Cent's Yuenyeung [ Too Much Tea, Not Enough Coffee ]

Cent's Yuenyeung [ Too Much Tea, Not Enough Coffee ]
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung
Mímir, Concerned Wrote:To: Cent, Realized Their Purpose


Cent, Realized Their Purpose Wrote:To: Mímir, Concerned

Royal Talespinner is a pretty great title, but it isn't quite a name, so I'm glad you got a proper one after all. It seems like to a lot of those bees, you weren't just telling stories, you were providing explanation for things that confused and terrified them, and giving them justification for things they already wanted to believe. I mean, if the hegemony of your hive was already being called 'worthy', now they had one more propagandist telling the people the same.

Not that you were a propagandist! But for things like the ant witches in the forest, you saw sooner than anyone how that kind of scapegoating could be harmful. For you, the stories of the finger-shaped-mushrooms were fun in a rainbow of ways, with every explanation giving its own twist on the idea... more stories than explanations. But maybe the rest of your people were looking to you to make sense out of a senseless world.

I mean... it's senseless to have a friendly bug die because of weather too big to comprehend. I hear stories of us dying in the New York storm drains all the time, at least pre-Burst. If we never knew better, or we never wanted to confront how shitty the world can be, a group of mystical people in the forest being behind everything is comforting, in its own backwards way.

Sorry about Kron, regardless. I don't mind at all you talking about the folks in your life, if it helps work through the things you've experienced. And I'd also say it's okay not to know where you're going next! I was mostly kidding about meeting up, given the distance. I think the world's made to be isolated a lot more nowadays, and there's not a lot to be done about it.

I'm sorry I didn't send mail last week. It's been a little bit complicated lately, but that's no excuse, because it always feels this way. I hope you have a good start to your new year, seeing as so much else has been new for you, haha.

...Good luck with all the new, Mímir. I know it's a lot.

- I Will Reply


Aoiphyrgana, Part Of Things Wrote:To: Cent, Realized Their Purpose


Cent, Realized Their Purpose Wrote:To: Aoiphyrgana, Part Of Things

Yeah, it is a lot like the stars. I guess it's been on the mind a lot lately, but the fact that we're sitting on a planet of unimaginable magnitude, separated from everything by unimaginable distance... it feels like we're all planets in the vacuum, even if we're all down here on Earth. Maybe that's just the condition of being alive, being separated.

The Research Station sounds different than I first pictured it! Makes plenty of sense that a place like that would be a nice home for a colony, though. Even in a desert, there's a lot you can do to remedy isolation, so I'm happy for you, having ants to keep you company. Does the building extend 'underground' now that the dunes have had time to move?

And, ooh, you measure wind currents? Does that mean you help predict weather? That stuff has always amazed me. I imagine that if you go into studying wind, it could be just as interesting as any other study-- it's responsible for so much of what shapes the world around us. Buildings and bridges were built by humans taking wind into account, and dunes are shaped by wind. I love the little chaos of it. I can imagine New York as bustling as the wind, but those days are long, long gone.

Things are mostly okay over here. I'm headed out to meet a friend for New Year's soon, so the emails are a little rushed, but I'm happy to be sending them out! Last one of this year, for me at least... though I guess it's probably long past that point for you by the time you'll get this, haha.

I started drinking yuenyeung sometimes, which is a mix of milk tea and coffee. It was part of some kind of weird... metaphor thing, I guess. It's a taste that grows on you, though! Weirdly, neither taste gets in the other's way, they just... coexist. It's kind of magical, if you don't mind something super weird. I might stick to mocha mostly, but...

...I guess we'll see!

- I Will Reply


Dalorh, Kinda Unsure Wrote:To: Cent, Realized Their Purpose


Cent, Realized Their Purpose Wrote:To: Dalorh, Kinda Unsure

Oh, wow, Dalorh, you're probably a little tipsy, haha. You gotta be careful with that stuff (it's alcohol) especially if you aren't really carefully measuring your current body weight, and even then, stuff can vary between different bugs. It's like caffeine, if your parents have taught you much about how to take it on your own. Definitely ask them about it if you're still curious by tomorrow.

I've got to head out pretty soon, so I can't make for longer mail, but it sounds like it's been a good New Year's! Hope you're good, too. Goodnight!

- I Will Reply


"What do you think?" Tieni asked, her head crooning a little. The city was lit up on the muddy firelight of electric lamps, again, like every other night, but now the lamps were, themselves, electrifying. Cent didn't really know how long it was until midnight, but for the past while, it'd felt like it was within seconds of every waking moment.

Or, maybe, they were overdue by hours. It felt a lot like that, too, like they'd overstepped, and that nothing really mattered, like they were long past the point of understanding themselves or the year they'd just had. Maybe Tieni didn't feel that way, but Cent certainly did. Her chitin shuddered in open air, and she was tempted to dangle her legs off the wide openings of the fire escape, but instead she simply rested against the railing, safe and sound.

"I think it's kinda meaningless, but it can mean some things to some people if they want it to," she answered, in a weakened kind of fashion.

Tieni chittered. "That's pretty generic."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well," Tieni said, swivelling her head over to face Cent. "I've stayed awake overnight for about thirty of these things, and those are some of the most memorable nights. But then you wake up, and it's still the thing like before." Her mantis arms shrugged. "It's just a holiday. Could be just as crap as anything the year before, but certainly won't automatically be the fixer."

Cent nodded, not averting her gaze, much. "I'm trying to fix my life a little, bit by bit."

"Yeah?" the mantis asked.

"...but when I try to be optimistic about that, or pessimistic, it seems like it bounces the other way." She finally broke eye contact, and stared down at the street, a mile-feeling below. "So I'm kind of just... nothing, about it. I think every day feels like New Year's. Good, until the morning, and then the same."

Tieni nodded slow, and went back to looking out, like a bird was trying to scoop them up, and she needed to keep watch. Her eyes reflected everything. "We're bad at judging ourselves."



"And we can get better at judging ourselves, but it takes a long time, Cent. A lot of years, and New Years, gotta go by."

Cent swiveled slightly against the metal. "It sounds better said like that."

"It gets better. Even if you don't say it like that," the mantis murmured. "I've had so many revelations and downfalls and pits and peaks, it's too much. Things have to get better if you keep improving them, even if you can never tell."

New York pulsated quietly. Cent felt the new year tick over. "I think this is an improvement," she managed.


"You," she said. "You're... an improvement in my life, over how it used to be. For what that's worth."

Tieni grinned with her mandibles. "Worth a lot, I think. Thank you."

Jittering with caffeine shakes, Cent chuckled happily, letting her coffee-addled self drip further into the night, until long after she had time to sleep. For that night, at least,

the bug would show no sign of stopping herself dead.
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