Eagle-Talk (Preparing for Episode 4!)

Eagle-Talk (Preparing for Episode 4!)
RE: Eagle-Talk (Episode 0.9 - Science Talk)
it's called dry ice and you are supposed to bathe in it. It's also an essential part of any diet, so load up on those dry ice supplements and dry ice oat cereals!
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Eagle-Talk (Episode 0.9 - Science Talk)
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RE: Eagle-Talk (Episode 0.9 - Science Talk)
The non-btp, non-Dragon Fogel person, yes
RE: Eagle-Talk (Episode 0.9 - Science Talk)
But what ARE Akumus?
RE: Eagle-Talk (Episode 0.9 - Science Talk)
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RE: Eagle-Talk (Episode 0.9 - Science Talk)
I think it is exactly that Rolling Stone article that I was thinking about. Thanks, Wheat!
RE: Eagle-Talk (Episode 0.9 - Science Talk)
u know what's cool? barnacles are cool.
RE: Eagle-Talk (Episode 0.9 - Science Talk)
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RE: Eagle-Talk (Episode 1 - Schazer Talk)
Hey all! Episode 1 is up and official. There's a little notes page and everything! Also the title of the thread changed! Isn't that something! (The answer is yes. It is at the very least a thing.)

If you want to listen to Schazer, Akumu, and I gab for 2 uninterrupted hours, you can now do so!

Also, another thank you to everyone who listened and asked questions! I'll be sure to post more info/ ask for more questions once episode 2 is in the works!
RE: Eagle-Talk (Episode 1 - Schazer Talk)
>Listens to Schazers voice.
>Holy fuck that is an amazing accent.
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Taking Questions!)
Hey everyone!

Our next podcast will be an interview with Zach Hall, aka jack_fractal and author of All Night Laundry.

If you haven't checked out All Night Laundry - you absolutely should! But you can also check out jack_fractal's blog posts about issues you can run into creating write-as-you-go stories (Links: 1, 2, and 3)

Just like with our Science-Talk episode, we want to ask Zach some questions from you guys!

If you have any burning questions you'd like us to ask, post them here!
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Taking Questions!)
I guess I'd wanna know how he stays motivated and keeps a good work ethic? Also what are his story inspirations?
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Taking Questions!)
I'd like to know what drew them to the MSPAFA community? Which forum adventures (particularly in terms of presentation/use of the format, but hearing about forum adventures he likes is cool too!) really got Zach sold on the idea to use a suggestion-driven medium to tell their story?

Art styles naturally evolve over the course of a project as long as this one, but Zach deliberately changes up visual styles as a visual marker for new locations and dreamscapes. What kind of decision-making went into choosing "styles" for particular scenes? Which styles were your most and least favourites, both to draw and in their ability to convey tone and mood in a way that couldn't be done through the visual subject matter alone (or text)?

I think about ANL's artshifts a lot because the dream segments are great, and my second-possibly-tied-for-most-favourite sequence was probably the dream with Josephine and the double slit experiment. I actually slow-clapped at that because I'm a horrible punnivore. I'd like to know: How long were you sitting on that particular joke waiting to use it? What's the longest you've sat on a snippet like that, waiting to make it realised within the story?

What kind of music would you visualise as a soundtrack/mixtape for All Night Laundry? What kind of bands would our cast enjoy? What kind of music do you (Zach) enjoy?

ANL struck me with how fantastic it is about diverse female characters, in terms of race and gender+sexuality, and also the low-key nbd way it's incorporated (less plot points, and more setting-points). Was this planned from the story's early stages, or did you do what I know a few forum adventure authors did over the course of their authoring and go "hm wait I can definitely have more diversity and representation in my stories without it being a Huge Deal or dramatically sidetracking the plot"?

Who's your favourite character in ANL? Which character do you most strongly personally identify with?

I know you did one out-of-story retcon after much deliberation. Are there any other moments in your story where you've strongly considered it, and if so what would the alternative course of events have been?

Do you Overwatch? Who do you main?

What's your favourite bird?
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Episode 2 is up!)
Our interview with Zach Hall, author of All Night Laundry, is ready for listening!

A huge thank you to Zach for agreeing to let us pester him with questions for 2 hours!

And another huge thank you to everyone who asked questions!

And a third and even huger thank you to everyone who listens!
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Episode 2 is up!)
Hearing Zach talk is awesome. Hearing about ANL is awesome. Hearing Zach talk about ANL is awesome. Thank you for making this be a thing.

What would a person have to do in order to be a guest on Eagle Talk?
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Episode 2 is up!)
I just listened to the podcast for the first time and am all caught up now, and I just gotta say, btp you have an awesome radio presence! I loved the interview with Zach!

I think it would be a cool idea if maybe there could be a segment that talks about new adventures in the month between podcasts (maybe those that exceed 3 pages or something so we have some reasonable assumption that they might be around the next month.)
Hi there! I'd really appreciate it if you took some time to read my adventure Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief! Thanks!
[Image: 8zbr3I4.png]
Dope ass dragon created by the incomparable Earthexe
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Episode 2 is up!)
(06-24-2016, 09:32 PM)Colby Wrote: »I think it would be a cool idea if maybe there could be a segment that talks about new adventures in the month between podcasts (maybe those that exceed 3 pages or something so we have some reasonable assumption that they might be around the next month.)

Not to be too negative, but I think for an adventure that's less than a month old, there wouldn't be much to talk about yet.
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Episode 2 is up!)
(06-23-2016, 11:35 PM)Dave Rapp Wrote: »Hearing Zach talk is awesome. Hearing about ANL is awesome. Hearing Zach talk about ANL is awesome. Thank you for making this be a thing.

Wow! Thank you for listening!

I also agree that hearing Zach talk is awesome.

(06-23-2016, 11:35 PM)Dave Rapp Wrote: »What would a person have to do in order to be a guest on Eagle Talk?

This is a great question! And also one we haven't fully ironed out yet!

The cool thing about making a podcast about a community is that there is no shortage of fun people to talk to or things to talk about. Really the limiting factor is largely the time it takes to coordinate, record, and edit, which is why we've only had 2 episodes in the last few months.

In Zach's case, as I was going through ANL for the first time, I noticed he had mentioned interest in being interviewed by the old MSPAFAcast, (the last episode of which we recorded years ago.) When Zach mentioned again on his site that he was looking for podcasts about webcomics, I figured that was as good a time as any to see if he wanted to chat for an hour or so about his comic.

In general, though, if you're interested in coming onto Eagle-Talk, just shoot me a PM telling me about yourself, and some things you'd like to talk about. To be fair, it may be quite a while before we can set up a recording, but I'm always glad to hear who is interested.

As a side note, if you're really jonesing to get your voice out there we do have an official/unofficial Hawksquawk podcast thread where folks can post their own recordings of anything from innane conversations to thread readings to musings of whateversorts.

And of course, we'll post in here asking for questions anytime we're planning a recording. We'll do our best to credit whoever asked a question if it gets used.

(06-24-2016, 09:32 PM)Colby Wrote: »I just listened to the podcast for the first time and am all caught up now, and I just gotta say, btp you have an awesome radio presence! I loved the interview with Zach!

I think it would be a cool idea if maybe there could be a segment that talks about new adventures in the month between podcasts (maybe those that exceed 3 pages or something so we have some reasonable assumption that they might be around the next month.)

Thank you Colby! I love your dope ass dragon! As for my radio presence, I'll just say there it goes through a lot of editing.

I think that's also a good idea! The podcast is still in its formative stages so we might give that a go! Right now adventure talk is mainly "things we're reading/working on" and however they come up in the conversation, but I do like the idea of dedicating time to highlighting adventures people might have missed (I've tried to do that, to a degree, with the links in the shownotes.)
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Episode 2 is up!)
I see a lot of parallels between this podcast and the Anime-Pulse podcast in stylization, if you ever checked that one out back in the day you know what I'm talking about. (I think it's still going but I dont know for sure.)
The interview segment is clearly a very strong part of Eagle Talk and I love to see it, but there's probably more stuff along those lines you could do! Finding a formula made up of segments usually takes a podcast a couple episode to see what works and what doesn't but I think they are usually universally better for it. Dave Rapp, youre probably right that there wouldn't be a whole lot to talk about. I dont know that you could squeeze more than 5 minutes out of a segment, but i think it could really help to reinforce new writers to the medium that their work is going appreciated. (Especially the good ones we want sticking around!)
Hi there! I'd really appreciate it if you took some time to read my adventure Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief! Thanks!
[Image: 8zbr3I4.png]
Dope ass dragon created by the incomparable Earthexe
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Episode 2 is up!)
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RE: Eagle-Talk (We have a podcast? Episode 3 is up!)

So Akumu and I haven't recorded an eagle-talk episode since our interview with Zach Hall like a year ago.

So we got together and talked about some current adventures we enjoyed and did a couple of "dramatic" readings.

You can find the episode and the shownotes at https://eagle-talk.com
RE: Eagle-Talk (We have a podcast? Episode 3 is up!)
I dont really know if this is right place to put this, but i was listening to some old podcasts from the MSPA forums, and there was a bit I really liked in one of them. So i decided to 'animate' it.

please enjoy
RE: Eagle-Talk (We have a podcast? Episode 3 is up!)
I love this video.

Show Content
RE: Eagle-Talk (We have a podcast? Episode 3 is up!)
(08-28-2018, 08:00 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »I dont really know if this is right place to put this, but i was listening to some old podcasts from the MSPA forums, and there was a bit I really liked in one of them. So i decided to 'animate' it.

please enjoy

i want to meet whoever said all that and hire them as an author for a new forum adventure

also, that animation is very good and very similar to what my own style would be if i did animation (and didn't cover everything in jpeg artifacts and gimp filters)
RE: Eagle-Talk (Preparing for Episode 4!)
Hey all!

It's time for the almost-annual episode of Eagle-Talk!

We are planning to record the episode this weekend and we would really like some help!

The format of will more or less mirror that of our impromptu episode a year ago, with possible special guest(s), chasing the hawkspace vole, and most importantly highlighting those special and wonderful adventures that make Eagle-Time the fun creative community it is!

So here's what we need from you:

1. SUGGESTIONS! What adventures really grab your attention? Which ones should we be reading and what should we look out for? Art? Story? Community? Let us know in here or message us on discord where we should shine the spotlight!

2. READINGS! Something I really enjoyed in the last episode was putting together dramatic readings of selections of different forum adventures. Something I did not care for was that most of them were with my own dumb voice! If you're vocally inclined, find a section of your favorite adventure and belt it out! If you record and send me the file, I'll include it in the episode! (you can also add an audio backtrack to your file for that extra dramatic flair!)

3. QUESTIONS! Once we've confirmed who our special guest(s) will be this time around I'll announce it here and you can pose questions for them for us to ask in an interview segment! Of course if you have questions for akumu or myself, those are welcome as well!
Finally, if you'd like to volunteer to join in on the podcast or record alongside us, shoot me a PM here or on discord! We will see what we can set up or what segments we can do!