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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 08:54 PM
or if roles give me their items? I don't know if we can actually just hand each other items. Might be worth testing, assuming someone find someone they trust
(give me items, I want to see what my combinator forges :v)
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 08:55 PM
i really dont like a lot of the things that have happened since i took a bath and this pharms thing is extremely shrimpteresting in the bad ways! i can think of a few reasons why pharms would have voted for suni and then changed her mind about it the next day!
i think pharms could stand to explain herself some but she's obviously a little inexperienced here, but the same cant quite be said for some lot of you... its very difficult right now, and i dont quite know who to go for, but i would go for probably anyone on the pharms train right now lmao
(05-08-2018, 06:47 PM)a52 Wrote: »Fine, if that's the way we're insisting on playing.
Cat, Pharmacy, Wheat, tell me exactly why you all visited the same person last night.
Vote: Pharmacy
if you're claiming that all these people went to the same person you might as well unload that bullet on who the person was, you can't bottle that genie back up
and why pharms over the others, as the one you'd vote for?
ultimately i really dont like a lot of what's going on right now!!!
im going to unvote for now and figure out who i actually like the least
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 08:56 PM
votals that will definitely change right after i post them
Robottobt(1) - Palamedes
AgentBlue(1) - seedy
Wheat(1) - nercania-orccelga, Pharmacy
Akumu(1) - Schazer
nercania-orccelga(2) - Wheat, Akumu
a52 (1) - Granolaman
Pharmacy (4) - Coldblooded, a52, Robottobt, Sunspider
Mirdini (1) - CSJ
Palamedes (1) - Mirdini
Abstaining (5): Robust Laser, AgentBlue, awkwardcarapace, Cat, Solaris
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 08:57 PM
(05-08-2018, 08:54 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »or if roles give me their items? I don't know if we can actually just hand each other items. Might be worth testing, assuming someone find someone they trust
(give me items, I want to see what my combinator forges :v)
A recipe book was bounced to me last night, I get maximum one recipe out of it each day I use it.
Today I found a very cool and good recipe to make Toast of Truth, but as y'all would be able to see from the Item Database that's not a thing I'd like scum to get their mitts on so I'll just sit on the components for now?
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 08:58 PM
Well I mean first of all, I was saying I wasn't interested in pursuing seedy, not CSJ (who I'd feel alright about killing), because I feel good about seedy in general. I don't think I've waffled on either of them at all, so I'm curious as to where you're reading that.
The reason I've been pursuing Robottobt this way/much is because we still have three days and while I will push this through on a hunch/general principle on living on naught but empty posts I figured starting late like I did D1 wouldn't get them out of the woodworks and give me ample time to pursue other people later.
Also, you know, Sunspider hadn't posted yet :P
If you want a list, I feel more suspicious of almost everyone compared to seedy, exceptions being maybe Wheat, Solaris, and granola. I like Laser too but that's mostly based on a single post so I'm holding off putting them higher on my list. Proper suspicions would be CSJ, Sunspider, and most of the people who are just piling on more active players' votes without reason (those numbers now potentially include Robottobt which is why I'm still glaring at them).
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:00 PM
Re: a52's infodrop also: because of Shenanigans I'm inclined to think a52 is town and that their potentially outing roles is not as bad a thing as it would be in a standard game.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:04 PM
Oh right, and I don't like Sunspider's theorycrafting post on the CSJ/granola scumteam framing them because it feels both like hard deflection and an attempt to distance themselves from CSJ.
Gotta get back to work so more in a bit hopefully.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:07 PM
i think that given the way that this is an item based game it is perfectly reasonable for there to be a lot of visits, and further makes me fear that there is an explody boy waiting out there to explody people which issssssssssss concerning me greatly
i dont know if in this scenario the inventor would be town or if there would be two inventors, theres so much, things, also the item database is extremely powerful and we shoundlt forget about it thats for sure, at the very least it proves somethings real, which is a lot
i cant wait for this game to end so i can see whatever the FUCK happens at night
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:10 PM
(05-08-2018, 08:58 PM)Palamedes Wrote: »Well I mean first of all, I was saying I wasn't interested in pursuing seedy, not CSJ (who I'd feel alright about killing), because I feel good about seedy in general. I don't think I've waffled on either of them at all, so I'm curious as to where you're reading that.
(05-08-2018, 01:38 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »...I had thought I went on record as not liking CSJ (for different reasons, but I do feel where you're coming from somewhat) so I don't think you're alone there granola. I had also thought that seedy expressed some okayness with the no lynch concept but I could be misremembering and also I feel alrightish on that front so I'm probably not going to pursue it today when I have much better bets to go on.
Re: Seedy saying 'I thought seedy did [scum-ish thing] but I feel alright so I won't pursue it today' is imo Quite Waffle. You could go either way on a future day pretty easily while using that sentence as a justification :P
as far as CSJ I guess it's less waffly than I figured from the earlier read but it's also not really a stance, just 'I don't like him for different reasons that I have not explicated' which combined with the seedy part of the sentence made me suspicious.
Also, what are your thoughts re: The a52 Situation, because I'm still not sure if I want the folks a52 asked to answer but maybe I also do? More input (from everyone, not just Palamedes) would be Appreciated
Also not sure about the ordering re: if cat/wheat/pharms should say who they targeted before a52, because there's Interactions to consider there.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:12 PM
the order should probably be a52 says who it is last? im not sure it matters
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:12 PM
Put me down as doubting there's an explodey boy that actually kills people Solly, considering I think Schaz? mentioned there's reason to suspect some sort of role-bomb but with this many visit-y roles I think an actual bomb would be a game design bridge too far.
I mean, maybe I'll be proved wrong but I think there's probably enough kills flying around (iirc both Granola and Palamedes are now waving around guns) that a killing bomb would be kind of too much.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:15 PM
well, given that this is an item based game, the hypothetical bomb would only have one use i feel? but you're right that it might not, exist, ive just gotten more and more scared of it over time!!!
but yeah the item database's description of "bomb" negates that so maybe its Fine
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:18 PM
@Sunspider. Honestly I was just votin' cuz everyone else was votin' and it was day one - aka the day of (Almost) Absolute Nothing and it was either just stay in the back and passively gaining info which is not exactly conductive to scum-hunting and also boring as hell.
Anyway, I didn't put off the vote because I figured since you only have One Vote, it was pretty pointless overall. I didn't realize it would have THAT much potency. Again, sorry! 
Anyway, I voted for wheat mostly bc like their doggo-antics was driving me up the wall. I guess they seem fine - idk, the dog-stuff is really hard to get a feel, especially on a text thing and I'm not good at taking tones through the Texts. Dogs are probably Too Good to be mafia anyway.
Unvote wheat
Other replies forthcoming.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:19 PM
It could matter if there's bus-driving happening, but yeah that gets convoluted really quickly.
Wheat might have a decent idea - a52 lists three people that they might've visited, then cat/pharms/wheat say who they visited, then a52 can confirm/deny?
Also while the item database is cool I think mathgirl relying on the honor system for people not to just go item fishing in it was a bit too hopeful and that doing items manually would probably have been better?
It also doesn't allow anyone to lie about items because everyone else can just go into the database and look up what the item supposedly does (even if that may be kind of vague). Which is I guess different game framing but it does make some spicy gambits less doable.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:24 PM
Oh one more thing - like how did me and Wheat visit the same person when I like...visited Wheat, last night.
Is there a fuckin' time paradox, a52???
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2018, 09:29 PM by Robottobt.)
unvote Pharmacy yeah I'm don't think I'm really contributing to anything with this vote. I don't really have any suspicions for anyone really. Just felt like I should because everyone else does? I'll return to my corner.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:31 PM
(05-08-2018, 09:10 PM)Mirdini Wrote: » (05-08-2018, 01:38 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »...I had thought I went on record as not liking CSJ (for different reasons, but I do feel where you're coming from somewhat) so I don't think you're alone there granola. I had also thought that seedy expressed some okayness with the no lynch concept but I could be misremembering and also I feel alrightish on that front so I'm probably not going to pursue it today when I have much better bets to go on.
Re: Seedy saying 'I thought seedy did [scum-ish thing] but I feel alright so I won't pursue it today' is imo Quite Waffle. You could go either way on a future day pretty easily while using that sentence as a justification :P
Relevant quotes in spoiler:
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Spoiler (05-08-2018, 12:47 AM)Granolaman Wrote: »So yeah after looking back into it the people I caught harboring no lynch sympathies were Pala, a52, Wheat, RL and myself.
(05-02-2018, 10:13 PM)Palamedes Wrote: »I currently want to kill some people but if im being honest I kind of agree with granola and seedy.
(05-02-2018, 09:30 PM)seedy Wrote: »sunspider’s been shady to me (and I’ve been shady at her) since the xtreme helpfulness and the “why are you aggroing people who are posting when lurkers exist”
but since she became god and got day actually started and people talking I don’t really feel like lynching quite yet out of sheer grateful energies (can be talked into it if people actually talk)
Pala is misremembering seedy's leniency on spoids as a no lynch stance and noted her absence from my list. This seems more like an error in notes than actual scumminess to me.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:33 PM
(05-08-2018, 09:29 PM)Robottobt Wrote: »unvote Pharmacy yeah I'm don't think I'm really contributing to anything with this vote. I don't really have any suspicions for anyone really. Just felt like I should because everyone else does? I'll return to my corner.
No hey no get back out of that corner
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:39 PM
Robottobt is there anyone that you think is bad, or that you wouldnt be surprised is bad? what do you think about the item shenanigan claims going around? do you think anyone is lying and why?
if you cant answer these questions! thats fine too
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 09:43 PM
or! if you arent suspicious about anyone, who do you think is nice and good and your friend? is it me, the lovely and wonderful solaris? or one of these other losers
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 10:01 PM
Slow work day so what the hell. Still have to post from a phone so I'm going to try and keep things more concise.
Day one I said I wanted to lynch CSJ for the terrible pressure on Robo and some parts of the Sunspider debacle. That's what I was referring to there. As for the seedy bit, that's fair. I didn't intend it that way but I can't exactly fault you for reading it like that. If I'm remembering right granola was talking about looking into no lynch sympathisers which is why I brought her up in the first place anyways.
I think the cat is already out of the bag re: a52, not saying anything at all means the scumteam now knows way more than town and we should rectify that as best as we can. At the very least knowing the target is Important, though I think we can get into the specifics of each role in later days when it's maybe more necessary. That said, a part of me wonders if there's no point in that, since unless one of the three have a useless visiting role they're already targets anyways.
Solaris asks good questions Robo you should answer them.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 10:22 PM
(05-08-2018, 09:24 PM)Pharmacy Wrote: »Oh one more thing - like how did me and Wheat visit the same person when I like...visited Wheat, last night.
Is there a fuckin' time paradox, a52???
Are you sure you visited Wheat? Wheat brought up the idea of there being some redirection going on: "perhaps dog did not end up where they thought they were going, though. almost as if there was some sort of redirect or driver"
Would that explain so many people (ostensibly) targeting the same person? I was going to say maybe there was a Lightning Rod type of thing going on, but I guess three people is not that many out of however many of the twenty have night actions, and also wouldn't make sense with someone else being killed.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 10:22 PM
(05-08-2018, 09:24 PM)Pharmacy Wrote: »Oh one more thing - like how did me and Wheat visit the same person when I like...visited Wheat, last night.
Is there a fuckin' time paradox, a52???
Wheat indicated that they were misdirected to themself.
That is, the person all of you targeted was Wheat.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 10:50 PM
Oh hey I guess I was super popular last night!
That's certainly some digestible news.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 2 - Death comes at some time
05-08-2018, 10:56 PM
Wheat, you didn't happen to have any items go missing last night did you?