Super Fantabulous Award Time Awards Time Awards 2012!

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Super Fantabulous Award Time Awards Time Awards 2012!
Super Fantabulous Award Time Awards Time Awards 2012!
[Image: IfAG4.gif]

[Image: macyatdesk-2.png]
Yes, ladies and gents, it's time! What time? Why, it's awards time at the Award Time awards, of course!

I'm your host, Macy Kaye. This Award Time awards time, we'll be examining some of the most Most threads on Eagle Time, dating all the way back to its inception. What fun! Some of the decisions were easy to make, some took many aggravating months of deliberation, but in the end the panel was able to come to the correct conclusions.

[Image: macyatdesk2.png]
Oh! And I'm being handed the envelope containing the winners! This is very exciting! Drumrollllllll please.


Ah! The results are in, and what an upset!


[Image: macyatdesk3.png]
Some predictable wins there, but also a few surprises! One or two of those contentious decisions are likely to spur a heated internet debate. Get those fire hoses ready, people!

And that's it! That's all the time we have! This has been Award Time with me, Macy Kaye! Join us next awards time, won't you?

*Thank you to Schazer and Norivia for creating the artwork!

Messages In This Thread
Super Fantabulous Award Time Awards Time Awards 2012! - by Superfrequency - 02-08-2012, 02:23 AM