Request a sketch!: OC edition

Request a sketch!: OC edition
RE: Request a sketch!
Your favorite pokemon?
RE: Request a sketch!
Alternatively, draw your favorite Non-Pokemon-Yet-Still-Collectable-Seizure-Beast... Uh.. Digimon? One of those... Collectable pet sites that are so big these days? Medabots? (...fighting foodons?) ... Jade Cocoon? Some of these are dated references, but I can't think of- OH, Personas! Those also fall under the purview of this oddly specific revered suggestion to Schazer's suggestion!
RE: Request a sketch!
(05-25-2017, 10:40 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Your favorite pokemon?

Oh crap, I wish I watched pokemon, but I'm a pretty impatient person who doesn't like to focus on one thing for a long time, so I just sit on my ass and watch short things with like 2 or 3 seasons. Probs missing out alot.

Quote:Alternatively, draw your favorite Non-Pokemon-Yet-Still-Collectable-Seizure-Beast... Uh.. Digimon? One of those... Collectable pet sites that are so big these days? Medabots? (...fighting foodons?) ... Jade Cocoon? Some of these are dated references, but I can't think of- OH, Personas! Those also fall under the purview of this oddly specific revered suggestion to Schazer's suggestion!

Did u just say Personas.

Holy shit prepare yourself.
RE: Request a sketch!
So, like, I have to post this tomorrow? I'm like 2 and a half personas in and I can't risk getting my drawing tablet taken away. So I'm finishing up first thing tomorrow.

Edit: This is like 4 days worth of sketches coloured AND shaded, that's why I'm going to finish up tomorrow. It's a lil bit of work so excuse the lateness.
RE: Request a sketch!
Oh geez I was a weird kid huh. Okay let's start with the first one I ever made:
[Image: uxI1YpR.png]
I really liked peaches, and as a kid I wanted to become one with the peaches. So I made myself a giant multi-coloured disappointment. Babby's first worship.

Everybody has an edgy phase, right? Mine just started a bit too early, and lasted 2 fricken years. If I could go back in time, I would go back to my 12 year old self and tell her to just not. At all.
[Image: A7PmeZi.png]

Forgot to add, this is the 12 to 14 phase, in which I really liked stripes. Just phased out of it half a year ago, BECAUSE SOMEONE TAINTED IT. And I really can't live with a tainted persona, so I made the big switch. Was still kinda edgy, but only butterknife edgy, which was like a semi-acceptable amount.

[Image: ioiturk.png]

And now, this thing. Atleast I have cool UNTAINTED stripes, ayo.
[Image: WaKtKoU.png]
RE: Request a sketch!
0 minutes before I shitpost.
Edit: Shitpost bomb diffused.
Double edit: The bomb was defective all along
RE: Request a sketch!
Elise Jackson/Virginia Woolf from Vox Mentis! Curious on your interpretation.
RE: Request a sketch!
(05-26-2017, 12:59 PM)Douglas Wrote: »Elise Jackson/Virginia Woolf from Vox Mentis! Curious on your interpretation.

Ooh, im on the first few pages of vox mentis. I already met Elise, but I'm guessing Virginia Wolf is a bit farther in or I forgot. I'll pick after I meet Virginia Woolf. You got quite the story, Douglas.
RE: Request a sketch!
(05-26-2017, 01:03 PM)Myeth Wrote: »
(05-26-2017, 12:59 PM)Douglas Wrote: »Elise Jackson/Virginia Woolf from Vox Mentis! Curious on your interpretation.

Ooh, im on the first few pages of vox mentis. I already met Elise, but I'm guessing Virginia Wolf is a bit farther in or I forgot. I'll pick after I meet Virginia Woolf. You got quite the story, Douglas.

Thank you! Happymelon Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
RE: Request a sketch!
Draw some characters from your favorite forum adventures?
RE: Request a sketch!
(05-26-2017, 01:05 PM)Douglas Wrote: »
(05-26-2017, 01:03 PM)Myeth Wrote: »
(05-26-2017, 12:59 PM)Douglas Wrote: »Elise Jackson/Virginia Woolf from Vox Mentis! Curious on your interpretation.

Ooh, im on the first few pages of vox mentis. I already met Elise, but I'm guessing Virginia Wolf is a bit farther in or I forgot. I'll pick after I meet Virginia Woolf. You got quite the story, Douglas.

Thank you! Happymelon Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

I don't know much about how Elise looks, but I heard "Floppy hat", "hair like straw", "fur jacket with studs", and "pokemon bag", so I went with it and made this. I was trying out a new face style for more serious drawings, and I think it looks pretty decent.
[Image: VFlcZ9q.png]

Draw some characters from your favorite forum adventures?

I didn't have enough time to draw characters because I'm going out in like 10 minutes, but I worked a lil harder on one of my favourite characters; Athena v1 from Fortuna. I'm not usually the seriously dedicated type, but Fortuna is one of the only long stories that I stuck with to the end, because it was that good. I probably have one of the shortest attention span known to humanity, but fuck I never strayed from the story. I recently downloaded some cool brushes and I wanted to use "crayon", so lookit!

also i rlly like Athena, totes magotes no homo cough

[Image: oub7qiE.jpg]
RE: Request a sketch!
I regret using the crayon brush, It looks like I just coloured with windows paint eeeeeeeEe.
RE: Request a sketch!
I think the colors and texture really work on that Athena!
RE: Request a sketch!
(05-27-2017, 12:33 AM)Schazer Wrote: »I think the colors and texture really work on that Athena!

Thanku Schazer, always so nice. I APPRECIATE THAT

Also I'm doing something fortuna related today and I'm taking suggestions via fortuna discord is gon be pr neat.
RE: Request a sketch!
(05-27-2017, 12:33 AM)Schazer Wrote: »I think the colors and texture really work on that Athena!

Yeah, me too! It's good!
RE: Request a sketch!
[Image: w1qYHDK.png]

[Image: TdUeYSn.png]

The fortuna discord gave me great suggestions and I like that.
RE: Request a sketch!
[Image: dObNUh8.png]

Oh wow look at it.

It's horrifying.
RE: Request a sketch!
[Image: rSSVfdy.png]
RE: Request a sketch!
The request:
[Image: sChUEzr.png]

The 420 blaze it dragon

[Image: AvM9bLN.png]
RE: Request a sketch!
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Request a sketch!
the angriest kiwi bird
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Request a sketch!
(05-28-2017, 05:22 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »the angriest kiwi bird
I wanna draw it but i don't take requests after 6 pm in my timezone, I'm real sorry friendo. I take requests from 6 am to 6 pm, to make my requests nice and tidy. You can request anything you want during these times. Thank you for requesting, I can do your request tomorrow, if you want!
RE: Request a sketch!
That'd be fine and dandy.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Request a sketch!
Can you draw a crow woman wearing a ragged tunic and bone jewelry, with a spear strapped to her back, playing the panflute?
RE: Request a sketch!
Draw the cutest circle, please