[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/20 Suggestion topic
We're going to screw up and turn One-Punch evil, aren't we.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/20 Suggestion topic
(02-21-2016, 02:00 AM)Futurdreamz Wrote: »We're going to screw up and turn One-Punch evil, aren't we.

No, of course not
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/20 Suggestion topic
(02-20-2016, 10:53 PM)Wheat Wrote: »I'm excited to see how our characters interact storywise, though at the same time if anything goes wrong or some adversarial situation pops up I'd rather your character get out because i try not to get attached to characters I make when part of what makes the story so tense and exciting is the possibility of instant death at any moment. it's like hell yeah blow my guy up if serves the plot well
Oh, I agree 100% with that, don't get me wrong. It was more a knee jerk reaction than anything.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/20 Suggestion topic
Heyoceama;7895721 Wrote:> Latta: Ask them to be your guide around this place until you leave.
Hichico;7895684 Wrote:> Well, if you help us out and we can get some fuel, we can give you food in exchange, and depending on how things go we can try to get you off planet.

[Image: 8LcilBI.gif]

[Image: A9KQpga.gif]

[Image: dbyeko6.gif]

Heyoceama;7895721 Wrote:> Head inside and swap out your artsy stuff for expired/nearly expired rations, chocolate, cheap wine.

[Image: nxZfx6Q.gif]

Ianflow;7895883 Wrote:>Marble: I have military connections. I might be able to contact some higher ups and send aid once we leave. Is there any sort of local government that could be contacted?

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[Image: IPiqh38.gif]

[Image: lWTdrA8.gif]

Hichico;7895684 Wrote:> Make them honorary temporary crew members while they help you out.
Pawllo;7895767 Wrote:> We'll give you rations if you show us around. Like all non lethal places i mean

[Image: EDyIv7n.gif]

[Image: 7kwATzk.gif]

[Image: HANd7bx.gif]
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/22 Suggestion topic
Hey, you forgot to mention we can pick between Andrus and Shetlock as a temporary crewmember on this thread.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/22 Suggestion topic
Andrus. He seems a tad more sensible.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/22 Suggestion topic
Hey, you know how Geko came to be through use of a life changing clock? Maybe he's changing back and sent the Army to get him another one and fix him. Or maybe he wants more clocks, as weapons or to change the Didaskaloi for the better.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/22 Suggestion topic
Quote:> There seemed to be a disconnect on if the vote was to include which area to go to, as such it will be defaulted to Deco.
[Image: w14j2FQ.gif]

[Image: sOUYgKx.gif]

Quote:> Majority: Shetlock

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[Image: FPApbnM.gif]


RE: [Fortuna]: 2/24 Suggestion topic
I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to make it to this stream but I'm gonna try. Maybe I can get in bed early and get out at midnight.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/24 Suggestion topic
Oh dingus, can't make it to the stream. :[
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/24 Suggestion topic
I really have to vary my streaming times. I normally enjoy 6pm - 10pm est for streaming time but honestly those fickled timezones mean that some people will always be missing out. Just as a question, if there was a stream at lets say, 3pm - 4pm, is that a better time for people on the other side or an even worse time? I'm looking to vary my stream times and want to know what times are best.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/24 Suggestion topic
On second reviewal of time zones, I actually CAN make it to the stream. Silly me.

But to answer Gime's question, 6pm - 10pm EST is early morning for me (but not early EARLY morning. like 8am) so 3pm, 4pm EST would actually be dawn. So... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/24 Suggestion topic
3-4pm would be 9-10pm for me, whereas 7pm would be 1am. Normally that'd be a better time for me but I have to get up early on this particular sunday and the former would leave me with little time to sleep, whereas with the latter I could go to bed at 6 or so.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/24 Suggestion topic

This month we'll be gathering together to create 4 species. We'll first gather in the stream to give suggestions on how the species should look, then once all 4 species have a solid look we'll be playing a little game. I will open a google doc sheet with the base fillout area for the species. Everyone will then be allowed to comment on the sheet about what they think the species should have. Basically as a group we're going to fill out the app. Every few minutes I'll lock the sheet so that I can review the info and pick what gets to be canon and then reopen it for comments. We'll do this back and forth until every species is completed.

Then finally, all 4 species will go head to head in a vote off/hungergame. Last species standing will become canon and entered in to the dex. After that everyone is free to leave, I on the other hand will be rewatching a bee movie and everyone is free to join me. This stream is being done by requests and also to gear up to the fact that at the end of this planet applications will be open again!

((Sorry about the lack of update today. I'm working on two big fortuna related projects that I can't wait to show off!
RE: [Fortuna]: -
I got a tablet on sunday and I finally unpacked the thing today. And bloody hell that thing is unwieldy. I fear you're going to have to be the victim of my terrible fanarts for a while.

Behold, the subwooper:
RE: [Fortuna]: -
What kind of tablet did you get? I have a 15.6" Asus hybrid that can be a little funky to work on.
RE: [Fortuna]: -
(03-03-2016, 11:13 PM)Futurdreamz Wrote: »What kind of tablet did you get? I have a 15.6" Asus hybrid that can be a little funky to work on.

Oops, I ment say a drawing tablet. (A cheap 6" wacom intuos)
It's tough drawing with a stylus instead of a mouse but it's got pressure sensitivity, which means I should get more control over line thickness and opacity if I get the hang of it.

RE: [Fortuna]: -
Ooooh I have a wacom intuos too and I love it, I keep thinking of getting an upgrade but I just love it too much, also tablets are costly.

Yeah using a tablet for the first time is super fickle but it'll even itself out after a month or two. The subwooper is awesome and I feel like I know the reference of that latta picture but I can't quite put my hand on it.

Also I'll likely be updating in a day or two because I have coded and tested the hardest parts of the Cosmosdex site, which means I only need to put in some 404 pages and move around some files. After that it's back to updating and I'll be making a very special something for the site (And the comic).

I really want to make Fortuna interactive even if you're backlog reading (or rereading) which with a little bit of php, some javascript, and a cookie or two, I can totally make it happen. (Aka it might be possible to do things like name Rondey and have it so his name is, for example "Billy" for the whole comic.)

Not even going to mention all the cool 4th wall breaking stuff that can be done with php and javascript.
RE: [Fortuna]: -
DS Piron;7896949 Wrote:> Follow them. Quickly.
BigBrain;7896939 Wrote:> Run fastly awayways
Wessolf27;7896981 Wrote:>Get to the Deco Settlement, now!

[Image: WEuhTB3.gif]

[Image: FZVMMBu.gif]

DS Piron;7896949 Wrote:>> While your running; Contact the ship (Hopefully, either Hermes or The Mercury can be called by phone, or Edel can/will answer Slate's tablet and/or Cea's Phone; Then it's simply a matter of calling.) and alert them to the giraffe, if it doesn't chase you.
curiousFellow;7896926 Wrote:>Marble: Call Slate to lock the doors.

[Image: 0qYP3cK.gif]

[Image: w805NLE.gif]

[Image: jI4lfXw.png]

[Image: MC9ZDt5.gif]

Quote:Athena > Yell at them for info.

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[Image: wlIRver.gif]

[Image: YedjK8w.gif]

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[Image: UbZYRe3.gif]

[Image: y8IaAA1.gif]

[Image: 8iW17Ey.gif]
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/6 Decoland
This is looking more and more like an Eris planet.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/6 Decoland
I wonder if we could activate Apollo's moodmeter somehow. That'd give us the charisma to talk to the Chryslers.

>Cea: Ask Sonny to scout the ship with the huge beast.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/6 Decoland
(03-07-2016, 07:50 AM)Fellow Wrote: »I wonder if we could activate Apollo's moodmeter somehow. That'd give us the charisma to talk to the Chryslers.


Also, why don't we see what's all the hubbub about O o o o? I say we visit O o o o's "palace".
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/6 Decoland
Maybe we could ask Athena?

RE: [Fortuna]: 3/6 Decoland
(03-07-2016, 02:47 PM)Fellow Wrote: »Maybe we could ask Athena?


RE: [Fortuna]: 3/6 Decoland
Kíeros;7900489 Wrote:> Let's go talk to Bob.
FerociousFeind;7901121 Wrote:>visit Bob

[Image: pY8tyr3.gif]

[Image: ccPw138.gif]

Fellow Wrote:> Cea: Ask Sonny to scout the ship with the huge beast.

[Image: 8ELzZ5I.gif]

[Image: E76kb54.gif]

Gloopy;7900704 Wrote:> Shetlock: As honorary crewmember, it is customary you reveal your character sheet

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[Image: HdphT0y.gif]