RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]

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RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Aaand that's dayend, folks!

BUT WAIT - something's happening! The PICKLE BARREL hops, wiggles, and hurls itself to the ground! The lid goes flying off with a BANG! It flies off extra hard because it was almost fastened, but not quite!

Six PICKLES scatter across the ground. They're up for grabs, first come, first serve!

While that mess is getting cleaned up, you guys can have (up to) 24 hours to change or confirm your bamboozle votes. Other than grabbing PICKLES and finalizing votes, no further discussion is allowed.

EDIT: Since it's a new page, here's a reminder:

Robust Laser: Sleepy
Sleepy: Robust Laser, Reyweld, earthexe
Shredded: a52
Gatr: Slorange

Abstaining: Gatr, Shredded, Ixcaliber, Coldblooded, earthexe
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY START]
Grab Pickle
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Grab pickle
Bamboozle whomever has the second-most votes, unless it's a perfect tie for first, in which case bamboozle nobody.
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Grab Pickle

Also you have me listed for bamboozling both Sleepy and Abstaining. :0

(for clarification im bamboozling sleepy)
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
So I do!
I assume that should be

Robust Laser: Sleepy
Sleepy: Robust Laser, Reyweld, earthexe
Shredded: a52
Gatr: Slorange

Abstaining: Gatr, Shredded, Ixcaliber, Coldblooded

(a52, what if it's a tie for second?)
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
vote for random
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
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RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
grab: pickle

vote: slorange
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Grab Pickle Pls

Also Finalize vote: Sleepy
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Would have been nice if everyone had actually participated in the game :/

bamboozle a52
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Grab Pickle

Bamboozle Sleepy
RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]

I actually said that, but SeaWyrm didn't count it.
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
vote: a52
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]

Final Bamboozle: Sleepy
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Robust Laser: Sleepy
Sleepy: Robust Laser, Reyweld, earthexe, Coldblooded
a52: Slorange, Gatr

Abstaining: Shredded, Ixcaliber
Random: a52
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
All of the PICKLES have been grabbed! +1 PICKLE for Robust Laser, a52, earthexe, Gatr, Reyweld and Coldblooded.
If you've got a PICKLE, hold onto it - it doesn't mean anything now, but it might become relevant in future plays of this game. Or even in something else entirely. Whoa

Robust Laser: Sleepy
Sleepy: Robust Laser, Reyweld, earthexe, Coldblooded
a52: Slorange, Gatr

Abstaining: Shredded, Ixcaliber

Aaaand a52's random pick is: earthexe

earthexe: a52

So it looks like Sleepy's getting bamboozled... but hang on, something's happening! All of the bamboo starts glowing with a charming and wholesome glow! It seems someone has blessed it with a Light Blessing. Each bamboo stick confers immunity to a single vote.
After Reyweld munched most of it, who's left with bamboo? We have...
...with 1 stick each. So the vote totals are
Robust Laser with 1,
Sleepy with 4 - 1 = 3
a52 with 2
earthexe with 1 - 1 = 0

How exciting! The vote rankings are exactly the same! Close call for a52, though - one more vote on a52 would have tied things right up.


But what was Sleepy? Sleepy was Three Hundred Puppies, which is good news for a lot of you.

We have some other win conditions in play. Let's see who has DOGGIE TREATS. Robust Laser started with 3. One went to earthexe right off the bat. earthexe passed them to Coldblooded, who sent them right along to Gatr. Gatr gave them to Reyweld, who kept them.
Robust gave the second to Sleepy. Sleepy... never did anything with them! Wuh-oh, bad news for those of you whose win conditions required no puppies to hold DOGGIE TREATS.
The third DOGGIE TREATS remains firmly in Robust Laser's possession.

As for the bamboo, none of the bamboo win conditions apply. Not quite, anyway. Feeding so much bamboo to Reyweld gave a huge advantage to some of you, but Gatr had the sense not to dispose of his so lightly.

Winners: Shredded, Reyweld, Ixcaliber, a52, Gatr, Coldblooded, and Robust Laser.

And here's the full role list:

Finally, Slorange might be eligible for some extra PICKLES! Is he?
Public Guesses:
Reyweld - Bamboo Scout (wrong)
a52 - Seer (wrong)
Hmm... our Census Taker might have fared better if the game had lasted longer. To be fair, he had a tough role.

Thanks for playing, everyone! There's still a lot of hidden information... because I might just go ahead and start a signup for Round 2. Let's see if we can tease that stuff out the hard way.
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Nice, good work some of us!

Anyways I'm up for another game of whatever the hell was going on here.
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
oh well

i don't think there was enough scumhunting going down for me to really get invested in this game. that said, it is a solid game, with good mechanics. it just should be in forum games, not hawkspace

e: also time limit was too strict for us to make sense of the Wacky Game Mechanics
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
I tried :'D Sleepy why did you hold onto it, whyyy
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Yeah, it should have been longer. My mistake.
Also, I think there could/would have been more scumhunting if circumstances were different. There wasn't enough time for uncertainty to build?

Also also, you might be right about Forum Games vs Hawkspace. I think it was going to be less structured at first and then it sort of grew a structure like some kind of arthropod undergoing ecdysis and emerging from its moult as some kind of noisy leg-rubbing type of insect that lives in trees and doesn't let you sleep. You know, like a ladybug.
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Well, in that case, the real bamboozle was inside us all all along...
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: One Night Bamboozle [DAY END]
Hey, so maybe if I can dig up the rules, I'll do another game of this?
Sign-ups in Forum Games, not here. I'll link the topic when I make it.