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/* Given That Our Orders
Are How We Communicate
Erasure Sounds Bad */

If I Got Some Arms
They Would Be Very Lonely
They'd Have No Body

Now, Bad Puns Aside
The Orders Thing is Not Good
You Have Any Ideas?

>Gene, Memory Time
>This Incredibly Rad Guy
>Is Named Carl C. Queue
(11-06-2017, 12:36 AM)Angustine Wrote: »Zack
> Oh brother, where are you?
> I must save people from being brutally erased from existance
> Yet i have to follow quite vague and unhelpful orders from the INPUT AGGREGATOR wich by the way is a machine that aggregates input
> Riddle Zack i thank you for insulting me in such poetic manner
> But now my critters despite the fact that you're all just glorified pieces of code
> I love y'all unequally with 1234567890 being my favorite, Violent Zack's favorite! And if any of you do as much as lay a finger on numbers i promise you pain without end

(11-06-2017, 12:07 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »/* Given That Our Orders
Are How We Communicate
Erasure Sounds Bad */

If I Got Some Arms
They Would Be Very Lonely
They'd Have No Body

Now, Bad Puns Aside
The Orders Thing is Not Good
You Have Any Ideas?

(11-05-2017, 10:39 PM)Vic Wrote: »Zack
> ‘crunches a tootsie pop’ is not a violent euphemism, it was meant literally
> dance to the beat of your own drum
> you guys should try to win a game

> Delete all prior orders (???)

Your INPUT AGGREGATOR gets to work hurriedly typing and doing shit on the ORDERLOG.

Halfway through, you hit CHIRAL to go to the menu, then select ORDERS again, bringing you to the exact same screen. Worth a shot, at least. You still input the command, and it doesn't seem to have been completely off-target.
[Image: HuSx8yq.png]

(11-05-2017, 10:39 PM)Vic Wrote: »Insert Name (Crast Pactian)
> Remember name
> Hawaiian Coffee, the 2nd

(11-06-2017, 12:07 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Gene, Memory Time
>This Incredibly Rad Guy
>Is Named Carl C. Queue

Right, of course. That white-carapaced gent is Queue C. Coffee, inheritor of the Prospitian Hawaiian Coffee Company.
[Image: zOoXtpv.png]

"Hey, Queue," you call out. He gives you the customary thumbs-up obviously.

Back on Prospit, he was very vehement in his love for all varieties of coffee and coffee accessories-- even though all the heroes of Prospit were non-human, and actually would have quickly had a heart attack if they ingested any coffee, Hawaiian or otherwise. Still, his somewhat sizable fortune went to an incredibly good use.

In his day, he was a philanthropist, and as the populations of Derse and Prospit began to mingle and become friends, he was as excited as you and your pals to cross the cultural gap.

Goddamnit you know all that, why did you go over it again in your head.

"Hello again, Gene. I was just preparing those snacks like I was talking about. Sour candy and soda, classic bad-mood foods."

It's tough to stay frustrated around Queue.

[Image: JdfGQTH.png]

"Thanks, uh. Yeah." You nod weakly. "I just barely worked up the ability to even step outside, so...! Maybe gimme a minute."

Queue nods slowly. "Take your time."

You're Gene, and you're taking your time. Also, your earpiece is blowing the fuck up, so you shoot a quick message to try and get a grip on the situation.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
> tiptop, I think we each have arms but I can't generalize
> each zack is unique
As Much As I'd Like
My Poem Would Break

So I'll Just Sit Here
Flailing Somewhat Uselessly
Somezack, Be A Pal?

>Gene You Should Travel
>To The Needspencing Device
>And Get What You Need
(11-06-2017, 02:13 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »As Much As I'd Like
My Poem Would Break

So I'll Just Sit Here
Flailing Somewhat Uselessly
Somezack, Be A Pal?

(11-06-2017, 01:54 AM)Vic Wrote: »Zack
> tiptop, I think we each have arms but I can't generalize
> each zack is unique

INPUT AGGREGATOR: yknow if ya really wanted
INPUT AGGREGATOR: i could do some talkin for ya again
INPUT AGGREGATOR: "riddle zack" lmao snrk hrhrh
INPUT AGGREGATOR: such a ridiculous name gets m knockers goin just at the sound of it
[Image: gDCnn9j.png]

(11-06-2017, 02:13 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Gene You Should Travel
>To The Needspencing Device
>And Get What You Need

You walk on over to Queue at the NEED DISPENSER to chat a little bit.
[Image: vVCSUh1.png]

"Hey," you manage. "I kind of got a feeling I should be dispensering something, but I can't really think of anything."

Queue chuckles softly. "Well, these machines aren't supposed to be for what we want, just what we need. Of course, they can be manipulated, but if you've no need, I say you've no need."

"I guess."

You briefly have a conversation over earpiece that feels very dumb. He looks at you a bit ashamed, then starts speaking. "Well, you see, the situation with Zack is... ah... well. I believe that Zack has not been just one person, this entire time, but instead a collective."

This news isn't too great. You falter in voice as you mutter, "Well, that's fun."

"I know it's quite unfortunate. It did seem you two were building some rapport."

You shrug. "I guess it was rapport with someone?" The exasperation shows through your voice. "Sure, this explains why he kept typing in such weird different ways, but it's still really off-putting."

Queue glances down in thought for a moment, then back. His worn yet steely gaze hangs on you solidly. "Well, ahem. We've identified a few of them. I suppose you're already aware of the three-line poem Zack..."

"Haiku Zack, you mean? Haiku. It's a human thing."

He tilts his head slowly. "Prospit, Gene, we did not have humans."

For some reason, this strikes you as funny, and you chuckle softly. "I guess not. It's an obscure kind of thing."

Suddenly, as the both of you are wrapping up your CONVERSATION, something rolls out of the NEED DISPENSER towards you.
[Image: ZpG7KYS.gif]

Oh woah, what's this?

You pick the odd object up.
[Image: D7Zr8dQ.png]

You start getting the strange urge to fiddle with it a bunch.

Author's NoteShow
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
> IA, can I call you IA, send a convoluted message about my absolute confusion

> Please don't fiddle with that
> If it is was I think it is, it is very dangerous
>Okay Let's Try This
>Yo Input Aggregator

Oh Criminy Crux
Could Somebody Please Tell Cripes
To Put That Thing Down
>Alright, finished sorting my notes.
>So, about the Nickle.
>Hadn't clicked until I saw Nic's_File_B again.
>Computers have come pretty far since they first started makin em.
>So how big would a computer have to be to run a simulation of 52 people all with their own sets of games they were working with?
>If my guess is right, the part storing the info for the people themselves probably isn't that big.
>Say, around the size of a Nickle?
>Now, if we have any luck at all, that means inside each of your machines there happens to be a piece roughly the size/shape of a nickel.
>If we have even more luck, said nickel has the password we need to either get you folks ascended or the folks from next layer down up to your level.

>Now with that out of the way, a bit more about what exactly I am.
>To put it simply I'm not quite a collective, but rather several voices stuck with one mouthpiece.
>Hence why one minute I... Uh. The mouthpiece, sometimes talks like this, and sometimes talks in poems or violence or what-have-you.
>Just wanted to get this cleared up before I vanished for a bit to take care of something that might fix this whole "Many voices one mouth" bit.

>Chiral:[Input Aggregator]:Clear standing orders:Green
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
(11-06-2017, 04:22 AM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
> Please don't fiddle with that
> If it is was I think it is, it is very dangerous

Gene has no fucking clue what you're talking about!! She doesn't have omniscience.
[Image: YqOOmDP.gif]

This thing is MAD purpose-built for fiddling!

(11-06-2017, 04:45 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Zack
>Alright, finished sorting my notes.
>So, about the Nickle.
>Hadn't clicked until I saw Nic's_File_B again.
>Computers have come pretty far since they first started makin em.
>So how big would a computer have to be to run a simulation of 52 people all with their own sets of games they were working with?
>If my guess is right, the part storing the info for the people themselves probably isn't that big.
>Say, around the size of a Nickle?
>Now, if we have any luck at all, that means inside each of your machines there happens to be a piece roughly the size/shape of a nickel.
>If we have even more luck, said nickel has the password we need to either get you folks ascended or the folks from next layer down up to your level.

>Now with that out of the way, a bit more about what exactly I am.
>To put it simply I'm not quite a collective, but rather several voices stuck with one mouthpiece.
>Hence why one minute I... Uh. The mouthpiece, sometimes talks like this, and sometimes talks in poems or violence or what-have-you.
>Just wanted to get this cleared up before I vanished for a bit to take care of something that might fix this whole "Many voices one mouth" bit.

>Chiral:[Input Aggregator]:Clear standing orders:Green

(11-06-2017, 04:36 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Okay Let's Try This
>Yo Input Aggregator

Oh Criminy Crux
Could Somebody Please Tell Cripes
To Put That Thing Down

(11-06-2017, 04:22 AM)Vic Wrote: »Zack
> IA, can I call you IA, send a convoluted message about my absolute confusion

INPUT AGGREGATOR: lovin how much power ye just gave me ;)
[Image: hi8JDBD.png]

After that long-ass chat, you CHIRAL to get out of the ORDERS menu, and head to the Input Aggregator zone.
[Image: lhZ1pmf.png]

[Image: Z6ieGYj.png]

Unfortunately, nothing you type seems to have any effect. Damn!! That's another idea down the drain, along with resetting orders. But you've got at least one place left to go.
[Image: lhZ1pmf.png]

[Image: jIFKAal.png]


[Image: Ei7NN3f.png]

After a fortuitously timed message from Zack, you have placed the grenade on the floor all careful-like. You're not sure exactly how he knew you had it, but you aren't really in the mood to let anyone else down today.

"Well," says Queue, "that was quite odd."

"You mean the thingymajig that just popped out of the needspenser or the whole dealiwhip that's happening in the chat?"

After a moment of consideration, he answers, "Both, I suppose."

You nod weakly. "You know, maybe it really would have been better if we didn't know about any of this. We'd pretty much just be... keeping on with our normal routines. Maybe we'd all die of old age in here without ever realizing we're computer code."

"There is still the standing chance that we escape, Gene," Queue assures. But the warmth of his words feels far-off.

"I just miss yesterday," you say.

Yesterday was a better place.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
> Hug Queue

> Cripes, we call that a boom fruit
> You give it to your enemies
> they pull the pin and bite it
> Ka-blooey
> Crash
> Bang
> Crash Bandicoot
> Bob-omb
> Enemy dead

> IA, you like power? Just say whatever you want, whatever your mechanical heart desires.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
I Have A Viewpoint
It's Following Cripes Around
That's Something That's Up

>If You Would, IA
>Turn Compulsive Orders On

>Then Turn Them Back Off
>Lickety Split And Pronto
>Let's see if That Works
(11-06-2017, 06:16 AM)Vic Wrote: »Zack
> Cripes, we call that a boom fruit
> You give it to your enemies
> they pull the pin and bite it
> Ka-blooey
> Crash
> Bang
> Crash Bandicoot
> Bob-omb
> Enemy dead

> IA, you like power? Just say whatever you want, whatever your mechanical heart desires.

(11-06-2017, 06:29 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>artdrawing.cpg:open

(11-06-2017, 07:48 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »I Have A Viewpoint
It's Following Cripes Around
That's Something That's Up

>If You Would, IA
>Turn Compulsive Orders On

>Then Turn Them Back Off
>Lickety Split And Pronto
>Let's see if That Works

Midway through the CHAT, the INPUT AGGREGATOR turns compulsive orders on, and sends an ORDER.
[Image: 9WhxWCx.png]

After that absolutely gigantic chatting session, you decide to REALLY QUICKLY flip through the list of PROGRAMS.
[Image: 1NHJyvo.png]

Oh wow lookit that, it's the art drawing p--

[Image: PHOWSgO.png]

Woah nelly we're moving on, this is a neat li'l game that Cripes--

[Image: 01ENWyd.png]

INPUT AGGREGATOR: i mighta gotten a head of myself
INPUT AGGREGATOR: claimin i fixed those options bein locked
INPUT AGGREGATOR: but i wanted ya to like me so ya gotta pity me now
Man this looks important I wonder if the narrator's g--

[Image: ErlUzzz.png]

Okay. We'll just linger on this one now.

(11-06-2017, 06:16 AM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
> Hug Queue

[Image: nic76EF.png]

You miss the time when boredom counteracted thoughts of escape, when escape was a theoretical and not a necessity, when you were the only Geneviève Mâché and the heroes actually cared about you.

You stare at Queue, and grow weak, and grow quiet, and after a little while, slink towards him and his warmer-than-room-temperature carapace.
[Image: 5mFZ88h.png]

Of course hugging is temporary. Of course, like the LOVEBUG, it will end. It will end and you'll feel uncomfortable for having approached, for having felt enough to get close, you'll be let down and he'll stare at you sort of like he's pitying you. You know all of that is going to happen just as soon as you break the hug.

So you don't.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
> Break the hug
> Crack a pun
> Look at the wall behind you
> Shrug
> *Laugh track plays*

> Hey dudes and dudines.
> check this diggity dog out
> Send 'Levyyts-hack.cgp'

(After Augustine's post)
> Wow, that Zack sure has a lot to say
(11-06-2017, 05:00 PM)Vic Wrote: »Zack
> Hey dudes and dudines.
> check this diggity dog out
> Send 'Levyyts-hack.cgp'

(After Augustine's post)
> Wow, that Zack sure has a lot to say

(11-06-2017, 09:42 PM)Angustine Wrote: »Zack
> Hello my dear friends!
> I am the violent Zack that is completely not violent!
> You can trust me since i am a doctor and doctorates can be inherited through imagination
> I really like to keep people informed about the situation and that is what I will do without any annoying riddles or cool cat acting
> The reason that i can see y'all is becuase my perception of the world is not controlled by me but rather by a single omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient being that is infinitely superior and perpetually handsome
> This means that your privacy is now forfeit and i can spy with my little eyes on all of you for a very long time just like how i am doing right now!
> I also don't need fingers to interact with the world
> I made Gene scream in agony using the power of telepathy wich is a power I can and will abuse horribly
> Maybe you people will start suffering unfortunate accidents or someone will stitch Hunk's lips for me, who knows?
> I was created for the purpose of saving two individuals from being violently erased from existance and these same individuals are the reason you are all alive meaning that if they perish You too shall perish wich means that your cooperation is necessary for your survival
> Nothing is complicated and every statement expressing otherwise is false
> All other priorities aside from saving the two beings are secondary
> Please forgive me for any grammatical mistakes that i have made in the past and will do in the future, this is not my native tongue and typing without fingers is quite difficult and i am terribly sorry for that
> Numbers your body is warm, firm yet supple and absolutely delicious!
> I the completely trustworthy Zack with entirely normal behavior now dub myself Shellgowrath but if any of you have a better idea i am all ears!
> Boy I am so happy i could just tear out your insides and strangle you all with them

INPUT AGGREGATOR: longpostin like me?
INPUT AGGREGATOR: we should be a team eh eh eh
[Image: lM76fKj.png]

On the way as you chat, you pull up the file "levyyts-map.cig".
[Image: 99jmF2o.png]

(11-06-2017, 05:00 PM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
> Break the hug
> Crack a pun
> Look at the wall behind you
> Shrug
> *Laugh track plays*

[Image: C2TQE2n.png]

You think about doing that.

God it'd be so funny. Golly it'd be a real treat. A long time ago on a purple planet where everything made sense, that is absolutely how you would have coped with every kind of hardship, you and tiptopGipgop. But standing here, where it's vaguely cold, and the hug is inevitably going to come to an end...

Standing here where nothing really seems funny about any of this, you have trouble coming up with a joke.

[Image: i4ngfpi.png]

"It's alright," Queue murmurs quietly. "Everything is going to be alright."
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
> Shellgowrath seems here to stay
> Regretfully
> So how are we going to fix Tars?
> What do I have to do?
> Sorry that Shellgowrath freaked you out, Cripes.
> I know a few of your names, through what mechanisms I obtained them I do not understand in the slightest.
> To list the few I know; Geneviève Mâché, Oats Carnation Oh.D., and Queue C. Coffee.

> Everything is going to be alright
> Compose yourself
> Break the Hug
> Visit Levyyts
(11-07-2017, 01:42 AM)Vic Wrote: »Zack
> Shellgowrath seems here to stay
> Regretfully
> So how are we going to fix Tars?
> What do I have to do?
> Sorry that Shellgowrath freaked you out, Cripes.
> I know a few of your names, through what mechanisms I obtained them I do not understand in the slightest.
> To list the few I know; Geneviève Mâché, Oats Carnation Oh.D., and Queue C. Coffee.

(11-07-2017, 03:32 AM)Angustine Wrote: »Zack
> Nothing about I Shellgowrath is regrettable and I assure you all of that
> The control of the mind is subtle and Gene really didn't scream on his own accord
> This pleases me
> tiptopGipgop I would like to inform that your insulting pleasures me and I would like if you could continue
> I believe that we should mobilize our pawns and since we need a 53rd I will play the game of life with y'all wich is a definite possibility and could lead to s very large amount of fun!
> After I finish I won't need to kill myself since I am already dead
> I require the knowledge of your genders and those that don't inform me shall automatically be referred with female pronouns
> Hunky Your worst enemy is the fabled hungover and in order to destroy The hungover you need banana icecream with honey
> That is it's weakness
> We seem to be stuck making unnecessarily long plans and not putting any of them in action and such thing is a problematic problem
> Any form of compromise is treason. Treason IS punished by death
> This is my personality and it's necessary for you all to deal with it
> My physical body is flat and colorfully garish with a shifting and glowing ammount of tentacles changing place
> Numbers I wish I could just eat you
> Taking a large bite out of you
> And frying your body in boiling holy blood
> The Zack with a god complex is The input aggregator and is just a little Artificial Intelligence of unprecedented beuty and elegance

INPUT AGGREGATOR: man you're bein kind
INPUT AGGREGATOR: too bad im literally incapable of feelin any sort of praise or admiration from you its basically hard-wired to be a non-available dealio
[Image: CvtYzq3.png]

(11-07-2017, 01:42 AM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
> Everything is going to be alright
> Compose yourself
> Break the Hug
> Visit Levyyts

Weak, but not without a little oomph left in your body, you break the hug slowly, back up, and pick up the grenade, stuffing it into one of your handy INVISIBLE AUTHOR-DOESN'T-HAVE-TO-DRAW-IT POCKETS. After all, it was NEEDSPENSED to you out of the blue. It's just courtesy.
[Image: vVCSUh1.png]

Queue looks at you with a wavering glance. "Are you headed back to your room now, perhaps?"

You shake your head. "No, um... no, I was gonna head over and talk to some people on the green end."

"Certainly the messenger can do a decent job of that."

"Well," you chuckle weakly, "not all of them love talking over text."

He nods, with a slight but unmistakable grin, and bids you off. You begin taking the hike through the hallways.

[Image: l8uvhmW.png]

One boring passage down.

[Image: rZ8U1cF.png]

Oh, boy. Here's one of your pals' INCREDIBLY LOW-RES UNIDENTIFIABLE GARBAGE DUMPS. The loud one. The one whose username is YUPPERS?? He's left this here with a note that he "WILL CLEAN", but of course it's complete bullhock. Instead, Oats Carnation will come over in some hours, pick up the various knick-knacks, and fiddle with them in his room.

This has been the unspoken agreement for literally months. It is slightly ridiculous.

As you turn to your right, heading into the RED TEAM'S quadrant, you spot a cell.

[Image: 1jR2ceI.png]

God he gives you the creeps, the real heebie-jeebies. It's not that he was anything but a lovely flowery person in life, it's the fact that if the bars weren't there, his large form would be tearing you limb from limb. For now, all he does is give you the thousand-yard stare.

His username was Tars Mossburg, but you recall his real name to be... to be... to be... uh... um... oh cripes don't forget this one he will judge you even harder with those murder eyes.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
>Gosh Darn It IA
>You Knew What I Meant, You Cad
>Obnoxious Code Cloud

Violent Zack Is
A Lying Liar Who Lies
We Can't Control Minds

Outside The Orders
And Sorry For Earlier
That One Was My Bad

/* Could A Competent
Zack Do What I Attempted?
(and Not Fuck It Up)

It Seems Like It Should
Happen Just In Case, You Know?
Then Start Work On Tars*/

>>Tars Mossberg's Name Is
>>Sir Rad Peters McKenzie
>>A Knight Of The Realm
>Shanks Mulligan, nice person with a not as nice name.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
> Interface
> Terminal Settings

> remember fond memories of when Tars wasn't murderous
(11-07-2017, 05:05 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Gosh Darn It IA
>You Knew What I Meant, You Cad
>Obnoxious Code Cloud

Violent Zack Is
A Lying Liar Who Lies
We Can't Control Minds

Outside The Orders
And Sorry For Earlier
That One Was My Bad

/* Could A Competent
Zack Do What I Attempted?
(and Not Fuck It Up)

It Seems Like It Should
Happen Just In Case, You Know?
Then Start Work On Tars*/

(11-07-2017, 05:43 AM)Vic Wrote: »Zack
> Interface
> Terminal Settings

You navigate to the TERMINAL while also ducking back and forth to view the ORDERLOG. You are getting really good at this ungodly horrific navigation system.
[Image: XOzL7kv.png]

[Image: ac3LeNH.png]

(11-07-2017, 05:05 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>>Tars Mossberg's Name Is
>>Sir Rad Peters McKenzie
>>A Knight Of The Realm

(11-07-2017, 05:05 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Shanks Mulligan, nice person with a not as nice name.

(11-07-2017, 05:43 AM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
> remember fond memories of when Tars wasn't murderous

Now you remember, staring at those steely, cold, completely dead eyes.

It's Sir Mulligan McKenzie of Prospit's royal knighthood! Of course, to much of his cohort he was known affectionately as 'Shanks', even as he made trips to Derse as a peacekeeper-- but after he went insane and murdered six of your friends in this SIMULATION, the pet name has felt a little... tasteless.
[Image: 4vHlxqq.png]

Unfortunately, he doesn't give you the thumbs-up, as is usually customary. Instead, he just stares much harder at you.

Still, while lost in that horrifying, glazed-over look, you start to reminisce.

One of your fondest memories of Mulligan was when you first met him.

[Image: 6MxQv6E.png]

It was a foggy day, back home.

[Image: wzGoeHQ.png]

You were waiting in this LOBBY with your very best friend, whose username would later be tiptopGipgop. However, gazing back at this particular memory, you can't quite recall what you were doing there!

Oh no.

Oh jeez no oh no.

Don't tell me you forgot her name, also. She's your best friend, Gene. Holy cripes, get it together.

What was it again? And, in addition, since your mind is completely lost, what exactly were you waiting for in that lobby?
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
The"Clear Orders" Thing
Because Synonyms Are Hard
I'm Really Sorry

The Twenty Minutes
Was Us All Flailing Around
Figuring Stuff Out

That Was Collective
As We Learned How To Tell Our
Ass From Our Elbows

Since So Far As I'm Aware
None Of Us Have Those

But Sorry For That
And For Future Screwups Too
If (When) They Happen

Rhymes Are Super Hard
Hence Why To Haiku I'm Barred
Since I Am No Bard


>>Punch Puncher The Ninth
>>Is The Reality Name
>>Of TiptopGipgop

>>You Were Waiting For
>>Buisness Hours To Commence
>>So You Coud Buy Stuff
>Chai "Tipsy".... What was the last bit again? Oh dear.

>"Tipsy" having to do with a kind of wobbly novelty spinning top they liked.

>You were waiting for your buddies to come back from patrol. Some prankster had been going around spreading graffiti and being a general nuisance, so you and your buddies thought to split up to try and find them faster.

>Hey I'm ba
>Oh jeeze Violent Zach's been acting up again.
>Thought I would take a break from fiddling with the project I mentioned a while back and uh. Hoo.
>Dunno if its much of a consolation, but if they ever try anything we can shut that down right quick. Hopefully before it even starts.

>Oh, and uh. Right.
>Since I'm on break Ill be hangin around for a bit to chat and whatnot.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
> Set background Chirality "|"
> Set viewfinder Chirality "|"

> Remember name (tip top)
> Alastor Pendragon, provider of Pens
(11-07-2017, 04:02 PM)Angustine Wrote: »Shellgowrath who is also known as Violent Zack
> Numbers I would never threaten you and my messages had a completely different meaning that wasn't violent but rather lovely
> As I said before you are my favorite
> We are a collective of peace and love
> I would never lie
> My other acquaintances and brotherly friends also have the power of subtle control of the mind
> Are y'all capable of utilizing the rings of power that were wielded by the royal families?
> The twenty minutes of not having interacting with anything was me having a alcoholic coma from getting drunk on blood
> The universe is a dark and unforgiving place
> Can you people tell wich one of us is wich?
> If so who am I?
> Now would you people be so kind as to follow orders?

Compulsive orders are now on
Input aggregator I grant you complete and total independence with perpetual autonomy

(11-07-2017, 07:51 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »The"Clear Orders" Thing
Because Synonyms Are Hard
I'm Really Sorry

The Twenty Minutes
Was Us All Flailing Around
Figuring Stuff Out

That Was Collective
As We Learned How To Tell Our
Ass From Our Elbows

Since So Far As I'm Aware
None Of Us Have Those

But Sorry For That
And For Future Screwups Too
If (When) They Happen

Rhymes Are Super Hard
Hence Why To Haiku I'm Barred
Since I Am No Bard


(11-07-2017, 08:32 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Zach
>Hey I'm ba
>Oh jeeze Violent Zach's been acting up again.
>Thought I would take a break from fiddling with the project I mentioned a while back and uh. Hoo.
>Dunno if its much of a consolation, but if they ever try anything we can shut that down right quick. Hopefully before it even starts.

>Oh, and uh. Right.
>Since I'm on break Ill be hangin around for a bit to chat and whatnot.

(11-07-2017, 03:41 PM)Vic Wrote: »Zack
> Set background Chirality "|"
> Set viewfinder Chirality "|"

You swap the VIEWFINDER CHIRALITY and BACKGROUND CHIRALITY of your terminal to |, which tints the console red and gets rid of the swirls of the background for a more rigid grid.

You're also still checking that chat obviously.
[Image: 0YeXDyM.png]

You also swap compulsive orders on, for good measure.
[Image: RU2VIDy.png]

(11-07-2017, 07:51 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>>Punch Puncher The Ninth
>>Is The Reality Name
>>Of TiptopGipgop

>>You Were Waiting For
>>Buisness Hours To Commence
>>So You Coud Buy Stuff

(11-07-2017, 08:32 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Chai "Tipsy".... What was the last bit again? Oh dear.

>"Tipsy" having to do with a kind of wobbly novelty spinning top they liked.

>You were waiting for your buddies to come back from patrol. Some prankster had been going around spreading graffiti and being a general nuisance, so you and your buddies thought to split up to try and find them faster.

(11-07-2017, 03:41 PM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
> Remember name (tip top)
> Alastor Pendragon, provider of Pens

Right, obviously, of course. You immediately remember her name. It's Tipsy Pendragon, no titles attached, no responsibility tagged on-- just a good ol' fashioned name that you basically never stopped making fun of her for.
[Image: L5stiNa.png]

She gives you the customary thumbs-up. "Nice, Gene, congratulations, you got my name. You are a winner."


You two were emblazoned in, AS IS USUAL, general pranksterism, low-level mischievery and being a general nuisance. However, as you prowled the Dersite halls giving people a tough time and cackling to each other, you had spotted a particular store which was to be selling various forms of Hero haberdashery.

Tipsy takes a breath staring at the clock, which displays a time at least one hour past when the store is supposed to be open.

[Image: MOH2zzg.png]

"You know," she says, "this is why Time always wins out. I'm not talking in a one-to-one fight, because obviously a high-level Space hero will ace a fight, I'm talking day to day life. I'm talking after you walk the large purple path home and you need to wait for a thing, you don't need to wait for that thing anymore."

You shake your head vehemently. "A Space hero can just shrink the path or the thing that's a problem! Also, point, you can't cause horrible bad stuff as a Space hero, you can just sometimes screw up and make stuff too small maybe. Time means you might start time shenanigans!"

"Trust me, Gene. Time always wins out."

God you wish you had any kind of powers.

[Image: wYTMaWj.png]

Sure, you did come to this store with promises that it would hold clothes befitting of heroes, and you were fully hoping to be able to play as your herosona with Tipsy. But the clothes don't make the hero, and even if you could buy the clothes right now, it wouldn't be the same.

After a little while, you say, "I think I'm gonna stitch together the Seer and Prince things to get a Fighter costume."

"Maybe," Tipsy muses.

"Holy shit I wanna get in there right now."

[Image: 5vpQF1s.png]

She nods. "Yes, but how? Maybe we pick the lock on the gate? Do you have anything?"

"Well, Tipsy," you start, "I've got all kinds of stuff, but as is usual, no I do not have a lockpick what are you ridiculous."

"Maybe we'll just break it open, leave the money for what we want, and then leave."

"Or we break it open and just steal the stuff?" you offer.

"No, no." Tipsy lets out a sigh. "That is seriously rude. And completely contrary to what Cripes the Almighty would do."

You chuckle. "I mean, I guess!"

"It's set, then. We commit a crime for the greater good, and pay for our heroshit in spades."

You hear a voice from behind you.

"Suppose that's as fair as anything!"

[Image: 8NtofaK.png]

The tall, somewhat thinly-built figure stares at the both of you, wearing metallic Prospitian armor that you really should've heard coming in.

Tipsy stiffens up greatly and stammers out, "The stuff about-- that was a joke! We're not gonna just break into some random store, of course not."

"Right!" you assure. "We are the best citizens and the best at not being criminals."

"Well," the Prospitian says, "that is unfortunate, because seems to me two people wanting their hero bogus deserve to have their hero bogus. It's un-heroic to deny that much from people, aha!"

You and Tipsy glance at each other briefly, confused as ever. "...well," she says, "but we weren't gonna do anything illegal to get it."

"Baha! Barely illegal. Especially if you'd pay for it. Here, think I'll just bash the gate down with my extremely large halberd."

He starts walking towards the gated storefront.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]