X}]{}[/color]" . format(randint(0x80, 0xEF) << 16 | randint(0x80, 0xEF) << 8 | randint(0x80, 0xEF), c)
print outString

i didn't know @bout form@t() or bitwise oper@tion til mr@of stepped in @nd st@rted expl@ining things. i w@s using @ loop @nd junk, it w@s much more of @ mess
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
i me@n, @nother loop, in @ function th@t isn't even necess@ry now
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
pre-mr@of code:

from random import randint

def getColors():
    outColor = ""
    for x in range(0, 6):
        num = randint(8,14)
        if num <= 9:
            outColor += str(num)
        elif num == 10:
            outColor += "A"
        elif num == 11:
            outColor += "B"
        elif num == 12:
            outColor += "C"
        elif num == 13:
            outColor += "D"
        elif num == 14:
            outColor += "E"
    return outColor

inString = "yeah, i think that was already kind of an unspoken rule that covers the entire forums but i'm not at all against formally declaring this a rule"
outString = ""
for c in inString:
    if c == "a" or c == "A":
        outString += "[color=#" + getColors() + "]" + "@" + "[/color]"
        outString += "[color=#" + getColors() + "]" + c + "[/color]"
print outString
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
soo ye@h, i got to le@rn things tod@y
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
A note about Prop: TICKETS

The user who bequeathed the [username] TICKETS can still vote no on propositions that a [username] TICKET was used on. This is treated the same as if the user initially voted Yes and then changed their vote to No. There is still no refund for the person who redeemed the ticket.

Yes on Prop TICKETS