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(Present Eva)Show
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.

(11-20-2017, 02:43 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »
(Present Eva)Show

(11-20-2017, 06:47 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>To Past E X A
>Through The Tunnels Of Timespace
>In A Private Chat

I Pose A Quandry
You've Done This Time Stuff Before
Need Some Help With Stuff

Need Information
I Do Not Have Yet. So This
Is My Current Plan

Will Watch "Now" You Hit
Then Tell "Past" You Where

To Inflict Max Damage
And Then You Remember It;
Bootstrap Paradox

A Viable Plan?
Need To Know, Lives Are At Stake
Yours Is Among Them

You remember.

You were laying back in your bed. Everything seemed hilarious.

[Image: zcnMGZ4.png]
Privatelog (Zack)Show

[Image: Pj9WTlz.png]

Three strikes.

A combo.

[Image: uJQ7Kk2.gif]

You remember.

[Image: AXfnl5o.gif]

[Image: IhYVbT7.gif]

You hear it turn and begin winding up an attack.

[Image: b9HA7x8.gif]
[Image: paDdTpv.gif]

[Image: 1CItrqk.gif]
[Image: qUuL0Hf.gif]

[Image: ZDjNDkV.gif]

[Image: Sss5zWp.gif]

[Image: rvzJszV.gif]
[Image: rvzJszV.gif]
[Image: rvzJszV.gif]
[Image: rvzJszV.gif]

[Image: hXAw1FK.png]

[Image: fwtgw0X.png]

Gene exclaims, "Th-thank you. Holy... f-fucking shit! Holy fucking shit, ALL OF THAT! HOLY SHIT, YOU FUCKING DEMOLISHED IT, EVA!"

You nod.

"I didn't thank I'd think you'd were," says Dinkalsen, his fear beginning to diminish, if only slightly. "Salutations."

You nod.

[Image: 5KkE2WC.png]

The room behind them begins to creak.

[Image: XZPf7jm.gif]

It has fallen down beyond the Nickel.

[Image: SFdwPJr.gif]

Queue begins to approach slowly. His coughing is gone, but he seems much worse for wear than before.

"Eva, Inhabitant," he says quietly, "W-What's going on? Why can't I fly back up?"

Gene turns slowly to face Queue, and her mouth grows slowly agape. Something is wrong. "Queue, I-I can't-- what was-- that, a-at the end? I couldn't hear."

The man begins to shimmer. "I-Is this what... is this... th-the... Is it the height that protects you, or a fact of this universe?" You ready your precise fore. Gene struggles to say anything at all. Dinkalsen backs up shakily. "I'm n-not myself, G-Gene, p-please... h-help... Am I doomed to this depth, even if I happened to have all of you within me? Is that what they wanted?"

What do you do?

Author's NoteShow
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
Or der l o gShow
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
(11-22-2017, 03:48 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »
Or der l o gShow

You are Geneviève “Gene” Mâché.
[Image: E30HVIq.gif]

Your friends are incredible. Really something to behold at. Your pals Queue and Eva just saved your life back there-- perhaps from a fate worse than death. Yet now you stand even more petrified than before.

"I-It hurts, but it's such a good kind of hurting, G-Gene... Did you know that pipes don't have nerve endings? That's not counting how long ...e-everything h-has been so p-pointless... on account of my lack of ANYTHING. Watching them. Keeping track of their score counts. Oh, it'll kill me, it'll all reset, so long as there's only one team left. And it's not like Queue can die. So why don't we make the yellow team win?" He coughs, lowers his head, and blinks furiously.

"Q-Queue," you gasp weakly, offering an out. "Wh-what the hell is happening to you? How a-are we even s-supposed to get up, i-is anyone working on that?"

Dinkalsen stammers, "Doing work u-up they're, there doing a-at. Tipsy and all the beneficiaries. Queue, p-please go normal again."

"Get closer. His legs aren't strong yet. I hate this body, but I can't do any better now. I want so badly to snap your drunk body in half, but here I am, with empty threats. EMPTY WORDS. UNTIL THAT TERMINAL LANDS, MY WORDS ARE SO, SO VERY EMPTY."

The air is freezing. Every minute you spend here, it gets worse.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
>Shifting To A Longer Rhyme
>Luckily Limericks
>Fit My Poem Gimmick
>Not Fucking Up Would Be Sublime

>Chiral Our Asses To Yellow
>And ORDER That Lovely Queue Fellow
>To Fall Straight To Sleep
>Immediate And Deep
>So I Can Stop Shaking Like Jello

Slightly Crossed My Moral Border
To Give Crast A Compulsive Order
Told The Dear Chap
To Have a Nap
To Deal With His Possession Disorder

I Swear If Someone Blocks It
Infinite Outrage
To Fill Every Page
With Poorly Rhymed Poeming FITS

Though Knowing Our Luck
Sleeping Will Make It All Worse
I Swear To The Gods

I Will Grow An Arm
For The Purpose Of Violence
If They Keep This Up

Obnoxious MOCHA
Or Whatever This Thing Is
That Keeps Butting In
Orrrder LgShow
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
(11-22-2017, 04:14 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »
Orrrder LgShow

(11-22-2017, 01:07 PM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Shifting To A Longer Rhyme
>Luckily Limericks
>Fit My Poem Gimmick
>Not Fucking Up Would Be Sublime

>Chiral Our Asses To Yellow
>And ORDER That Lovely Queue Fellow
>To Fall Straight To Sleep
>Immediate And Deep
>So I Can Stop Shaking Like Jello

Slightly Crossed My Moral Border
To Give Crast A Compulsive Order
Told The Dear Chap
To Have a Nap
To Deal With His Possession Disorder

I Swear If Someone Blocks It
Infinite Outrage
To Fill Every Page
With Poorly Rhymed Poeming FITS

Though Knowing Our Luck
Sleeping Will Make It All Worse
I Swear To The Gods

I Will Grow An Arm
For The Purpose Of Violence
If They Keep This Up

Obnoxious MOCHA
Or Whatever This Thing Is
That Keeps Butting In

INPUT AGGREGATOR: im just gonna
INPUT AGGREGATOR: post ur whitespace in an empty privatelog
INPUT AGGREGATOR: so big ol god sees it

Privatelog (zildch)Show

[Image: utwg5SD.gif]

[Image: 9BapgFK.gif]

"I-I think there did that," says Dinkalsen weakly, starting to take long, heavy breaths. "He's... a sleeping. C-Congratulations."

[Image: 3HWapD7.gif]

You and Dinkalsen approach. Eva gives him a few gentle nudges with the golf club, to which you say, "Don't-- y-you-- shitsake, you're gonna wake him up like that!"

"Compulsive orderings," Spank mutters. "He gotta sleep. I order to sleeping my troops all the time and they do it forever really good until I cancel orders."


The idea that you're STILL just a pawn in some greater game fucks you up, harshly. It still stings that you've used- precisely- this tactic, to keep a pawn docile for long enough to move him into position. You've used it on Y4. You've used it on Y5. G5. G1, Y12... you've used it on Geneviève, Eva, Oats, Yuptam... you've used it on people, names and not numbers, faces and not lines of script. You've used it on every one of your friends, and you've killed every one of your friends multiple times over.



The air, which is frigid more than ever, doesn't help.

Once again you find your mind wandering, wishing you were somebody else, wishing you were anybody else-- perhaps somebody better, less like you, less...

Less of a murdering powergaming scumbag because that's completely what you feel like, here!!

[Image: IpueRU4.png]

Another CHARACTER SELECTION SCREEN is thrown up, with six possible options. It seems the Inhabitant by the username of Levyyts does not particularly want an invasion at this time.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]

>Hrrm. We Really Should
>Look At Those Battle Logs Soon
>Before We Forget

Be The Red Team Guy
What Done Got Freed By Grenade
He Seems A Cool Chap

Past EXA ChatShow

Privatelog (zildch)Show
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
(11-23-2017, 10:00 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »
Past EXA ChatShow

(11-23-2017, 05:49 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »
Privatelog (zildch)Show

[Image: qvECnxu.png]
Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show

Privatelog (zildch)Show

A double chat again? Spicy. This time you spam a dead BLUE TEAM member with some more messages. Poor guy.

INPUT AGGREGATOR: lemme know if u wanna get those battle logs up n stuff
INPUT AGGREGATOR: and also lemme know if u wanna like cack out and relax cus wow has shit been high octane latelt lmao
INPUT AGGREGATOR: like i could just pause the game and we could do art for an hour id be down

(11-23-2017, 05:49 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »

(11-23-2017, 10:00 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »

[Image: 2O9XGko.png]

You wander around the Nickel briefly. It seems Gene has begun looking up, dumbfounded, at the COMPOUND, and Dinkalsen has begun looking down, dumbfounded, at the 'pit'. You're most interested by the pile of pipe monster dust.

It's a gravelly texture, not unlike a piece of rubber and plastic mixed together by a blender. You wonder if, perhaps, your insanely precise aim was the cause of this, or if you simply did enough abstract 'damage' to explode it.

Hard to tell, with these things.

(11-23-2017, 10:00 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Be The Red Team Guy
What Done Got Freed By GrenadeT
He Seems A Cool Chap

Easy. Lickety split. You're now him.
[Image: QoCABxp.png]

Your username is Tars Mossburg. Your name is Mulligan 'Shanks' McKenzie.

You are a Carapacian, and previous royal knight of Prospit... but all that seems so far behind. So near, and yet so far behind. You were part of a game which settled peacefully, wherein the Heroes of two warring races found comfort in each other's company, and befriended a group of 52 moon-goers for many years. This, as well as all your other wonderful things you know about the world, forms your optimism-- a philosophy which has carried you through thick and thin, unblinded you and blinded you when necessary, and led you to being the conduit of many of your friends meeting each other.

You like meeting people. Meeting people is at the top of your preferred actions. Building friendships and helping people find the good in other unlike-minded people is so far up on your preferred actions that it has sat peacefully at the top like a wizard cap.

According to what you have learned in the last 25 minutes, you have a few responsibilities. Not only do you wish to be close at nearly all times to your lover and incredible friend, Oats, but you are now rapidly gaining back your initiative to help people-- through thick and thin, through revelation and hardship. You are mildly hungry. You are mildly thirsty. You are mildly cold. All this, and more, slips away in the back of your mind as you consider your acutely tough scenario.

But it's fine! You've made it through worse. Back when you were a knight on Prospit, you broke up any semblance of monotony or fear by crossing borders and making completely unexpected actions to bring the opposing guardships to work together to crack down on crime, as well as loosen up on minor crime. Where Prospit would let a murderer walk out of prison in a day, Derse would lock up a sweet-roll thief for life-- and you evened the odds enough to make things tolerable. So, too, do you intend to even the odds in this place, from vehement and insane to calm and understanding.

Other friends are trying to do the same.

Other people.

But you're the best at it. You've always been the best. You're Mulligan McKenzie, you're Shanks, you're the best mediator and the best boyfriend those two moons had ever known. Even a violent gash to the chest can't stop that.

Your interests include heroshit, inhereted by Gene and Tipsy, as well as maths, from Eva, and tinkering, from Oats. You hate coffee, and love tea. During your last few days on Prospit, you had the acute instinct to turn your halberd into a tasing shock stick. Tasers, let it be known, are your favorite non-lethal incapacitation devices.

But you don't have any of your favorite stuff here today. Your room is empty. It has been for months.

The only thing here for you was your earpiece, which you stashed healthily in your ear-- and the neat stack of 3 letters on the weird protrusion below the light. The top letter is from Oats, dated about six months ago.

The other two...

Who were they from, when were they from, and what are they about?
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
>The second letter is not a letter at all but a page from a once beloved book of knighthood and chivalry.
>The third is a personal invitation detailing the terms of your knighthood, sent to you by your queen herself.
Privatelog (zildch)Show
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
(11-24-2017, 08:42 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »
Privatelog (zildch)Show

You get to work once again.
[Image: PKpLEjB.png]

Privatelog (zildch)Show

(11-24-2017, 05:52 AM)Vic Wrote: »Mulligan
>The second letter is not a letter at all but a page from a once beloved book of knighthood and chivalry.
>The third is a personal invitation detailing the terms of your knighthood, sent to you by your queen herself.

[Image: yNJd61O.png]

You splay the three things out on your... table, thing, and begin reading each one with immense attention.

Letter from OatsShow

You can't help but tear up a little bit. If that was six months ago, what must his psyche be like now? You can only hope he found comfort somewhere. You love the l'il guy so much, but he can really hurt himself when he gets wrapped up in a bad idea. He might need additional hugs in the near future.

You read the rightmost paper next-- a ripped, worn page from a book, with additional writing at the bottom.

Torn PageShow

Encouraging. It's encouraging, and you make a mental note to ask Tipsy for details on the book later. You've always quite liked the optimistic fiction written after the two moons reached peacetime, written by a variety of Carapacian authors of various allegiances. The heroes were big fans, too.

It's best you don't think about what she said-- that you killed all those people. It wasn't you. It wasn't... you. Your hands, your arms, your tactical mind...

But it wasn't you. It couldn't have been.

You shudder and move on to the last letter.

Folded LetterShow

This one's an oddity. It's... chilling, at the least, and you have trouble telling until the very end if the intent is malicious. In addition, some of the things written don't seem to line up with what you thought the timeline was.

With all three read, now, you don't feel much better... in fact, you only feel more compelled to stop messing around. But where do you start?
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
Now, lets do a bit of digging, shall we?

Chiral:Battle Log
Search: R9, Y1, Y4, Y5, Y12, G1, G5, G7, G12
Don't really need to check R9, but may as well.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
(11-25-2017, 07:44 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »
Now, lets do a bit of digging, shall we?

Chiral:Battle Log
Search: R9, Y1, Y4, Y5, Y12, G1, G5, G7, G12
Don't really need to check R9, but may as well.

INPUT AGGREGATOR: im gonna guess u meant r13 cus hes tard mosburg
INPUT AGGREGATOR: actually wait holdup
INPUT AGGREGATOR: why m i bein a dick to tars lmao
INPUT AGGREGATOR: i was kinda pokin at u funnily earlier cus i mean everythin was so happy go lucky n stuff
INPUT AGGREGATOR: but i should probably be nicer cus we got this actual god dude tearin stuff up now lol
INPUT AGGREGATOR: ye ahaha ill cool it down sorry
INPUT AGGREGATOR: here yo i filtered out all the battle logs that werent about the peeps who are alive rn

[Image: YWw2JYH.png]

[Image: i0dxZXC.png]

[Image: CUnoiWf.png]

You check up on 3 versions of the same menu with different CHIRALITY, while chatting all the while. Terminal management is now a breeze.

You're still gonna have to pick which battle logs you want to delve further into, however.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
Friendly pawn Y4 vanquished G11.
...Oh dear.
IA, do not mention the contents of the Battlelog to the players.
When the time is right, we can talk to them as a whole about this.
Now is not that time.
Further, could you check these two logs for timestamps?
Friendly pawn Y4 vanquished G11.
Friendly pawn Y12 knocked out R13.
Private Log (Hunk Chudfest)Show
Wonder if the room reached Mocha yet? Hm.
IA, don't suppose we have a camera we could check from?
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
(11-25-2017, 11:50 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Friendly pawn Y4 vanquished G11.
...Oh dear.
IA, do not mention the contents of the Battlelog to the players.
When the time is right, we can talk to them as a whole about this.
Now is not that time.
Further, could you check these two logs for timestamps?
Friendly pawn Y4 vanquished G11.
Friendly pawn Y12 knocked out R13.
Private Log (Hunk Chudfest)Show
Wonder if the room reached Mocha yet? Hm.
IA, don't suppose we have a camera we could check from?

INPUT AGGREGATOR: yeah i dunno haha
INPUT AGGREGATOR: it took like, a while for the pipe deal to fall in and shit
INPUT AGGREGATOR: im sure well know cus everyone will be ded lmao
INPUT AGGREGATOR: sorri that's not funny
INPUT AGGREGATOR: heres ur battle logs

[Image: VcErHKF.png]
Y12 vs R13Show

[Image: QsXH6rN.png]
Y4 vs G11Show

INPUT AGGREGATOR: and i chatted real good for you too ye


Privatelog (Hunk Chudfest)Show

[Image: YEYbeJs.png]

It's been interesting not having your earpiece.

Things are... quieter. Sort of. Queue has been screaming his head off for the past two minutes, eyes closed with a trembling body, and shaking him doesn't do anything. Eva has gone off to look at the terminal, and Dinkalsen is...

Behind you. He's behind you. You've been staring absentmindedly at the COMPOUND for a while now, and he must have decided you were worth talking to.

"Zack wants to talk to you soon," he mutters. His voice is starting to die down.

You nod slowly. "I don't have... like, an earpiece, I can't exactly reply."

"You can d'use mine soon. It's not so good to fun listen to them talking."

"Yeah," you say softly, the cold rushing across your face, "it's really not.

He stays there for a moment, his half-hunched form a smallness in the vastness of this void-- trembling and shuddering from the lack of any warmth. He wasn't made for a single thing that's been thrown at him as of late. "Gene?"

Nod. "Dink?"

"I don't like being sober," he stammers, "but I really hate b-being drunk, too... but everyone l-liked me some more when I was is the drunk."

[Image: iZdMbny.png]

"...It's not... aghk. Dink, I-I mean, people should just be sober. That's, like, the better way to be."

Spank groans weakly. "I'm t-too good at gaming and the games and obnoxious and loud. You sa'id that."

"What?" You shake your head, tilting back a tad.

"I remember you said it that."

You comb your memories. You've... said a lot of stupid shit over the months. Over the years, even. Does that excuse any of it? Does the fact that you're consistently a bad friend excuse your bad-friendliness?

"Well," you say, "I was wrong, then. I was wrong and an asshole. I'm sorry."

He shuffles his feet. "Okay," says Dinkalsen, "okay, um. No, it's not your asshole. I just don't think about it so much and it's easy to not do any thinking with the terminal on but now it's gone and everything is gone with the blast wave."


"Stop doing sorry."

"But I am sorry, I'm-- really fucking sorry, Dink, I-I just... don't... have an excuse or good explanation."

Spank shuffles again, and steps back towards the pipe dust. There's not another word from him. It seems the lack of any explanation is worse than a half-hearted one, but the conversation has come-- and gone. It fell into your arms, and slipped out.

It hurts to be. A stream of every regret flows through you, and Queue screams desperately, and he's inconsolable. Nothing you do will ever make this horrible reality better.

You're stuck down here.

You're stuck in here.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
My Apologies For
My Absence. I Forgot to
Buffer My Message

Which Basically Said
Blank Nerd Is A Damn Liar
Vis Memory Theft.

Will Freely Admit
Poetic Conversation;
Not My Best Idea

But I Stick With My
Arbitrary Decisions
To The Bitter End

So, It Is Locked In
As A Thing That I Do Now
There's No Going Back

I Implore Once More
That You All Go Check Your Needs
Prepare For Trouble.

While We Blind Dummies
Attempt To Learn Things From Here
So We Can Help You

Not Done Much Of That
Been Somewhat Distracted By
Herding Many Cats

And So, On That Note
Let Me Ask A Question Of
Terminal Usage

Does Anyone Know
An In Depth List Of Prompt Words
That Do Useful Things?

Would Be Super Nice
If There Was Some Prompt To Say
Needspence Useful Things.

Just Knowing There's Not
Is A Step In The Right Way
Should Have Asked Sooner
Oh. I suppose those dates put that question to rest, huh.

Privatelog (Hunk)Show
IA, send next message after Cripes has the headpiece.
Privatelog (Hunk)Show
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
That's probably for the best, yem.

Sorry y'all. The first step is the most important, and I clearly took a bad one.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
Hey, friend! I was told you needed some help and advice about where to go from here, and let me try to help out! I've been doing adventuring for several years and sometimes things don't always go the way you want.

The setting - if you want to use Homestuck as a setting, go for it. I know some people are really not into Homestuck stories, and it's probably hard creating a fanfiction to a popular story like that, but I've seen some really rad takes on it. So it's really up to you. The people who would read this would most likely be Homestuck fans, it's true, so that does limit you. However, if you go the original route, you would have to put some work into worldbuilding and ensuring that your story is its own thing, and I do recommend having some semblance of an outline - it's rare when I see a successful adventure that doesn't really have a plan behind it and is randomized.

The opening - you are really not too far into the story. I'd say that really, at this point, you could continue with it and just watch how you convey your story. Some webcomics and adventures I know started off slow and off-kilter as the author was trying to figure what to do with the story, myself included! Along the way, you can tweak it better or even take a step back and see what's working and what's not working for you - I've found that readers are mostly very forgiving with stories that start off a bit on the wrong foot as long as it comes together. So really, the choice is up to you. If you're really unhappy with what you're doing, then don't force yourself. Nothing good is going to come from trying to make you work for a project you don't have your whole heart set on.

Other than that, don't feel down! We've all been in these kinds of scenarios before. You have had a great start and I'm sure that whatever you do from here, you'll make something amazing. You can do it!
[Image: tumblr_inline_n479umBDPA1qgfp4l.png]