"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares

"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
So, this wasn't really a nightmare per se, but last night I had a dream, and the only thing I really remember from it is that at one point I was drinking a Monster energy drink of some unusual flavour, and partway through it I realized, "Oh, wait, I've sort of got this thing where I've never had an energy drink, and it's some sort of dumb streak I'm trying to keep going for no reason, and now that's ruined. Well... shit." It felt kinda shitty?
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
So i had a sort of nightmare with a happy ending.

So it was just, like, i'm at my house, getting up in the morning, but i'm kinda upset because there's like, tons of relatives camped outside in the backyard and they've been having parties, and all the lego toys are moving on their own, and santa is there and it'ss justt a fucking chaotic mess and its pissing me off but what's more that as i figure out that this is not real, i'm just seeing all this stuff!! my backyard is empty. there aren't even legos in my room!!

i'll look into a room and see a bunch of bullshit and i'll be like "i hate these fucking hallucinations", and i'll have to turn around and look into the same room from another doorway so that i can see what the room actually looks like

i'm getting really worried that i'm gonna be seeing these hallucinations forever and it'll be a huge hassle sometimes trying to figure out what's real and what's not. I'm telling my friend about this and i'm saying that "some of the hallucinations are pretty obvious that they're fake, but i see them anyway, but other things i don't know if they're real or not. you might not be real! All of this really scares me! There are so many ways that this is scaring me."

the friend turns out not to be real, so i try telling it again to like, everyone i meet. I'm starting to panick like, we don't have a fountain in our house. i look taller than i really am sometimes! There's this asshole imaginary poltergeist, that i'm kicking, what does it look like to you guys who can see what things really look like? I'm just kicking a pile of clothes apparently but to me there's some jerk wearing those clothes... but at least i'm just kicking at nothing

it's overwhelming but then i'm like! i need to calm down! like, i can handle this, this isn't worth going to a mental hospital again over, i can still live like this. I'll get used to this nonsense and it'll get better for me!

Then real friend, who is pretty smart, is like "i invented this device because i actually diagnosed your problem from how you've been acting and what you've described to me, so, your eyes have a physical issue that is occasionally making you not be able to see properly, and then your brain is struggling to figure out what you should be seeing, so you're seeing all the hallucinations instead! So, to fix it my invention is just flash a real bright light in your eyes every now and then!

And it works! temporarily! it's like "for now we can just do some bright camera flashes at you, but a more permanent solution is to just get you special new glasses," and such. the problem becomes manageable! I even drive someone to their house and halfway into the drive the camera flash is wearing off but i'm like "okay, like, i know your house must be one of these two big purple houses, *i point at each* which one is itt, okay, it's that one thanks!" and it's all working out!

so uh, that was my dream.
i woke up and found i had an issue with seeing hallucinations but then i learned how to manage and live with it, and also found external ways to mitigate it further!
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a dream I was on some weird field trip and I bought $40 ice cream from a bank. I kept asking why it was so much money and I got answers but can't remember what they were. It was tiny ass ice cream too. And then they gave me change in quarters that were coloured like pennies and huge for some reason. I asked why they were like that and they were just like 'oh those are the new quarters, they're just like that now, it's better', and I was like 'the fuck it is these things are huge'. But I took my shitty ice cream and got out of there. It was in the middle of nowhere too, like in the forest or something. I have no idea where my brain got any of this from.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Ok so at 2am yesterday I had to forcibly wake myself up from an unpleasant dream. Those are always fun since the one time I booted myself out of one dream, to have a follow-up dream where I woke up in bed and immediately hid under it while some asshole with a knife prowled around my room.

These kind of dreams are characterised by my being extremely drunk/tired, to the point my movements are sluggish/uncoordinated, my vision periodically blurs, and basic motor skills like pushing buttons are impaired.

I'm staying at a hotel on the 6th/top floor, and leave my room to go check out an installation next to the elevator (which is in some kind of alcove). Gimeurcookie is authoring a suspense/horror story set in said elevator (though the art was more like theredlamp/Friday's?), and story "updates" are in the form of new communication logs+data+video feeds being added to a (fake?) service/control panel next to the elevator.

I catch up on the story, walk back to my room, and realise I've left the keycard inside. I head back to the alcove where the elevator is, and read the newest content while waiting for the elevator to reach my floor. Shit's starting to get tense in the story, and the update ends with:

<But... there isn't even an elevator there>

Indeed, this alcove is identical to the one with the lift, except there's no goddamn lift. It's getting late now and boy I must be tired if I didn't even notice that. I give Gime mad props in my head for tricking me like that, then stagger down the corridor to the alcove which actually has the elevator. The hallway is dark and I'm starting to get anxious, which is exacerbated further by my body's uncooperative attempts at pushing the 1st floor button in the elevator.

I check the time on my phone in the unlit elevator and it's ten to three in the morning - I get a bad feeling the front desk was unmanned after 2am and I'm getting stressed/panicked at the thought of having to sleep outside my room and getting yelled at in the morning for being a fuckup.

The doors open at the ground floor and everything's dark and menacing and I just know something is ominous and wrong with the situation, so that's when my brain's like fuck, shit, no, and my field of vision is torn in half like a piece of paper and I wake up.


And freak out a bit, because the only thing worse than an aborted dream is a follow-up dream where I'm in my room, trying and failing to decompress from an unsettling dream. I talk to some folks online to assure myself I'm awake, post in the 2am thread, and eventually pass out again.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
joke's on you, the internet is a figment of your imagination
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
fuck off sideways
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
This is the 3rd time in like 2 months I appeared in someone's nightmare. I apologize on behalf of dream me who apparently can't stop popping in to people's dreams uninvited.

Also I feel you on the whole, don't go directly back to sleep after a nightmare thing. There's nothing worse then having a nightmare, going back to sleep and then watching as that nightmare just reboots itself for round 2. I always like to take a good pace around my room and watch some youtube videos after a nightmare or round of sleep paralysis.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I've never rebooted a nightmare after waking up and going to sleep again, that sounds awful.

My issue is that in previous dreams where I didn't like what was going and on and managed to force myself awake (dreamt that I forced myself awake?), I've had follow-up dreams where I wake up in my room, and on one occasion my post-"waking up" dream turned violent when I realised it was a dream and wanted to gtfo.

It was't so much the dream that was alarming, so much as the process of establishing that I'm actually awake (and not dreaming about waking up from a weird dream I just had) when I do kick myself out of the elsewhere dream. Your dream version is forgiven, in-dream and now when I'm awake I thought the story concept and execution was really cool.

Unreality fucking sucks and stressing about it happening before that thing you have to do every damn night of your life sucks even more.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I've sort of gotten to this place where my dreams tend to be really mundane, which is not the worst problem in the world to have.

A little while ago, I had a dream where everything was normal and I was going about my day. The only thing out of the ordinary was that the recycle bin on my computer was instead named the Triangle Bim.

I have since changed my recycle bin on my computer to actually be named Triangle Bim.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
whoa, prophetic dreams!
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
So, for some reason, I dreamed that for some reason, I needed to take a post-college assessment test to get my degree, and it was only scheduled once a year. Well, today was the day that it was going to be, and I was with a bunch of my friends and we were all going to walk over to the place together because there were too many people to do it in any building in school. I ducked off to the bathroom for like a minute and everyone else didn't notice and decided to leave without me.
So I get back and everyone's gone, and of course I had never heard of where it was, so I spent the latter portion of the dream wandering around, trying to find where this building was, and it got really weird (like I ended up in multiple cities nowhere near each other that I could not have gotten to in anywhere near the time of the test and it went from day to night to day but dream logic). Anyway, it ended with me just bawling on the sidewalk because there was no way that I would make it to the test in time and I was going to have to wait an entire year to actually graduate.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I dreamed my entire goddamn morning again. I dreamed I woke up, it was 1pm and my roommate was late for class cause she slept in so I told her to go anyway because it's better than nothing and she was discouraged but went, then I got on my laptop and checked this website where I had a bizarre suggestion for my adventure that I can't remember now, then I started watching a letsplay on youtube after writing something down that I can't remember. I also had some weird 'important' email in my inbox.

And then I woke up and it was 11am and my roommate was just getting up for class. I guess I was so confused I just went back to bed.

EDIT: Actually, come to think of it this has happened before a lot. Like I've dreamed before that I didn't get the job I really wanted, but when I woke up I got an email saying I did. Weird ass anxiety brain.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
There is a lot of my dream but I don't quite remember, but there was some portion which was something like an open-world sandbox game, a large building full of corridors, strange ladder chambers in places... eventually, we were trapped in some sort of hospital ward location and hunted down by ghoulish creatures and "bloodsaw" into a basement which was the opening room to an infinite dungeon, or something.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a dream where I was Schazer (or maybe I was talking to Schazer? Maybe both?) and it turned out that they were actually the first human clone, and that they had clone children and those young Schazers had their own baby clones.

So Schazer was the grandmother of a whole race of cloned little Schazers.

Also Plaid was there, but for some reason she was 60 years old.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Last night I dreamt about Squirrel Girl. There was some part where it crossed over with Worm (because reality has yet to fulfill this ideal) but what was really interesting was the part where Doreen's dad showed up. He was this scrawny black dude (not the most plausible considering Doreen's looks, but whatev, it was a dream) who was completely unaware that his daughter was a superhero and was frustrated by the thought that she must be living some irresponsible lifestyle she's keeping from him (in fact she tried to make an online post publicly admitting to being SG but some villains did something so that everyone saw it as a post admitting to being a partier who does a lot of sex and drugs? Poor dad.)... but he also had a secret superpower of his own...

That's right, instead of a tail he had giant spider legs coming out of his ass!

Anyway I woke up and thought about it a little and remembered that Dr. McNinja Buttspider meme that was rampant on the MSPA forums a few years ago and the dream got 1000x more amazing in retrospect. Should Ryan North know about this?
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a dream someone made a topic called "What do you guys think about the new Danga Ronpa :O" on the General Chatter board. I went in to it and absolutely everyone was arguing about it. Eagle time had been split in to two groups, people who loved it and hailed it as the best thing ever, and people who thought it was the absolute worst thing to happen to humanity. Giant overwhelming posts filled the page, and even would randomly spill in to other topics. I decided to not post and come back tomorrow.

Tomorrow was even worse. Every sub forum was now a pro Danga forum or an Anti Danga forum. People were accusing people of being Danga lovers or Danga haters, The word "Yikes" was being constantly posted for no reason. I remember a post that said "I love the color blue" got quoted like 10 times with just the word "Yikes" under them.

Before the dream ended I went to Hawkspace. It was the same as always but everyone ended their sentence with -Ronpa

It was weird.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
(07-27-2016, 01:30 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »I had a dream someone made a topic called "What do you guys think about the new Danga Ronpa :O" on the General Chatter board. I went in to it and absolutely everyone was arguing about it. Eagle time had been split in to two groups, people who loved it and hailed it as the best thing ever, and people who thought it was the absolute worst thing to happen to humanity. Giant overwhelming posts filled the page, and even would randomly spill in to other topics. I decided to not post and come back tomorrow.

Tomorrow was even worse. Every sub forum was now a pro Danga forum or an Anti Danga forum. People were accusing people of being Danga lovers or Danga haters, The word "Yikes" was being constantly posted for no reason. I remember a post that said "I love the color blue" got quoted like 10 times with just the word "Yikes" under them.

Before the dream ended I went to Hawkspace. It was the same as always but everyone ended their sentence with -Ronpa

It was weird.

RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
So I was back in China for some reason and sitting at a table discussing international policy with a bunch of leaders of countries for a bit, and after the meeting I received a phone cal survey about my experience....
This, afterward, was in a college lecture hall environment, and I was subjected to blackmail for some reason. There was an alien on the seat to my left. Then I woke up.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Not exactly a dream but for whatever reason I shot awake at 1:30am thinking it was 1:30pm even though I only just went to bed an hour ago. Then I proceeded to wake up incrementally, always thinking I'm late for work

I think my dream was just that happening to me also. Overall I'm very confused about what actually happened and what time it really was and at what points was I actually awake ugh
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a dream that there was a secret "ultra-hawkspace" forum hidden on Eagletime that was like a cross between Trol Seasson and nomic. Mraof had set it up inside of an old thread (somehow he fit a whole subforum in there?) and LtFish and his gang were there.

The whole forum was centered around a perpetual, bizarre puzzle game in the main thread. It was something in between PMC and a forum adventure where anybody can post the next update. There were all these complicated rules about what and when you could post, and whatever you did had some esoteric effect on the rest of the forum.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
OTTO Wrote:
(07-30-2016, 04:21 AM)a52 Wrote: »I had a dream that there was a secret "ultra-hawkspace" forum hidden on Eagletime that was like a cross between Trol Seasson and nomic. Mraof had set it up inside of an old thread (somehow he fit a whole subforum in there?) and LtFish and his gang were there.

The whole forum was centered around a perpetual, bizarre puzzle game in the main thread. It was something in between PMC and a forum adventure where anybody can post the next update. There were all these complicated rules about what and when you could post, and whatever you did had some esoteric effect on the rest of the forum.
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Did the dream include a pseudomod who refused to abide by many of the convoluted trol rules but put up a thin veil of participation whenever pressed about the issue?

because if so then yes I think NNTS can make this transition.

- Ronpa
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
So for some reason I was in a small town and then it got hit with a serious hurricane and pretty much would have ruined the entire town.

Except when I woke up (in the dream), everything in the town was fine, except it appeared to me like it was a film-noir detective film. Except my inner monologue was like cheesy Disney cartoon. And then I ran into someone, for which everything was like a Halloween horror film, and then someone who was in a SciFi, and I realised that somehow, the storm had pushed everyone into a different film/animation cliché, and me and the horror film person were the only people who noticed that, and we had to try and fix everything.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
(08-01-2016, 04:02 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »So for some reason I was in a small town and then it got hit with a serious hurricane and pretty much would have ruined the entire town.

Except when I woke up (in the dream), everything in the town was fine, except it appeared to me like it was a film-noir detective film. Except my inner monologue was like cheesy Disney cartoon. And then I ran into someone, for which everything was like a Halloween horror film, and then someone who was in a SciFi, and I realised that somehow, the storm had pushed everyone into a different film/animation cliché, and me and the horror film person were the only people who noticed that, and we had to try and fix everything.

Sounds like a new type of dating sim.