The 2am thread

The 2am thread
RE: The 2am thread
(early drawful being drawful that ends at about 1am)
RE: The 2am thread
RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
[Image: dcQtaLH.jpg]
i have "done it again"
RE: The 2am thread
i cannot sleep

RE: The 2am thread
RE: The 2am thread
sruix stayed up later than intended to watch the somerset county fair
RE: The 2am thread
RE: The 2am thread
Ix is getting the Dorset County Show and the Somerset Crumpet Horn confused, and has just made a pun that I will not repeat here.
RE: The 2am thread
it's a good pun i'd recommend it to anyone
RE: The 2am thread
It isn't 2am but it may as well be because damn. I've finally reached past the "I'm tired" point to "I can't even see straight" point. I thought I just needed new contacts but I can't even see close up that well right now (which I should be able to do) and I kinda have a headache and am just a little bit dizzy, and I just ate so it can't be that. Insomnia's finally catching up to me. Sure do hope this means I get to sleep tonight cause I reeaaally can't do that at work. All this coffee's gettin' expensive

On the plus side, tomorrow's friday so there's that (man I have just been a downer all week. I'd make a joke to lighten the mood but it actually is pretty hard to focus right now whoopsie)
RE: The 2am thread
oof. hang in there, bud
RE: The 2am thread
crying about anime again
RE: The 2am thread
it's actually past 2am now and i just got home but i watched cartoons with my friend and his friends and made some half drunk people laugh at my jokes so i guess this week ended on a decent note

and now i Am Tired. time for tea and hopefully sleep
RE: The 2am thread
crying about anime AGAIN
RE: The 2am thread
aw man, aw jeez
RE: The 2am thread
i've sold my soul to the night but i've done what needs doing so i guess, in the end, i broke even
RE: The 2am thread
we could all use a little change
RE: The 2am thread
my sleep schedule can go fuck itself
school can go fuck itself
and this awful cold can go fuck itself.

at the very least it would be nice if they would stop fucking me.
RE: The 2am thread
Hello friends it feels a lot like Friday
RE: The 2am thread
It's a public holiday japanways tomorrow and then I gotta work Saturday

Toss in a typhoon fuckin up a morning's worth of classes and this has been s weird week
RE: The 2am thread
I em super not up for all the textures happening around my skinzones right the now but fuck getting out of bed rite
RE: The 2am thread
My fuckeried sleep schedule notwithstanding I have been good. Distant and detached but better than I historically have been when posting in this thread before
RE: The 2am thread
I'm ready and have been for weeks it feels to throw all kinds of down, but I probably won't but I'll probably feel bad about jonesing for something so reprehensible anyhow
RE: The 2am thread
Feelings are for the birds, so lucky me guess what I get

It's like an albatross with a six-pack holder round its neck, round your neck, and I'm sure there's a great metaphor in here somewhere if only I gave a *gallant laughter so you know I'm just sleepdrunk, not bitterjokey,* fuck