Atlantic Rim - The Fifth Head

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Atlantic Rim - The Fifth Head
RE: Atlantic Rim - SURPRISE!
holy fr*ck!

>szusuzusskmsmsksi: magic missile!
RE: Atlantic Rim - SURPRISE!
Kill it!
This is Dotu by the way. Long time no see eh?
RE: Atlantic Rim - SURPRISE!
oh jeez

now you definitely have to fight tho
>swordfucker: 3-way duel
RE: Atlantic Rim - SURPRISE!
> Cram that thing back in there.
RE: Atlantic Rim - SURPRISE!
>Oh please, you beated it's ass once when it was much bigger, just cut it's heads off now that it's at your size.
RE: Atlantic Rim - SURPRISE!
This has become something of a mess.

Perform an incredible magic + sword combination attack with the doctorfriend, against the doctorenemy.
RE: Atlantic Rim - The Fifth Head
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RE: Atlantic Rim - The Fifth Head
ride 'em cowboy
RE: Atlantic Rim - The Fifth Head
Challenge it to a trial of wits!
RE: Atlantic Rim - The Fifth Head
the rattle of a snake is actually its strongest point, so you must not strike there
RE: Atlantic Rim - The Fifth Head
>So uh did the doctor became a poisonous demon toothy snake like the archdemon with the nuclear reactor or is she possessed by it ?

>Wait if wookeef kill the snake won't he become a claimant again ? And if the doctor kill it won't she become sol claimant which was a big no no scenario ?
RE: Atlantic Rim - The Fifth Head
Dr. Helga. Use your combined LYKOKTONON.HELL together with the powers you have and go for the killing blow and save what was once your friend. But is now a rattle?
This is Dotu by the way. Long time no see eh?