This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff

This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff

Beautiful birds Crying Eagle
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
(12-22-2018, 01:15 PM)BRPXQZME Wrote: »

Beautiful birds Crying Eagle

RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I'm a little worried about this, this sounds like how Emperor Palpatine came to power.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
(12-24-2018, 06:11 AM)Our Lady of Lampreys Wrote: »I'm a little worried about this, this sounds like how Emperor Palpatine came to power.
“’Tis the Season, then.”
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Merry Christmas eagles!
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
berry krangles It's Larry! Duckreport Drudgerepond
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
howmst was your new years, folks

I got huevos with 3 of my close friends. Currently trying to pack a suitcase for airport going
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I'm going to have spotty internet for the next week, I'll still be checking ET and updating stuff but not as much.

Also, the screen of my drawing laptop is on the verge of something bad! It was freaking out and all the text was illegible, so I got all my files off it asap. As a consequence it will be hard to art for the time being (not that I did too much of that lol). Anyways, that's all!
I should probably post this somewhere. I've been drifting away from Eagle Time ever since the majority of forum activity moved to discord. We're definitely less of a forum and more of a community now. I love that. I love how tight-knit and accepting and queer Eagle Time is. That this and Discondor can be a safe-space for teens still figuring themselves out or searching for somewhere to be themselves safely and comfortably is wonderful. This is, without a doubt, the most wholesome place I've ever been on on the internet. I'm glad I found it when I did, when I needed a place to joke and talk with a better set of norms and a kinder set of people.

But more and more, I've realized that this is no longer my place. I've said my jokes, hosted my games, learned my lessons. I have found friends and peers who saw me, and through mutual respect and humour and positive ideology, helped me be a better and more informed person. I was invested in each poster, developing pictures in my mind of the people they are. I could read every thread and every post, and did (almost, there are a lot of adventures). 

That was, in a way, my fatal flaw. A key difference between forums and ircs is the pace. Forums are slow, a post at a time. It is easy to simply leave and come back--no one will notice. Backlogs can be slowly managed with marked progress. Another difference, which is harder to describe, is personal access. Live chats demand a high personal access, needing to stay up-to-date and reply quickly if mentioned. The turn-over time for topics is high, as an hour after something is mentioned it has been buried.

At first, I tried to keep up. There are several people who if they say something I want to listen. But the backlogs became tremendous as activity increased. I tried to keep up with everyone because I was invested in their lives and feelings. Every once and a while, I wouldn't read any of the day's messages. I would just mark all as read, and keep up with the current stuff. I did this more and more, and I felt both guilty and relieved. I realized that trying to keep up, to stay current, was stressing me out to the point of sickness. So I stopped.

I can't be invested in 100+ active people anymore. I just don't have the energy. I can barely manage the 50ish offline people I care about. I'm so tired all the time.

Thank you to a52 and Credit, Schazer and Palamedes, Mirdini and  and Whimbrel and Kaynato and goblin's. There's so many of you, too many to list off. I'm sure you know who you are. I do.

Thank you, everyone, for being so excellent. Goodbye.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Hey, sad to see you go, but you do what's best for you, and yeah, that didn't sound like an ideal situation! Get some rest, and good luck wherever you end up.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
i will miss you, friend
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
So long, friend. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Safe travels, friend. Know you're always welcome to stop by, let us know how you've been doing <3
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
<3 Reyweld

Until we meet again
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Guys I know nobody has said anything in this subforum since August of 2020 but it's ok, the bots are gone now and people will be able to see that you posted something.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Someone really did it
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Posts are returning to the forum. Nature is healing.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I finally feel safe in my natural environment
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Soo what are we going to talk about now?
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Heated politics, matters of philosophy, butts?
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Why the hell not. What do you think of butts?
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I like big buttes and I cannot lie

[Image: merrick-butte.jpg]

If they're too big they end up being mesas though, which is a whole 'nother thing I'm not prepared to deal with
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Uh, hello, it's been like 10 years but I've found my way back here.

Nice to see some familiar names still active :)
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
talking in the thread where we talk about stuff thread
whos with me

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