The 6am thread

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The 6am thread
RE: The 6AM Thread
Found you guys a theme song

RE: The 6AM Thread
what kind of loser isn't up at 6 AM because that's when they woke up and not because they stayed up so late it's early
RE: The 6AM Thread
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RE: The 6AM Thread
My laptop crashed to the floor, waking me up.

I am going back to sleep.
RE: The 6AM Thread
it's 5:14 AM and i just woke up. is that close enough?
RE: The 6AM Thread
it's 6:29 AM, i think that should average things out closer to six
RE: The 6AM Thread
i'm already thinking about lunch

dallas is two hours away, but i think i'll eat lunch there today

i mean why not, the air conditioner barely works here and it's not like there's anything to do
RE: The 6AM Thread
the worst thing about being up this early is that there's rarely anyone around to talk to
RE: The 6AM Thread
i mean i'm thinking if i go to dallas, that'll be two hours driving there, an hour to eat at most, then two hours back. it'd knock five hours out of the hottest part of the day, instead of me dying in a >85 degree room (its 95ish outside, the ac "works" but just barely)
RE: The 6AM Thread
plus dallas will have more options for food, there's not a lot of variety here
RE: The 6AM Thread
it's technically closer to 7 than 6 now, so im gonna go.. shower.. and eat a donut maybe
RE: The 6AM Thread
im getting a bit of a belly though, maybe a donut's not such a great idea

but on the other hand, the whole "one meal a day" thing's probably partially responsible for it, that kinda thing fucks with your metabolism
RE: The 6AM Thread
i'd eat three meals a day but $$$$$$

like it'd have to be three meals at.. between $4 and $5. it's so tempting to just have one decent meal over three shittier ones, you know?
RE: The 6AM Thread
and GOD no im not cooking here. thanks to my awful disgusting roommates, its Roach Hell. plus i just don't like cooking
RE: The 6AM Thread
but yeah. gonna go, might as well thaw out the probably-frozen air conditioner before it gets hot too
RE: The 6AM Thread
i said i'd eat at dallas but i ate in tyler instead, which is only an hour away

i made up for it by walking four miles though!
RE: The 6AM Thread
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RE: The 6AM Thread
Here I am at 6:34 AM I have an appointment in five hours. Good job me.
RE: The 6AM Thread
ix go to bed. it's late in the us, for fucks sake.
RE: The 6AM Thread
i feel slightly better about my hearthstone abilities today
RE: The 6AM Thread
And then summer ended like a truck hitting a wall. Hello again 6 am. To your credit, you are not 5:30.
RE: The 6AM Thread
i love being awake at 6 AM
RE: The 6AM Thread
I really fucked my sleep patterns up this time guys
RE: The 6AM Thread
its six AM and here i am again
RE: The 6AM Thread
Who needs sleep anyway?