Tiny Chat People

Tiny Chat People
RE: Tiny Chat People
Well... the Internet is a well of boundless knowledge, bogus, and bunkum (or at least our internet). We don't know what it's capable yet. It could download stuff, purchase stuff, and may even attempt to get into the god communication network. Though, in this relatively empty realm, there might be negligible amounts or even no computers, servers, and devices out there, as far as we know; Internet-type TCP may have no access to such powerful machines, utilities, and wells of knowledge as we have here on Earth as there are no servers serving the information, so its capabilities is at least crippled a bit, but that is assuming that it doesn't have access to contents of our internet, only the one that exists there or around them.

You're right about it not dooming us. I just like being a bit dramatic. It also is kinda my reaction when I do something wrong or don't know what I should do when I should do something.

You're probably right about it not having much to do much with the fabric of the universe. It probably has the just as much abstract power made concrete manifested into space as Charity, and Generosity (that is assuming that they are actually have reasonably low manipulative ability to their surroundings).
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
Thanks Jac for deflecting that shitty 4chan joke that was made in awful taste.
RE: Tiny Chat People
Did we decide if we want Macaron to tell us the prize or not?
RE: Tiny Chat People
(09-24-2017, 04:55 AM)Vic Wrote: »Did we decide if we want Macaron to tell us the prize or not?

Nobody mentioned it. I don't think anybody reacted negatively about learning the prize. They'll probably tell us, but that's uncertain. I'd rather remain passive in that matter but it is interesting and I would like to know it. Knowledge is power after all.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
I think that after the next update we should look into talking with some of the other gods. The communicator showed two other names, those being Marzu and Rein, and I think we should introduce ourselves.
RE: Tiny Chat People
(10-04-2017, 11:00 PM)Vic Wrote: »I think that after the next update we should look into talking with some of the other gods. The communicator showed two other names, those being Marzu and Rein, and I think we should introduce ourselves.

Totally agree.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
Can we retract our vetoes?
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
(10-05-2017, 07:30 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »Can we retract our vetoes?

you should just get someone to veto your vetoes
RE: Tiny Chat People
I've written a rough draft for our next letter addressing Windy's questions and giving the cats a suggestion on what they should do next.


Create Letter:
"Dearest Windy, Fennel, and Tubes,

Why the new friend so soon after Fernando left?
> This world only allows us to create new cats when all cats on all teams are at 'home'. Fernando wasn't 'home'.
Fernando’s not coming back?
> Fernando is not coming back. Fernando has gone 'rogue'. She chose to leave the team because of our bad behavior.
You forced Fernando to kill something to try to prove that she needs to stay home?
> Some members of the collective wanted to create an incentive to urge her back home. It did not work as they intended.

We're sorry about what happened but it's what has happened and we are trying to do our best to improve. It's difficult working with all these conflicting viewpoints. Some are malevolent and some are benevolent. It's been hard. But we're trying, we want to try with you three. We promise to do the best we can to provide and care for you cats.
Now we think that it's time for you to go on an adventure. We are creating a dungeon on-planet when you can practice adventuring and show Tubes the ropes. This is also a great time for any of you to request any items, gear, clothes, or weapons
There were a few things mentioned in our first honest letter that you should do before leaving.

We couldn't apologize enough,

Create: Weapons Catalog

Message Marzu: Did you know that, where we come from, your name is part of the name of a cheese? It's a Sardinia sheep milk cheese that contains live insect larvae. It's a delicacy in some countries on our planet.


Any thoughts? Anything we can do to change this letter, before I put it in the thread, for the better?

The Marzu message is a joke, btw.

The dungeon was suggested by learning-timebuster and I think it's a good idea. Give Tubes a place to practice before sending him out into the great wide maze.
RE: Tiny Chat People
I'm glad the cats are friends

I don't think we should be sending a new letter every update
RE: Tiny Chat People
(10-09-2017, 09:20 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »I'm glad the cats are friends

I don't think we should be sending a new letter every update

Truth and honesty are necessary for a healthy relationship. We still need to talk to them and communicate with our cats. Letters are what the cats are familiar with. What do you suggest instead of sending another letter, that will preserve the transparency that we're working towards?
RE: Tiny Chat People
Tubes... is a Meta-level TCP. It can access the 'internet', that probably includes our communications with other beings (if it goes into its powered-up state). Part of the reason I "veto'd" the 'hacker laptop' is because of how bad I personally think it is to give such a dangerous thing to a new TCP. Tubes could (and probably would) communicate with us and more if he had that. I hope the VTech Whiz Kid Plus laptop would limit his ability to affect things too much. It is also best to start them off with simpler tools and stuff. If we give them stuff to advanced too early... we might have them end up like Fernando. We need to slowly introduce the idea such concepts to them.

So... as far as communicating goes... for now, we should stop. We shouldn't communicate directly. We should do it indirectly. They can get a general sense for what we're saying and what we mean if we convey enough feeling into it. Sending them a letter all the time also limits their independence. We need them to be able to not always rely on us, but we have gone about teaching them that in the wrong way previously. So... IF we're to communicate with them... it should be through the Mail-Carrier. We could create a fax machine on the Mail-carrier's moon that we can "make letters" to that they can then deliver. The purpose would be to limit the letters we could send and also to show that we need to be more distant. We need to convey that they can't rely on us for everything. We can try to do what we feel is best but they will need to grow to be semi-self-reliant. Even if it hurts. >.>
RE: Tiny Chat People
YOure a stinkchild who hates the beautiful cyberpunk Adventure I was building
RE: Tiny Chat People
i suggest an infinite post office containing infinite randomly-generated letters for the cats to explore. most will be gibberish but somewhere in there will be the one that says the right things
RE: Tiny Chat People
(10-10-2017, 05:15 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »i suggest an infinite post office containing infinite randomly-generated letters for the cats to explore. most will be gibberish but somewhere in there will be the one that says the right things

i mean that's basically where we're at already

except your idea might actually produce good ones
RE: Tiny Chat People
i think itd be funny and good if they did full-on cyberpunk hacking with the whiz kid computer so im in favor of it
RE: Tiny Chat People
(10-10-2017, 05:10 AM)Wheat Wrote: »gloomy I will agree not to immediately suggest a different sort of hacker style computer and stick your the whiz kid plus computer for now if you agree that later on they will "level up" to hacker status once they join computer club in high school and find out just how bad dick cheney is, and convert their whiz kid plus into a fully fledged cyberwar rig in a montage set to euro techno music.

please agree/disagree to this now to prevent me vetoing your veto. there will be cyberpunk.

The whole reason I suggested a weaker computer-toy was to get them a better one in the future. Upgrading as they grow is a thing I'm all for. Like, by the end of this adventure... they'll probably have like... A Tablet Super-computer running a Star Trek LCARS OS that's connected to the trans-dimensional internet or something.

But, Toy -> Shitty 90s Laptop -> Slightly more Shitty Windows ME Laptop (because Love is Pain, Pain is Suffering, and Suffering is dealing with fucking Windows ME) -> Better Laptop (maybe a Mac Book or some shit) -> Smart Phone -> Tablet/Phone/Laptop.

Is the general progression I imagine, offhandedly.
RE: Tiny Chat People
A Compy 386 of the soul.
RE: Tiny Chat People
While the concern that Tubes may be able to mess with us here in the internet is real, the letter of the law is that Tubes can connect any two computers on the plane. This leads me to believe that he can't do very much to us without entering his Ascended form. That said, we should be allowing for as much use of his power as possible - I've suggested a way he can create many computers very quickly, and spread them throughout the world for his own use.

I've also suggested that we give him expertise in computers. Windy and Fennel have mathematics and engineering already, so adding this third technical skill can give them the power to build robots as a team. This is good, not only from a strategic point of view, but from a relational one - we will have given them knowledge and tools that they can use to explore the world autonomously, while developing powerful technologies along the way. This gives them more power and choice in their own lives, and encourages them to work as a team.

Here is a link to my post in thread.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
(10-09-2017, 08:08 PM)Vic Wrote: »I've written a rough draft for our next letter addressing Windy's questions and giving the cats a suggestion on what they should do next.


Create Letter:
"Dearest Windy, Fennel, and Tubes,

Why the new friend so soon after Fernando left?
> This world only allows us to create new cats when all cats on all teams are at 'home'. Fernando wasn't 'home'.
Fernando’s not coming back?
> Fernando is not coming back. Fernando has gone 'rogue'. She chose to leave the team because of our bad behavior.
You forced Fernando to kill something to try to prove that she needs to stay home?
> Some members of the collective wanted to create an incentive to urge her back home. It did not work as they intended.

We're sorry about what happened but it's what has happened and we are trying to do our best to improve. It's difficult working with all these conflicting viewpoints. Some are malevolent and some are benevolent. It's been hard. But we're trying, we want to try with you three. We promise to do the best we can to provide and care for you cats.
Now we think that it's time for you to go on an adventure. We are creating a dungeon on-planet when you can practice adventuring and show Tubes the ropes. This is also a great time for any of you to request any items, gear, clothes, or weapons
There were a few things mentioned in our first honest letter that you should do before leaving.

We couldn't apologize enough,

Create: Weapons Catalog

Message Marzu: Did you know that, where we come from, your name is part of the name of a cheese? It's a Sardinia sheep milk cheese that contains live insect larvae. It's a delicacy in some countries on our planet.


Any thoughts? Anything we can do to change this letter, before I put it in the thread, for the better?

The Marzu message is a joke, btw.

The dungeon was suggested by learning-timebuster and I think it's a good idea. Give Tubes a place to practice before sending him out into the great wide maze.

I think that's a pretty good letter. I like the idea of sending this to the cats and actually telling them what's up with the whole RIP Fernando thing. If we do Wheat's "we trust you" cube of condolences, it can be after we've sent that letter explaining the situation.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
Ooh. Now you got me interested. It approve of this gambit.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
While interesting, I think that 140 characters is far too low.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
It could work better. Limiting ourselves.
RE: Tiny Chat People
Thirding the 140 character cap to suggestions, it's a cool and challenging idea. I hate suggestions that just add everything the reader can think of to the game.
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: Tiny Chat People
really we should only be able to communicate with the TCPs through visual metaphors anyway, sending them literal letters seems kind of like a hamfisted thing for a supposed deity to do